7 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "gay", "gender theory", "gender", "woke", 'gender identity', 'sex-change', 'transgender', Big Fag, jewed culture, jewed medicine, trannies, trannyism at 9:37 am | Permanent Link

Are you down with the sickness? No, I’m not talking about Covid-19. There’s a much-more-serious sickness going around. It started out in adults, but now it’s in the children. Now it’s felony child abuse.

What am I talking about? A mental illness called trannyism. The desire to “change your sex.” The fact that you can’t change your sex seems to make no difference to people suffering from trannyism.

Trannyism is a genuine mental illness. It used to be called “gender dysphoria” until the fag lobby got that term abolished. Trannyism has now spread to 5-year-olds. That’s child abuse: encouraging little Steven to become “Linda” is absolutely child abuse. But, are the authorities (state or local governments) concerned about trannyism? Nope. In fact, to them, trannyism is a hip-and-cool thing.

Did you ever imagine that felony child abuse would become normalized? I didn’t.

By the way, it’s worth mentioning once more that trannyism was birthed by Jews, beginning with the homosexual, Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, circa 1905; it’s a fact that the entire queer movement has been run by Jews.

“If girls use breast binders as they enter puberty, the results are often irreversible.”


6 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in counterculture, Cultural Marxism, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marcuse, Marxism, New Left, Paul Krassner, White philosophy, White thought at 2:29 pm | Permanent Link

There are things you need to know in life — like, “what’s that hangy-ball thing in the back of my throat?”

You also need to know about the origins of the New Left, which was much more radical than the Old Left.

The Jewish communist Herbert Marcuse (pronounced “Mar-CUZE-a”, sounds almost like “Cuba”; he was a member of the Frankfurt School), is the godfather of the New Left with his landmark 1964 book “One-Dimensional Man” [1][2]. Two other Jews, Max Horkheimer and Paul Krassner, can be considered co-godfathers of the New Left. Horkheimer remodeled and then ran the Frankfurt School from circa 1930-onward. The remodeled school produced Cultural Marxism as we know it today. If the Frankfurt School was a train, Horkheimer was the locomotive (the engine). Krassner almost single-handedly built the 1960s counterculture movement. A writer, activist, child-violin-prodigy and part-time stand-up comic, Krassner pioneered the use of political satire as a weapon with his magazine “The Realist”; Groucho Marx (also a Jew) was a fan of Krassner’s. You could think of Krassner as “an earlier, more-radical version of Saul Alinsky” (who wrote the 1971 book “Rules For Radicals” and was, yes, also a Jew!).

“We live in a crazy world today that seems to have gone off the rails. That’s because it is being driven by a broken logic, and, for all the flaws on the right, that broken logic is centered in the no-longer-tolerant left. The logic of the left today is overwhelmingly rooted in a single essay published in 1965 by the neo-Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse. That essay is “Repressive Tolerance.” The thesis statement of this essay can be boiled down to “movements from the left must be extended tolerance, even when they are violent, while movements from the right must not be tolerated, including suppressing them by violence.” This asymmetric ethic has been the heart and soul of left politics in the West since the 1960s, and we’re living in the fruit of that catastrophe now.” — political theorist James Lindsay, January 2021.


[1] From 1934–1942, Marcuse worked at the Frankfurt School at Columbia University in NYC.

[2] an anglicized pronunciation of his surname is “mar KYOOSS” (sounds almost like “root”)

6 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Biden Nightmare, Big Brother, Big Business, Big Government, Big Lie, Big Media, Big Medical, Big Pharma, Covid as a control device, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 9:02 am | Permanent Link

So, Big Media took “hush money” from Big Government to keep quiet about the negative side-effects of the Covid-19 “vaccines.” Worse than that, even the “conservative” news outlets took the hush money. Only “positive coverage” of the “vaccines” was allowed. So much for integrity and honesty and ethics. (Donald Trump was right about one thing: “the lying media” was just that).

The Covid scam is shaping up to be the blackest period in recent American history. In addition to the deaths and maimings, we had lies, more lies, pay-offs, fear, intimidation, jobs lost, businesses closed forever. And none of it had to happen. A handful of (((globalists))) wanted it to happen, so it did.

The bottom line? Citizen, the next time the media, or the government, tells you something (anything), laugh loudly and say, “ohh, suuure! Tell me another lie!” The days of trust are over.


6 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "woke", 'sex-change', 'transgender', Cultural Marxism, political correctness, Ukraine at 8:30 am | Permanent Link

Some guy just said this, and he was exactly right: when war comes, “woke” disappears. “Lisa” quickly becomes Frank again.

Headline: “Ukraine: Transgender Woman Weeps As Authorities Classify Them As ‘Men’ Who Must Stay Behind And Fight”


5 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 6:42 pm | Permanent Link

by Mike Whitney.


“Finally, why was (he) so intent on doing the things that he knew would anger Moscow and increase the likelihood of a war? These questions are not hard to answer. Zelenskyy has been acting on orders from Washington from the get-go.”


5 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, education, public skools at 4:38 pm | Permanent Link

Public schools: where your kids go to be brainwashed with Cultural Marxism.

A leftist said years ago: “you’ve gotta get the kids (i.e., indoctrinate the kids) because they’re tomorrow’s leaders.”

Ever since 1965, the federal government has played a big role in the schooling of your little Johnny and little Sally [1]. That’s not good. (Common Core, a 2010 federal schools program, was written by 3 private, left-wing organizations).

Consider: in public schools today, Marxism and trannyism are allowed, but if your kid gets caught with a tiny pocketknife, he’s expelled for a year! In fact, if your kid even draws a picture of a knife, he’ll be expelled! (Back when I was in school, half of the kids carried knives and nobody cared).



[1] “The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was signed into law in 1965 by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who believed that “full educational opportunity” should be “our first national goal.” From its inception, ESEA was a civil rights law. ESEA offered new grants to districts serving low-income students…” — www.ed.gov. (There’s the nugget! “Low-income” means “Black and Brown people”

5 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in birthright citizenship, Fourteenth Amendment, Libya, NATO, New World Order, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russia, Russophobia, Trump, Trump and Making America Great Again, Trumpism, Ukraine at 1:53 pm | Permanent Link

The New World Order gang lost a lot of power when it lost Ukraine (and it has lost it: NATO hasn’t done, and won’t do, anything towards defending Ukraine. NATO has proven itself to be a paper tiger now and I suspect Putin knew it was before he invaded Ukraine. Russia’s nukes mean that Putin won’t ever get “the Gaddafi treatment”; amazing deterrents, nukes are!) [1].

So now, the idea of “regime-changing” Putin via NATO is either dead or nearly so. The idea of turning Russia into an “America in the East” is pretty much over. It seems that negro trannies with orange hair won’t be wandering the streets of Moscow anytime soon. In fact, Putin may become a man that White people look up to since we have no heroes of our own anymore. (Donald Trump could come back and become a hero in 2024, if he changes his behavior from “talking about it” to “actually doing it” — e.g., ending birthright citizenship and the inflationary Federal Reserve system) [2].

“I have written before about how civilizations follow seasonal cycles and about how, based on numerous measures, we are in decline. But the invasion of Ukraine, while of course terrible for the Ukrainian people, could, counter-intuitively, be “good for the West.” It could potentially slow down Western decline via a kind of Silver Age.”


“Thus, in a context of war we would expect Woke concerns to be increasingly ignored and even for the people who voice them to be suppressed.”



[1] Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s vehicle convoy was attacked by NATO jets in 2011 and he was killed shortly after that. Libya was becoming too powerful and too independent and was poised to create an all-African currency and an all-African bank. Big Jew wasn’t having any of that and that’s why Gaddafi was “NATO”ed. France apparently initiated the NATO actions against Libya. This was a crime against a sovereign nation.

[2] “Jus soli” or birthright citizenship: that’s when an illegal alien sneaks into America and gives birth, and her kid automatically becomes a U.S. citizen simply because he was born on U.S. soil. This is total bullshit, but nonetheless it’s been happening since 1868 when the fraudulent 14th Amendment was hatched.

4 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Democrats, leftism, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals at 5:49 pm | Permanent Link

I like Jordan Peterson despite his shortcomings.

He said something very interesting. He said (paraphrasing): “The Democrats in America were very wrong to replace their political base of working class people with a new base of “identity politics people” (Blacks, Browns, queers, feminists) circa 1968.”

Yes. A bad move. The working class at that time was very large. Tens of millions of people. A big mistake. Only the female vote saved them, but not always! Reagan, Bush, Trump, they still won. A bad move that doomed the Democrats. Now they are stuck in a rut.

4 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 3:53 pm | Permanent Link

“On Wednesday night, Fox News host Sean Hannity called for the assassination of Vladimir Putin, saying he has “forfeit his right to live.” Gee, I had no idea that Ukraine was so damn important in the world! Why?? Are the hills made of gold there??


4 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in 'social construct', 'social construction', Derrida, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, postmodernism as a drug, sociology, Wittgenstein at 2:03 pm | Permanent Link

Marxism was dying by the late 1950s. It was nearly dead. Old. Tired.

Then, Postmodernist philosophy (hereafter Pp, and also known as PostMarxism) was born! One definition of Pp is: “Postmodernism entails reconsideration of the entire Western value system (love, marriage, popular culture, shift from an industrial to a service economy) that took place since the 1950s.”

Pp is “Marxism updated and remodeled.” Pp came to America through the universities. Of course! Every horrible idea in history came from the universities. (Every state must defund its universities until they stop pushing Marxist bullshit onto young people).

Pp soon branched out into most areas of Western life: art, architecture, film, sociology, politics, etc. As Pp branched out, it became more and more ridiculous. Today, Pp even denies that reality exists. It says that trannies (transgender people) can be real. In fact, under the rules of Postmodernist philosophy, anything can be real, because “every human has a different reality and a different version of the truth.” If you think the Easter Bunny is real, then hey, that’s perfectly fine, because again, everyone has their own version of reality and truth. Is this bullshit? Yes, it’s pure bullshit. It’s radical leftism. But nonetheless, lots of people believe it, especially university professors.

Trannies wouldn’t “exist” today if not for Pp.

Today, Pp has wrecked large portions of the Western world. It’s insanity. It’s “fools spouting nonsense.” Derrida’s “deconstruction” is an attack on White Western culture, pure and simple. Postmodernist philosophy is a war on White logic, White science, White reason, White morality and White tradition, but it’s usually not called that.

The core of Postmodernist philosophy — called Social Constructionism — is Jewish [1]. It has been said that Postmodernist philosophy can’t even be defined. But I can define it: Postmodernist philosophy is a type of critical theory; it seeks to tear down Western culture; it says, among other things, that “everything in White Western society is a White male ‘social construct’ designed to marginalize and enslave non-Whites and women, and is designed to keep the White males in power forever.” Or, “The root of all evil is the White male” — by the way, this has been the core of all leftist thinking since 1960 or even earlier. This is New Left thinking. (Old Left thinking wasn’t like that, it was based mostly on class and labor issues).

Pp rejects conventional morality and denies conventional reality. Those two things, by themselves, make Pp dangerous to White culture. Pp is also very big on identity politics: it divides people into groups of “good” and “bad” people. White males are, of course, “bad” and Black women are, of course, “good.”

“It’s gotten so bad that even Fairbanks, Alaska has embraced the transgender myth. Parents hosting a party at a public pool discovered a male high school student hanging out with little girls in the women’s locker room — and the pool management refused to remove him. The story is not complicated…” (Excellent choice of words! “It’s not complicated!” Anything Jewish or Marxist in our White Western culture must be dumped! Does it have Jewish or Marxist roots? Then dump it: socialism, Marxism, Pp. One thing about Pp: it’s so complicated and wordy that few people realize that it’s bullshit. Again, some people have even said that Pp “can’t be defined”! There you go!).



[1] Pp sprang ultimately from Jews and Marxists, although not every Pp philosopher was a Jew or a Marxist. Regardless, Pp wouldn’t even exist if not for sociology, which came from the Jew, Emile Durkheim circa 1900, and “social constructionism” which came from several Jews also circa 1900: Edmund Husserl, Alfred Schutz, Max Scheler and later Peter L. Berger (who, like Scheler, was a convert from Judaism to Christianity). There’s actually a long line of creepy people who contributed to Pp (Sartre, Claude Levi-Strauss). Most lived in France (boy, a lot of bad stuff has come out of France! Is there something in the water??); a disproportionate number of Pp icons were child-molesters.