9 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Brown immigrant arrogance, Brown Man, Camp of the Saints, Europe, illegal immigration, immigration, Socrates, The Coming of Brown Man, The Eurocide, The Great Replacement (TGR), War On White People at 5:43 pm | Permanent Link

“The FT undertakes to instruct the Old Continent on what its duty is and what its future holds: “The EU will face flows of migrants and asylum seekers across the Mediterranean for decades to come.”

The Financial Times better think again. Europe isn’t over until we say so.

9 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a fraud, communism as a weapon against the West, communism vs. Nazism, communism-as-Jewish, communist brutality, egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, human equality, Jordan Peterson, left-wing vs. right-wing rule, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, North Korea, Socrates, Soviet holocaust, Soviet states, Soviet Union, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Zimbabwe at 10:35 am | Permanent Link

(We hear every day about the dangers of “right-wing racism” but we never hear about the dangers of “left-wing human equality baloney” which, historically speaking, has been far more murderous and oppressive. Just recently, citizens have had to eat mice and bugs in order to survive in Zimbabwe and North Korea. This is what communism leads to: misery and starvation. Some more random thoughts about Marxism, as long as I’m typing this: 1) all leftists — male or female, old or young — are “female-brained teenagers”; this makes Marxism much more dangerous than either fascism or capitalism since it’s by nature immature and emotion-based; therefore its nearly impossible to reason with a Marxist; 2) by default, Marxism attracts angry people who hate the world and who delight in “tearing down the existing order” whatever that order may be; this is why Marxism should be universally banned by law; 3) there should be far more female Marxists than male Marxists, globally speaking, since Marxism is a levelling [i.e., equalizing] movement and women love equality and “fairness”; the reason that’s not true is probably due to women being less interested in politics on the whole and women being less rebellious by nature):

“We know the left can go too far. The Soviets taught us that. The Maoists and the Khmer Rouge taught us that. The North Koreans, and the Cubans, and the Venezuelans continue to teach us in the same manner. We don’t know when and where the “going too far” begins. But I’m willing to stake my claim on the equity doctrine [1]. In a word, it’s inexcusable, both morally and practically. It should be roundly rejected (at whatever reasonable personal cost that might be incurred) by anyone who takes the idea of the excessive left seriously, who is concerned in any genuine sense with the increasingly destructive polarization of our political discourse, and who wants to stand up and be counted when the radicals come knocking — or pounding — at the door.”Dr. Jordan Peterson, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, on the dangerous idea of human equality. Never mind that human equality is impossible. It cannot be created since humans are biological beings who vary greatly by IQ, ability, personality, appearance, etc. Even genetic cloning would not produce genuine human equality (it would be ridiculously impractical).


[1] clarification: “equity” vs. “equality” is a “potato/potahto” situation; practicing the doctrine of “equity” = giving every human, regardless of his circumstances in life, the leg up that he might need to be equal to the next person in society. Bottom line: practicing “equity” and practicing “equality” ultimately means the same thing since each has the exact same goal: to produce a society where all humans are equal. In other words, a Marxist society where everyone is equally miserable, such as Cuba. Ironically, communism wasn’t even meant to work. It was meant to destroy the Western world. It’s a weapon.

8 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Asia, Asians, Asians vs. Whites, chinks, coronavirus, disease, Diversity, diversity is hate, global citizenship/world citizenship, globalization, gooks/chinks/slants/yellows, immigration, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture at 2:21 pm | Permanent Link

Ahh, so that’s why the media never mentions the races of Coronavirus victims: it could spread “racism” and “xenophobia” against Asians. But it’s too late: normal White people are already turning “squint/slant/gook/chink/slope-phobic” (thank god, because Whites are way too welcoming of foreigners), and the longer Coronavirus lasts, the worse the phobia will get; Coronavirus will hopefully turn large segments of the West against globalism and mass immigration.

8 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, sexism accusations, Socrates at 12:50 pm | Permanent Link

I find it interesting that while today’s White men eagerly do the “yes, honey! Right away, honey!” thing, Black men do just the opposite: as a rule, they don’t tolerate feminism. They don’ be toleratin’ uppity hoes, dawg! “Git yer ass in the kitchen an’ cook me some chicken, bitch!” seems to be their general mindset regarding women, with older Black men being, seemingly, more “sexist” than younger Black men (although rap music will change that!). (But Black men are not as “sexist” as Arab men, however. White men seem to be the least “sexist” of all men).

8 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism-as-Jewish, Cuba, Germany, jewed culture, jewed economics, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, leftism, leftists, Lenin, liberalism, liberals, Marxism, Socrates, Soviet holocaust, Soviet Union at 9:05 am | Permanent Link

(Above: Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, who was 1/4 Jewish. Interestingly, Lenin is usually not called a dictator but merely a “Russian revolutionary”).

And to think, Germany is a “free” and “democratic” country! So why the Lenin statue?

Isn’t it “odd” how White leftists never move to Cuba or North Korea? They claim to love communism. Why don’t they pack their bags and relocate to Havana? Hmmmmm? You might think that the murderous, Jewish ideology of communism would be so discredited today that no one would take it seriously. But lots of people take it seriously!

It seems that Mr. Lenin was a little “off.” Ever hear the story about him murdering several hundred rabbits for fun? Yeah. He beat the little bunnies to death for no apparent reason. Just for laughs. Hyuk, hyuk [1].

(Trivia: there is also a Lenin statue in the Fremont neighborhood in Seattle, Washington. Who knows why).



[1] “Lenin’s own wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, in her Memoirs (1932), describes how Lenin once rowed a small boat out to a little island in the Yenisei River where many rabbits had migrated during the winter. For his own sick pleasure, Lenin clubbed so many rabbits to death with the butt of his rifle that the boat sank under the weight of all the dead bodies. Lenin became drunk with glee at the awful sight.” — This account comes from the 2002 Swedish book “Under the Sign of the Scorpion” by Juri Lina.

7 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "gay", "gender", 'transgender', Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, global citizenship/world citizenship, global vs. local/regional, globalization, homosexual themes, homosexuals, leftism, leftists, liberalism, liberals, Marx, Marxism, Marxism and equality, New World Order, Socrates, War on Men, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 2:31 pm | Permanent Link

Human resource officer: “Here at Big Global Feminized Corporation X, we are proud of our record of diversity! We have worked hard to make our workplace gender-neutral and race-neutral, and also gay-and-transgender-friendly. There is no corporation more tolerant and more diverse than us! In fact, we just won the Karl Marx Medal of Freedom for our workplace inclusiveness!”

Prospective White male employee: “In other words, everybody here is a queer, Brown female so I’m not getting hired.”

Human resource officer: “Not a chance! But, here’s a complimentary breath mint!”

7 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, music, rock music, Socrates, White music, White philosophy, White thought at 12:05 pm | Permanent Link

Alex once asked (paraphrasing) “how can Wagner be a musical genius when he only wrote one memorable piece of music (Ride of the Valkyries) and even that one isn’t exactly jaw-dropping?” Yes. He’s right. Most of the “musical geniuses” in history aren’t really geniuses.

If you want Mozart and Beethoven, you can keep them. For my money, ex-Beatle Paul McCartney has more musical talent in his pinky finger than Mozart and Beethoven had in their whole bodies combined. McCartney — not John Lennon — was the bigger genius behind the Beatles and he wrote roughly 25 songs in his career that could be labelled as being “at or near musical-genius-level” [1]. (These comments about McCartney could also, arguably, apply to Elton John, Roger Waters of Pink Floyd and Don Henley/Glenn Frey of The Eagles. To those who say that you can’t compare rock music to classical music, I say: sure you can. Rock may be less complex, and usually shorter in duration, but it’s still music).

[Maybe I’m Amazed].


[1] e.g., McCartney’s songs such as: Let It Be, Yesterday, Penny Lane, Hey Jude, The Long and Winding Road, Here Comes the Sun, Something, A Little Help From My Friends, Your Mother Should Know, Maybe I’m Amazed, Live and Let Die, Silly Love Songs, Band on the Run, Jet.

6 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Diversity, diversity is hate, multiculturalism, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, White identity, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought at 5:47 pm | Permanent Link

“In view of this queasy multiculturalism with which we are continually affronted, it occurs to us that Western Europeans gave the world to the human race, and there is nothing harder to forgive than a favor.”

— author, writer and firearms legend Jeff Cooper (1920-2006), in Guns and Ammo magazine, August 1995, page 105

6 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "--ism"s, 'human rights', 'whupped' men, Civil Rights Act of 1964, civil rights movement, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, human blights, human equality, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Jewed workplaces, René Cassin, sexism accusations, sexual harassment lawsuits, Socrates, The Outsider/The Other, War On White Males, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, women, women and 'equality', women and emoting, women in the workforce at 3:43 pm | Permanent Link

Here we go again: how to “properly” treat thin-skinned modern wimmins at fancy, Jewed workplaces in big cosmopolitan cities. If you don’t treat wimmins “correctly” they’ll cry and file lawsuits with the aid of ambulance-chasers named Ira and Aaron and Benjamin. “I’m sorry, femchick. We can’t afford to get sued every month, so we only hire White men.” Just once I’d like to hear someone say that! (You could say that in 1962). And to think, White men built the western workplace all by ourselves, brick by brick! We build it, The Other ruins it, again and again and again. Tell me why we’re so nice to The Other? Where does that niceness get us? Nice guys do indeed finish last!

6 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Brown Man, California, Camp of the Saints, Camp of the Sane, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, global citizenship/world citizenship, global vs. local/regional, Holy God of Economic Growth, immigration, One World, One World, One People and Free Tacos for Everybody!, Open Borders movement, resource competition, Socrates, The Brown Invasion of the Western World, The Coming of Brown Man, War On White People at 11:51 am | Permanent Link

By default, you’re gonna end up with less of everything in the future, White man. Are you ready to compete with Brown immigrants for resources? California already has “rolling blackouts” in order to conserve electrical power. California also must get water from Arizona (which faces its own water shortage in the near future). As Brown immigration increases, resources will be rationed. Who will get them? A better question: who will decide who gets them? Yay, immigration! Yay, Brown people! Yay, growth and congestion! Woo, hoo!

Here’s an analogy about resource competition and immigration:

If you have one large pizza and 8 guests, everyone gets a slice and everyone is happy.

If you have one large pizza and 80 guests, then everyone gets a tiny piece of pizza but everyone remains hungry. You’ve accomplished nothing by giving everyone a tiny piece of pizza — in fact, the guests all hate you now for short-changing them. How dare you!