9 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Allende, Allende and Jews, Chile, Marxism, Pinochet at 11:30 am | Permanent Link

As you read this, note the vicious nature of the Salvador Allende faction. Vicious Marxists! The Allende faction was prepared to kill many people in Chile. But luckily, the Sept. 11, 1973 coup happened first, and Allende was removed from power. As I noted earlier, Allende had illegally created a “secret communist army” inside Chile which was preparing to install Allende as a permanent dictator, similar to Fidel Castro in Cuba. The coup, led by Pinochet, ended that idea.

Also note: many of the names in the Allende faction are Jewish, including Allende himself, whose mother was a Jewess from Belgium named Laura Gossens Uribe, who was a convert to Catholicism. As you know, under Jewish religious law, if your mother is a Jew, then so are you. There were quite a few Jews in Allende’s administration, including Jacques Chonchol, minister of agriculture, Frida Modak, Allende’s media chief, Oscar Waiss Band, director of “La Nacion” newspaper and Benjamin Teplisky, president of Allende’s Unidad Popular Party.


“He (Pinochet) recognized the Communist program well, observing: “One of the most well-known and traditional tactics of Marxism is to stop the improvement of a people’s welfare by any means…and promote from the beginning any destructive distribution of capital, facing away from economic reality, until growing poverty is brought about, even chaos, if possible, arising from uncontrolled inflation and leading eventually to the annihilation of private economic activities.” (Saaay, that sounds very familiar! It sounds like…America today! Out-of-control inflation, endless chaos, supply-line troubles…wait…you don’t suppose??….naaah, that would be a “crazy conspiracy theory”…).


8 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Fascism, fascism accusations, fascist ideology at 7:28 pm | Permanent Link

by James L. Miller, Ph.D.

September 5, 2011.


Political radicals often shout, “Fascist!” “Fascist!” at anyone who doesn’t agree with their views. The term is especially popular among college students. But do such people actually know what Fascism is? Have they studied it?

Unfortunately, Fascism has an undeserved bad reputation. Regardless of this reputation, Fascism is a very sensible economic and social ideology. There are a few different “flavors” of Fascism, but basically they all come down to the following.

First and foremost, Fascism is an economic system in which a nation’s government plays a central role in monitoring all banking, trade, production, and labor activity which takes place within the nation. Such monitoring is done for the sole purpose of safeguarding & advancing the nation and its people. Under Fascism, the government will not approve of any business activity unless that business has a positive impact on the nation as a whole and the people of the nation – this is the axiom which determines everything within the economic aspect of Fascism.

In other words, the government asks, “Is XYZ Enterprises good for our nation and our people?” If yes, it’s approved. If no, it’s not approved. When they ask, “Is it good?”, they mean, “Is XYZ Enterprises good for the workers, do they pay a fair wage, do they produce a product or provide a service which advances our nation & our people technologically, morally, spiritually, health-wise, etc???” For example, a pornography company would not be allowed because pornography corrupts people generally and exploits & degrades women particularly. Also, “free” trade agreements (such as what the U.S. has with China) would never be allowed because such trade agreements result in companies sending jobs overseas (where labor is dirt cheap). Such an activity, of course, would undermine a nation’s labor class. This is entirely unacceptable and thus not allowed under a Fascist economic model.

Fascism is based on free enterprise – but with constraints (the primary constraint being, “Is the particular economic activity in question good for our nation/people?”). Also, a businessman can become wealthy in a Fascist country, and the government has no objection to this (this is in stark contrast to Communism). Fascism also encourages private ownership of property (again, in stark contrast to Communism where private property is not allowed).

In a nutshell, Fascism basically tells entrepreneurs, “Go ahead and start a business, earn a lot of money, be successful, but don’t produce any products or services which damage our nation and our nation’s people… and make sure you treat your workers fair and pay them a living wage. If you don’t follow these rules, we’ll shut you down.”

With regard to banking, usury is not allowed under Fascism. The government tightly controls all aspects of monetary policy, including terms of lending. The government issues/prints money and lends it interest free, as needed, to grow the economy and ultimately serve the citizens.

The above is the economic aspect of Fascism. There is also a cultural/social aspect to Fascism as well. Under Fascism, government plays a key role in monitoring: film, theatre, art, literature, music, education, etc in order to maintain a high moral standard, keep things clean and respectable, promote a strong sense of patriotism and honor, and prevent the dissemination of depraved filth which corrupts society.

With regard to political legislation introduced by a Fascist government, the same criteria is applied – “Will this proposed law benefit the nation as a whole and the people of our nation?”

A few other things to mention. Fascism encourages respect for the environment as Fascists understand that nature is the giver of life and thus must be preserved. Contrast this environmental philosophy with that of Capitalism which too often takes the short term view with regard to natural resources and foolishly believes that pollution is a necessary byproduct of profit. Also, and somewhat related to environmental issues, Fascism holds very progressive views with regard to animal rights.

Also, under Fascism, if a person doesn’t like things, he/she can leave the country. Contrast this with Communism where if you don’t like things, you better keep your mouth shut. And, of course, there is never an option to leave the country. You will submit or else be sent to a re-education camp where you’ll be brainwashed to accept the Communist system. And if you still resist, you’ll probably be killed. Again, there is no leaving. Submit or suffer the consequences.

Further, Fascism holds women in very high regard. Women are the carriers of new life. They are expected to be educated, worldly, and well read. Women are encouraged to pursue their interests and have a career but only if a career won’t interfere with their family’s needs; family comes first, always. Women are encouraged to be strong yet feminine. Consistent with these ideas, Fascist art often portrays women as heroic and even goddess-like.

In short, Fascism is a form of government & social system which authentically serves the interests of the people and nation as a whole. The word “Fascism” comes from the Italian word “fascio” meaning “the group” or more specifically, “in consideration of the group.” Fascism is rooted in the notion that people must stay true to two mental concepts throughout their lives: 1) the individual’s needs (themselves) and, 2) the group’s needs (their nation)… always evaluating how their individual actions affect the group. Thus Fascism rejects the self-centered “me me me” mentality so common under Capitalism. For example, in a Fascist nation each person is expected to maintain a healthy diet & lifestyle. For if not, they may become seriously ill and thus require expensive health care; this would negatively impact the group (i.e., they’d become a financial burden on the nation).

Continuing this line of thought, under Fascism all people of one’s ethnicity are considered the greater family of that person. Hence, a Fascist nation is thought of as one giant family of several million people. Therefore, just as one must not do anything to hurt their brother or sister in their immediate family, under Fascism one must not do anything which would hurt the nation/group (i.e., the greater family). This is the essence of Fascism: individualism balanced with a strong consideration of the group.

During the German Third Reich, the NSDAP (i.e., the “Nazis”) followed all aspects of the above described Fascist system. And, for the most part, Mussolini’s Italy did as well.

ASIDE: Although the economic aspect of Fascism is free-market based, Fascism is NOT Capitalism. Many on the political left wrongly equate Fascism with Capitalism. Again, Fascism is NOT Capitalism. Allow me to briefly explain: the primary goal of Capitalism is profit. On the other hand, the primary goal of Fascism is the well being of a nation’s citizens and well being of the nation as a whole. In a ‘purist-type’ Capitalist country (i.e., Super-Crony-Capitalism) nothing may interfere with maximizing profits – not workers, not the environment…nothing. Even when a Capitalist country starts out with tight government regulations, it invariably drifts toward Laissez-faire economics (i.e., Super-Capitalism) by way of less and less government regulation. Human greed drives this transformation and ultimately the working class suffer via lower wages or loss of employment altogether if their job is, for example, transferred overseas (e.g., to China) where labor is dirt cheap. Capitalists (falsely) believe that the immense wealth at the top will “trickle down” to the masses i.e., that everything will magically work itself out. A certain amount of wealth does “trickle down”…but, far too often…the workers and the environment suffer. As just one example, tens of millions of American manufacturing jobs have been shipped overseas during the past two decades (Capitalist so-called “free” trade policies have allowed for such outsourcing of jobs). Of course then, just as Fascists completely reject Communism, they also completely reject Capitalism.

FINAL POINT: Many liberals and leftists incorrectly accuse the United States of being, “a Fascist nation since the government is ‘in bed with’ (i.e., in collusion with) American business and industry.” Yes…there presently is a very close relationship (collusion) between large American corporations and Washington D.C. politicians. However such collusion is ONLY for the benefit/profit of American corporations at the expense of the average American worker; this is called Crony Capitalism. Under Fascism, there is also a close relationship between government and business/industry but for the single purpose of primarily benefiting the average citizen and worker. This distinction is huge and therefore cannot be emphasized enough.


8 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Biden Nightmare at 6:59 pm | Permanent Link

“President Joe Bidet’s yid handlers” — VNN Forum poster Cale Sparks.

Ha-ha-ha! Sums it up nicely. Bidet!!

8 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Anti-Comintern Pact, anti-communism, fascism accusations, fascism vs. communism, fascist ideology at 4:51 pm | Permanent Link

I hear a lot about “right-wing media,” but I must ask: where exactly is it? Most so-called “right-wing media” outlets use the same words/phrases that the leftist media outlets use. For example, here is a right-wing news outlet using the word “fascist” to describe a leftist political group. Recall: Italy, a fascist nation, signed the Anti-Comintern Pact in November 1937 (along with Germany and Japan; Spain later signed in 1939). That was an anti-communist pact. That makes fascism right-wing, not left-wing. Forget about “Mussolini being a leftist.” He was at first, but then he saw the light and turned rightward. The godfather of fascism, Giovanni Gentile, was assassinated by leftists in 1944. I personally find fascism “busy” in a philosophical sense, i.e., it needs to be simpler, but that’s just me…maybe some reader can create a “simpler” version of fascism, without the Hegelian, pie-in-the-sky crap. Readers?


8 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in fake news, jewed media, Poland, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 2:41 pm | Permanent Link

Ever since Donald Trump became president in 2016, fake news is everywhere. There’s a giant disinformation storm in the West. What’s true? What’s not? It’s hard to tell.

“Poland is on the verge of sending military aircraft to Ukraine, claimed a number of mainstream media outlets along with the U.S. Secretary of State, despite Polish authorities explicitly and repeatedly ruling out the move. Such a show of military assistance to Ukraine would undoubtedly lead to Russia declare war on additional nations, prompting the question as to why anyone would want to push the false narrative about Polish military assistance.”


8 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in New World Order, NWO, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 2:08 pm | Permanent Link

(From a web forum; hat tip: poster dnr871)

“The West is using the Russia-Ukraine war to suppress Russia once and for all.

This is much more than the current conflict; the reality is that the West feels threatened by Russia, not only from a military and nuclear standpoint, but also from an ideological perspective.

The liberal, immigrant-infested West can’t bear it that there are still conservative, traditional, ethnically homogenous societies in the world, Russia being the best example of this. They hate it that Russia hasn’t bowed to the woke mob, that Russia puts facts before feelings, and that Russians are a united population rather than the fragmented, racially conflicted societies the West has become.”

The West is going “full court press” on Russia: it’s even pulling Russian vodka from store shelves! That’s expensive stuff: $30 dollars per bottle or more. As if the vodka has anything to do with Ukraine. The vodka’s already been paid for, in theory at least: the retailer bought it from some wholesaler in New Jersey 2 months ago. Of course, this whole thing is ethnic: powerful, globalist Jews are having temper tantrums all over the West. You have to see this matter through Jewish eyes: the Jews are superior to all other humans. Putin (a non-Jew) was expected to “obey” the New World Order directors and submit to Ukraine joining NATO, etc. But not only did Putin not obey, but much worse: he invaded Ukraine and…wait for it…he overthrew a Jew! How dare he!! Worse than that, the global Jews won’t be able to “regime-change” Russia and re-build it into “America in the East” as they had planned. So the Jews are having a giant hissy-fit right now.

8 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Castro, Castro and his money, communism, communism as a fraud, Cuba, loans, Marx, Marxism, Marxism and equality, socialism, socialism-to-communism transformation, Soviet propaganda, Soviet states, Soviet Union, Western civilization, Western culture, Western loans to keep commies afloat, Western philosophy, White philosophy, White thought at 1:01 pm | Permanent Link

Marxism (aka, communism) cannot work because it goes against human nature. Marxism says that it can overcome human biology, IQ, ability and ambition. It says that it can create a new type of man: a one-size-fits-all robot [1]. No, it can’t. It tried to in the Soviet Union, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Cuba, etc. It failed each time. It can’t create a new robotic man because man is biological. Man has brains, feelings, desires, logic, ambition and ability. Jewish political/philosophical crap from Karl Marx can’t overcome those human things. In almost 80 years, Marxism failed to produce anything except murder, oppression, hunger and misery. Marxism is a failure and this has been proven over and over again. The only reason the Soviet Union (the “mothership”) stayed afloat as long as it did was because of massive Western help (loans, credit, Lend-Lease, winning WWII with American aid, etc.) [2]. There isn’t even “equality” in a Marxist country! There’s the “privileged class” (the dictator and his immediate underlings) and then there’s “everybody else” (the poor, oppressed citizens who are starving most of the time; look at Cuba). Whether regular Marxism or Cultural Marxism, it cannot work because humans aren’t robots and can’t be made into robots. Humans will behave like humans, fancy Jewish philosophy be damned. Furthermore, anything connected to Marxism (including socialism, Political Correctness and “woke”) is also a fraud, for the same reasons.


[1] this new, robotic man was known as “New Soviet man” (along with his “New Soviet woman” of course).

[2] e.g., the West loaned $675 million dollars to Poland in 1980, $400 million to East Germany in 1983, and $250 million to the Soviet Union in 1984. Did they pay the money back? Of course not. How would they? Marxism is non-profit (unless you’re Fidel Castro)! Western loans were frequently given for political reasons, i.e., the West benefited in some way. A smart man would now ask: “if Marxism works, why did they always need loans from the West?” Hey, you’re not supposed to ask that question. That’s logic! You can’t use logic with Marxism! Castro had bank accounts all over the world and had a fortune estimated to be roughly $1 billion dollars. Yes, billion, with a b. Not bad for a poor, murderous, commie thug, eh?? Meanwhile, Cuban citizens were eating lizards in order to survive.

7 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, equity vs. equality, Marcuse, race, race baloney, racial differences, racial hierarchy at 1:07 pm | Permanent Link

Someone has been reading Marcuse! In fact, make that “lots of someones have been reading him”!

Have you noticed that, in the past 5 years, the leftists have gone from demanding racial “equality” to demanding racial “equity”? Well, there’s a reason for that. It goes back to Marcuse.

But first, some definitions:

“Equality” means that each person is given the same resources and opportunities under the law.

“Equity” (the newer word) means that each person, having different needs/circumstances, is given whatever he might need to reach an equal outcome (compared to everyone else).

See the big difference? “Equity” is very open-ended. The Blacks and Browns are given “whatever they need.” In other words, they will get much more “help” under the banner of “equity” than under “equality.”

Marcuse was critical of the modern West delivering only “equality of process” (all citizens treated equally by law). That wasn’t good enough for Marcuse. He wanted “equality of results/outcomes” (everyone ends up being equal to the next person, regardless of their life circumstances). Let’s put it simply: under “equality,” Blacks and Browns still end up being unequal, because they are unequal. Hence the reason “equity” is now being used. It’s much easier to hide the racial shortcomings of Blacks and Browns under “equity” than under “equality.”

7 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in rock music at 11:34 am | Permanent Link

Interesting. They called Don Felder (who is not a Jew) “Fingers” because he was a great guitarist. He wrote “Hotel California” as an instrumental, but then the other Eagles added vocals later on.

[Video, 9 minutes].

The original version of “Hotel California”: [Video, 7 minutes].

7 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in America, America as an arm of world Jewry, NATO, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine, UN, Yemen at 10:04 am | Permanent Link

1. Saudi Arabia — backed by the U.S. — waging war on Yemen for the past 8 years = The Western world says: “(*Yawn*)” [1].


2. Russia waging a soft war on corrupt, Jewish-run Ukraine for 11 days = The Western world says: “Oh, my God!! Sweet Jesus!! Call the UN!! Call NATO!! Call the CIA!! Call the FBI!! Call the U.S. Marines!! Call Aunt Martha in Cleveland!! Oh, the humanity!! Ohh!! Putin is the next Hitler!! He must be stopped, at any cost!!”

Never forget: globalism doesn’t prevent wars. It causes wars.


[1] “In March 2015, a Saudi-led coalition – backed by the US – intervened militarily in Yemen in a bid to fight the Houthis, restore President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government, and reverse what they say is growing Iranian influence in the region.” [Here].