12 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, China, China as a global superpower, Chinese communism, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, job outsourcing, Sandy Berger, Socrates at 9:49 am | Permanent Link

“The mighty malevolent China we face today was made in the USA.”

Yes, Mr. Buchanan is right. It was made in the U.S.A. China was a poor, agricultural-based nation, but, within just a few decades, it became a global powerhouse that manufactured half of all the world’s products.

But let’s be more specific about China: which Jew (because you know it was a Jew, don’t you?) was the point-man in the selling-out of America to China? You know: the massive job outsourcing, the secret military and industrial technology being sold (or given) to China, and don’t forget the looking-the-other-way habit of America whenever China did something horrible. Yes, indeed: which Jew birthed America’s terrible China policies beginning in the 1990s?

11 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, Big Business, big corporations vs. mom-and-pop, capitalism, capitalist greed/exploitation, chain store mania, corporate 'Kwa, local vs. national, Socrates, supercapitalism at 6:02 pm | Permanent Link

When I was a kid, there were local pizza restaurants. Mom-and-pop places, i.e., just one place each, locally owned and managed. Four or five employees each, all of them White, each place unique in food flavor and management style. Today, I don’t think you could find a local pizza joint to save your soul. Nothing is local anymore. All pizza restaurants today are chain stores based in New York City or Chicago, all the food tastes exactly the same, and all of their employees are negroes or Mexicans (i.e., Affirmative Action hiring gone crazy).

It’s sad. This is called “progress.” But how is that progress?

11 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, globalization, Harry Dexter White, internationalism, interventionism vs. isolationism, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish warmongering, Leo Pasvolsky, NATO, Socrates, UN, UN Charter, UN founders, UNESCO at 9:42 am | Permanent Link

(Above: Dean Acheson’s “little rat” and the godfather of the UN, Leo Pasvolsky).

Quoting Mr. Guterres: “COVID-19 does not care who we are, where we live, what we believe or about any other distinction. We need every ounce of solidarity to tackle it together. Yet the pandemic continues to unleash a tsunami of hate and xenophobia, scapegoating and scare-mongering”, he said.” Solidarity with the world? Mr. Guterres, that’s how we got into this Covid-19 mess! Hate and xenophobia? Those are cheap buzzwords that mean nothing to normal people.

Q: Why does the UN exist?
A: It exists as a weapon against the Western world (“Western” means “White”). Indeed, ever notice that each thing that the UN does goes against the interests of the West, and, at the same time, helps the non-White world? Ever notice that? For example, flooding America with Somalian and Nigerian immigrants doesn’t help us, but it does help the negroes. Each time, we lose, but the Third World gains. Each and every time, since 1945.

Oh, and here’s the best part: who created the UN? You’ll love it. Let me walk you through it: The framework/mission statement for the UN, called the UN Charter, was created by a Jewish Marxist named Leo Pasvolsky. It took him 6 years to create it. But wait, it gets better: many of the key Jews who created the UN besides Pasvolsky were also Jewish Marxists, such as Harry Dexter White (who was a Soviet spy), Harold Glasser, Irving Kaplan, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster (he was also a spy), Victor Perlo, Solomon Adler, David Weintraub and Abraham G. Silverman. Wait, there’s more: the UN Charter created NATO. Yeah! That little runt Pasvolsky created one hell of a globalist “two-fer”! Yes, that’s why the Jews are always called globalists. Because they are the kings of globalism.

The UN is a Jewish, Marxist farce and America needs to quit the farce and declare it to be an illegal entity that harms America and all Western nations.


10 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, safety-mania, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, women, women and emoting, women as safety freaks, Women Politicians, women-as-children at 10:15 am | Permanent Link

You can thank female politicians for safety-mania (today, 33% of Western politicians are female, compared to 1980 when few of them were female). To paraphrase Alex Linder, “women want to live in a world with all the corners rounded off.” They’re safety freaks. If it’s “dangerous,” they’ll try to ban it or regulate it. Of course, it’s not just a female issue. The leftists and Cultural Marxists are also responsible for safety-mania. If your Little Johnny doesn’t want to go out and play in the woods or in the desert, here’s why: he’s afraid he’ll get hurt! Mommy and Big Media have told him repeatedly how dangerous woods and deserts are! Child molesters and vicious animals could be lurking in the brush! OMG! Better stay home! (where have you heard that recently?).


9 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, black culture, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, Blacks in England, Blacks in Europe, Socrates at 10:23 am | Permanent Link

Negroes are proof that God doesn’t exist. No god would make those horrible creatures.

Indeed, Africa is an entire continent of idiots. An entire continent! And not only are negroes idiots, they’re violent, too! The negroes terrorize every country they inhabit: England, France, America. Murder, rape, and robbery are normal behavior for them. Blacks are a worthless race. Why are they tolerated in the Western world today? Why are they allowed to breed like rabbits when we know the outcome of that (i.e., more crime)?


9 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Auschwitz, halakhic laws in Judaism, Holocaust, holocaust racket, holocaust survivors, Holocaustianity, jewish atrocity fantasies, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish deceit, Jewish Halakhic law, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish history, Jewish lies, Socrates, Soviet holocaust, Soviet Union at 9:53 am | Permanent Link

How could you have an orchestra in a “death camp”? The musicians (i.e., inmates) would be “gassed” every week.

Just remember: the same people who claim that they were “gassed” at Auschwitz are the same people who lie about everything else: the Jews say that they don’t control Hollywood, they say that they didn’t spread communism throughout Europe, etc., etc., etc. The Jews have a very long record of lying about themselves.

There’s also the ash problem that the Jews failed to account for in their Auschwitz story: had millions of Jews been gassed at Auschwitz within a few years (an impossible feat by itself), there would have been piles of human ash 8 feet tall all around the Auschwitz area. The Red Cross would have seen the piles, and so would various other people, yet no one mentioned large amounts of ash back then (but don’t worry, the Jews will soon “recall” seeing ash once enough White people begin to mention the ash problem) [1]. Like everything about the Jews, the “gassing” fable is just that: a fable that’s not rooted in reality. (Some Jews died at Auschwitz from disease and starvation. So did some communists and some homosexuals).

One more thing: this Jewish woman says: “Anti-Semitism is a 2,000-year-old virus that is apparently incurable.” Well, I know of an even older incurable virus: anti-gentilism (the hatred of all non-Jews), which is at least 2,500 years old and was the first “official,” day-to-day form of racism. If you want to see it, just go to Gaza or the West Bank. Or, read about the Bolshevik holocaust.



[1] “On 27 September 1944, Dr. Rossel (a Red Cross delegate) went to Auschwitz. There he spoke to the commander of the camp, but he was not authorized to go inside it.”

8 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' haters, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Jewed academia, jewed culture, jewed language, jewed politics, Max Horkheimer, political correctness, Socrates at 9:20 am | Permanent Link

America has a dangerous infection. Covid-19? No. Political Correctness (PC). It’s a horrible disease. You catch it from Jews. San Antonio, Texas has a bad case of PC. And of course, its mayor is half-Jewish by ethnicity [1]:

“Council members unanimously passed a (“hate speech”) resolution that specifically addresses anti-Chinese COVID-19 references, including terms such as “Chinese virus” (but it came from China!)…”said Mayor Ron Nirenberg, who initiated the resolution…”

PC is part of Cultural Marxism, which was pioneered by the Jewish-run Frankfurt School at Columbia University in NYC [2].



[1] “Nirenberg is of Ashkenazi Jewish descent (from Poland and Russia) on his father’s side and of mixed Filipino, Malay, Indian, and British heritage from his mother’s side.” — Wikipedia

[2] Political Correctness is a sub-ideology of Cultural Marxism (it’s the “language part” of CM, i.e., talking/writing) and Cultural Marxism is a sub-ideology of Critical Theory (which came from The Frankfurt School); so that’s read: Critical Theory>Cultural Marxism>Political Correctness

7 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in dysgenics, Socrates, Vietnam War, Walt Rostow, war as a racket, war as unnecessary, War On White Males, War On White People, War! War! War!, warmongers, White philosophy, White thought at 9:15 am | Permanent Link

There should be many, many more White people on earth than currently exist. Why is that? They were killed in wars.

Consider it: 60 to 70 million people died in World War II alone, from various factors: bullets, bombs, starvation, disease. Most of those people who died were White. Had they lived, most of them would have had children, and their children would also have had children.

Thanks to wars, the White population is way too low, by tens of millions!

By the way: Question: Why were American soldiers in Vietnam? Answer: President Kennedy’s/President Johnson’s top advisor, the Jew, Walt Rostow!

[Video of combat in Vietnam, 1969; duration is 24 minutes].

6 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed politics, Kissinger, Obama, Rhodesia, Socrates, South Africa, Zimbabwe at 10:00 am | Permanent Link

Newbies, let me tell you a sad, but not really surprising, story:

Once, there was a country in Africa called Rhodesia [1]. It was a great place. It was known as “the bread-basket of Africa” since it had huge farms that were so bountiful that they seemed heaven-sent. But, there was one “problem”: Rhodesia was run by White people! I know! How evil! How horrible! This racial fact was quite scandalous to the “international community” (read: rich and powerful Jews). “A White-ruled country in Africa? We can’t allow that!” said the bankers and the billionaires. So, Rhodesia was dismantled. The Jewish diplomat Henry Kissinger played a key role in that dismantling. Rhodesia became “Zimbabwe” in 1980, and it was run (badly) by a Black communist named Robert Mugabe. He actually destroyed Zimbabwe. Of course! Does anyone care that Mugabe destroyed Zimbabwe? No. The only thing that matters was that Rhodesia, the successful White country, is long gone. (As noted here, Kissinger’s diplomacy actually dismantled 3 White-ruled nations in Africa: Rhodesia, South Africa and Namibia. You see, it’s okay if Blacks rule over Whites, but it’s not okay if Whites rule over Blacks. That’s “racism.” That’s why the “international community” was so thrilled when Barack Obama became president of America. Twice! In fact, the Jewish community of Chicago “sponsored” Obama’s entire political career. The Jews “built” him, so to speak. Aren’t the Jews wonderful people? Yeah. You bet).

Now, Mugabe is dead and Zimbabwe is in a horrible situation and needs another financial bailout. Of course!



[1] Here are some photos of Rhodesia, before it was destroyed by Blacks: [Photos].

5 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in movies, Socrates at 2:15 pm | Permanent Link

The Day of the Jackal (1973), in 22 parts.

[Video; duration is about 2 hours].