25 August, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, black culture, Socrates at 12:32 pm | Permanent Link

Apparently, the negro had a curved-blade knife on him and he was going to get a gun from the car. Plus, he apparently had a “violent felony” outstanding warrant. [Here].

25 August, 2020

Posted by Socrates in California, climate change, climax change, global warming, green Marxism, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals-as-children, Socrates at 12:00 pm | Permanent Link

Liberalism kills everything — it even kills trees. Decades of horrible “green” leftist policies (such as “no brush clearing is allowed”) has led to yearly wildfires all over the Western world. Liberal policies always do the opposite of what they’re supposed to do. The question is: is that by accident, or by design (so that the liberals can “cure” the resultant problems with more big-government mandates and more taxation)?


24 August, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, black culture, Black mentality, Black rioting, cop-hate, cops, rioting by Blacks/Browns, Socrates at 12:48 pm | Permanent Link

Video: Cops try to stop a Black man from getting into a car and leaving the scene. They tell him to stop. He, of course, doesn’t stop and instead tries to get into the car. Blacks are apparently unable to follow simple commands — which is Whitey’s fault, of course.

23 August, 2020

Posted by Socrates in movies, Socrates at 11:51 am | Permanent Link

Seven Samurai (Japanese, 1954); [in Japanese, with English subtitles; duration is 3 hours, 27 minutes; the prior, posted copy of this movie was faulty; this is also longer].

23 August, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Democrats, Insurrection of 2020, left-wing violence, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, morality, rioting by Antifa, rioting by Blacks/Browns, Socrates at 11:07 am | Permanent Link

Consider this: there has been violent rioting, by liberals, for 88 nights straight in Portland, Oregon. That violence has included numerous attempted murders — one of the rioters threw a 10-pound rock at a cop. Scores of police officers have been injured in that rioting. (The liberal media has been calling the Portland rioting “mostly peaceful”! Is anyone in charge in Portland? The mayor? The cops? The city council? Anybody? If this were 1967, the National Guard would have arrived on day 3 of the Portland rioting and opened fire on the rioters with live ammunition. But that sort of thing isn’t done anymore. Today, rioters have “civil rights” and so forth).

Strangely, none of the famous liberals who appeared at the Democratic National Convention last week mentioned the rioting in Portland (apparently, one of them mentioned “peaceful protests” but not rioting. Big difference there). This is more proof that Democrats are unfit to govern America and are in fact morally unfit to govern, period. Almost 3 months of daily rioting by liberals in Portland, and they don’t even mention the problem??

In fact, liberals have long had a serious morality problem: they lack morality. Oh, sure, they always claim to be compassionate, e.g., they say things like “we care about the Blacks and the Mexicans! We’re not like those cruel, racist conservatives!” But the liberals only care about the Blacks and the Mexicans for political purposes. Ditto “climate change,” which is merely a political weapon that they use to attack traditional Western culture.

Speaking of morality, have you noticed that liberal women curse like sailors? The phrase “mother-fu..er” seems popular with liberal women [1].


[1] examples: [Here] and [Here]

22 August, 2020

Posted by Socrates in anti-fascists/antifas, Chile, Fascism, fascism accusations, Germany, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, Pinochet, Socrates, Trump, Trump and Making America Great Again, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 1:08 pm | Permanent Link

Q: What is a liberal? A: a bully who will try to control your life from cradle to grave (look at California). Liberals really are insane. That’s no joke. Liberals should be banned from all positions of power in the Western world. Banned. By law. (Liberals are also notorious liars. For example, “antifa” thugs moan daily about “fascism” when, in fact, there is no fascism remaining in the world today. None! The last “fascist dictatorship” was probably Pinochet’s in Chile, and that ended in 1990. The antifas also say that Donald Trump is a fascist! Yet, he was elected by voters!).

22 August, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, China, China as a global superpower, Christianity, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, global vs. local/regional, globalization, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, multiculturalism, Old Testament, socialism, socialism-to-communism transformation, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western preservation ideas, White inventions, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 10:07 am | Permanent Link

1. The nuclear family (i.e., father/mother/children) is the bedrock, the vital ingredient of White, Western culture. Without the nuclear family, Western culture would be doomed.

2. Western culture is White culture only. There is no debating this fact. Western culture is not Black, or Brown, or Jewish, or Asian. It’s European in origin.

3. Feminism is harmful to Western culture — it often prevents women from bearing/raising children and it causes men and women to fight over trivial things.

4. Homosexuality is harmful to Western culture — it cheapens our normal, two-sex culture.

5. Multiculturalism and diversity will kill Western culture like poison will kill a rat.

6. Western culture is, at its core, “White male.”

7. The ownership of private property (i.e., land and businesses) is vital to the preservation of Western culture.

8. Without the private ownership of guns, Western man cannot properly defend his family, his culture and his heritage.

9. Marxism/communism/socialism (which are Jewish-founded ideologies, e.g., founded by Karl Marx/Moses Hess/Eduard Bernstein/Ferdinand Lassalle), are anti-White and must be strongly opposed by Western people. Marxist/socialist ideas are deadly to Western culture and they must not be tolerated.

10. Jews, who are not genetically White, are the greatest enemy of Western culture.

11. Christianity, while it seems White on its surface, is Levantine, egalitarian and anti-White; in fact, the Old Testament was written by Jews. Therefore, Christianity is a threat to Western culture.

12. Non-White immigration will kill Western culture like poison will kill a rat.

13. Government regulations will kill Western culture like poison will kill a rat.

14. Public schools (including the universities) are a serious threat to Western culture.

15. Without plenty of economic, political and artistic freedom, Western culture will vanish (this is related to Precept #13 above); it cannot survive without freedom.

16. Globalism and “free trade” will kill Western culture like poison will kill a rat. The White countries must keep non-White countries at a distance (physically, politically and economically speaking. For example, China should never have been given “Most Favored Nation” trading status by America).

21 August, 2020

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, Jewish power, Jewish Question, Revilo P. Oliver, Socrates at 2:51 pm | Permanent Link

“The Jewish Strategy” (2002) by Dr. Revilo P. Oliver.

[a .PDF file].

21 August, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Billy Graham, Jewish power, Jewish Question, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish World Revolution, Nixon, Socrates at 2:06 pm | Permanent Link

“America’s pastor” Reverend Billy Graham’s 1972 comment to U.S. President Richard Nixon about Jews, when Graham didn’t even know he was being audiotaped, is important. Given Graham’s spotless personal reputation, the comment is significant and revealing.

A conversation between Nixon and Graham, in the Oval Office, at the White House, Feb. 10, 1972:

Graham, talking about Jewish power in America: “This stranglehold has got to be broken or the country’s going down the drain.”

Nixon: “You believe that?”

Graham: “Yes, sir.”

Nixon: “Oh, boy. So do I. I can’t ever say that but I believe it.” (Wait a second: Nixon was the most powerful man on earth in 1972, but he couldn’t say that? Why not? Says who? Very revealing!).

Graham: “No, but if you get elected a second time, then we might be able to do something.”

Graham later issued a written public apology for his truth-telling — but why apologize for telling the truth?

20 August, 2020

Posted by Socrates in cops, Cultural Marxism, Diversity, diversity is hate, egalitarianism, equality, human equality, Socrates, women, women and 'equality', women cops, women in the workforce at 5:54 pm | Permanent Link

New York City: Female cop shoots unarmed man. Narrator is an ex-cop. [Video].