10 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Cuddihy, Freud, Freudianism, jewed culture, jewed language, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marxism at 4:51 pm | Permanent Link

“All the ideologies constructed by secular Jewish intellectuals, from the Haskalah to Reform Judaism, from Marxism to Freudianism, from assimilationism to Zionism, form a continuing tradition which I call ‘Jewish Intellectual Culture.’”

— from the book “The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity” (New York; Basic Books, 1974) by John Murray Cuddihy, page 8.

10 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 4:43 pm | Permanent Link

“I have heard this argument many times. My counter-argument is: 1) Most people are like you — they like slurs; 2) the German nationalists used slurs and caricatures to great effect; 3) the Jews use slurs all the time in their media. In a nutshell, people like slurs, slurs get at truths that “neutral” language hides, and slurs work. The average American has no problem with slurs, his problem is with not being respectable. Respectability is a function of mass-media control, it has nothing to do with the way we nationalists frame arguments. I was hated as much as a conservative editorial writer in college as I am now as a “Nazi.” Slurs demonize the other side, stir up and inspire our own, and dammit, I’m going to call the authors of 20,000 baby-rapes ‘niggers’ until the day I die, and the folks who make possible their rapes ‘miserable, feculent yids.’ As Camille Paglia has pointed out, you need both the Apollonian and the Dionysian, the rational and the emotional, and VNN achieves that. We are appear regularly, predictably, and reliably; we are edited professionally and capably by me; and we are dripping full of raucous high spirits, as befits White men on the prowl. I don’t demand that our writers use slurs; that’s up to the individual. Free speech is alive in my heart. I’m not a jew, my ideas can win open fights. I will print letters from Indians or articles from niggers if they help advance White understanding. I provide a forum for people to fight back against the Jews who are at the root of our problems. Give me your letters, your articles, your cartoons, your reviews, and I will arrange them and set them out for potential converts, and I will wrap the whole thing up with daily news. That is the model, and thanks to readers like you, it has worked quite well. My thinking is guided always by the admonition of George Lincoln Rockwell to supply a full range of goods in your ideological grocery store. We need men and women and all the different classes that make up the White nation to prevail. We need facts and a fighting spirit, and slurs encourage our readers to look down on the hip-hopping nogs and their puppetmasters where the Semitic media hold us to hushed genuflection. After all, they supply my credibility — if they weren’t niggers and yids, I’d look awfully stupid calling them such. The man on the stair is there; I can either acknowledge him or pretend he doesn’t exist. VNN doesn’t indulge in self-important, self-effacing twinky bullshit like the jerk-job jibber-jabberers, we go for the jugular with a delightful mix of speed and power. All r stuff is speld rite and gud edited 2; to make a mot point, the opposite of moot, you will never see ‘nigger’ on VNN…misspelled. Rather, we will use our bully pulpit to shout “No Jews.” and we damn well expect every loyal reader to scream back “Just Right.” We are going to win. I know it.”

— Alex Linder, in Reader Mail 72, 2001.

10 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Christ-tards, Christianity, Christians, egalitarianism, equality, judaism, Judaism As a Group Evolutionary Strategy at 1:53 pm | Permanent Link

“No one in his right mind is an egalitarian. The members of every tribe that will survive very long on this planet value the lives of their fellow tribesmen above the lives of those who are not members of the tribe. Judaism is a survival-oriented religion. Christianity is not.”

— Dr. William Pierce, The “Peace Process”; Free Speech magazine, February 2001, Volume VII, Number 2.

10 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "woke", Cultural Marxism, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 1:26 pm | Permanent Link

Bottom line: since the 2014 coup (which was triggered by America), Ukraine has been culturally transformed, from “normal” to “freaky” in just 8 years, complete with a greasy Jewish president who “played” piano on live TV with his penis (and that’s no lie, watch it yourself; what a freak, even if it is satire, it’s gross). Russia didn’t like that transformation, and I cannot blame Russia for not liking that. Now we find out that Ukraine had biological-weapons labs. Why did they have those? Those aren’t conventional weapons!

“When Mearsheimer says that Russia operates with a 19th century outlook, he does not mean her viewpoints are “backwards” or “regressive,” but that the idea of what a nation is, is different than the post-liberal conception the West operates with today. Western Europe has largely secularized, and as a result is doing everything it can to rid itself of its cultural and religious patrimony. The EU is a woke and globalist organization par excellence, whereas Russia is not at all.”


10 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "gender theory", "gender", "woke", 'gender identity', anti-family themes, anti-White themes, child abuse, child abuse via liberal propaganda, children, children and parenting, communism, Cultural Marxism, jewed education system, Marxism, public skools, Soviet America (USSA), Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union at 12:50 pm | Permanent Link

In the early Soviet Union, parents did not “own” their children, according to Marxist doctrine. Indeed, that’s what the Soviet Komsomol (youth league) was for: to “separate” the children from their parents. Children were taught to see the Communist Party as “their parents.” The state “owned” the children, for all practical purposes. Parents were just excess baggage.

Headline: “Wisconsin School District: Parents ‘Not Entitled’ to Know Kids’ Gender Identity”


10 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Georg Lukacs, jewed culture, jewed education system, jewed law, jewed politics, Jordan Peterson, New Left, War On White Males, War On White People at 11:20 am | Permanent Link

What does “diversity” mean? It means “fewer White people.” Why would you want “fewer White people” in a region that Whites created (the West)? You would want more Whites, not less! Indeed, it’s very suspicious that “diversity” is only aimed at the White countries. “Diversity” isn’t being pushed onto China or India or Mexico or Colombia. Why not? Because “diversity” is a scam. Worse than that, it’s a weapon against White culture. It’s a program for, ultimately, White genocide.

Video essay: “DIE Must Die” (DIE means “Diversity-Inclusion-Equity”; the text version is [Here]).

(Unfortunately, Dr. Peterson does not mention that DIE came from Cultural Marxism [CM] or that CM came from Jews; as for dating the beginnings of CM, some would say the 1930s, while others would say even earlier than that, such as with the Jews Georg Lukacs and Franz Boas [Boas was a race-denier]; Lukacs, as Hungarian Minister of Culture, was likely the first person to use CM in a hands-on manner, in public schools in 1919; Lukacs, a communist, brainwashed innocent kids — sort of like what every teacher in America does today; just think: every teacher today is a clone of Lukacs! Insidiously, schools in communist Cuba would question the kids about their parents: “what does your daddy say about “X”? Does your daddy ever talk about “Y”? What does he say?” That likely happens in America now: “does your daddy own any guns? What kinds of guns does daddy own? Does daddy ever talk about Donald Trump? What does he say about him?”) [1].


[1] “Workplace diversity training first emerged in the mid-1960s following the introduction of equal employment laws and affirmative action.” — insights.grcglobalgroup.com. (Affirmative Action came from Title VII of Jewish congressman Emanuel Celler’s Civil Rights Act of 1964, which came from Celler’s House bill H.R.7152, which was introduced in Congress on June 20, 1963. Title VII “prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.” It also applies to college/university admissions).

9 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Fascism, fascism vs. communism, fascist ideology, online books, Oswald Mosley at 3:16 pm | Permanent Link

“Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered” by Oswald Mosley (1936). [a .PDF file]. One great thing about Fascism: it can create rapid change. It can create laws in 1 hour. Contrast that to modern America, where it can take a year to create a worthless, toothless, “compromise” law.

9 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 2:34 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“Let’s begin with the case of Gary Lauck. Mr. Lauck is a native of
Lincoln, Nebraska. For years he published materials characterized by the
Jewish media here as “neo-Nazi,” and he shipped these materials to
friends in Germany, who distributed them to the German public through
“underground” channels, much to the annoyance of the German government,
which does not permit Germans to read such materials. In fact, the
German government complained long and loud about Lauck, and the Clinton
government in Washington apologized and said that, unfortunately, there
was nothing it could do to punish Lauck or stop his publishing activity,
since, unfortunately, the U.S. Constitution permits American citizens to
do that sort of thing. Well, actually there was something the Clinton
government could do to stop Lauck, and that’s what it did. In 1995, when
Lauck was visiting friends in Denmark, Mr. Clinton’s government, which
keeps track of the coming and going of U.S. citizens, tipped off the
secret police in Germany, the Verfassungschutz, that Lauck was in
Denmark. The Verfassungschutz asked the Danish government, which since
the Second World War has not been much better than the German
government, to arrest Lauck and extradite him to Germany. And that’s
what happened. The German government then put Lauck in prison for four years.”


9 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Biden Nightmare at 2:09 pm | Permanent Link

Bidet will attempt to meet with CEOs. Is that a good idea? I can imagine it:

Bidet: “And if I’m elected mayor of Cleveland, I’ll…I’ll…uhhhhh…who’s got ice cream?? Hey, did I ever tell you guys about the time I took a shower with Elvis…??”

“President Joe Biden is slated to meet Wednesday afternoon with executives from big U.S. tech companies, as he continues his push to secure billions of dollars in taxpayer money for semiconductor manufacturing.”


9 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Christ-tards, Christianity, Christians, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 1:41 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: 90% of the Christians on the internet support Ukraine and demonize Russia. Is this surprising? No. But it is aggravating.