5 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, America's founders, Black Cities, genocide, genocide by jew, Genocide Convention, genocide of White culture, Socrates, The Great Replacement (TGR), white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 12:26 pm | Permanent Link

Baltimore. Philadelphia. Washington, DC. Detroit. Cleveland. Houston. New Orleans. Memphis. All of those big cities used to be majority-White cities. But now, they’re Black cities (thanks in part to high Black birth rates and low White birth rates). And yet, the liberals, the Jews and the Blacks keep telling us: “don’t worry, White people, you’re not being replaced.”

Of course, it’s not just Blacks who are replacing Whites. It’s Mexicans, too. Look at California. It’s now majority-Mexican.

According to the population numbers, you are indeed being replaced, White man! It’s no shadowy “conspiracy theory.” Does a piano need to fall on you to wake you up? You’re being genocided. (Don’t forget: The United States of America was founded by White men and only White men: 118 of them).

How ironic that America signed the UN’s anti-genocide convention decades ago!

4 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in rock music, Socrates, White music at 3:31 pm | Permanent Link

Bridge of Sighs; 1974; by British rock guitarist Robin Trower (sounds like “power”). Vocals by James Dewar. [Video; duration is 37 minutes].

4 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a fraud, communism-as-Jewish, Cultural Marxism, History for newbies, Hitler, Hitlerphobia, Horsejews of the Apocalypse, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, socialism, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture at 1:37 pm | Permanent Link

You can have White Western civilization, or, you can have Economic and/or Cultural Marxism (America, Britain and Canada now have CM. Our governments, our schools, and our media push CM daily). Take a stand, White man. Say no to EM/CM. Say no to the destruction of the West.

[Video; duration is 11 minutes].

4 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Baruch, Bolsheviks, Cohencidences, Germany, history, History for newbies, jewed economics, jewed politics, Jewish history, Jewish nation-wrecking, movies, Roosevelt, Roosevelt's Jewish cabal, Socrates, Soviet holocaust, Soviet Union, World War II at 11:26 am | Permanent Link

“As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me” (2001; German with English subtitles).

In this movie, set just after WWII, a German soldier, captured by the Soviet Union, is sent to the Soviet gulag (in other words, sent to Hell). Beautifully filmed. Trivia: the murderous Soviet Union would have collapsed circa 1937 without American aid. The U.S. politically “recognized” the Soviet Union in November 1933, which greatly helped it by opening it up to international trade and loans. The Soviets had already murdered — in cold blood — 30 million people by 1933. Why did America support such an evil country? Good question. Ask F. D. Roosevelt. Better yet, ask the Jewish powerbroker Bernard Baruch, who was Roosevelt’s “handler.” By the way, the Soviet Union was illegally built by Jews in 1917 [1]. What? Your history teacher didn’t mention the Jewish/Soviet connection? Wonder why not. Must be just a Cohencidence that bad behavior by Jews is never, ever mentioned.

[Movie; duration is 2 hours, 38 minutes].


[1] a list of the people who built the Soviet Union

4 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'tolerance', 'transgender', Castro, Colorado, coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Cuba, France, French Revolution, homosexual themes, homosexuals, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, Socrates at 9:24 am | Permanent Link

Liberals love rules and mandates. They love forcing people to do things, despite their frequent claims that they are “easy-going” and “tolerant.” Just look at California: it’s a police state run by liberals (e.g., California has laws that prohibit the state from doing business with any other state that “discriminates” against “transgender” people, even though there’s no such thing as a transgender person!). Liberals are bankrupting America with Covid-19 lockdown hysteria — indeed, all of the states that went “total lockdown” were…right! Liberal states! (note: some conservative states only went “partial lockdown” and didn’t mandate staying home).

Liberals also love France [1]. Here’s an idea: why don’t all the liberals in America move to France, instead of screwing up our country? You know, I once knew a guy from Aspen. He said it was a great little place until about 1976, when all the Hollywood celebrity assholes began moving there. After that, housing prices went thru the roof and the politics of Aspen changed from “half-way normal” to “very left-wing.” The old “pick-up truck” Aspen is long gone, having been replaced by Rolls Royces, fur coats and Friends of Bill (Clinton). I had previously wanted to go there, but now I don’t (trivia: Governor Polis is a Jewish homosexual).



[1] France was the birthplace of modern liberalism circa 1789; the communist leader Fidel Castro often spoke fondly of the French Revolution and compared his “revolution” to it.

3 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Bill of Rights (first ten rights), constitution, constitutional rights, guns & goy controllers, guns and gun issues, Second Amendment, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought at 11:41 am | Permanent Link

A liberal once told me: “The 2nd Amendment does not refer to individuals. It refers only to a government-sponsored militia, such as the National Guard.”

That is a common belief among liberals. It’s also totally false.

The Bill of Rights is about what the government cannot do to the citizens. If the 2nd Amendment referred only to a government-sponsored militia such as the National Guard, why would the 2nd Amendment have been created at all? And why would it be in the Bill of Rights? Of course the government has a right to arm troops! That goes without saying! No need to even mention it. So, obviously, the 2nd Amendment is about citizens only, not about a government-sponsored national guard.

In that case, any ban on guns, by any government branch (local, state, federal) is illegal. A California ban on “assault rifles” is therefore illegal. A gun is a gun. Period. Liberals in California have no constitutional authority to take your “evil assault guns” away from you.

2 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in art, Socrates, White art/architecture at 10:24 am | Permanent Link

Claude-Joseph Vernet (1714-1789); “Mediterranean Harbor At Sunset With The Artist, His Daughter Emilie Chalgrin…,” 1788.

2 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'assault rifles', 'hate', 'hate' haters, 'hate' laws, Canada, communism, coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, free speech, freedom, freedom of thought, guns & goy controllers, guns and gun issues, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Marxism, Socrates at 9:21 am | Permanent Link

“You don’t need an AR-15 to bring down a deer,” the liberal said. But who said otherwise? What about ranchers and farmers who have lots of land and use so-called “assault rifles” for security? How typical of idiot liberals. And what an odd time to ban guns: Canada is still on “Corona-hype lockdown.”

Anyway, what two things do communists always ban when they come to power? Ideas and guns. Canada began banning ideas decades ago, and now they’re banning hundreds of guns. By the way, Canada has very few “mass shootings.” Who are the liberals afraid of? (Answer: White men who might “rock the boat”).

1 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a fraud, communism as a weapon against the West, communism-as-Jewish, Cultural Marxism, human equality, James Watson, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, May Day, political correctness, political incorrectness, Socrates, Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce at 10:45 am | Permanent Link

What a great post for May Day! (aka, International Workers’ Day or “Communism Day”).

Do you want to be a good human? Of course you do. You’re White!

In order to be a good human, you must understand humans, in every possible way: socially, romantically, historically, racially. And in order to understand humans, you must never listen to the “Politically Correct” party line found in the schools, the media, academia, and the government. Why not? Because Political Correctness is based entirely on lies about humans (and it’s also a form of Marxism). That’s right. Political Correctness was pioneered in the Soviet Union and it was all about denying facts and logic in order to please the leaders of the Soviet communist party, who had a certain, specific agenda to follow. They could not deviate from Political Correctness, lest they be shot by the government [1].

So, in order to be a good human, you must reject all forms of Political Correctness. How do you do that? Easy. Read and listen to “Politically Incorrect” people. For example, if a scientist like Dr. James Watson or a White nationalist like Dr. William Pierce has been branded as a “racist” by the media and by academia, then those men are “Politically Incorrect,” so you know for certain that they’re telling the truth.


[1] Political Correctness can be summed up like this:

Soviet official #1: “Comrade, what you have just said is not factually correct, and you know it!”

Soviet official #2: “True, but it is politically correct!”

30 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, elections, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed culture, jewed media, media, media control, media crimes, media hysteria, Socrates, Trump, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 1:03 pm | Permanent Link

Do you recall, back in August 2019, when several media people made a cruel statement? They said (paraphrasing) “if the economy crashed, it might be a bad thing, but at least it would stop Trump from being re-elected.”

That was an interesting wish, eh? Trump’s crowning achievement has been the economy: before The Coronamania, it was the best economy since 1970 (strangely, that’s the same year that the liberals began deficit spending, which has never stopped since [1]).

I previously asked the question: why was the media largely silent about the 2009/2010 Swine Flu but it went totally hysterical over Covid-19, even though the symptoms and fatality rates of both viruses were nearly the same? Why has the media been absolutely hysterical about Covid-19 but not about other deadly diseases? Ann Coulter now answers that question and gives the same answer I did: the Great Coronavirus Scare of 2020 was all about Orange Man Bad, Donald Trump [2]: Coulter: “Because that (focusing only on protecting elderly people/allowing all work to resume normally) wouldn’t have the effect of wrecking the economy before the election.” Nailed it! In one sentence. That’s what it was all about from Day 1: liberals trying to wreck the economy (again, Trump’s crowning achievement) thereby denying Trump another term as president. But it didn’t work, liberal fools. Americans have short attention spans. By November 3, Coronamania will be but a distant memory.

(A question: will federal criminal charges be brought against the top media bosses/managers for attempted federal election fraud? Let the feds start polygraphing people now, before many of them flee to Tel Aviv).



[1] in 1970, Democrats controlled the U.S. House of Representatives (by a large margin), a government body which spends money via appropriations bills. “According to the Origination Clause of the United States Constitution, all bills for raising revenue, generally tax bills, must originate in the House of Representatives…” — Wikipedia.

[2] “You can’t blame Democrats for trying to cook up a recession. They know it’s the only sure-fire way to take down the president.” — Liz Peek, on The Hill website, 10/10/19