14 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'social construct', 'social construction', 'White privilege', Jewish genetic diseases, Jewish genetics, race baloney, Race Denial, Socrates at 12:53 pm | Permanent Link

I used to have White privilege, when I was White. But then, I became Black (because race is just a social construct — ask any professor at Berkeley), and then I no longer had White privilege, but somehow I didn’t gain any Black privilege, either — at least, not that I know of. Then later, I became an Asian, but strangely, I didn’t gain any Asian privilege, either. But then later, when I became White for the second time, within minutes I had White privilege again!! Can you believe that?? Maybe I’ll go back to being an Asian…

(By the way, re: White privilege, who is “us”, Mr. Mark Cuban? He is a Jew: “He grew up in the Pittsburgh suburb of Mount Lebanon, in a Jewish working-class family.” — Wikipedia. Jews are not genetically White, although they appear White).

14 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, black violence, Black wilding, blacks, Blacks in America, Cultural Marxism, elections, left-wing violence, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children, political coups, politics, Socrates, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist at 10:07 am | Permanent Link

Why is America cracking up right now in the liberal cities like Seattle, Minneapolis, and elsewhere?

Well, let’s walk through it.

Who do the liberals hate more than any other people on earth? The evil White males. They built the world. How dare they!

In the minds of liberals, who is the biggest personification of the evil White male? Donald Trump, by a long mile. The liberals don’t merely dislike Trump, they hate him with a burning passion! Hence the term “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

In the minds of liberals, who is the second-biggest personification of the evil White male? The police.

Bingo. There’s the answer to the above question. But wait, it gets better:

The liberals know for certain that Trump will win the November 3rd election, because Joe Biden couldn’t debate a 10-year-old now. His brain is on a permanent vacation. Even if Biden drops out of the race, the Left has no one else to run against Trump; even Michael Bloomberg couldn’t cut the mustard.

“Trumpism” not only works, it works great: Trump’s economy was the best economy since 1969, before the liberal media’s Coronavirus hysteria-mongering killed it! It’s the new great thing, Trumpism is, and the Left knows it! The Left is therefore scared to death that Trumpism will spread, so it’s acting out/acting up. The liberals believe that, if they can cause enough mayhem in America (including racial mayhem), it will ruin Trump’s chances of being re-elected and also discredit Trumpism (and I’m not the only one who believes that: consider this).

But the ploy won’t work: as Americans become disgusted with leftist and Black bullshit (wait, that should read: leftist>>>Black bullshit since one leads to the other), they will not reject Trump. They will embrace him. So Trump, the “orange-haired fascist,” will enjoy four more years of remaking the Supreme Court, remaking the federal court system, remaking immigration policy, remaking the economy, etc.

That’s why America is coming unglued now. Certain people are making it come unglued. They want it that way (that’s “seditious conspiracy,” by the way, a crime which carries a 20-year prison sentence).

As for the Blacks: they rioted first, yes, but they were egged on by the usual suspects in the liberal media and on the political Left. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit to learn that certain Blacks received phone calls or text messages from Antifa-types immediately before the George Floyd riots, urging them on — with hot-button words like “racism” and “privilege” — to riot and loot.

13 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as an arm of world Jewry, FAEM website, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish history, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish power, Jewish psychopathy, Socrates at 1:12 pm | Permanent Link

by FAEM’s Eric Thomson.

“Certainly, the Jewish scheme to subvert, enslave and slay the Goyim under a Jew World Ordure (sic) is clever and practical, if only it were not the Jews who have tried to achieve it! The reason for these centuries, nay, millennia of failures to subvert Goy states and establish Jewish ‘order’ is obvious: The Jew cannot stand order! He can ruin, but he can never rule, for the Jew is a congenital subverter and corrupter who cannot stop himself from undoing his own work upon the attainment of his power. The Jew has held the reins of power in the ancient world: Egypt, Athens and Rome. The juggernaut of states and empires fell under Jewish control by means of gold, but all the Jew could do was drive it over the nearest cliff. The Jewish adventure in Egypt reveals the jewish incapacity to rule, even with the full co-operation of the Jews’ Goy subjects. This incapacity is both embarrassing and tragic: embarrassing for the Jew and tragic for the Goyim. In recent times, the Jew has shown that he has neither learned from his past experiences, nor has he changed for the better in regard to ruling over the Goyim.”

“Israel is another embarrassment. At least, if I were a jew, I would be embarrassed by the failure to make Israel into a viable state, such as Switzerland. The early Zionists claimed that Israel would be a state of, by and for Jews, only. Jews would perform all the jobs, including manual labor and farmwork. Under Jewish management and labor, Israel would be prosperous and powerful, the shining example for the Middle East and the world. Alas, the reality is otherwise: Israel is a dependency, a beggar-state, which must rely upon handouts and tribute from the U.S.A. and Germany. Instead of expelling the native Arabs, the Jews insisted on keeping them to do all the ‘Goy work’. Israel is pretty much a concentration camp for a growing Arab population, and Israel’s existence is the outcome of another Big Lie: the lie that Jews ever lived without a host people!”

13 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in democracy, democrazy, Ludovici, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy, White thought at 11:32 am | Permanent Link

Democracy always ends in failure, yet all of the White countries are embracing it:

“Thus, wherever we look in European History, we find more or less the same sequence of events: Monarchy making way for Aristocracy; Aristocracy superseded by Democracy, and Democracy inevitably culminating in Ochlocracy and Anarchy. And at each stage, there is the same failure to investigate the causes of the collapse of the previous rĂ©gime and the same omission to devise methods of preventing similar collapses in the future.”
— British philosopher Anthony M. Ludovici (1882-1971).

13 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Cohensequences, cop-hate, cops, Insurrection of 2020, Socrates at 10:51 am | Permanent Link

The unintended Cohensequences of Marxists abolishing police departments: truckers won’t make deliveries to unsafe Black cities.

13 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, Big Business, big corporations vs. mom-and-pop, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, Black genetics, Black-worship by Whites, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 10:41 am | Permanent Link

In other words, in the future, all White people will be submissive to violent Black people with IQs of around 85 (normal IQ is around 100).

A news quote about Walmart: “The company plans to work with minority-owned suppliers, deepen ties to historically black colleges, increase access to health care, work to hire nonviolent felons and develop a more inclusive company, CEO Doug McMillon wrote in a memo posted to the Walmart website.”

Oh! Hire negro felons! That’s always a good idea! What could go wrong? Yay, diversity! Yay, inclusion! Nifty! Let’s celebrate!

13 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Abbie Hoffman, communism, cop-hate, cops, counterculture, Cultural Marxism, Insurrection of 2020, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, police, political correctness, Socrates at 9:43 am | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jewish radical Abbie Hoffman [1936-1989]).

Commieapolis goes full-retard and votes to abolish the police department. This isn’t legal per the City Charter, it endangers public safety and therefore it won’t stand, and, no city in the world has ever “abolished the police.” Replacing the police with a “community-led public safety system” is pure Marxist bullshit of the type Abbie Hoffman would have pushed in 1968; but even in the late 1960s there wasn’t this level of cop-hate.

Related: angry American cops may quit.

12 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Jewish genetics, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western preservation ideas, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 10:07 am | Permanent Link

Seen: an online video in which it is said that, in order for White people to survive long-term in the multicultural West, they must separate themselves “both physically and mentally” from non-Whites.

Yes. All White people must begin the process of separating themselves from non-Whites in every way. It will take years, but it must be done.

Some steps that need to be taken by all White people worldwide:

— Avoid non-Whites as much as possible. Don’t talk to them if at all possible. Avoid Black, Brown and Jewish neighborhoods. (Remember, Jews are not genetically White).

— Avoid big cities if possible. Big cities will collapse from race rioting/economic turmoil first.

— Patronize only White-owned businesses.

— Learn how to defend yourself and your property.

— Start a neighborhood-watch program. Through that, you can get to know your neighbors.

— Let the slogan “Whites only” guide all of your daily life decisions.

— Choose only White friends. Urge other Whites to do the same. You can no longer trust non-Whites.

— Homeschool your kids. Explain to them what Western culture is and why it must be preserved.

— Turn off your TV set completely (or, only watch certain TV shows, such as animal/nature shows).

— Don’t use credit cards or borrow money, unless absolutely, vitally necessary.

— Band together with other Whites: share your ideas, skills, philosophy, books, tools, etc. Barter with other Whites. Help each other financially and spiritually.

12 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, America's future, Britain, Cultural Marxism, England, Insurrection of 2020, police, political correctness, Socrates at 9:11 am | Permanent Link

News quote: “Police reform has become a priority in Minnesota, as well as other states, following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody last month.”

When I saw the public reaction to the Marxists’ demand of dismantling/defunding the police, I finally realized something: the whole dismantle/defund effort is fake. It’s a phony bait-and-switch move.

Consider this:

Only about 20 percent of America (if that) supports the nutty “dismantle/defund the police” idea. But it doesn’t matter. As I say, the whole thing is a bait-and-switch tactic. After the Marxists drop their stupid and impossible dismantle/defund demand, they’ll offer up several lesser demands, and these new demands will seem very reasonable compared to dismantle/defund. In short, the Marxists don’t want to dismantle/defund the police because they know they can’t, at least not yet. But they can transform every police department in America into a wimpy, PC organization: no choke holds allowed, no tear gas or rubber bullet use, huge and powerful internal civilian oversight units within each department, strict limits to the types of force police can use, the de-pensioning of “racist” cops, etc. We’re talking a complete, top-to-bottom remaking of American police forces. Our police departments will soon become like Britain’s: hopelessly wimpy and ineffective. (Britain has become so PC, so culturally Marxist, that it actually has “racism police.” Yes. If you look at a negro cross-eyed in the UK, and he calls the police on you, you’ll be visited by the “racism police” and you could be arrested [1]. At a recent Saint George Floyd “protest” in Britain, the only “weapons” the police carried were handcuffs. Try that in Detroit!).


[1] Britain’s “racism police” are officially and euphemistically called “Community Safety Units.” According to their website, “CSUs will investigate incidents of the following: …Homophobia, Transphobia, Racism…”

11 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", America, money, slavery, Socrates, virtue-signaling, War On White Males, War On White People at 2:28 pm | Permanent Link

All leftists in America should immediately stop carrying U.S. money. Why? Well, whose images are on U.S. money? Right! Images of evil White men! Some of those men owned slaves (Washington, Jefferson)!

So leftists should cease carrying U.S. money right away. In fact, they should convert all of their U.S. money into Mexican pesos, or Bitcoins, something that isn’t tinged with White racism!