24 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish arrogance, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish chosenness, Jewish Halakhic law, Jewish history, Jewish racism, mafia, Shahak, Socrates at 1:32 pm | Permanent Link

If a White man says that he’s superior to other people, it’s called “racism” or “Nazism.” The Jews (especially Orthodox Jews) really believe that they’re superior to non-Jews. But somehow, such bigotry is never called “racism.” In fact, Israel is, by default, a racist state with racist policies. Why are American tax dollars funding a racist state? Hmmmm?

Here, a Jewish mobster named Herbie Gross — who was connected with NYC’s Lucchese mafia family — underscores historic Jewish racism, i.e., their old idea of the Jews being “the chosen people of God” and therefore superior to other humans [1]. Of course, most Jews lie and deny that they’re bigots (ask 100 Jews and 99 of them will deny that they feel “chosen”; indeed, one rabbi, whose book I read years ago, said that Jews don’t think they’re chosen, but instead, they believe they are “choosing” people, i.e., they are “selective.” Not chosen, but “choosing”! A very bold and arrogant lie! If you pay attention, you can hear or find examples of Jews bragging that they are superior to all non-Jews).

Quoting Gross (who died in 1987):

“I’ve told you many times that the thing probably of which I’m most proud is that I was born not just a Jew, but a high priest. While there were times when I lost sight of it, that’s when I was sucked in, eventually I saw there was no greater thing that I could claim for myself, than the fact that I was a high priest.” (Gross also says “My uncle was Moses”).

[Article] and [Article].


[1] Quoting Jewish author Israel Shahak: “Let us begin with the text of some common prayers. In one of the first sections of the daily morning payer, every devout Jew blesses God for not making him a Gentile” [Here]

23 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in cartoons, Socrates at 4:41 pm | Permanent Link

[Video; animated; duration is 25 minutes].

23 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, Pit bull dogs, Socrates at 2:45 pm | Permanent Link

Pit bulls are the negroes of the dog world. They are unpredictable, vicious and should be banned by the federal government — and the dogs should be banned, too.


23 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "gay pride", "gay", "gender", 'sex-change', 'transgender', Big Business, Big Fag, Big Lie, Cultural Marxism, homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed culture, jewed language, jewed politics, Magnus Hirschfeld, political correctness, Socrates at 1:13 pm | Permanent Link

What the hell is a “non-binary” gender? There’s no such thing. Sex/gender is binary (meaning “two”: male and/or female). There is nothing else. Just two. And, “LGBTQ organizations”? Total bullshit as well, since there is no such thing as “transgender.”

Queers are a tiny minority (approximately 3.8% of the U.S. population according to one poll) but notice how Big Business fawns over them like they are very important people! [1]. Do you want to fly “Culturally Marxist” skies? I don’t. Cultural Marxism (aka Political Correctness) is based on lies, and lies are always dangerous, regardless of the situation. Good things never come from lies. Note the stress here on employees using mandated “proper pronouns” to address trannies or queers (gee, we wouldn’t want to use the wrong pronouns for trannies, would we?? Noooo, that would be terrible, calling a she a “he”! Good heavens. Importantly, Americans greatly over-estimate the number of queers in America. That’s part of the plan: the queer lobby has gone to great lengths to make queers seem ubiquitous when their actual numbers are tiny. Also importantly, the pro-queer movement in the West has been run almost entirely by Jews, beginning with Magnus Hirschfeld in Germany circa 1905).



[1] according to a 2015 poll with a claimed margin of error of +/- 4%. But I think the 3.8% number is actually too high because today, homosexuality has become “hip and trendy” and some young people will, no doubt, claim to be “bi” or “gay” when they aren’t

22 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Black IQ, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Freud, Freudianism, jewed culture, jewed language, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marcuse, Max Horkheimer, political correctness, Socrates, Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, White philosophy, White thought at 3:53 pm | Permanent Link

Political Correctness (a.k.a. Cultural Marxism) is totally wrong and completely immoral [1]. It only takes one sentence to explain why: Political Correctness equals “telling lies about other humans.”

It’s never okay to lie about other humans. You must always tell the truth. For example, if most negroes are semi-retarded, you must say so. (And it goes the other way, too: for example, if your Japanese neighbor is better at mathematics than you are, just admit it. Don’t make phony excuses for it).


[1] “Politically correct” (PC) was a popular Soviet term. It refers to “something that is not factually correct, but is nonetheless politically correct” — in other words, it’s a lie. Political Correctness is a sub-ideology of Cultural Marxism (it’s the “language part” of CM, i.e., talking/writing) and Cultural Marxism is a sub-ideology of Critical Theory. Cultural Marxism can be language or can involve physical actions, e.g., publishing anti-White books, recruiting tiny women for the Army. It’s confusing, ain’t it? It’s very confusing to try to keep track of Jewish intellectual baloney! It’s like trying to think while stoned. It’s much easier just to say “it’s all Jewish bullshit” and leave it at that; Good examples of PC are: saying, or writing, “Black people are just as smart as White people,” or, “female firefighters are just as capable as male firefighters,” or, “you can’t say that! That’s racism!”

22 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', brown culture, Brown Man, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Socrates, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 11:20 am | Permanent Link

You can leave White Nationalism, but it won’t leave you. As long as you have White skin, the liberals, Jews, Mexicans and Blacks will hate you and will treat you like a White racist, whether you are one or not.

These guys who “leave” White Nationalism are going to be singing a different tune in 30 years, when America is a combat zone full of Brown people (“oops, maybe I shouldn’t have done that!”).


22 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "gay pride", "gay", "homophobia", 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' haters, 'hate' laws, homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed language, jewed law, Orwell, Socrates, the fag flag, thought crime at 9:50 am | Permanent Link

Had a liberal torn down and burned a “White racist” flag, he would have gotten probation, or maybe a fine. But queers are a protected species — they are “more important” than White people. And “homophobe”? That word was coined by a Jewish doctor named George Weinberg (of course, because who else would coin it? An Irishman?). It means that you’re “afraid of” queers. I doubt that this guy is “afraid of” queers. Disgusted by them? Apparently. But afraid of them? No.


21 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, rock music, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought at 1:17 pm | Permanent Link

Normal (repeat, normal) human beings are creatures of habit. They don’t like change. They like certain things every day: coffee, toast, the morning newspaper, etc. They need routine. They don’t want to suddenly start wearing yellow shoes, or move to another neighborhood, or whatever. They see change as a bad thing.

Liberals, however, are the opposite. They need change. They crave it. They hate tradition and routine and constancy. Liberals are, from birth, unhappy people. They don’t feel comfortable in their own skin. They don’t like staying in one spot, mentally speaking. So they must change, change, change in the hopes that the next change will finally make them happy, but it never does. The liberals remain unhappy throughout their lives. Nothing will satisfy them or bring them peace of mind. They’re mentally ill without knowing it. (That’s also why so many liberals use drugs, or support non-White immigration).

Singer David Bowie was a liberal, who, I’ll admit, had a lot of talent, but he tried to re-invent himself every year, which left his fans very confused. “Who is he?” the fans asked. “What is his message?” they asked. No one knew since he changed so often.

21 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "gay pride", "gay", America, America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, homosexual themes, homosexuals, military, naming of, Socrates at 11:57 am | Permanent Link

Today, any jerk can have a U.S. Navy ship named after him — as long as the jerk isn’t a conservative! And to think, Harvey Milk has already been on a U.S. postage stamp. I guess that wasn’t enough faggotry-promotion for the government, so it needed to do even more queer cheerleading. Milk allegedly had a sexual relationship with a teenage boy. Coming next: the USS Ted Bundy and the USS Jeffrey Dahmer. Wait a second…is this new ship a…cruiser?? I’ll bet it’s a cruiser! Yep! Full speed ahead! Ram, ram, ram those torpedoes deeeep into the launching tunnels of the USNS Harvey Milk! Oh, yeahhhh! Ram them in! Deeper! [Article].

20 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Black Cities, black crime, black culture, college, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, feminism, feminization of the West, Jewed cities, jewed culture, jewed media, multiculturalism, Socrates, The Big Bagel, The Eurocide, universities, women, women as politically/racially worthless at 8:32 pm | Permanent Link

“I need some weed, because I’m a bored, 18-year-old liberal idiot trying desperately to be cool and hip. I’m going to take a walk here in the Big Bagel NYC and look for some weed! (*skipping*) Tra-la-la…la-la-la (*skipping*)…look, there are some sweet, innocent Afreaking AmeriKwan gentlemen standing over there. They might have some weed! Hmmmmmm, how odd, this Afreaking AmeriKwan gentleman is holding a knife! Dude, like, this is sooooo shocking to me! Because every Afreaking AmeriKwan gentleman that I see on the TV is a kind, sweet, gentle, smart, wonderful human being! I don’t understand it…I…just…I…uuuurrrrkkkk!” [Article].