2 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve system, global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, global vs. local/regional, globalization, jewed economics, Jewish money-magic, One World, One People and Free Tacos for Everybody!, Open Borders movement, Paul Warburg, Socrates at 2:35 pm | Permanent Link

Super-rich international investor #1: “Some people distrust the stock market, but they’re just paranoid. Sure, the market crashed once, but that was many years ago.” [1].

Super-rich international investor #2: “Exactly! It’s perfect safe to link the savings and retirement accounts of millions of White people to a giant, globalized gambling operation that remains stable based solely upon human confidence [2]. What could possibly go wrong?”

Later that same day: News Headline: “Stocks Plunge As Fears of Global Coronavirus Pandemic Spread!”

Sadly, today’s world is much more inter-connected than it used to be. If Country A’s economy collapses, it’s likely that Country B’s and Country C’s will, too. “Yay, globalism! Hooray for the One World Order!” Wonder if the liberals will still be saying that next year?


[1] far from keeping the American economy “safe” and secure, the Jewish-created/Jewish-controlled Federal Reserve System actually caused the 1929 stock market crash.

[2] i.e., consumer and investor confidence. Without those, the stock market is doomed to crash

2 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, Australia, Canada, communism, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, kahal, Karl Marx, leftism, leftists, liberalism, liberals, Marxism, Socrates at 11:12 am | Permanent Link

(Above: a Zuken political leaflet, circa 1970).

Just like in America (and Australia), Jews led the communist movement in Canada. Jews seem to be genetically pre-disposed to Marxism (well, of course: they invented it!).

Why does the Jewish communist leader in Canada, Joseph Zuken (1912-1986), have a park named after him? Why does the Manitoba Historical Society continue to honor Zuken with a web page? Maybe you should write to the Society and ask them? Why does Canada seem to embrace communism? Come to think of it, why does the Jew Karl Marx have statues erected to him in many different Western countries? Why is “abnormal” now called “normal”? Are there any “Nazis” in Canada who have parks named after them? (Answer: no). Are Jewish communists “good” people? If so, why are they “good” people? Is totalitarianism “good”?

1 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in anti-fascists/antifas, Boasian Jews, Bolsheviks, Cultural Marxism, Eduard Bernstein, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, Ferdinand Lassalle, left-wing violence, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, socialism, Socrates, Walkaway Movement, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White inventions, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 12:30 pm | Permanent Link

More and more people are waking up to the fact that leftism/liberalism is not a political ideology per se, it’s merely an emotion-based weapon of destruction: a weapon used to attack White Western culture. Leftism is not about “diversity” or “equality” and “fairness.” It’s about tearing down the greatest civilization in world history: Western civilization. Anything of value in this world was produced by White people, specifically by White males. And the Left knows that. Hence the reason why the Left attacks White males every day. The leftists genuinely hate White males. According to them, White males are evil, and if they could, they would murder every White male in the West, despite the fact that many leftists are, yes, White males! (Leftism is also a creed of self-hate). It’s important to understand that all forms of leftism ultimately sprang from one ethnic group: Jews (e.g., Marxism, Cultural Marxism, socialism, Freudianism, liberalism, feminism, anti-racism/antifa, “gay rights,” gun control, etc.).

[Videos at VNN Forum].

1 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "gay", "gender theory", "gender", 'sex-change', 'transgender', constitution, constitutional rights, homosexual themes, homosexuals, private property, Socrates at 10:57 am | Permanent Link

((News quote: “Virginia lawmakers gave final approval Wednesday to a comprehensive anti-discrimination bill, known as SB 868, which aims to protect LGBTQ people from unequal treatment. Virginia will become the first southern state to successfully add sexual orientation and gender identity to…”)).

Au contraire! If you are the “T” (or maybe even the “Q”) in LGBTQ, you have Gender Identity Disorder/gender dysphoria [1], so you are mentally ill by default. I seriously, seriously doubt that, constitutionally speaking, I have to hire a mentally ill person if I own a business in VA. I’m sure Thomas Jefferson would agree with me.


[1] Gender Identity Disorder (a mental disorder) was officially diagnosed in 1980; since 2013, the White countries (due to queer political pressure) no longer call it a “disorder,” but instead “gender dysphoria”

29 February, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Africa, Black 'professionals', Black achievement, Black History Month, Black IQ, Black mentality, Socrates at 12:01 pm | Permanent Link

Black engineer: “This dam won’t work! It’s full of cracks!”

White engineer: “When you mixed the concrete, did you use the proper 1-2-3 ratio of cement, sand and gravel?”

Black engineer: “Of course I used the proper ratio!…uhhh…what’s a ratio?”

((News quote: “Ethiopia is building the dam near its border with Sudan on the Blue Nile, which flows into the Nile river – the main water source for Egypt’s population of 100 million. The dam is the centrepiece in Ethiopia’s bid to become Africa’s biggest power exporter.”)).

29 February, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as an arm of world Jewry, America the White nation, America's founders, America-the-sitcom, Diversity, diversity is hate, George Washington, military, Socrates, war, war as a racket, War On Normal, War! War! War!, women, women and 'equality', women in the military, women in the workforce at 11:03 am | Permanent Link

Chinese general: “Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! America is like funny TV show!”

Russian general: “Are they insane?? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”

Iranian general: “I will enjoy going to war with those women! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”

The Ghost of George Washington: (*sob*)(*choke*) “You idiots! What have you done to my America??”


29 February, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Big Fag, child abuse via liberal propaganda, child psychology, children, Cultural Marxism, equality, homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed culture, jewed media, leftism, leftists, lesbians, liberal mindset, liberalism, Liberalization Of Everything, liberals, political correctness, politicization of everything, propaganda, Socrates, Who Rules America? at 10:24 am | Permanent Link

Isn’t childhood supposed to be sweet and innocent? Yes. But it’s not innocent anymore. Thanks to the liberal habit of politicizing everything (yes, everything, including food, soda pop, and family vacations), childhood has lost its innocence. Today, children are pawns in the Left’s crusade against traditional American values. In fact, it’s time to label 21st-century American media as being “mentally harmful to children.” With its endless homosexual propaganda and “global warming/climate change” hysteria, the Left has made childhood dark and scary for children.


28 February, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Africa, African slavery, black culture, Black History Month, Black mentality, history, History for newbies, Jewish cruelty, Jewish racism, Jewish role in slavery, slavery, slavery racket, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought at 1:28 pm | Permanent Link

You’ve heard the common narrative about Black slavery in America: “It was uniquely evil!” “Only White people would enslave other humans!”

But that’s a totally false narrative. In fact, White people were bought and sold (by Jews) as slaves in Poland in the 1400s. Indeed, historically speaking, all people have engaged in slavery at one point or another. Slavery still exists in some parts of Africa today.

Believe it or not, Black slaves in America were usually treated well by the White slave-masters, for at least 2 reasons: 1) slaves were expensive; 2) sick or injured slaves couldn’t work. As strange as it sounds, Black people actually benefited from being slaves: they were usually taught to read and write by the slave-masters’ wives. So Blacks, as a people, actually progressed due to slavery. Today they are cops and firefighters and even judges. Granted, Whites didn’t plan for that to happen, but nonetheless it did.

One more thing about American slavery: did you know that White slave traders didn’t capture their slaves in Africa? That’s right. Black African tribal chiefs sold the slaves to the White traders. Yes, the Blacks sold their own people into slavery.

28 February, 2020

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, EU, Europe, genocide, genocide of White culture, global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, global vs. local/regional, multiculturalism, Muslim immigration, Muslims, Muslims in Europe, Socrates, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 11:20 am | Permanent Link

There is rioting in the Greek islands of Lesbos and Chios. White people are rioting, angry that scores of worthless Muslim immigrants are being allowed onto those islands against the wishes of the White people who live there. Those beautiful islands are being ruined by thousands of criminal Muslims. Why are the Muslim immigrants in Greece? Because the European Union (EU) wants them in Greece! Greece joined the EU in January 1981 and no doubt it wishes it hadn’t now [1]. Many countries want to leave the EU. Britain just left the EU last month. All European countries have lost sovereignty due to joining the EU. It’s time for White people to say “no” to all forms of globalism. (Get this: the official EU motto is: “United in Diversity.” That makes no sense. Europe is a White region. Why would White Europeans want “diversity”? That would eventually make Europe “not Europe anymore.” In other words, the language of White genocide is actually found in the EU motto. Is that sickening or what??).


[1] the EU is a “global parliament,” giving orders to 27 different countries in Europe. Why on earth would anyone want their country to join the EU? Since the official founding of the EU in November 1993, only one country has left it (Britain). No doubt more countries will leave it

27 February, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, Einstein, jewed culture, jewed music, jewish 'genius', music, Socrates at 2:49 pm | Permanent Link

It’s a tragedy that one of the best, and most popular, songs of the 20th century (Unchained Melody, which was popularized by two White gentile singers) was written by two Jews. Oh, well, what can you do? At least all the good versions of the song are sung by White gentiles. It’s sad that nearly every time you like something, it turns out that it was created, or stolen, by Jews (very often the latter, I strongly suspect, given the historical Jewish penchant for “borrowing” the creations of gentiles, e.g., Albert Einstein hijacking Olinto De Pretto’s E=MC2 work).