27 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in anti-fascists/antifas, anti-racism movement, Boogaloo, far-right, far-right politics, federal government, federal laws, Insurrection of 2020, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberalism, liberals, rioting by Antifa, Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies at 10:52 am | Permanent Link

News quote: “Meanwhile on Friday evening, Attorney General Bill Barr directed the creation of a task force to counter anti-government extremists, specifically naming those who support the far-right “boogaloo” movement and those who identify as Antifa.”

That’s very confusing, because the far-Right has not been causing problems during the Insurrection of 2020. It’s the far-Left antifa movement that has been causing the problems! Also, why, in the news article, is the far-Right listed first, before the far-Left?

27 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', 'Indians', 'Native Americans', America, America the White nation, America's founders, ancient Greece, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, Black integration, Black mentality, blacks, Blacks in America, comedians, comedy, democracy, free speech, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish racism, racial differences, racial hierarchy, racism, racism accusations, rioting by Blacks/Browns, slavery, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, White identity, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought at 9:59 am | Permanent Link

Did White people commit racism in their behavior towards the American Indians? To some degree at least.

Did White people commit racism in their behavior towards Black people? To some degree at least.

But, then again, here’s the rub:

Not only was The United States of America founded as a White republic, but, more importantly, White people almost single-handedly invented the world (e.g., electricity, the light bulb, concrete, the novel, the radio, the clock, the automobile, the airplane, the computer, comedy [1], the printing press, the telescope, space travel; Whites even invented democracy and freedom of speech!). So, White people must be allowed some degree of leeway, some degree of slack, in their behavior towards non-White people. Whites gave the world far more than they took away (but you could argue that White racism against Browns and Blacks isn’t “taking away” very much from the world in the big scheme of things).

Another point: great men (i.e., White men such as America’s founders) are often self-centered — it’s a common character trait. In fact, great men become successful because they are self-centered. If they weren’t self-centered, they couldn’t become successful because they would be focusing their attention and energy on other people instead of on themselves. Nonetheless, self-centered people begin to see the world as revolving around them. That doesn’t make them evil. It just makes them self-centered. (But how ironic that the Jews are very self-centered and very arrogant yet they never have to apologize for their behavior, so why must White people apologize for theirs?).

Lastly, regarding slavery: who taught the Black slaves to read and write? The White slave owners. If we Whites wanted to “keep the Black man down,” why did we do that? Thanks to Whites, there are Blacks in Congress and on the U.S. Supreme Court today. (Are you beginning to think that we were too nice to the Blacks? I am).


[1] the Greek philosopher Democritus and the playwright Aristophanes invented comedy as we know it today

26 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', 'White privilege', 'White racism' myth, 'White supremacy' accusations, Black Cities, black culture, Black mentality, blacks, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks in America, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, White inventions at 11:05 am | Permanent Link

Tyronicus Jones, of New York City, is a young negro, and he is also the leader of an organization called Black Felons Matter. Tyronicus is standing in his bedroom, talking to God:

Tyronicus: “I hate White people, God! In fact, I wish that White people had never existed!”

God: “Really?”

Tyronicus: “Damn straight!”

God: “Well…okay.”


(Tyronicus suddenly finds himself in the middle of Africa, naked)

Tyronicus: “What the fuck??? Where am I???”

God: “You’re in Africa, of course! I granted you your wish! Your ancestors were never brought to America as slaves, since White people have never existed. You see? You’re back in your homeland! Permanently!”

Tyronicus: “Where are my clothes?? Where’s my watch??”

God: “Those were White-invented things. They no longer exist.”

Tyronicus: “Where’s my house? My car? My computer? My cell phone? My TV set? My rap CDs?”

God: “Those were White-invented things. They no longer exist.”

Tyronicus: “You gotta be kidding me!”

God: “I never kid.”

Tyronicus: “I don’t think I like this.”

God: “It’s a sudden change, to be sure.”

Tyronicus: (he looks around the area) “Where am I gonna live out here?”

God: “You’ll need to build a grass hut of some sort. Also, you’ll have to learn how to hunt wild game.”

Tyronicus: “I see where this is goin’. I don’t like it! I want to go back to where I was! I want to go back to America! Right now!!”

God: “But, I thought you’d like it in Africa! After all, there’s no White racism here!”

Tyronicus: “Well, I don’t like it here! It sucks! It’s blazing hot, and there’s nothing here but lions and snakes! Why would anybody want to live here??”

God: “Well, I can undo your wish and send you back to New York City. But the move will be final. No do-overs.”

Tyronicus: “Really??? Great!! Thanks, God!! I’m ready to leave right now!!”


(Tyronicus suddenly finds himself back in his bedroom in New York City)

(*ring* *ring*)(Tyronicus’ telephone rings)

Tyronicus: “Hello? What?? No, I’m not going to the stupid Black Felons Matter rally. In fact, I quit. I don’t care about Black Felons Matter anymore. And here’s some advice: be glad that you live in America, nigga, and stop bitching about racism and White privilege!”

25 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in propaganda, Rockwell, Socrates, white nationalism, White philosophy at 11:30 am | Permanent Link

by George Lincoln Rockwell, 1966. (I should take this essay to heart, since I usually avoid vulgarity).

“In almost every case he produces propaganda which he likes, completely forgetting in his political excitement that the art of propaganda (and advertising) is not in producing that which one likes and admires one’s self, but that which will produce the effect desired – sales in the case of advertising and political conviction in the case of propaganda. Because he is able to think, he presumes that his audience is also able to think – a completely unwarranted assumption.”

25 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, anti-fascists/antifas, antifas vs. White nationalists, Black rioting, communism, communism as a fraud, communism as a weapon against the West, Insurrection of 2020, Marx and England, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, rioting by Antifa, rioting by Blacks/Browns, socialism, socialism-to-communism transformation, Socrates, Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, Trump, Trump's policies, White philosophy, White thought at 10:59 am | Permanent Link

Marxist #1: “The Marxist revolution is here! The little people are rising up and revolting against the evil, White male establishment!”

Marxist #2: “Yes! And later, the state will wither away!”

Marxist #3: “That’s right! And then a stateless utopia will emerge, and everyone will sit around campfires, holding hands, singing songs and smoking dope! It’ll be paradise on earth!”

Bullshit. More specifically, Jewish bullshit. States don’t wither away as Marx promised. Look at Russia: the communists became the state after the 1917 communist revolution. Even the Russian anarchist, Mikhail Bakunin, knew that Marxism was baloney:

The anarchist Mikhail Bakunin vs. Marxism: “Subsequently, the International became polarised into two camps, with Marx and Bakunin as their respective figureheads. Bakunin characterised Marx’s ideas as centralist. Because of this, he predicted if a Marxist party came to power, its leaders would simply take the place of the ruling class they had fought against.” [1]. That is indeed what happened. That’s what always happens after a Marxist revolution. The state simply changes leaders.

Question: why isn’t Marxism illegal in America? It’s free speech, you say? Well, Marxism isn’t free speech. It’s a weapon, and weapons aren’t free speech. Donald Trump needs to ban Marxist ideology (books/lectures/videos/websites) by Executive Order, before the next insurrection begins (if there is a next one, that is!).



[1] quote from “History of anarchism” at Wikipedia.

24 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, black culture, California, Insurrection of 2020, Socrates at 1:18 pm | Permanent Link

Re: this news report: “San Bernardino County declares racism a ‘public health crisis'” (June 23, 2020). No, the county leaders were not talking about the current epidemic of Black-on-White racism, like you might think/hope.


Vanguard News Network declares San Bernardino County, California to be a dangerous place for White people, since it is full of Marxists, Mexicans and other riff-raff.


Vanguard News Network also declares Santa Barbara, California to be a dangerous place for White people, since it is full of Marxists, Mexicans and other riff-raff.

24 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' hoaxes, black crime, black culture, cop-hate, cops, Insurrection of 2020, media, media cases, media hysteria, media-ocracy, police, Socrates at 8:41 am | Permanent Link

The NASCAR noose story was a big nothing-burger; Officer Chauvin likely followed police department guidelines regarding “excited delirium syndrome” response/neck restraint.

Related: [Here].

23 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Argentina, Argentina's Dirty War, college, Cultural Marxism, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, mulattoes, Socrates, universities, Videla at 9:59 am | Permanent Link

Tucker: “This is an ideological movement. The ideas that fuel it have incubated for decades on college campuses. We paid for all of it, by the way. The rest of us were so thrilled that our kids got into Duke that we decided to ignore what Duke was actually teaching them and are continuing to send big checks. That was a mistake. It was one of the greatest mistakes we’ve ever made.”

Yes. In 1977, the new military government of Argentina fired all of the leftist/Marxist university teachers and replaced the teachers with military officers. Sometimes the government just closed a university entirely. Sounds like a great idea! The Argentine government knew the dangers of modern universities, and surely our current government knows the dangers, too. Universities exist today to brainwash young people with leftist ideologies. (Have you noticed that a disproportionate number of young, college-aged mulattoes are involved in the Insurrection?).


23 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", 'Black Lives Matter', 'human rights', Blacks in America, communism, Cultural Marxism, Herbert Aptheker, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, New Left, Old Left, race, race baloney, slavery, Socrates, Soviet Union, Victor Perlo at 9:24 am | Permanent Link

(Above: Herbert Aptheker [1915-2003], a well-known Jewish author and activist, circa 1965. He was famous for being a tireless defender of the Soviet Union, no matter how much blood was being spilled by Stalin).

Of all the Jewish Marxists I’ve mentioned here, somehow I’ve barely mentioned Aptheker — a major oversight to be sure.

Lots of Marxists wrote books, but none wrote as many as Aptheker. If Victor Perlo was the economist of the U.S. Communist Party, then Aptheker was its historian.

Aptheker was probably the foremost communist intellectual during the Cold War. He was a one-man, race-baiting machine who had a foot in both the Old Left and the New Left. He wrote mainly on the topics of Black slavery and Black history, e.g., the huge, 7-volume “A Documentary History of the Negro People in the United States” (1951) [1]. Aptheker has been called “one of the founding scholars” of Black history. It’s logical to say that Aptheker was, with his many books, one of the pioneers of civil-rights studies in America.

Like most Marxists, Aptheker knew that, in order to bring a White country to its knees, you must first divide it into manageable pieces. How? Either economically (via the use of traditional Marxism) or culturally (via the use of Cultural Marxism). Aptheker’s specialty was the latter: divide America by race and sex; pit Blacks against Whites and men against women.


[1] “Aptheker long emphasized W. E. B. Du Bois’ social science scholarship and lifelong struggle for African Americans to achieve equality. In his work as a historian, he compiled a documentary history of African Americans in the United States, a monumental collection which he started publishing in 1951. It eventually resulted in seven volumes of primary documents, a tremendous resource for African-American studies.” — Wikipedia

22 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism in America, egalitarianism, Germany, history, History for newbies, Hitler, human equality, jewed culture, Jewed history books, jewed media, Lenin, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, Socrates, Soviet states, Soviet Union, Soviet Union as an illegal entity, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 11:11 am | Permanent Link

Lenin helped to construct the Soviet murder machine, making him a mass-murderer by default; that Soviet machine executed 30 to 40 million people from 1917-1953, making Hitler an amateur in the murder business — so why do we constantly hear about Hitler? You know why: certain people want you to constantly hear about him.

By the way, isn’t Germany a democracy? Why would the German courts allow a statue of Lenin in a democracy? (I’m kidding, of course: communism and democracy have many things in common, and commie-worship is way popular in the Western world, for some reason. Both communism and democracy worship human equality and they reject White nationalism. Furthermore, both are unsustainable and are doomed to eventually collapse. The only reason the Soviet Union lasted so long is that 1) it looted all of the Eastern European countries after WWII and 2) the West aided the Soviets for decades, e.g., the Soviets borrowed $4.3 billion from Western banks in 1975 and borrowed $12 billion from the West in 1985/1986. Why are we always loaning the enemy money?? We did the same thing for other communist countries. Source: www.cia.gov).