1 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, covid as a psyop, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covidians, Cuba, election fraud, elections, Jan. 6 lies, left-wing vs. right-wing rule, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberal treason, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies at 11:37 am | Permanent Link

You can only milk something for so long, and then you’ve got to end it. So it is with the Covid-19 Terror: the masks, the mandates, the endless jabs.

Are we supposed to believe that, all of a sudden, in late February 2022, it was just a coincidence that every local, state and federal government agency eased up on the Covid mandates? They all eased mask and vaccine-passport rules at the same time, merely by accident? No, it wasn’t an accident. The liberal elites gave the order to ditch Covid. Campaign season for the Left — for the November 2022 elections — begins soon (most politicians must file “declaration of candidacy” papers by March 1).

After two years of the Covid Terror, of people being killed and injured by a vaccine that wasn’t even a vaccine, of Donald Trump fraudulently being removed from office, of Trump supporters being punished and bankrupted, the Left finally signals that, for political reasons only, the Covid crap is finished and “it’s time to move on.” After all, the Left is politically in deep trouble since the leftists were the prime pushers of the insane Covid lockdowns and mandates. “Let’s move on now” they say, as if nothing really serious happened and they don’t have to pay for all of the damage they caused: the deaths, maimings, bankruptcies, lost jobs, suicides, divorces, fear, humiliation, etc. The Covid Terror was domestic terrorism, plain and simple. Who’s going to pay for all of that? Who’s going to prison for that? Who’s going to be thrown into jail to rot like the “Jan. 6” political prisoners? Anybody? (Probable answer: nobody will pay for the Covid Terror. The Left never pays for its crimes. Look at Cuba: 63 years of endless terror and it’s still run by communist thugs! Where’s the global outrage about Cuba? There isn’t any and there won’t be. Trivia: Cuban thug Fidel Castro visited America at least four times [in 1960, 1979, 1995, 2000], but he wasn’t arrested; Castro executed U.S. citizens and stole American property in Cuba, but he wasn’t ever arrested for that. His brother and partner-in-crime Raul has also visited America, but he wasn’t arrested, either. Being a leftist means “you’ll never spend a day in jail”).

Two news headlines:

“New York City to Lift Vaccine Mandate For Indoor Businesses, Dining and Events”

“California, Washington and Oregon End School Mask Mandates – Just in Time For Biden’s SOTU Address”

[Article], [Article] and [Article].

28 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in fat acceptance movement, fat chicks, fat phobia at 2:39 pm | Permanent Link

Be afraid. Be very afraid. There are fatties about!

“Fat phobia” is now called “Gordofobia” (but why is it always a “phobia”? I don’t fear fat people — unless there are only 3 tacos left: then I would fear that my 300-pound tablemate, Lisa McFattyCakes, would gobble them up quickly, leaving me with nothing except low-blood-sugar; note to self: “un-invite Lisa next Friday…”).

The tyranny of the minority: it’s real. They have special rights that we don’t have. Why do defective people always get special rights? Queers, fat people, midgets, tranny serial killers — why do they get special treatment? (Special treatment costs lots of money: each time a law is created, it must be enforced. That costs the taxpayers money).

“The Future Is Fatter: Brazil Battles Gordofobia”


28 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 1:25 pm | Permanent Link


“Putin was desperate for this outcome and he waited as long as he could. But Washington and Kiev wanted confrontation and permanent East-West hostility, whipped up by Victoria Nuland and her ilk. They now have this. Ukraine will remain poor, depopulated, illiberal and militarised. It is a tragedy, but the threatened genocide and ethnic cleansing of Donbass Russians would have been intolerable for the majority of Russians. As it was personally, for an obviously angry and distressed Putin. This outcome will bring him and his key advisers no great joy, but it was the right decision to take.”


28 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Biden Nightmare, military, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Trump, Ukraine at 12:58 pm | Permanent Link

Who’s the president now? You can bet that it isn’t Joe “Where’s My Brain?” Biden. Whoever he (she?) is, this is clever stuff (by the way, the “acting president” just sent another 7,000 troops overseas, in addition to 2,000 troops sent a month ago. But under what legal authority? Only the actual president can send troops overseas — in this case, that means Donald Trump).

“[A]s the Biden team were getting pummeled for negative economic outcomes, massive inflation, skyrocketing energy costs and gas prices set to double, the White House worked to create an urgent defense by manufacturing the crisis.

While Joe Biden ate his pudding, the people behind the scenes told Zelenskyy and Putin that Ukraine was about to enter NATO {December 2021}. The White House then seeded details through China knowing the intel would get back to Putin. Russia took the bait and intervened.

The collective left….now have a quick and strategic pivot point to go from COVID-19 as the excuse for all the economic ills, to Russia. The Russia-Ukraine crisis transfers the cost of the Build Back Better climate change agenda from COVID-19 to Russia/Ukraine. We can now watch COVID just disappear.”


28 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in immigration, immigration bills/laws, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy, White philosophy, White thought at 12:17 pm | Permanent Link

“But, seriously, the lower IQ populations cannot accomplish nor sustain what whites have accomplished. If they were capable of such, they would not have fled their native countries. Their countries are shit holes and the higher IQ members of their populace flee, naturally. Yet, what has occurred since the Hart Cellar Act of 1964 is, Jews have made it possible for any person of color with varying IQs to flood the nation, thereby diluting the IQ pool of America.”


28 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in New World Order, NWO, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 11:22 am | Permanent Link

“The bitter truth is that Washington’s foreign policy establishment never actually considered Zelensky – or his predecessor Poroshenko – to be allies or partners of the United States. Overflowing with a toxic mix of ignorance, arrogance, and extreme cynicism, Washington’s elites have always viewed Ukraine as a tool to “regime-change” a Russia that, after its post-Yeltsin recovery, would no longer take its direction from them.”


“Most Americans will not have heard – and those who have likely do not care – that twice (TWICE) when the Ukrainian people elected a president who was in favor of maintaining good relations with its Russian neighbor, the US intervened and overthrew the government.”

(According to America, Russia “must” be transformed into an “America in the East” since Putin won’t play ball with the New World Order game plan of feminism, multiculturalism, faggotry and over-the-top Zionism. Guess there won’t be any Black trannies with purple hair wandering around Moscow now…).


27 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black culture, Black mentality, Black rioting, black rule, black thugs matter, black violence at 2:42 pm | Permanent Link

If Black lives really mattered, it would be self-evident: you wouldn’t have to say it aloud. Just like you wouldn’t have to say “Asian lives matter” or “White lives matter.” There would be no need to say it. Don’t all human lives matter? That’s what I’ve heard, anyway.

Another thing: if Black lives matter, why do Blacks act like they don’t matter? Blacks are notorious for not giving a flying crap about other Blacks (e.g., the endless shootings in Chicago every summer) unless a White cop kills a Black guy and then suddenly it’s a terrible tragedy that requires two weeks of rioting/looting (actually, I suspect that’s the real reason for the rioting: the looting, and also the thrill of destroying Whitey’s stuff).

One more thing: if Black lives matter, explain Africa. (Don’t worry, I can’t explain Africa, either. It’s like…Hell, but with monkeys…and sand…).

27 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in middle class, Western civilization, Western culture, Western philosophy, White philosophy, White suburbia, White thought at 11:10 am | Permanent Link

The Great Reset will wipe out the White middle class in America (or it will try to, at least). That would be horrible for us. Why? Lots of reasons, as listed below. (But “Joe Biden” is waging war on the White middle class right now. Do you realize that, under Trump’s leadership, America was energy-independent?? Yes, we were! Not anymore. “Biden” fixed that “problem”; why on earth would “Biden” do that??).

— A big middle class = a very stable economy. America has the biggest middle class in the entire world.

— A big middle class = a more-happy country (socially speaking) since there is less class animosity and class conflict. (Some countries only have “rich” and “poor” citizens. No middle class per se. In fact, in England there was no middle class for years — only rich and poor — and that caused a lot of class hatred).

— the middle class tends to be smarter and better-educated.

— the middle class is more productive.

— the middle class is largely self-sufficient (it doesn’t need welfare, food stamps, etc.).

— the middle class is family-oriented.

— the middle class isn’t just about money, it’s also a mindset, a lifestyle, e.g., a house in the suburbs, 2 cars in the garage, a nice lawn, etc.

— the middle class people “bounce back” from hardships quickly because of their family networks. They have supportive families and they have “can do” attitudes. The middle class is vital for a healthy and strong America. (Just think how much more successful our White middle class would be if it wasn’t taxed to death as it currently is! And if we didn’t have the horrible Federal Reserve system creating endless inflation! Wow! Our middle class would be much bigger and much more successful if we had a pro-White, pro-family government; our White middle class would be 30% or even 40% bigger! What a wonderful thought to ponder!).

News headline: “Victor Davis Hanson: Joe Biden’s Green Energy Policies are Dangerous and Immoral – They Punish the Middle Class and Empower Enemies”


26 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals at 8:12 pm | Permanent Link

I have noticed something interesting:

If a White woman is good-looking and slim, she doesn’t support the radical Left (e.g., antifa).

But if a White woman is butt-ugly and weighs 300 pounds, she does support the radical Left.


26 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, globalization, NATO, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 3:52 pm | Permanent Link

An important video. This explains a lot, re: Ukraine/Putin.

[Video; 13 minutes].