15 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism-as-Jewish, Eduard Bernstein, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, jewish criminality, Jewish cruelty, Jewish history, jewish revolutionaries, Jewish Tyranny, Marx, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White, Moses Hess, socialism, Socrates at 4:16 pm | Permanent Link

A good list of Jewish communists, with photos (but subtract two of the names: Nikolai Bukharin and Salvador Allende, who weren’t Jews). And to think, the Jews still claim that “communism wasn’t Jewish.” Really?? If, out of 100 top communists, 96 were Jews (not even including the king Jew, Karl Marx himself), what more evidence do you need? Notice I said “top” communists. And don’t forget Marxism’s better-looking sister, socialism. It was founded by Jews as well (i.e., Moses Hess, Ferdinand Lassalle and Eduard Bernstein). Have Jews ever paid for founding and guiding those horrible, anti-White movements? If they have paid, when and where did they pay? Considering that both communism and socialism have murdered roughly 100 million innocent people since 1917, have the Jews really paid for all those murders? What I mean is this: Even if Hitler “gassed” 6 million poor, sweet, innocent, angelic, wonderful, beautiful Hebes, what about the rest of them?


15 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Christianity, Christianity and communism, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish Question, Jewish Tyranny, Jews-as-parasites, Jews-posing-as-White-people, Marxism, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy, White thought at 12:24 pm | Permanent Link

“If jews would stick to their own part of the world and not bother us, and be neutral, like Buddhist Monks in Asia for example, I wouldn’t be calling for their elimination as threats to the White race. The jew cannot do that because they are parasitic in nature. I believe it’s their genetic survival strategy, which means it’s them or us.

Aryans, up until modern times, have collectively known that they must terminate threats to their existence. Like any species in the animal kingdom would do, if it was within their power to exercise superiority against a threat. It’s survival of the fittest, and that’s basic natural law 101, which all life forms are subject to, regardless of their sophistication. We’ve lost our edge, in part due to the weakness of christianity. It made quite a fertile ground for Marxism to grow, and spread.”VNNF poster Crowe.

15 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, White philosophy, White thought at 11:40 am | Permanent Link

(This directly relates to life for a White man in modern America).

One day, years ago, an old man told me something important. I had been riding a horse that very day, and I had trouble with him. The horse wouldn’t obey me. He was very stubborn. I told the old man about it. He said: “Look, son, you need to make sure that a horse knows who’s the boss. If he thinks he’s the boss, he’ll give you shit all the time. When he disobeys you, hit him hard with a riding crop (whip). Soon, he’ll understand that you — not him — are in charge. You’ll never have trouble with him after that, and things will be peaceful for both of you.”

14 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in feminism, Feminists, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), no-fault divorce, Socrates, War on Men, War On White Males, women being bossy and demanding, women-as-children at 5:19 pm | Permanent Link

“Did you leave the toilet seat up again?? I told you not to do that, little boy!!” Get on your knees, White man! Women are in charge now. Today’s women = spoiled, feminist brats who divorce-rape you when they don’t get their way. Why bother with them? Go MGTOW.

14 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, illegal immigration, immigration, Inc., media, media control, media culture, neocon ideology, Neocons, populism, Socrates, Trump, Trump's border wall, Trump's policies at 12:46 pm | Permanent Link

Say what you will about Donald Trump, but he can be credited with 3 very important things in America:

1. Destroying the credibility of the mainstream media.

2. Killing “mainstream conservatism,” which never conserved anything and was a joke in American politics.

3. Making illegal immigration (and a border wall) a central policy (and not just ignoring it or even aiding it like Conservatism, Inc./the GOP establishment).

Don’t forget, “the idea of Trump” (or Trumpism) is more important than Trump himself.


14 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Brown v. Board of Education, Diversity, diversity is hate, Jewish "democracy", Jewish 'experts', leftism, leftists, liberalism, liberals, multiculturalism, Otto Klineberg, race baloney, race-baiting, Socrates at 11:25 am | Permanent Link

(Above: Jewish race huckster Otto Klineberg [1899-1992]. He helped “win” the infamous Brown v. Board of Education court case in 1954).

A liberal, on Monday: “A person’s race doesn’t matter in the slightest! In fact, race doesn’t even exist! We’re all members of one race: the human race!” [1].

Same liberal, on Wednesday: “We need more African-Americans in Hollywood and the media!”

(I’ve noticed over the years that leftism is strongly based on “having your cake and eating it, too.” The rules of leftism shift frequently in order to give Blacks, Browns and others multiple choices).

Diversity group calls for more diversity in NFL management


[1] “There is no race but the human race,” declared Otto Klineberg, a Jewish “race expert” and a buddy of the famous Jewish fraud, Franz Boas, in 1935

13 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in art, Socrates, White art/architecture at 7:04 pm | Permanent Link

The Art Renewal website is a good one: [Here].

More [Here] and [Here].

13 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Chile, Cuba, Fascism, fascism vs. communism, fascism-lite, politics, Socrates at 3:01 pm | Permanent Link

There’s a lot for a newbie to digest here. The state is important, but is it vital for life? It might be vital or it might not be, depending on the circumstances. Note that fascism takes different forms in different countries [1]. That is the basic opposite of communism, which is (or was) pretty much universal in scope and ideology, usually taking marching orders and money from the “mother ship” (the Soviet Union). Unlike communism, a fascist government is generally a stable, well-run government [2], e.g., Chile under Pinochet, or Portugal under Antonio Salazar, who ruled for nearly 40 years (1932–1968). Interestingly, Salazar, a pragmatist, had a few “progressive” bones in his body and was well-liked even by his enemies.

[Audio file, duration is 43 minutes].


[1] Note: I broadly define fascism here as “right-wing authoritarian government with a dictator(s)”; I include in that description countries like Chile and Argentina in the 1970s, which were “fascism-lite.” Regular fascism has a habit of glorifying war, unfortunately.

[2] for example, the Cuban communist leader, Fidel Castro, was sitting on a gold mine: Cuba had the best rum, molasses, sugar cane and cigars on earth, but Castro drove those industries into the ground because communists are generally fools

13 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in climate change, climax change, global warming, green Marxism, Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist at 1:35 pm | Permanent Link

Female Citizen #1: “Oh, my god! The oceans have warmed up 225 zettajoules in the last 20 years!”

Female Citizen #2: “Sweet Mother of Jesus! We’re all doomed!”

Female Citizen #3: “What are zettajoules?”

Female Citizen #1: “I don’t know, but they sound really, really scary!”

Female Citizen #2: “I’m frightened!”

Female Citizen #3: “Me, too! I won’t be able to sleep tonight! I knew we shouldn’t have voted for Donald Trump. He pulled America out of the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climax Change! Now all the little fishies will die! That orange-haired fascist!”

Notice how the “global warming” fearmongers don’t simply say: “the X ocean has warmed up X degrees since 2001.” Why not? You can guess why not. Zettajoules??? Ha-ha-ha!


13 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Greatest Generation', democracy, democrazy, egalitarianism, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Hitlerphobia, multiculturalism, National Socialism, Nazi era, Naziphobia, Socrates, Soviet Union, World War II at 11:53 am | Permanent Link

“But as I learned more about what he and others did to make sure we have the freedoms we enjoy, I was even more awe-inspired. As my dad got older, I loved watching war movies with him and seeing his face light up when I handed him another book on the 82nd Airborne.” — Sen. Rick Scott.

It’s the same old song, which basically goes: “the brave U.S. soldiers and the noble Soviet commies wiped out the Evil Satanic Nazis so that millions of Black and Brown immigrants could invade America and Europe and make them way better for everyone! Yay, multicultural democracy! Yay, freedum! Rapefugees! Fast food! Women and negro politicians! Jewish banking! Fiat money! Kool, dude!” That’s total baloney, Mr. Scott. Europe and by extension America are doomed because “the allies” killed Nazism, thereby paving the way for multicultural democracy.
