9 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, elections, jewed media, jewed politics, political coups, political violence, politics, Socrates, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 10:28 am | Permanent Link

The media Jews and the Left have invented various crises intended to de-throne Donald Trump: Russian Collusion Hysteria, the Mueller Report, Impeachment Hysteria, Coronavirus Hysteria, George Floyd Mania, etc. But all the crises have failed to damage Trump’s popularity (indeed, Joe Biden is a ridiculous presidential candidate). Even the current George Floyd Cataclysm will soon peter out; negroes have short attention spans; it won’t unseat Trump.

So, what crisis will the media Jews and the Left create next in their attempts to unseat Orange Man Bad? There may be even more than one crisis — there could be 3 or 4 by November. Any predictions?

8 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, Marine Corps, political correctness, Socrates at 1:23 pm | Permanent Link

Remember when U.S. Marines were tough, ass-kicking, nail-chewing jarheads who enjoyed shooting gooks in Vietnam? Well, those days are long gone. Now, Marines are kind, gentle, vegetarian, P.C. sissies who read Maya Angelou and dutifully follow combat mandates written by Mexican lesbians at the Pentagon. “Semper…cry!” (*sniff*).


8 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", 'Black Lives Matter', black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, Black mentality, black nationalism, Black racism, black violence, blacks, George Floyd, rioting by Blacks/Browns, Socrates at 9:01 am | Permanent Link

Dr. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) was probably the most famous White doctor in history. The kind doctor opened a hospital in Gabon, Africa and spent many years there, so he knew a thing or two about Black people. Dr. Schweitzer called Blacks a race of “children” [1].

Now, in America, the children are making outrageous and ridiculous demands. For example, they want to close down America’s police departments, and they want “reparations” for the Black community. Are the Blacks first going to give White people reparations for 60 years of non-stop violence against Whites? [2].



[1] “The negro is a child, and with children nothing can be done without the use of authority.” — Dr. Schweitzer, in his 1922 book “On the Edge of the Primeval Forest”

[2] since the civil-rights era of the 1960s, Blacks have murdered, raped, robbed and assaulted millions of White people; the civil-rights laws emboldened the Blacks to attack Whites

7 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, black culture, Black mentality, Black racism, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, Socrates, War On White People at 1:54 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Hi-Fi store murder victims).

Long before “Black Lives Matter” protests, long before “I Can’t Breathe” propaganda, long before Blacks became “just like White people, only darker,” two male negro robbers entered a stereo store in Ogden, Utah in April 1974. They tied up the White employees and then forced them to drink drain cleaner, which horribly burned their mouths, throats and stomachs beyond repair. Then they shot the victims. But they raped the young woman first — of course!


7 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, book selections, books, Jewish arrogance, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish genetics, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought at 11:23 am | Permanent Link

“One Sheaf, One Vine” (2004).

This outtake from the book shows the arrogant, Jewish roots of the modern Left: Today’s leftists “shout down” conservatives on college campuses.

In fact, this whole book is important reading for newbies (by the way, Alex is mentioned in this book):

(In the late 1970s, apparently): “I remember espousing conservative views in my classes and the Jewish kids shouting me down. At the time, I didn’t make the connection between their being Jewish and their aggression toward me, but I got extremely angry that they were violating the rules of civility in a classroom. I wish I could turn back the clock and say to them, “You people should act like ‘gentile-men.’” You know, a play on words: gentlemen, gentilemen? That would be perfect, because these Jewish kids were rude. They didn’t belong in an intellectual environment where everybody’s views are respected. By shouting me down, I see that now, these Jewish kids were censoring me…” [Book; a .PDF file].

7 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, America's founders, America's future, Black rioting, black violence, Bork, Socrates at 10:47 am | Permanent Link

“What needs to be said is that American culture is Eurocentric, and it must remain Eurocentric or collapse into meaninglessness. Standards of European and American origin are the only possible standards that can hold our society together and keep us a competent nation.”

— from the book “Slouching Towards Gomorrah” (New York; ReganBooks, 1996) by federal judge Robert H. Bork, p. 311

7 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in George Floyd, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewish "democracy", Jewish arrogance, Jewish counterculture, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish paranoia, political correctness, political persecution, politics, populism, Socrates, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 10:33 am | Permanent Link

(Above: the late Black ex-convict, Saint George Floyd).

The people who built Saint George are the same people who built Saint Martin Luther King, Jr. It was so easy. Here’s the recipe: take a few Jewish-led NGOs (Non-Government Organizations), add 24/7 media hype, and presto! A Black saint is created.

By the way: the “George Floyd protests” in South Korea, France, Iceland and Uruguay have nothing to do with Floyd per se but everything to do with harming Donald Trump — and the people who support him — politically. Trump and his followers are being demonized every day. Remember, right-wing populism isn’t just about Trump, it’s about other politicians who will follow in Trump’s footsteps in 2024 and afterwards. Right-wing populism must be nipped in the bud, according to the NGOs. Right-wing populism is the new great thing, and they don’t want it to spread!

[Article] and [Article] and [Article].

6 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, America the White nation, America's founders, America's future, Boogaloo, book selections, books, Civil War II, conservatism, conservatives, Revilo P. Oliver, Socrates, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 2:32 pm | Permanent Link

“Civil War Two” by Thomas Chittum.

America was a stable, White nation. Now it’s an unstable, multicultural empire. Empires don’t last long, according to Chittum. [a .PDF file].


“America’s Decline: The Education of a Conservative” by Revilo P. Oliver.
[a .PDF file].

6 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', 'hate', 'hate' haters, 'hate' hoaxes, 'White privilege', 'White racism' myth, 'White supremacist', 'White supremacy' accusations, coal-burners, Cultural Marxism, race baloney, Race Denial, race-baiting, race-mixing, racial awareness among Whites, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, Whites worshipping Blacks at 11:49 am | Permanent Link

A White, Norwegian princess writes:

“Being @shamandurek ‘s girlfriend has given me a crash course in how white supremacy is at play and the way I have consciously and subconsciously thought of and acted towards black people.” [Here].

I keep hearing people moan about “White supremacy,” but I never see any. Where is all this “White supremacy”? The KKK has nearly vanished and there must be 9 or 10 neo-Nazis in Florida somewhere. And genuine “hate crimes” (not the fake ones) are rare in the West now. I never hear anyone use the word “nigger” anymore (except Blacks); all of this is even more interesting when you realize that Black-on-White violence is at an all-time high.

So where is all this “White supremacy”?

6 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, Big Business, big corporations vs. mom-and-pop, black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, corporate 'Kwa, political correctness, political violence, politicization of everything, rioting by Antifa, rioting by Blacks/Browns, Socrates at 9:42 am | Permanent Link

In 1975, a few things were political. But in 2020, everything is political. (You can thank the leftists and the Jews for that trend. They have a bad habit of politicizing everything they see).

Indeed, so much for the old adage that “profits are always the bottom line of big corporations.” It seems that politics is their bottom line now. By publicly choosing sides with the George Floyd-inspired, uhh, “protesters,” the big corporations will lose money. They could just keep their mouths shut and not choose sides and not lose any money.

[Here] and [Here].