14 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, Cohensequences, coronavirus, Coronavirus media hysteria, jewed culture, jewed media, media, media control, media hysteria, Socrates at 11:52 am | Permanent Link

Holy unintended Cohensequences, Moishe! Ya didn’t plan on that happening, did ya? No, ya didn’t.

Many Americans already hated the mainstream media, even before Covid-19.

But after the Great Coronavirus Scare of 2020, most Americans will really hate, and really avoid, the mainstream media.

Look for most major media outlets (all of them Jewish-owned) to go bankrupt by the end of 2020 or early 2021. (Of those few outlets that survive, their credibility will be seriously and irreparably damaged).

14 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in genocide, genocide by jew, genocide of White culture, jewed culture, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish deceit, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish lies, Jewish paranoia, Socrates, William Pierce at 10:59 am | Permanent Link

Good work, men! Newbies, the trouble-making Jews are not genetically White. They are half-Arab mongrels [1][2].

[Here] and [Here; a .PDF file].


[1] Jews are part of the Near-Eastern genetic clustering, in this case meaning Arab/Armenid/other. Most Jews in the world are Ashkenazim Jews.

[2] Dr. William Pierce said that allowing Jews to control our “news and entertainment media” was basically suicidal: “To permit the Jews, with their 3,000-year history of nation-wrecking, from ancient Egypt to Russia, to hold such power over us is tantamount to race suicide.”

14 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in China, Cohencidences, coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, disease, diseases and politics, media, media culture, media hysteria, Obama, populism, Socrates, Trump, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 10:47 am | Permanent Link

Most people agree: the Great Coronavirus Scare of 2020 will go down in history (for several different reasons).

There have been two similar pandemics in America in the early 21st century: the Swine Flu (aka H1N1) in 2009-2010, and the current Covid-19 (aka coronavirus, aka SARS II) pandemic in early 2020. The death rates of the two pandemics were/are roughly the same (so far): 12,469 deaths due to Swine Flu, and 13,000 deaths due to Covid-19, as of early April 2020 [1]. Symptoms of H1N1 and Covid-19 are similar: coughing, difficulty breathing, fever, tiredness, etc., but H1N1 symptoms included nausea/vomiting while Covid-19 symptoms didn’t. Both diseases were declared by the World Health Organization to be global pandemics. Both came from China.

During the H1N1 pandemic, there was little noise made about it in the media or in the government. But, during the Covid-19 pandemic, there was and is mass hysteria on every media and governmental front, the likes of which few people have ever seen before. Why? One main reason is this: during the H1N1 pandemic, a liberal negro (Barack Obama) was president and the entire Western media loved Obama. No doubt, the media bosses didn’t want the troubles of a pandemic to burden their favorite negro; he had important, even historic, work to do. During the Covid-19 pandemic, however, a conservative White man (Donald Trump) was president, a man who was not only hated but pathologically hated by the Western media, the political elite and many people in the government.

More pointedly, in the minds of many powerful people, in both America and Europe, Trump single-handedly “killed” the ideology of “traditional conservatism” (aka Cuckservatism) and paved the way for a new type of conservative ideology, commonly known as “right-wing populism.” Many powerful people in the West hate, and fear, right-wing populism: it reminds them of Nazi Germany and “America First” anti-Semitism and isolationism.

Note that, in America, 2009/2010 were not presidential-election years, but 2020 is a presidential-election year. If Trump’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic is seen as, or portrayed as, ineffective, that would likely sink his chances of being re-elected in November.

Trump is seen by many powerful people as the “bringer” or the “herald” of right-wing populism. Therefore, for many of those people, “discrediting or stopping Trump and his right-wing populism” would rank #1 on their lists of “things to do.”

So, why is there mass hysteria surrounding Covid-19 but there wasn’t with H1N1, when both disease are surprisingly similar? Because certain powerful people want it that way, e.g., Jewish media bosses, globalists, political elites, billionaires — in other words, the people who really run America. Is it a conspiracy? No, I don’t think so. It’s dumb luck: Covid-19 just happened to appear in America at roughly the same time that the attempt to impeach Trump was ending; it was, no doubt, an “Aha! Here’s another way to remove Trump from office!” moment for all of the anti-Trumpers. (In fact, the U.S. Senate acquitted Trump on the very day that Covid-19 testing kits were first shipped from the CDC to dozens of medical laboratories across the country [Feb. 5]. Talk about eerie Cohencidences!).

By the way, the anti-Trumpers know by now that they over-played their hand with Covid-19 hysteria. For example, they didn’t anticipate that liberal governors would shut down dozens of states due to the hysteria, including the Jewish city of New York and the Jewish film industry in Los Angeles [2]. (Aside from the Trump political angle mentioned above, two other beneficiaries of the Great Coronavirus Scare are: real-estate tycoons and money-lenders of all types. The former will be buying up bankrupted properties for pennies on the dollar, and the latter will be loaning money hand-over-fist).


[1] the actual deaths from Covid-19 are unknown, since it came to light in early April 2020 that Covid deaths are dishonestly counted by the government; another pandemic, the 2003 SARS outbreak, which also came from China, was minor in comparison to Swine Flu and Covid-19.

[2] while Trump is friendly (indeed, too friendly) with Israel, it doesn’t change the fact that the most powerful people in America and Britain today are ethnic Jews (esp. the media bosses), and they are on record saying that they fear Trump and his “racist/isolationist/anti-NWO” supporters; indeed, say the word “populism” within earshot of a Jew and the hairs on the back of his neck will stand up tall; images of Charles Lindbergh and Father Coughlin — populist icons of the 1930s — will swirl in his brain

12 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Africa, America, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, Blacks in England, Blacks in Europe, philosophy, Socrates, South Africa, Western civilization, Western culture, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought at 12:07 pm | Permanent Link

Here’s some moral philosophy for you (file it under “right and wrong”): If you built it, you own it. If you didn’t build it, it isn’t yours, so you need to know that fact and respect that fact.

The Japanese built Japan, so they own it. The Spaniards built Spain, so they own it. The Africans built…uhh, never mind. They didn’t build anything (but the British and the Dutch built South Africa). See the theme here?

White people built the Western world, so they own it (i.e., the USA, Canada, England, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc.). Whites should have total dominion in those countries. Whites should have complete seniority and make all the rules in those countries. So, if you’re in the Western world, but you’re not White, you really should not be there, but since you are there, you must defer to and obey the wishes, customs and values of Whites. You’re “just visiting” in the West. The Whites own it.

Video, Part 1 = the “intro.” to the moral philosopher; duration is 11 minutes (it’s hilarious).

Video, Part 2 = the moral philosopher; duration is 20 minutes.

12 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed economics, jewed politics, Socrates, taxes, taxing Whitey at 11:29 am | Permanent Link

White men earn money by working. Jews and other billionaires make money.


“Here then is my proposal: tax the upper 3-percenters income at a flat rate of 60%; this will raise about $1.5 trillion annually. Then let’s also impose a mere 1% wealth tax on their assets, which will raise another $560 billion. In sum, we get nearly exactly the desired total of $2.1 trillion. Our richest people have fully funded the federal government. And the remaining 97% of us—around 315 million people—get to keep all of our hard-earned income. Imagine that.”


10 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed language, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought, women, women and arguing/debating, women-as-children at 1:54 pm | Permanent Link

“Jews answer questions with questions.” I actually heard a Jew say that, years ago! Indeed, Jews have an odd way of arguing a point: it’s like a maze of questions, non-answers and half-answers.

In that same vein:

White men have different styles of arguing/debating compared to Jews and women (I say “Jews and women” because they have similar, topsy-turvy, child-like, wandering styles of arguing, not because [White] women are somehow genetically related to Jews). White men argue logically and directly. Jews and women don’t. Here’s an example:

First: here are two White men arguing cars:

Frank: “An old Camaro is a better hot-rod. Sure, a Barracuda is a good car, but a Camaro is much faster off the line, especially with an older Rochester carburetor and short gears…”
Steve: “You’re dreaming, man. A Barracuda can’t be touched by any car if it has a hemi engine in it and a bump-shifter…”

Second: now, let’s look at the same conversation, but with the first White man (Frank) talking to a Jew or a woman:

Frank: “An old Camaro is a better hot-rod. Sure, a Barracuda is a good car, but a Camaro is much faster off the line, especially with an older Rochester carburetor and short gears…”
Jew/woman: “How do you know that a Camaro is ‘much faster off the line’? Are you a mechanic? Who told you that?? Was he an expert, or just some guy? What’s his name? Does he live around here? How is he an expert? I’m just asking. Hey, wait, y-y-you’re the one who claimed he was an expert…but, I’m sure I could find another ‘expert’ who says that Camaros are junk…so that doesn’t prove a thing…really, I want to talk to this ‘expert’ guy of yours…what’s his name? Does he have a website? And why do you hate Barracudas so much? You just hate Barracudas because my brother has one! That’s why! Yeah, I knew it! Just admit it: you hate my brother! I’ve seen how you look at him when he comes over! Why do you hate my brother so much??” (see how the argument has been pushed off-course with baloney?).

When the White men argue, they each bring a basic argument to the table and then they make the argument. Simple and direct. Honest and forthright.

When Jews and women argue, they don’t bring any arguments to the table. Nope. None. Instead, they poke holes in your argument by constantly asking you stupid questions that push the debate off-course, until you finally give up and leave the room in disgust. Then, they think they have “won” the argument, when in fact, they haven’t won it. It’s a sneaky and underhanded way of arguing. Don’t waste time arguing with a Jew or a woman. You’ll waste precious hours of your life which could be spent hunting or fishing.

10 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Socrates at 10:40 am | Permanent Link

This is important because Italy had very high Covid-19 case and death numbers.

Italy, like America, played fast-and-loose with the Covid-19 death numbers. Only 12% of the cases in Italy were actual, proven Covid-19 deaths. The rest of the Covid cases were patients who had 1, 2 or 3 underlying health issues that could have caused their deaths all by themselves, without Covid-19. The previous death-counting, of course, “gamed” or padded the death numbers, and of course scared the crap out of the public. The patients merely “had” Covid-19 in their blood. This video includes comments on Covid-19 death reporting by an American, Dr. Scott Jensen of Minnesota. Note in the video that Dr. Fauci, the White House “expert,” calls people who question the faulty Covid-19 death-reporting “conspiracy theorists.” I don’t think I’m a conspiracy…wait a second…look, up in the sky…is that??…OMG!! It’s a UFO!! It was probably made by the CIA and the KGB, with help from Jimmy Hoffa, JFK and Elvis, who aren’t really dead!! Run for the hills!!

[Fox News Video, April 8; duration is 6 minutes; see the 1:00 mark].

9 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, disease, diseases and politics, federal government, government mandates, government tyranny, Socrates at 11:58 am | Permanent Link

I don’t say “Holy shit!” very often, but I’m saying it now: Holy shit!

News quote: “At Tuesday’s (April 7) White House coronavirus press conference, task force member Dr. Deborah Birx said that while some countries are reporting coronavirus fatality numbers differently, in the U.S. you are counted as a victim of the pandemic if you die while testing positive for the virus, even if something else causes your death.”

Here’s the actual quote from the doctor, on the video: “if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.” Keyword: with. Watch the video yourself, at the 1:14 mark. In other words, if you have COVID-19 in your body when you die, then you died from COVID-19. This means that the actual death numbers from COVID-19 in America are waaaaay off. Thanks, “experts.” You’re always so honest with the public.

This raises a very big question: what else haven’t we been told about COVID-19? Hmmmm?


8 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 12:56 pm | Permanent Link

“Jewish Democracy” [Audio; duration is 24 minutes; click on the arrowhead at top left].

“Shakespeare And Democracy” [Audio; duration is 23 minutes; click on the arrowhead at top left].

8 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, diseases and politics, media, media hysteria, Socrates, Trump, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 11:25 am | Permanent Link

Remember the “AIDS crisis” of the early 1980s? Remember how the American media covered it? “We’ll all be dead soon!” the media shouted. Obviously, that wasn’t true. Not even close! In fact, only a tiny percentage of the U.S. population got AIDS, and most of those people were male homosexuals who got it because they couldn’t keep their zippers up.

Who, in the press, covered the “AIDS crisis”? Liberals who hated president Ronald Reagan. Those liberal press reporters knew that the worse the AIDS crisis was portrayed in the media, the more it would hurt Reagan politically, since he would, by default, catch some of the blame for the spread of the disease. AIDS was the first political disease.

In the early days of the coronavirus/Covid-19 crisis in America (early February 2020), testing was spotty at best. America was “late to the Covid-19 party” and didn’t have significant Covid testing until February 5, and even so, testing took awhile, and after that, it was still spotty at best: in a country of 327 million people, only 100 laboratories nationwide had Covid testing kits. Each reagent testing kit, sent out to the labs by the Centers for Disease Control, could only test 300 people for Covid. Many of those testing kits were faulty and didn’t work properly [1]. There has also been a shortage of the reagent chemicals used in the Covid testing kits [2]. President Trump only later announced the widespread availability of fast and accurate Covid testing kits, on March 30 — very late in the game, so to speak. (But, I’m told that only the bigger cities have the new, post-March 30 testing kits).

If America had late, spotty and faulty Covid testing, then how did the government and the press know that all those earlier “coronavirus deaths” were actually due to Covid, instead of due to the flu, or another virus, etc.? Answer: they didn’t know and indeed couldn’t know. They merely guessed. If Person X had “coronavirus symptoms” before he died, then he “died of coronavirus.” Who knows what the real Covid death number is? We’ll never know (but it is currently said to be nearly 13,000).

Who has been covering the Covid-19 crisis in the press? Liberals who pathologically hate president Donald Trump and who know that Covid hysteria can hurt him politically, just like Reagan! By the way, they also hate prime minister Boris “Brexit” Johnson of the UK. Covid-19 is the second political disease. (Currently, the Western media is breathlessly reporting that Johnson is almost at death’s door from Covid-19, when in reality he had mild Covid symptoms and was therefore placed in an intensive-care-unit as a precaution since he’s a head-of-state).


[1] re: faulty test kits: “What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.” in The New Yorker, March 16, 2020.

[2] a reagent is a chemical used to detect other chemicals