26 September, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 11:08 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“So our task is to continue to build understanding and motivation among the thinking portion of our people: to persuade the conservatives to let go by showing them where the stink is coming from, to show them that the corpse they are clinging to really is dead; to educate the incidental liberals by helping them see the facts they have overlooked; to make the individualists understand that individualism just doesn’t make sense at a time when the tide is carrying our boat farther and farther from the safe harbor we all seek, and it is clear that we will only get there if we all row together.

Perhaps I am just an unrealistic optimist to believe that we can do these things. But I myself have been to all of these places I’ve talked about. I used to be a conservative. And I used to believe that Jews were just like all the rest of us except that they went to a different church; I believed that the reason Blacks behaved badly and had never accomplished much was that they had had a bad break, that they hadn’t had a fair chance. And I even went through an individualist phase, when I thought I was so much smarter than everyone else that I could manage by myself; I hadn’t explored my roots yet — I hadn’t understood yet that I am only a very small part of something much bigger and more important than myself.”


Audio: [Here].

25 September, 2020

Posted by Socrates in anti-cop mania, anti-fascists/antifas, Klan, Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies at 2:59 pm | Permanent Link

Under the heading “Prosperous Black Communities”, it reads:

“Prosecute the KKK and ANTIFA as terrorist organizations and make lynching a national hate crime.”

So, just belonging to the Klan makes you a terrorist? Most Klansmen don’t riot in the streets or burn cities or try to kill cops — unlike antifa.

25 September, 2020

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black mentality, black violence, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as child-like, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, Dindu Nuffins, Socrates at 10:31 am | Permanent Link

An interesting feature of Black behavior: Blacks cannot admit guilt. Like children, they blame others for their mistakes. For example, in 1988, the famous Black soul singer James Brown (uhh!) got high on (uhh!) “angel dust” (yeow!) and threatened people with a shotgun, then he led police on a wild car chase, which ended with the police shooting out the tires of Brown’s truck. Brown’s comments afterwards? He was innocent. It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t do anything wrong. (Then whose fault was it? Brown was sentenced to 6 years in prison for that episode). In that way, Blacks are like children who blame everyone else for their screw-ups. (Brown is a great example of the old adage: “You can take the boy out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of the boy”; indeed, Brown is a better example of that than most Blacks, due to his stage grunting and frequent PCP use).

24 September, 2020

Posted by Socrates in child abuse via liberal propaganda, children, climate change, climax change, education, global warming, green Marxism, public skools, slogans, slogans for WNs, White philosophy, White thought at 11:17 am | Permanent Link

Little Cindy: “Mommy, my teacher told me that the earth will be dead in 12 years! Does that mean we’ll be dead, too???” (*sob*)(*sniff*).

No, Cindy. Your teacher is a leftist jerk who should be fired and charged with child abuse. The school principal should also be charged, for allowing that junk to be taught in his school.

In America, 36 states mandate “climate change” baloney be taught in the public schools. More than half the states.

Global warming propaganda (aka Green Marxism) says that the earth will end very soon, that there will be no more trees left on the planet. This is pure crap. Innocent children hear that talk and they think to themselves, “why should I care about going to school and getting good grades if we’re all gonna be dead soon?”

Only evil people scare children. (That’s a crime in Texas) [1]. Let that be a slogan of White Nationalism!


[1] Deliberately causing mental/emotional distress in children is illegal in Texas

24 September, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America's future, anti-fascists/antifas, anti-White terrorism, anti-White themes, bisexuals, elections, homosexual themes, homosexuals, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberalism, liberals, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trumpphobia, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 10:05 am | Permanent Link

(There are liberal bisexuals in Nebraska?? In the land of corn, farmers and wholesome girls named Betty?? Christ, those people are everywhere now! Next they’ll be in Congress! Wait a second…).

This is a sad, but true, story of how Whites (especially White males) are the oppressed people of today. And it’ll only get worse after Donald Trump leaves office in January 2025. Prepare accordingly.

23 September, 2020

Posted by Socrates in graphics/toons, Socrates, White activism, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 1:25 pm | Permanent Link

by aryangraphicsdesigns.blogspot.com/

22 September, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, anti-cop mania, anti-fascists/antifas, C. Northcote Parkinson, communism, Eduard Bernstein, judaism, judaism-as-hate, judeo-communism, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberalism, liberals, liberals-as-destroyers, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, Moses Hess, socialism, socialism-to-communism transformation, Socrates, welfare payments, welfare programs, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 10:42 am | Permanent Link

Here’s a mention of a new webcast video program: “Lara Logan Has No Agenda: The Socialist Invasion. As socialist ideology becomes more popular in the United States, journalist Lara Logan investigates the agenda pushing Socialism onto the American ballot by digging in to the real life effects of its policies. Available now on Fox Nation.” [Article].

The very idea that America would need socialism! First of all, America already has some socialism for Blacks/Browns/the poor (e.g., food stamps, unemployment benefits, various welfare payments, free state/local medical care programs for the poor, Section 8 rent subsidies, etc.). Second of all, if you can’t survive in America, the land of plenty and of kindness, you’re a total loser, bro. Better move to Cuba.

Fact: Socialism, like its big brother communism, is an anti-White, anti-Western movement that sprang ultimately from Jews. Keep that in your mind; to quote a movie: “learn it, know it, live it” [1][2].


[1] the movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” (1982).

[2] socialism was founded by Jews (Moses Hess/Eduard Bernstein/Ferdinand Lassalle) and it’s the first half of a communist revolution (socialism comes first, and the state “vanishing” comes second; but states never vanish, so it’s ridiculous from the beginning

21 September, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, college, communism, communism in America, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, grade inflation, Marcuse, Marx, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, New Left, Old Left, sociology, Socrates, soft sciences, universities, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought, women, women and 'equality', women and emoting, women in the workforce at 11:48 am | Permanent Link

(Above: “Gee, that ship seemed so seaworthy…”).

“Back where I come from, we have universities, seats of great learning, where men go to become great thinkers.” — The Wizard of Oz. “Great thinkers”? Not anymore. Now they become “great Marxists.” Because what do you learn in the universities? That all humans are equal! Until the broken, corrupt, worthless universities can be repaired and restaffed with normal people and not leftist wackos, they must be defunded and closed by the government. If “conservatives” want a great movement to start, there’s one! Close every university from Florida to California, and tell the American people why you want to do that. They’ll come around and support you. They will.

Back in the 1960s, the Cultural Marxists (based mostly in the universities) began saying, “let’s create equality of opportunity” for all of the human races. So that’s what happened. But that soon morphed into “let’s create equality of outcomes” for all of them. They “thumbed the scales” for Blacks until Blacks graduated from fancy universities with degrees in the “soft” sciences, even though they didn’t earn those degrees (known as “grade inflation”) [1][2][3][4].

Questions: If Blacks are equal, why do they need grade inflation to graduate? If America is a democracy, why do the universities require students to read Marxist textbooks in order to graduate (e.g., books by Herbert Marcuse)? If universities are about free speech and new ideas, how come there is no free speech, or no new ideas, allowed in any of the universities?


[1] Blacks rarely pursue degrees in the “hard” sciences, such as physics, biology or chemistry. They go for “soft” science degrees in
psychology or sociology or other worthless fields; it doesn’t take much effort to get a degree in sociology (a field created by the Jew, Emile Durkheim).

[2] Half of the grades given at Harvard University today are A grades: “one-fourth of all grades given to undergraduates are now A’s, and another fourth are A-‘s.” — from an article titled “Grade Inflation: It’s Time to Face the Facts” by Harvey C. Mansfield, April 6, 2001, at https://www.chronicle.com; Mansfield is a professor of government at Harvard.

[3] several years ago, I visited a state university, in order to use the huge (huge! Like, 30 million books) library there. I was dismayed to see that 7 out of 10 students there were female. It was wall-to-wall estrogen! No wonder our country is going to the dogs: all of our “leaders” emote now. Emoting is great for child-rearing but not so great for governing an entire country. Sadly, women are easier to brainwash than men, because they take everything at face value and tend to believe people in authority positions more than men do.

[4] the “New Left” (godfathered by Marcuse) was built in the universities circa the 1960s

20 September, 2020

Posted by Socrates in movies, Socrates at 1:36 pm | Permanent Link

The Wicker Man (1973), starring Edward Woodward and Christopher Lee.

In England, a God-fearing, ultra-conservative policeman battles evil pagans, who run around in the woods naked while shouting “Hail Satan!” and “We Love Hillary!” and other fun things. It’s my understanding that Ruth Bader Ginsburg did the same thing (the naked/woods thing). That’s why many squirrels are blind in Maryland: they saw Ginsburg nude and their eyeballs melted. Heh, heh, heh.

[Movie; duration is 1 hour, 33 minutes].

20 September, 2020

Posted by Socrates in affect intensity, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals-as-children, liberals-as-destroyers, Socrates at 11:28 am | Permanent Link

This is why leftists/liberals should never be allowed to hold public office or any positions of power. These people cannot be trusted to safeguard America (but they can be counted on to destroy America. Liberals have destroyed California and NYC already).

Leftists are emotional, violent, childish people. I’ve said before that liberals are children in adult bodies. Their brains are “wired differently.” Leftists rate higher in Affect Intensity (AI) [1]. They are more emotional and therefore less stable than normal people [2]. Have you ever heard conservatives threaten to commit arson if a political contest doesn’t go their way? I haven’t and neither have you. (Most political violence in the world comes from the Left, not the Right).

[Here] and [Here].


[1] people who rate or score higher in Affect Intensity (AI) feel emotions more strongly, and people who rate lower in AI feel emotions less strongly. Women and non-Whites also rate higher in AI.

[2] Some liberal personality traits: emotional, childish, subjective (not objective), more violent, creative thinkers (not critical thinkers), fantasy-based (e.g., believing “Trump is a fascist!” when in fact he isn’t), have low standards, more creative, more likely to use illegal drugs, “female-brained.” Almost all people in the arts (acting, singing, dancing) are liberal