4 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Ukraine at 12:51 pm | Permanent Link

Who, I say, who is this guy Lindsey Graham??? Really. What is he??? This is likely illegal (i.e., incitement). It certainly is dangerous talk. He must apologize.

“It’s just a very bad idea that Graham didn’t have to bring up and pin onto the official dialogue from the U.S. Assassination as a state policy is a very bad idea that could easily draw the U.S. into conflict.”


3 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Ukraine at 6:41 pm | Permanent Link

A New York Times quote: “Anna Netrebko, the superstar Russian soprano, will no longer appear at the Metropolitan Opera this season or next after failing to comply with the company’s demand that she distance herself from President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia as he wages war on Ukraine.” [Here]. So, Putin will be “un-personed” or else. That’s old-school communism. Stalin used to remove people from photographs. Yeah, he did. They were “memory-holed.” Banished from history. Erased.

3 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 3:27 pm | Permanent Link

First, there was “total war” waged on Covid-19. No area of life was spared by the Covid-police. To use a basketball term, it was a “full-court press” against Covid [1]. An all-out war. Even dogs were forced to wear face masks — in Berkeley. I saw a cat wearing an N95.

Now, within just a week, the Western world has gone from the “Covid full-court press” to the “Putin/Russia full-court press.” It’s an all-out war on Russia/Putin. This is a global assault on Putin the likes of which we’ve never seen before. Who knew Ukraine was so damn popular in the world??? (Actually, Ukraine isn’t popular in the world. But Ukraine was going to be used by the (((globalists))) as a launching pad to “regime-change” Putin, but now it can’t be used as such. Oops! Hence the anger over Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Isn’t it funny how certain dictators are allowed free rein, e.g., in North Korea and China? But others, like Putin, aren’t? It’s because Putin is White, of course).



[1] “full-court press” is a basketball term which means “the defensive tactic of applying pressure on the offensive team by covering each opposing man tightly for the entire length of the floor.”

3 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in AIDS, Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, homosexual themes, Homosexual traits, homosexuals at 12:56 pm | Permanent Link

Covid-19: a political disease that quickly disappeared when the leftists began running for office in early 2022! (it was the leftists who pushed the Covid mandates). Indeed, when the leftists reached the political filing deadline (i.e., early March), the disease vanished! *poof!* Imagine that! What are the odds?? It’s almost like somebody planned it that way!

(Is it unusual for a disease to be political? No. It has happened before: AIDS was a very political disease that was directed against President Ronald Reagan. In fact, the Jews who ran the homosexual movement in the 1980s [e.g., Larry Kramer, Arnie Kantrowitz] had a cute little chant accusing Reagan of not trying to stop AIDS: “History will recall, Reagan did the least of all!” But AIDS wasn’t Reagan’s fault in any way and the queers knew it very well. Had they kept their zippers up, they wouldn’t have dropped like flies from AIDS. But asking a queer to keep his meat in his pants is like asking a fish not to swim. A queer can’t go 3 hours without screwing someone or something).

“Democrats publicly claim the science has changed, while privately acknowledging the politics have.”


3 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in democracy, democrazy, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewish democracy, New World Order, NWO, Ukraine, William Pierce, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 11:48 am | Permanent Link

Democracy: also known as “Jewish democracy” (hat tip: Dr. Pierce) [1]. This means: the Jews control the media, the banks, the film industry, and anything else that helps them to multiply political force. The result is that the Jews control all the “chokepoints” in a democracy. It really is “Jewish democracy.” (The Bolsheviks did the same thing in 1917: they didn’t physically control all of Russia, nor did they need to. They simply needed to control the chokepoints of society (telegraph offices, railway stations, major roads, etc.). Once they controlled those, they controlled Russia).

“The first article concerns possible legal consequences for anyone in Germany or Czechia who publicly fails to support Ukraine. I’ve also read that a similar law is in effect in Slovakia, but the penalties are more draconian, with a possible sentence of ten years or more.”



[1] “I’ve said this to you 100 times, but I’ll say it again now, because it
is the single most salient fact of our present situation: Whoever
controls the mass media of news and entertainment is able to control
most of the public’s perception of what is fashionable — in ideas, in
policy, in behavior. And for most of the public, their perception of
what is fashionable determines what they say and do — and to a large
extent what they think. And in a democracy, where people who are easily
manipulated by the media are permitted to vote, whoever controls the
mass media also controls the government, for all practical purposes.” —
Dr. William Pierce, “Jewish Democracy” (American Dissident Voices
Broadcast of September 4, 1999)

2 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, Wintermute at 10:30 pm | Permanent Link

I once had a beef with Wintermute at OD, but then we patched it up. My fault. Afterwards, I spoke with him many times via PMs. Apparently, he died several years ago. Sad. I only learned of that today. He was a smart fellow. Rest easy in Valhalla, pal.


2 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Biden Nightmare, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler at 3:44 pm | Permanent Link

These are scary times. Vlad the Terrible (Vlad Putin) may soon rain thermonuclear hell down onto the Western world. We could all be turned into ashes. Dust. (*shudder*). So, we must be sure that our hero, Righteous Joe Biden, the protector of the free world (because America is the most powerful free country) is up to the task of dealing with Vlad the Horrible. Is Joe truly able to save us from vaporization? There’s only one way to find out: a cognitive ability test for Joe. Now, I’m sure Joe can easily pass such a test. He’s a mental giant, ya know. But just to be sure, let us all, collectively, kindly ask Joe to submit to a cognitive ability test, on live TV, with a live audience present to boot, just to make sure he’s up to defending the free world from Mad Vlad the Vaporizer. If he isn’t, hey, no worries, because I’m sure the Honorable Kamala Harris is more than capable of dealing with Vlad the Immolator. Right? Right! Kamala’s like, well, Clint Eastwood, only more steely-eyed. A cold gaze from Kamala and Vlad would melt into kasha (Russian porridge)! Da! Da!

What’ya say, Joe? You can ace that cog test in minutes! No worries!

2 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 1:16 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“You know, I’m not a social scientist, and I have neither the time nor
the resources to do an academic study of the correlation between various
changes we can see in our society and in the behavior of our people —
but I’m sure that there is, in fact, a strong correlation among three
things: first, the increased isolation and shielding of our young men
from the natural world; second, the lack of manliness; the lack of
self-confidence, maturity, and responsibility; the lack of strength,
daring, and independence in young men today; and third, the willingness
to accept every sort of perverse, unnatural, and destructive behavior as
“normal.” It’s as if an excessively sheltered life-style leads first to
an atrophy of manly virtue and moral strength, the way lack of exercise
leads to muscular atrophy, and then it leads to a shutdown of the normal
powers of discrimination, almost in the way HIV causes a shutdown of the
human immune system. One might almost say that while AIDS is gaining
ground rapidly in the Black population, the moral equivalent of AIDS is
ravaging the White population.”


2 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Cold War, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed media, jewed politics, Jewish arrogance, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish history, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy, women as politically/racially worthless, Women Politicians at 11:14 am | Permanent Link

The West today is nothing if not monolithic: every White country has fallen into line! They’ve got their marching orders: “blacklist and punish Russia for invading Ukraine.”

The Jewish powerbrokers hate and fear Russia, for both historic and current reasons. So the Jews have aligned approximately 25 Western countries against Russia within maybe 5 days. That’s power, man. Of course, “Western” countries are no longer “Western.” Jews control the White Western countries now, and the Jews are not White (they are half-Arab mongrels who actually hate White people) [1].

In plain English: world Jewry has pounced on Russia like a cat, ordering the Western world to punish Russia with outrageous sanctions even though Russia was forced to invade Ukraine due to Ukraine’s greasy behavior. Adding to the problem are female politicians. Many women occupy high political offices today, and it’s easy for the Jews to paint Putin as a brutal aggressor. Women hate brutal aggressors. “Oh, that evil Putin!” So it’s a two-fold problem.

Regardless, there’s a new Cold War now, between the West and Russia, same as before (1947-1991). All because the Jews want it. (How ironic that a Jew, Bernard Baruch, coined the term “Cold War” in 1947. Is everything in the world Jewish? Seems that way. The 20th century was called “The Jewish century” by the way, because Jews caused nearly every major event of the 20th century: they created the Soviet Union, WWI, labor unions, WWII, the Vietnam War, Hollywood, central banking, feminism — you name it, the Jews created it. How? Three traits in particular: high verbal IQs, aggressiveness and racial cohesion/nepotism. Indeed, Jews could sell sand to Arabs; they could convince the Pope that God doesn’t exist; ever met a pushy used-car salesman? “Come on, this baby’s a cream-puff! She only has 500 miles on her! Let’s seal the deal! Sign here!” That’s every Jew on earth! That’s every Jew in history).

What if White people controlled the West instead of yids?

“The Western bloc banned most transactions with the Russian central bank — along with Russia’s finance ministry and foreign investment fund — blocking Putin from funds he stowed away for years to cushion the blow of sanctions. The sanctions also cut off Russian access to the U.S. dollar, the linchpin of the global financial system, as its value climbs amid global tumult.”



[1] Jews are not White, even though they appear White; Jews are part of the Near Eastern genetic clustering, along with Arabs: “The evidence is conclusive. Jews are part of an identifiable genetic clustering. This clustering is part of the Near Eastern genetic clustering. The Near Eastern genetic clustering is part of the Non-European Caucasians clustering. Jews are not white.” — from the article “Are Jews White?” by Robert E. Reis, 2008

1 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Fascism, fascism accusations, fascism vs. communism, jewed culture, Jewed history books, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Lenin, Mussolini at 1:54 pm | Permanent Link

Wait, wait, my mistake: in this case, there are two Jews in the woodpile, making outrageous and untrue claims about fascism in order to re-invent history to benefit the Jews.

These two Jews (Peter Drucker and Seymour Martin Lipset) say that fascism came from communism, and that communist thug V. I. Lenin was the first fascist dictator! OMG! Holy cow! This is big news to me [1]. Sounds like Bircher stuff [2].

In other words, in plain English, according to these Jews, fascism and communism are equally evil. Well, nope! No way!! One is Jewish, offensive in nature, and murdered 100 million innocent people (i.e., communism). The other wasn’t Jewish, was defensive in nature, and didn’t murder very many people (i.e., fascism), and those it did murder usually had it coming, e.g., communists and anarchists.

Re: Drucker (1909-2005): According to Drucker: “And by initiating a mixed economy in 1921 and early 1922, Lenin became the world’s first fascist dictator, over a year before Mussolini was appointed Italy’s prime minister in late 1922” [3]. Re: Lipset (1922-2006): “The political sociologist Seymour Martin Lipset concurred…He contended that Fascism is not right-wing because Mussolini did not plan to restore monarchical or aristocratic privilege.” Baloney. Don’t believe it.


[1] the perfected version of fascism was the Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNF; Italy, 1921-1943).

[2] Birchers are famous for “blurring the lines” of fascism and communism. Most Birchers insist that fascism and communism are the same thing because they are “collective.” Nonsense. The big difference is this: one seeks to preserve Western culture (i.e., fascism). The other seeks to destroy Western culture (i.e., communism).

[3] About Drucker: “A native of Vienna, Austria, he grew up as the son of Jewish-born, Christian (Lutheran)-convert parents named Adolf Drucker (an attorney) and Caroline Bondi (a one-time medical student).”