1 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, American 'anti-communism', Castro, Cohencidences, communism, Cuba, Daniel Ortega, left-wing violence, left-wing vs. right-wing rule, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftists, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, Marxism, Mexico, Nicaragua, Roosevelt, Sandinistas, Socrates, Soviet Union, U.S. aid to communist countries, World War II at 12:05 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: “Sandalista” [Sandinista] leader Daniel “Four-Eyes” Ortega, a brutal Marxist thug. Before being trained in guerrilla warfare in Castro’s Cuba, he spent 7 years in prison in Nicaragua. Like Lenin and Stalin, Ortega was a criminal before he became a Marxist dictator. Must be just a Cohencidence. Ortega genocided the Miskito Indians in Nicaragua, but strangely, he’s never been charged with genocide or “human rights” abuses. Why not? Because leftists are never charged with those things. Only rightists are. According to Wikipedia, “In September 1979, United States President Carter hosted Ortega at the White House.” The White House?? You don’t say! Ortega swore he would turn Nicaragua democratic someday, but he never did. It was only fake democracy. Nonetheless, under his rule Nicaragua got lots of U.S. aid [1]).

America is supposed to be an anti-communist country, but somehow we help communists everywhere, no matter the circumstance.

Trivia: did you know that, if not for massive U.S. aid, the Soviet Union would have lost WWII and Hitler would have won the war? Yep. In fact, had Roosevelt not “recognized” the Soviet Union in November 1933 (which opened it up to global trade, credit and loans), it would have collapsed by probably 1937. What a swell guy, that FDR! Yeah. Also, the U.S. government has long given aid to the communist government of Nicaragua, even before it turned pseudo-democratic (and it still isn’t democratic). In fact, consider this strange thing: in 1979, the United States suspended all foreign aid to Nicaragua due to the anti-communist leader Somoza trying to use the military to fight the communist Sandinistas (what’s wrong with doing that? Nothing! It’s perfectly fine). Nicaragua is a very poor country and it needed that U.S. aid. The suspension of American aid, and further U.S. political pressure, led to Somoza fleeing Nicaragua and the Sandinistas coming to power in July 1979. So, America helped to install the Sandinistas. Nice going, fools. Just like in Cuba with Batista/Castro! Same thing! The United States recognized the legitimacy of the new Sandinista government and offered aid, which was rejected by the Sandinistas in favor of Soviet aid (why the fuck did America recognize a communist government and offer it aid? The U.S. is damn lucky that Nicaragua turning communist — complete with lots of Soviet aid afterwards — didn’t start a communist revolution in all of Central America right next to the Panama Canal, or, even worse, that such a revolution didn’t spread into Mexico and communize it. Damn lucky!)

The U.S. pretends to be anti-communist and it is — but only on Mondays and Fridays. The rest of the week, it helps communists.



[1] “Although the U.S. supplied post-revolution Nicaragua with tens of millions of dollars in economic aid, relations broke down when the Sandinistas supplied weapons to leftist Salvadoran rebels” — Wikipedia

31 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in anti-fascists/antifas, anti-White terrorism, antifas vs. White nationalists, domestic terrorism, Operation Condor, Socrates, South America, Trump, Trump's policies at 11:23 am | Permanent Link

Re: my mention of South America’s anti-leftist military program Operation Condor in yesterday’s post:

Did you know that president Donald Trump can legally use military force against left-wing extremists, such as “antifa” groups? He can [1]. All he has to do is declare violent leftist groups to be “domestic terrorists” — which they already are, as shown by their own violent actions (they usually assault police, for example). By the way, Trump has mentioned labeling them as just that [2][3]. Using such military force against leftists would accomplish several good things, e.g., the leftist terrorists would be held in military jails and subjected to military law and military judges, which would make it unlikely that they would be quickly released by some liberal, Jewish judge, as often happens in the civilian courts. In other words, Trump could easily copy South America’s Operation Condor program right here in America (granted, Trump’s program would have to be less violent than that).


[1] See the memo titled “Authority for Use of Military Force to Combat Terrorist Activities Within the United States,” U.S. Department of Justice,
October 23, 2001.

[2] see the news article “President Donald Trump Says Antifascists Should Be Labeled A Domestic Terror Group” by Hannah Chinn, on Willamette Week.com, July 29, 2019.

[3] antifa people or groups have firebombed government offices, attacked elderly people with weapons, are anti-First Amendment, and they exist only to cause domestic trouble, as opposed to non-violent White nationalists

31 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Democrats, elections, politics, sexual crimes, Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies at 9:30 am | Permanent Link

Some legal trivia: sexually groping a woman is sexual battery/unlawful sexual contact and you can be jailed for it. Just thought I’d mention that.

Granted, this article is from 2017, but still, it is important now since Biden is still in the presidential race…this will probably sink his political career, if it wasn’t already sunk from other things…the Dems will have to choose a new candidate for November, but who? They don’t have anyone who can come close to beating Trump in a debate. Running against Trump is like running against pizza: you can’t win, because pizza is way too popular.


30 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, Castro, Chile, Cohencidences, Cuba, Kissinger, Operation Condor, socialism, Socrates, South America, Venezuela at 2:53 pm | Permanent Link

(The other day, I said that it was wrong for America to charge Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro with drug trafficking into America, and, it was also wrong for America to put cash “bounties” on Maduro and his staff. I still believe that. America should stay out of that stupid drug and bounty nonsense. But, it doesn’t change the basic fact that leftists destroyed Venezuela and most of South America as well).

First of all, a fact: South America has been regularly buttfucked by leftists since 1970, or even earlier, long before the right-wing, anti-leftist, regional military movement called “Operation Condor” began in Chile in 1975. And the buttfucking will never stop. Brown people love leftism. They believe that governments exist only to care for them. Contrary to popular myth, U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (a Jew) did not create Operation Condor, although he did support it. Operation Condor was founded to fight leftism at the request of the Pinochet regime in Chile in 1975; it was founded by the first five Condor nations: Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia. The name honors Chile’s national bird, the Condor. Years later, many of the top right-wing people involved in Operation Condor were prosecuted by leftist judges for “human rights” abuses. Strangely, leftists like Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega are never prosecuted for “human rights” abuses. Leftists are immune to such prosecution. Must be just a Cohencidence. (Among the victims of Operation Condor were Chilean anti-Pinochet activist Orlando Letelier and an American, the Jewish leftist Ronni Moffitt, who were both killed with a car bomb in Washington DC in 1976. Of course, there is a concrete and bronze memorial to Letelier and Moffitt today, built near the bombing scene. Leftists always make memorials to their heroes).

Anyway, Venezuela was once the richest country in South America due to its huge oil reserves. Then leftists got ahold of Venezuela. Guess what happened.

President Hugo Chavez (a buddy of Fidel Castro) started the (recent) rot in Venezuela in 1998 by spending massive amounts of Venezuelan oil profits to address “social inequality” (this is basically Marxism). Chavez also sold oil at below-market value to places like Cuba and China, and he failed to properly maintain Venezuela’s oil machinery (i.e., oil wells, refineries, pipelines, etc.) which led to huge problems with Venezuelan oil production. Like most leftists, Chavez knew nothing, and cared nothing, about making money or following normal oil production procedures.

After Chavez died in 2013, the leftist Nicolas Maduro (who is at least part-Jewish and who was hand-picked by Chavez to take over before his death) took control of Venezuela [1]. He was as bad or worse of a leader than Chavez was, taking even more control over the economy and driving it into the ground; he silenced and arrested all critics of his ineptness. Even leftists hated him. Now Maduro is nearly finished, politically speaking. He has lots of enemies. Yes, America placed sanctions on Maduro’s regime due to its close ties to Cuba, but Maduro should have expected those sanctions due to his ties to Cuba.



[1] “He (Maduro) stated in a 2013 interview that “my grandparents were Jewish, from a Sephardic Moorish background, and converted to Catholicism in Venezuela” — Wikipedia

29 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America the White nation, America's founders, America-the-sitcom, Black integration, Black IQ, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, democracy, democracy-vs-fascism, democrazy, egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, Fascism, Jewish democracy, Jim Crow laws, Mussolini, republic vs. democracy, republican government, Roosevelt, Roosevelt's Jewish cabal, vote fraud, voting, white nationalism, White philosophy at 1:48 pm | Permanent Link

Picture, in your mind, a ship in the ocean. There are 100 people onboard the ship. However, instead of having only one captain, this ship is different: half of the people onboard the ship are captains! Each captain demands that the ship go a different way. “Sail to the west!” says Captain Smith. “No, sail to the north!” says Captain Jones. “No, sail to the east!” says Captain Rogers. As you might imagine, this ship isn’t going anywhere. It’s directionless. It’s dead in the water. It may drift a bit, but not much.

Democracies are like that ship: directionless. No one is leading a democracy. Half of the top people are captains of some sort (slippery senators, creepy congressmen, lying legislators, greasy governors, bad news billionaires) and many of the voters are nearly retarded. A democracy may move slightly, but it never goes anywhere.

Don’t you want to go somewhere, White man? [1][2].


[1] America is a White republic. It was not commonly called a “democracy” until F.D. Roosevelt was elected president in 1933. America didn’t actually become an “any-retard-can-vote” democracy until the Jim Crow (negro) race laws of the South were repealed by federal laws in 1964/1965. Many negroes are actually borderline retarded, with IQs near 85 (normal IQ is about 100). Yet they vote in every election. That’s vote fraud.

[2] Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini could make a law in an hour by issuing a decree, with no endless debating or political “pork” like in American politics

28 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", 'hate', 'New Left wrecking balls', America, communism, coronavirus, Coronavirus media hysteria, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, feminism, Frankfurt School, homeless, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Marcuse, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White, Max Horkheimer, New Left, Old Left, Socrates, vote fraud, voting at 1:37 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: can you imagine deliberately wrecking a beautiful mansion such as this one? Most normal people can’t imagine it).

Sometimes it’s easier to understand things if you think about them symbolically. So let’s do that. In fact, let’s coin a new phrase today.

Picture, in your minds, a huge, extremely beautiful mansion, such as the one shown above. The name of that mansion is “Traditional America.” It was built long ago, in 1776.

Now, picture something else in your minds: the year is 1964. Coming down the street towards Traditional America is a big crane. This crane is called the New Left (referring of course to leftism). On that crane, in the bed of it, there are several different wrecking balls: one ball is round, one is egg-shaped, and so on. That crane is going to use those wrecking balls to destroy Traditional America. The driver of that crane is a Marxist Jew named Herbert Marcuse. He actually built that crane, with a little help from his friends, who, strangely enough, are also Jews. The wrecking balls on that crane have names as well: one ball is named “civil rights” and the other balls are named “Affirmative Action,” “immigration,” “human rights,” “equality” and “feminism.” The crane soon gets to work swinging the wrecking balls against Traditional America, with each ball doing serious damage to the mansion, for Marcuse and his buddies are experts in the field of building demolition. But luckily, despite the damage, Traditional America still stands. But not for much longer. For the swinging of the wrecking balls continues without a pause.

Consider it: the New Left (1964-onward) has long been using those wrecking balls to destroy Traditional America and with very little opposition to the wrecking! That’s right. Almost none! The New Left is all about destruction. It doesn’t ever build anything [1].

Now, return your minds to a new law passed on Friday.

The new $2-trillion-dollar Coronavirus stimulus law is full of “New Left wrecking balls.” Such as: vote-by-mail mandates, which will increase vote fraud by illegal immigrants and leftists; massive amounts of money for Brown “refugees” and left-wing media/arts programs; and an amazing $4 billion dollars (!) for the homeless (i.e., “the professionally homeless”; no word yet on whether they must first stop pooping on public sidewalks and harassing humans in order to get the money).

Every time you turn around, the New Left is creating another wrecking ball to swing at Traditional America. They must have two dozen such balls by now: communism, socialism, immigration, “sanctuary cities,” feminism, Green Marxism, “anti-racism” laws, gun control laws, “civil rights/human rights” laws, “Affirmative Action” laws, welfare mandates, the “weaponizing/politicizing” of homeless people, “red flag” gun confiscation laws, various anti-family mandates, “HUD houses,” and so on.


[1] the New Left’s godfather is Jewish philosopher and author Herbert Marcuse (1898–1979), who paved the way for it with his 1964 book “One-Dimensional Man”

27 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in food, Socrates at 9:47 pm | Permanent Link

Soon, America will be back to normal, and that means…nachos! Yeah, baby! Here’s how to make some really good nachos:

1. Get some good-quality corn tortilla chips. Not the cheap-ass ones made in New Jersey with powdered corn meal, but like these. Made in the southwest.

2. Next, put about 20 chips on a big plate, in a single layer.

3. With a spoon, drizzle enchilada sauce (or salsa, if you don’t have any enchilada sauce) onto each chip; cover each chip with sauce.

4. Now, cover each chip with sharp cheddar cheese (you can buy it pre-grated). Use plenty, don’t hold back.

5. Microwave the chips for 45 seconds or so (or use a regular oven if you don’t have one) to desired meltedness-of-cheese.

6. Add little jalapeno pepper rounds on top of chips if desired, but you really don’t need them since you already have sauce on them.

7. EAT!


27 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America-as-a-global-policeman, socialism, Socrates, southern border of U.S., Trump, Trump's policies, Venezuela at 1:31 pm | Permanent Link

I’m not a fan of Venezuela’s socialist leader Nicolas Maduro. Indeed, I hate leftist thugs. But, all countries have natural sovereignty, so America can’t legally charge Maduro with drug trafficking into America (unless U.S. cops saw Maduro, or his staffers, personally smuggle bundles of drugs into America, which I doubt they did). Do the American politicians want to end drug trafficking into America once and for all? Then they should seal up the southern border tight. They could. But will they? No. (Making matters much worse, the U.S. government has put a bounty on Maduro and his staff! Just like in the Old West days of Jesse James! That’s just plain illegal and wrong).

News quote: “The Trump administration has brought criminal charges against Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro and senior members of his government.”

27 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', Cohencidences, coronavirus, Coronavirus media hysteria, cosmopolitan/rootless/city mentality, disease, Diversity, diversity is hate, global citizenship/world citizenship, globalization, immigration, job outsourcing, jobs, multiculturalism, New World Order, New York, New York Shitty, One World, One World, One People and Free Tacos for Everybody!, Open Borders movement, Socrates, The Big Bagel, The Brown Invasion of the Western World, The Coming of Brown Man at 12:08 pm | Permanent Link

((“Globalism began as a vision of a world with free trade, shared prosperity, and open borders. These are good, even noble things to aim for.” — New Age author Deepak Chopra, 2012. Wonder if he still believes that?)).

((“Let’s build huge cities in America and stuff them full of Brown foreigners! Let’s make those cities hubs for unrestricted, 24/7 global travel!” — said some Jew, at some point in time, no doubt)).

Talk to someone in Kansas or Arizona about the Coronavirus effects in his area and he’ll say “things are more-or-less normal here.”

But talk to someone in New York City and he’ll tell you “things are very topsy-turvy here. Not normal. Everything is locked down — it’s sort of like martial law.” (Interestingly, the vast majority of the 28 locked-down states are liberal-run states — must be just a Cohencidence). Why are things very different in NYC? Because NYC has been hit harder by Coronavirus. Because NYC is truly a “global, cosmopolitan city.” People from all over the world arrive in, and leave from, NYC daily (or, they did until mid-March). NYC’s population is all over the racial spectrum: various Black, various Asian, various Brown, Jew, and everything in between. It’s a petri dish of riffraff.

But Arizona and Kansas? Not so much. The people are largely White and normal, and they stay put.

Remember this when your congressman is pushing “immigration reform” and “diversity” and “globalism.” We don’t need those things. We need to stay safe. What’s going to happen next time, when a virus much more virulent than COVID-19 arrives in America? Globalism and multiculturalism must be rejected now, before a more-serious crisis occurs. (Trivia: many Western supply chains are strongly attached to Asia [where most pandemics come from]. In other words, Asia plays a key role in the manufacturing and shipping of goods to America. If another, more-serious disease outbreak occurs in the future, there would be many things that you might not be able to buy for a long time. This is a great reason to end globalism [aka, “a world without walls/borders”] and job outsourcing. More trivia: back in the 1950s, America made everything it needed. That’s right! Pencils, pens, batteries, radios, TVs, cars, you name it, America made it. But look at now: America makes almost nothing! What happened? Globalism and free trade happened!).

26 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 11:53 am | Permanent Link

“The Health of the Nation” [Audio; duration is 23 minutes; click on the arrow at top left].

“The Theft of Our Freedom” [Audio; duration is 24 minutes; click on the arrow at top left].