19 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Asia, Asians, Asians vs. Whites, China, chinks, comic books, comic-book characters, gooks/chinks/slants/yellows, Klan, Socrates at 9:57 am | Permanent Link

The Ku Klux Klan has, what, 75 members today? (if you don’t count the 30 undercover federal cops). Why would Asians fear the Klan? It’s a paper tiger (get it? Ha-ha! That’s a Chinese expression)[1].

Why doesn’t Superman tackle a real problem: violent negroes murdering, robbing and raping White people every day in America? That’s a genuine problem. (Trivia: superheroes, and the comic book industry, were created by Jews).

As for Superman being an immigrant: he was an involuntary one. As a baby, he was sent to Earth inside of a meteor-type device.

Finally, why are there millions of Asians living in America today? Don’t they have their own countries to live in (e.g., China, Korea, Japan)? Why are they here? How would the Chinese react to millions of White people moving to China? Guess how they’d react. One guess!



[1] “Paper tiger” is a literal English translation of the Chinese phrase zhilaohu — Wikipedia

18 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in China, China as a global superpower, Chinese communism, East vs. West, Eastern culture, Socrates at 12:14 pm | Permanent Link

I’ve heard anecdotes over the years that portray the Chinese people as sneaky and shifty. Sort of like…Jews.

With that in mind:

From http://www.heretical.com/main.html#directory :

Chinese morality

“Apparently the general attitude in China is ‘If you can get away with it, it’s okay.’ In this philosophy, if someone is sold a fake expensive watch say, and the buyer is convinced he owns a genuine expensive watch, no harm is done. I suppose many people don’t know this, but the Chinese have traditionally been called the “Jews of the Orient” or “Jews of the East.” Plus, saving face seems to be the dominant concern.”

17 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, America's founders, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Emma Lazarus, immigration, immigration bills/laws, Socrates, The diversity hoax, The Eurocide, The Great Replacement (TGR), War On White Males, War On White People at 11:21 am | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jew, Emma Lazarus. Thanks to her, millions of idiots actually believe that America was designed by our White founders to be a “melting pot of racial diversity”).

First of all, America is already very diverse. We have Germans living in Minneapolis and Italians living in Chicago and French living in New Orleans (unfortunately, we have negroes living in every city). Furthermore, our cities are crowded and crime-ridden now. We don’t need any more immigration.

Secondly, but more importantly, the United States of America was founded as a White republic by 118 White men in the 18th century [1][2]. America wasn’t designed by our founders to be racially diverse, despite what the immigration-activist/Jew, Emma Lazarus, suggested.

[TV Documentary: Asians in America].


[1] “SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, that any alien, being a free white person, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States, or any of them, on the following conditions, and not otherwise.”
— The U.S. Naturalization Act of 1795 specified that only White people could become citizens. This clearly shows the intentions of the founders.

[2] 118 White men created the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution.

16 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in climate change, climax change, global cooling, global warming, green Marxism, leftism, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture at 1:15 pm | Permanent Link

Goodbye global warming. Global cooling is coming, say experts. But, whatever. The leftists will simply create another type of “climate Marxism.” They’ll never stop inventing frauds that damage or hinder White Western culture.

16 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, America, America as a 'melting pot', America's founders, Brown Man, Civil Rights Act of 1964, race, race and cautiousness, racial differences at 11:39 am | Permanent Link

This is a true story. It happened in Arizona.

One day, a non-White woman was in a grocery store. She had a small child with her, who was about 3 years old. While she shopped, the woman (we’ll call her “Mrs. Brown”) allowed her child to ride in her shopping cart at the very top of the cart, in the small area where women put their purses while they shop. At one point, Mrs. Brown’s child stood up in the cart and was soon dangerously close to falling out of it onto the floor. Mrs. Brown saw the child stand up in the cart, but was oblivious to any possible danger. But a White woman who was standing nearby (we’ll call her “Mrs. White”) immediately realized the danger and sprang into action, grabbing Mrs. Brown’s child and lowering him to safety before he could fall out of the cart. Afterwards, Mrs. Brown gave Mrs. White an angry look, as if to say, “who the Hell are you and why did you touch my child??” Mrs. Brown had failed to grasp the danger to her child while Mrs. White spotted the danger immediately. Of course, Mrs. Brown failed to thank Mrs. White for possibly saving her child from serious injury or death.

The point to this story is that Whites are naturally more cautious than non-Whites. Unfortunately, this fact is ignored daily in America when people make decisions in hiring, firing, renting, dating, marriage, etc. For example, the manager of an apartment complex must rent to people who are more likely to damage an apartment [i.e., non-Whites] because federal law says that he cannot discriminate against non-Whites when making renting decisions. (In fact, I would really like to know how many car accidents, medical accidents, construction-site accidents, plane crashes and fires have been caused by non-Whites in the past 40 years in America. I’m quite sure that non-Whites caused a disproportionate number of those accidents).

16 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in guns & goy controllers, guns and gun issues, Socrates, William Pierce at 11:02 am | Permanent Link

Dr. Pierce on gun control; [Video; duration is 15 minutes].

Pierce: Why Society is Nuts [Audio only; duration is 12 minutes].

15 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in feminism, feminism as fraudulent, Feminists, feminization of the West, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), Socrates, War on Men, War On White Males, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 12:36 pm | Permanent Link

Feminism doesn’t work. It’s merely a stupid collection of anti-male, anti-family, anti-Western ideas. It doesn’t work because feminist ideas always start from the position that men and women are equal in every way (except for their genitals). That’s baloney! Men and women are very different in many important ways. Biologists and psychologists know this (or, they used to know this, anyway).

The very idea that women should be doing the exact same work, in the exact same fields, with the exact same results, as men! While not raising children! That’s madness. That’s a wild hallucination. All women have something called a womb. It has one purpose: to produce babies. Women have wombs in order to replenish the human species. A crazy concept, I know.

Feminism should be loudly rejected by all men in the world whenever it is encountered. If men don’t strongly reject feminism, it will spread like a cancer — in fact, it already has spread like a cancer: the majority of women today can be described as feminists.


15 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Africa, black nationalism, black rule, black violence, Britain, British Empire, colonialism in Africa, England, Socrates, Zulus at 11:09 am | Permanent Link

Zulu (1964), starring Michael Caine.

A good movie, very worth watching. The basic plot: in South Africa in 1879, a tribe of kind, sweet, gentle, poetry-reading, high-IQ negroes (i.e., the brutal Zulu warriors) battle Evil White Men From Europe (i.e., the British army). The trouble between the two groups seems to have begun when the Zulu rejected the British demands that they recognize British authority in the region. How dare the Zulu reject British authority! Uppity negroes. Oh, sure, we also rejected British authority in 1776, but that was different. We’re White, you see. Makes all the difference.

[Video; duration is 2 hours, 18 minutes].

13 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Adorno, authoritarian vs. totalitarian, authors, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, Max Horkheimer, Socrates at 12:25 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the trickster and tampon-wearer Teddy Adorno, circa 1950).

It was Jews like the Marxist fun-boy Theodor Adorno who pioneered the study of “authoritarianism.” They called it “right-wing only.” So naturally, most studies of authoritarianism are simply left-wing/Jewish propaganda and nothing more.

Thank goodness that someone has finally tried at least to delve into the matter fairly.

Anyway, you already knew that leftists/liberals — despite their claims — were uptight, bullying, heavy-handed thugs who love forcing people to do whatever they (the leftists) want, and now, here’s the proof, kinda-sorta [1]. Previously, the only “proof” was looking at liberal, big-government-mandate-loving states like California, Massachusetts and Connecticut and figuring it out for yourself. How funny that the famous Jew Adorno said only right-wingers are authoritarian! According to Adorno, left-wingers are kind, sweet, gentle, easy-going, peace-loving intellectuals who smoke dope, quote Gandhi, eat granola and never do anything wrong! Adorno was a bold liar — big surprise.

This new study is titled “Clarifying the Structure and Nature of Left-Wing Authoritarianism” by Thomas Costello, Shauna Bowes, Sean Stevens, Irwin Waldman, Scott O. Lilienfeld, [Here].


[1] two quotes from the new study:

“Owing largely to TAP’s (“The Authoritarian Personality” by Adorno) severe methodological flaws, however, authoritarianism research petered out by the 1970s, leaving the question of LWA’s (Left-Wing Authoritarianism) nature and very existence unresolved.”

“The possibility that authoritarianism research has a blind spot for LWA is perhaps unsurprising given that TAP was an effort to describe the psychological appeal of fascism, a farright ideology.”

13 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Indians', 'Native Americans', 'noble savage', 'White supremacist', 'White supremacy' accusations, 1/4 Cherokee/Apache/Sioux/Comanche, brown culture, Brown Man, brown rule, colonialism in Africa, colonialism in the New World, Columbus Day, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - founding of, Israel - the facts, Jewish deceit, Jewish lies, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish racism, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White inventions, White philosophy, White technology, White thought at 10:32 am | Permanent Link

The Jews and the leftists say every day on social media that White people are evil, due to colonialism. The Whites oppressed native Brown and Black people, they say, by conquering and subjugating them, and forcing them to adopt the “horrible” White lifestyle (which is, in point of fact, the best in the world and the best in history) [1][2].

So, apparently, the Jews and the leftists actually believe that this conversation could happen today:

White man: “I know that your ancestors, who were nomadic warriors, lived on the American plains in teepees. Would you like to return to that type of traditional living, if you could? Of course, if you did, you’d have no indoor plumbing, no heating or air conditioning, no telephone, no car, no computer, no electricity, no lightbulbs, no modern medicine. And, you’d frequently be attacked by other Indian tribes like the Pawnee and the Cree [3]. Does that type of primitive living sound good to you? If you could, somehow, would you like to live the same way that your ancestors did? In teepees on the prairie? Warring with other Indians?”

Sioux Indian: “Sure! I’d love to live like that! In fact, now that you’ve given me such a wonderful idea, I’ll go give all of my ‘White’ belongings away right now, and, I’ll start building a teepee immediately! I can’t wait to freeze my nuts off on the Kansas prairie in January! At least I won’t have to fight other Indian tribes…right? Do you want my car and my computer? I won’t be needing them now…”

Of course, you could also apply that conversation to American negroes, i.e., how many of them would like to return to Africa and live in the primitive conditions of their ancestors, in grass huts? None of them! So much for “evil White people ruining the lives of Brown and Black people.” We actually saved them from themselves. Have they ever thanked us for that? (No).


[1] European Whites colonized North America, Mexico, India and parts of Africa. But as David Duke has said, Whites have given the world far more than they have taken away. We even gave the Brown people democracy and higher learning (the universities)! And look what they did with them.

[2] By the way, aren’t the powerful Jews oppressing the poor, innocent Palestinians in Israel right now?? They are indeed! Most Jews don’t care about anyone except themselves — they are notoriously ethnocentric (racist).

[3] Trivia: the Sioux massacred 156 Pawnee warriors in Nebraska on August 5, 1873 at Massacre Canyon. Such warfare between Indian tribes was common in the 1800s