26 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "gay marriage", "gay pride", "gay", homosexual themes, Homosexual traits, homosexuals, jewed culture, jewed media, jewed politics, Who Rules America? at 2:13 pm | Permanent Link

Someone commented the other day that “for people who are unimportant freaks, homosexuals sure garner a lot of attention.”

Indeed! You would think that a tiny population of freaks would be very unimportant in the world, and would only generate maybe 20,000 returns in a Google search. But no! (Do you want proof that homosexuals are “freaks”? Okay: two queers — male/male or female/female — cannot make a baby. There. I just proved that they’re abnormal).

Results of a Google search for “gay”: “About 2,710,000,000 results” (note that that’s over 2 Billion!). By comparison, the “Beatles” got “About 205,000,000 results” — so, queers are wildly more “popular” than the Beatles, which is odd, since the Beatles had more #1 hit songs than anybody else. Of course, we can blame the Jewish media for that: the media “pushes” homosexuals like a drug dealer pushes cocaine.

26 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Biden Nightmare, Germany, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 11:06 am | Permanent Link

The Biden-caused Ukraine Conflict: what a great way for the “Biden Administration” to do three things at once: 1) divert everyone’s attention away from the fact that America is being wrecked by Biden and Co.; 2) demonize and punish Russia; 3) weaken the emerging ties between Russia and Western Europe (e.g., the canceling of the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline between Germany and Russia 3 days ago).

26 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Western civilization, Western culture, Western philosophy, White culture, White identity, White inventions, white nationalism, White philosophy at 10:24 am | Permanent Link

Newbies, this quote is so important in our battle against “woke” that you should be able to quote it from memory (most of it, at least). If you can’t, then start memorizing it.

Even non-White scientists agree: “In the 20th century, in the modern world, there were no non-western ideas of note.” If you were looking for better proof that White people are superior to non-White people, you won’t find it. Much to my surprise, this article is still up at New Statesman. In this era of rabid anti-Whiteness, that’s rather shocking.

“A year ago I published a narrative history of the main ideas that shaped the 20th century. In my research, I visited roughly 150 scholars, leading specialists in their fields, in Europe, America and the Middle East. I asked each expert what were the three most important ideas in their discipline in the 20th century. I found a great deal of agreement, a strong sense of a great conversation taking place.

That was agreeably surprising. What shocked me were my interviews with scholars of non-western cultures. Here, I am referring not only to western specialists in the great non-western traditions, but scholars who were themselves born into those traditions – Arab archaeologists or writers, economists and historians from India and China, poets and dramatists from Japan and Africa. All of them – there were no exceptions – said the same thing. In the 20th century, in the modern world, there were no non-western ideas of note.” — Peter Watson, in his article “Lost in the swamp of modernity” at www.newstatesman.com, 29 October 2001. [Here].

25 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Jeff Cooper, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy, White identity, White ideology, White inventions at 10:37 pm | Permanent Link

“In view of this queasy multiculturalism with which we are continually affronted, it occurs to us that Western Europeans gave the world to the human race, and there is nothing harder to forgive than a favor.” — author, writer and firearms legend Jeff Cooper (1920-2006), in Guns and Ammo magazine, August 1995, page 105

25 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 8:26 pm | Permanent Link

All you need to know about Ukraine today: the Jews, the Biden Administration, the global media, the EU, and Justin Trudeau are all pro-Ukraine (and anti-Russia). Nancy Pelosi said on TV, angrily, that Putin’s soft (relatively speaking) invasion of Ukraine on behalf of two small, largely-Russian breakaway areas of Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk) was “an evil move.” Evil? It’s a good thing it wasn’t “evil” when America invaded 20-plus countries over the past 40 years!

I wonder if many people know that scores of rich Washington, D.C. elites have very, very close ties to Ukraine? In fact, you could say that those Washington elites are “in bed with Ukraine.” Got a cigarette, honey??

Also, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a Jew.

That’s all you need to know about Ukraine.

25 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Putin, Russia, Russophobia at 2:15 pm | Permanent Link

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

“Citizens of Russia, friends,

I consider it necessary today to speak again about the tragic events in Donbass and the key aspects of ensuring the security of Russia.

I will begin with what I said in my address on February 21, 2022. I spoke about our biggest concerns and worries, and about the fundamental threats which irresponsible Western politicians created for Russia consistently, rudely and unceremoniously from year to year. I am referring to the eastward expansion of NATO, which is moving its military infrastructure ever closer to the Russian border.

It is a fact that over the past 30 years we have been patiently trying to come to an agreement with the leading NATO countries regarding the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we invariably faced either cynical deception and lies or attempts at pressure and blackmail, while the North Atlantic alliance continued to expand despite our protests and concerns. Its military machine is moving and, as I said, is approaching our very border…”



25 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in 'human rights', human blights, human equality, René Cassin, UN, UNESCO at 1:56 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Rene Cassin [1887-1976]: Jew, judge and tampon-wearer).

What is a “human right”? Good question! The “official” definition is: “a right that all humans enjoy by law.” So, in other words, just being a human gives you “human rights.” So, lions have “lion rights” just because they’re lions? Does that make sense? No. It doesn’t. Just breathing and walking around as a human doesn’t automatically give you “rights.” It shouldn’t be surprising that “human rights” came from a Jew, since Jews are the masters of “rights” baloney (human rights, civil rights, “gay” rights, tranny rights, etc.) [1].

News quote: “The ordinance includes an expansion of the city’s ban on “conversion therapy” and expands the definition of harassment. The Lincoln Human Rights Commission, a nine-person panel, would be empowered to enforce the measure, according to the ordinance.”

(In Nebraska? I mean, I can see a human blights commission in Philthydelphia, PA or Lost Asswipes, CA because they’re full of worthless Brown critters [human blights]. But Nebraska seems like a strange place for such a commission…)



[1] The United Nations’ 1948 “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” reads: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Nope. Sorry. A Marxist Jew saying that doesn’t make it true.

Here are web quotes about Rene Cassin and human rights: “He was the brains and the driving force behind the UN commission that drew up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.” Furthermore, “…it was Cassin who actually put pen to paper and inked the first draft…” (of the declaration); “The workhorse of the Commission, he (Cassin) was the one most responsible for the draft of the Declaration of Human Rights approved by the General Assembly on December 10, 1948.”

24 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in White art/architecture at 9:07 pm | Permanent Link

“A Refreshing Pause” by Dalhart Windberg (1982).

24 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a fraud, communism as a weapon against the West, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, Frankfurt School, Marx and England, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White at 3:40 pm | Permanent Link

Whether the Great Reset will “work” or not isn’t the point. It’s not about it “working.” Like communism, it’s about it destroying the White West. Karl Marx wanted to destroy England but sadly for him, his Marxism didn’t destroy England [1]. Marxism traveled east instead, into Russia and China. (However, Cultural Marxism will destroy England. Indeed, it’s doing so right now, as we speak. Ditto America, ditto Canada, ditto France, ditto Germany…) [2].

[Video, 1 hour].


[1] “Jenny, if we can but weld our souls together, then with contempt shall I fling my glove in the world’s face, then shall I stride through the wreckage a creator!” — Marx, in a letter to his future wife. Note the key word, “wreckage.” Also, Sergey Nechayev, a communist terrorist in Russia, said: “The revolutionary knows that…he has broken all the bonds which tie him to the social order and the civilized world…and if he continues to live with them it is only in order to destroy them more speedily.” Again, destruction is mentioned. One expert said: “Karl Marx hated the entire world” and that’s correct. His heart was black with hate. In fact, he likely didn’t have a heart. He was one big, smelly, ball of hate. He was The King of Hate. This is important because Marxism is a creed of hate. So, why are Marxists never called “haters”?? Why are only Nazis called “haters”?? Ponder that.

[2] Cultural Marxism (a mixture of Marxism and Freudianism) is an “updated” version of Marxism, perfected circa 1937. It’s “easier to sell.” It “tastes better” than regular Marxism.

24 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, global mafia, global vs. local/regional, globalization, international socialism, internationalism, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, socialism, The Great Replacement (TGR), The Great Reset at 1:14 pm | Permanent Link

We rarely see the globalists being called what they really are: organized criminals. They are “a global mafia.” (One expert said that 30 or 40 globalists “run the world” and that seems accurate — doesn’t it, George?).

If you doubt that they are a mafia, consider: the globalists have already committed crimes that would make Sam Giancana envious. Let’s walk through some of the crimes:

Concerning the 2020 election theft (which was global in scope; other countries were involved), we see: election fraud, vote fraud, wire fraud, untold numbers of civil-rights violations (because voting is a right; they actually stole our votes), untold numbers of RICO Act violations, interfering with interstate commerce, etc.

Concerning the Covid-19 scam, we see: untold counts of murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit bodily harm, untold numbers of RICO Act violations, conspiracy to cause economic damage, mail fraud, wire fraud, interference with interstate commerce, conspiracy to disrupt medical/health systems, etc.

Concerning the plot to forcibly install socialism in the Western world, we see: conspiracy to commit White genocide, untold numbers of conspiracies to violate the civil rights of the White citizens, since the people would not be voting for socialism voluntarily but would instead have it forced upon them; untold conspiracies to cause bankruptcies, economic instability and political instability. And since socialism is a dangerous ideology (it’s “communism lite”), let’s add: untold numbers of conspiracies to physically endanger the people of the White countries.

And those are just some of the crimes.

Since they are a global mafia, we must demand that our leaders battle the criminals, beginning today. (That’s a joke, of course. As if our leaders would ever work for us. Hence the reason that the elites must be replaced with populists).

[Article] and [Article] (even Peterson is starting to wake up) and [Article].