15 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in counterculture, deliberate distractions, Disney movies, hippie movement as Jewish, hippies, history, History for newbies, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Revilo P. Oliver, Sixties, Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, Vietnam, Vietnam War, Walt Disney, Walt Rostow at 11:15 am | Permanent Link

Here’s some interesting American history for the newbies.

Somebody high in the pecking order advised Dr. Revilo Oliver back in 1960:

“So why don’t you give up the speaking, the worrying about the Jews, and get back to your business, which is scholarship? …There are only ten years left at most before the occupation of the US by the USSR; and nothing you are doing is going to prevent that, any more than a fish’s wriggling its tail in a net affects its consignment to tomorrow night’s poêle. The question is how we spend those ten years…” (He raised a good point: the Soviet Union was funneling money to the American communist party during the 1960s, via MLK’s Jewish handler Stanley Levison, who would carry bags of cash to the communists. The Soviets made it their policy to support the U.S. civil rights movement as a way to destabilize American society. Many experts knew that the American Left was being supported by the Soviets, even if many leftists didn’t know that [they were naive, “useful idiots”]) [1].

“It only later became apparent that the “burglary” (the Watergate scandal, 1972) had been designed not only to keep the boobs agog and hold their attention from significant changes in policy, but also to set a precedent in the first resignation of an American President.”

Similarly, it has been said that Walt Rostow’s Vietnam War was both a “distraction” and a “weapon” by design: a pre-planned way to speed up the destruction of America. If it wasn’t, then it certainly worked in that fashion. America went from “innocent Walt Disney movies and family picnics” (circa 1964) to “LSD, hippies, race riots and Black Panthers” (circa 1968), in just a few years. That was quick. Real quick! America was upended and transformed in 4 years. A world record for cultural transformation, probably. America changed so quickly that it likely was not an accident but was deliberate and pre-planned. Rostow was a smart man. He knew that a huge military campaign against communism in Southeast Asia would provide plenty of distractions. Ironically, or maybe not, the anti-Vietnam-War movement was heavily-Jewish, e.g., Robert Greenblatt, Stew Albert, Allen Ginsberg, Phil Ochs, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Ted Gold and members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS); was it all just a coincidence, or was it a Cohencidence? [2].



[1] “Once more came the ‘outside’ influence of the (Soviet) Comintern; and what did it say? It said that the struggle against discrimination and for Negro rights is a revolutionary struggle for the national liberation of the Negroes, that we must fight for complete Negro equality; and that in the Black Belt the full realization of this demand requires the fight for the national self-determination of the Negroes including the right of separation from the United States and the organization of an independent (Black) state.” — from “Milestones in the History of the Communist Party” by Jewish communist Alexander Bittelman, 1937.

[2] The Jewish neocon Walt Rostow (1916-2003) was President Kennedy’s friend and national security advisor. He convinced Kennedy to begin an anti-communist crusade in Southeast Asia (beginning in Laos in 1961) and, to a lesser extent, in Latin America. The so-called Rostow Thesis was basically this: “The U.S. could save the entire world from communism as long as the third world strictly followed and obeyed the economic/political ideas of the U.S. and as long as America could ‘nurture’ and ‘grow’ the third world by feeding it capitalism and anti-communism via a huge, steady supply of U.S. aid, including lots of money.”

14 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in global warming, green Marxism, Jewish 'experts', Jewish 'science', Jewish alarmism, Manhattan Project, nuclear weapons, nukes at 10:46 am | Permanent Link

When Jews run the West (they really do), this is the result. Things that Jews invented (nukes) could harm the climate, according to Jewish climate-theory! [1].

Consider: our Western media is heavily-Jewish. The “climate-change” theorists are mostly Jewish as well. (But I was unable to discover the ethnic background of the author of that nukes/climate article).

This theory is not new, by the way: it’s the “nuclear winter” theory advanced by the famous Jewish astronomer/astrophysicist Carl Sagan (1934-1996). Under that theory, a few nuclear explosions would create a 10-year-long, global “winter” [2]. Cool! We could build snowmen! In July!



[1] the top scientists/engineers involved in producing the atomic bomb in 1945 were Jews, including J. Robert Oppenheimer, Rudolf Peierls, Felix Bloch, Leo Szilard, Eugene Wigner, John von Neumann, Stanley Frankel, James Franck, Richard Feynman, Otto Frisch, Edward Teller, and, Enrico Fermi (a gentile but married to a Jew).

[2] Jewish scientists are notorious for being wrong. One of those Jews, Carl Sagan, long pushed the “nuclear winter” theory to include not only nuclear explosions (“nuclear bombs can cause a winter”) but the Kuwait oil-field fires in 1991. Sagan said that there would be “no summer” after the fires. But there was. Sagan was seriously wrong. “Nuclear winter” theory is considered by top scientists to be baloney, like all Jewish theories. Jews love their “theories” e.g., Marxist theory, feminist theory, transgender theory, etc. Everything’s a theory. Not proven fact, just theory.

13 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in jewed politics, Judeo-insanity, Judeo-Left, Judeo-Soviet holocaust, Soviet holocaust, Soviet officials with Jewish wives, Soviet Union at 2:26 pm | Permanent Link

…they ask for some water. Why? Because it’s free! (rimshot). Where do you send Jewish kids with Attention Deficit Disorder? To a concentration camp! (rimshot). How was copper wire invented? Two Jews were fighting over a penny! (rimshot).

When you’re talking about the Left, you’re really talking about the Judeo-Left, since so many powerful leftists are either Jews, or half-Jews, or married to Jews (that was common in the Soviet Union: powerful gentiles — such as Viacheslav Molotov — were married to Jews; so was Khrushchev) [1].

In this case, it has come to light that the globalist Klaus Schwab — the executive chairman and founder of the World Economic Forum — has an Israeli, Yuval Noah Harari, as his top advisor.



[1] “Half the members of the Presidium have Jewish wives” — Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, quoted in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency bulletin, April 23, 1958. The Soviet Union was built by Jews, beginning in 1917.

13 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' haters, jewed culture, jewed media, Muslims, Muslims in America, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 10:49 am | Permanent Link

Most of the time, “hate” is called “ugly” and “evil” by the media. But once in a while, Big Jew gives America permission to hate. Permission! This is one such time — in fact, America’s Jewish-dominated media is leading this hate campaign!

Muslims have attacked America not just once but many times (e.g., recall the Pan Am Flight 103 attack [the airplane bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988, in which most of the dead were Americans]; recall the first bombing of NYC’s World Trade Center in 1993; recall 9/11; recall the shootings at Fort Hood, Texas in 2009; recall the San Bernardino, California shootings in 2015). Is America boycotting and shunning Muslims? No! In fact, doing so would be called “hate” by the mainstream media.

Russia has never attacked America. Is America boycotting and shunning Russia? Yes! Severely! Why Russia, but not Muslims?

“Russians are now the people it’s OK to hate. After Muslims attacked this country, the media denounced even a whisper of criticism.”


12 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, globalization, World War I, World War II, World War III, World War Wheeee! at 12:33 pm | Permanent Link

Newbies, understand one thing: globalism doesn’t prevent wars. Globalism causes wars! How do you think WWI and WWII happened? This is how: what started out as regional conflicts went global each time. Dozens of different countries jumped into the fight each time, even though those fights were not their fights. WWII had 50 different countries involved in it! Yes! 47 on the Allied side and 3 on the Axis side. Explain to me how WWII was the business of 50 different countries. Go ahead! Explain away! You can’t, so don’t even try. Global wars are pure, total bullshit. It’s hard to believe that there were 2 world wars within 25 years! Un-fucking-believable! Are humans really that stupid?? Yes, they are.

Don’t be led down the false path of globalism. You can see what’s happening right now: there’s a new Cold War — possibly shaping up into a hot war — between Russia/China on one side and the West on the other, and guess who’s responsible for this new Cold War? Right! The same globalists as usual: the people who push for more NATO, more EU, and more UN involvement all over the world, and especially now in Eastern Europe. Don’t fall for it. It’s a scam. Globalism kills. Stop it.

[Video about global politics; 49 minutes].

12 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, history, History for newbies, Hitler, online books, Soviet Union, Stalin, World War II at 11:06 am | Permanent Link

“The Soviet communists admit that they used Hitler to unleash a war in Europe, and prepared a sudden blow at Hitler himself in order to seize a Europe which had been destroyed by him.” — Viktor Suvorov, in his 1988 book “Icebreaker” (first published in France in 1988 and in Britain in 1990).

Perspective is everything. The author, Suvorov, was looking at Hitler through biased glasses. His view, when he was writing “Icebreaker” circa 1985, was the standard Soviet view of Hitler. But the truth is, this book proves that Hitler actually saved the West. Had Hitler not invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, Stalin would have invaded and taken over all of Western Europe two weeks later (instead of only taking over Eastern Europe from 1945-onward).

Britain and France didn’t have to start World War II by declaring war on Germany in September 1939 over a crappy, unpopular country like Poland. They chose to declare war on Germany. The war was caused by them, not by Hitler.

Hitler saved the West and this book proves it. There was only one army big enough to prevent Western Europe from being communized by the Soviets: Germany’s; America’s and Britain’s armies were still too small in mid-1941 to prevent that. (Some “Western historians” [i.e., “brainwashed court historians”] have tried to discredit Suvorov’s book by saying that Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 was not defensive but only offensive, and, that Hitler didn’t even know about Stalin’s planned invasion of Western Europe. Even if that’s true [which I doubt], it doesn’t matter because the end result was the same: Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union prevented Stalin from invading/taking over Western Europe).

[Online book; a .PDF file; 331 pages].

12 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "gay", "gender theory", "gender", "woke", 'sex-change', 'transgender', EU, global citizenship/world citizenship, global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, Global Man, global vs. local/regional, globalization, homosexual diseases, homosexual themes, Homosexual traits, homosexuals, sovereignty, Soviet states, Soviet Union at 10:33 am | Permanent Link

The EU (European Union) tells Poland and Hungary: “embrace the global queer agenda, or no more money!” The EU must be disbanded. Here’s why: all countries have natural sovereignty (or they did until about 30 years ago). They and they alone control what happens inside each of their countries. What’s the difference between the EU and the former Soviet Bloc? There isn’t any. In each case, it’s the same situation: a group of states receives “marching orders” from a far-away government. The EU takes its orders from Brussels, and the Soviet states took their orders from Moscow until 1991 [1]. Same thing: no autonomy, no freedom for the states. In each case, it’s global tyranny. It’s time to reject global government and bring back freedom.

News headline: “European Parliament votes to cut funds to Hungary and Poland for not pushing LGBT agenda”


“Frank Furedi of Spiked-Online noted the irony that while the EU condemns Russia’s attack on a sovereign state, the EU continues its assault on the sovereignty of its member states, regarding its own rule of law as superior to international legislation.”


(Related news articles: [Here] and [Here]).


[1] there are currently 27 EU states; there were 23 Soviet states: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Poland, East Germany, Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. (Honorable mentions: Cuba, Nicaragua)

11 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in EU, global citizenship/world citizenship, global entities such as UN and NATO, Global Man, global vs. local/regional, globalization, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russia, Russophobia, Ukraine at 5:34 pm | Permanent Link

If Putin is really a globalist (as some people have claimed), then why does he not embrace NATO and the EU? Why is the EU sanctioning Putin? Why is the “international community” lined up against Putin to an extreme degree?

Headline: “US, EU Ban Luxury Goods Exports to Russia”


11 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in colonialism in Africa, colonialism in the New World, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, egalitarianism, equality, human equality, War On White Males, War On White People at 2:25 pm | Permanent Link

Actually, since circa 1960, it’s been a war on White males! Let’s be specific: White males have been/are the target of the New Left. Because after all, it was White males who, historically: oppressed the sweet, innocent Indians and Africans; oppressed the sweet, innocent Jews; oppressed the sweet, innocent homosexuals, midgets, hippies and vegetarians; and so on and so forth. Those evil White men! How dare they oppress inferior freaks! Don’t they know that all humans are equal? What?? All humans aren’t equal??? Oh. Okay, then.


11 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, Christ-tards, Christianity, Christians, cosmotheism, Hegel, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Old Testament, philosophy, Revilo P. Oliver, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce at 9:30 am | Permanent Link

Most philosophers are worthless: the more you read, the more confused you become. It’s a rabbit hole, in other words.

Modern Western philosophy says that “everything is relative. There are no absolutes.” Bullshit. There are plenty of absolutes. But ever since Hegel, it has been “standard practice” in philosophy to say that “there are no absolutes.” We must reject that idea totally. Here’s one absolute: “Jews are a threat to Western culture.” It was true in 1900 and is still true today.

There are only three philosophers today who are “good for the White man”: Dr. William Pierce, Dr. Revilo Oliver and Alex Linder, who is the only White philosopher who frequently “says the quiet part out loud.” Some people don’t like that; Linder’s theories are “too rough” for them: “but-but, my girlfriend will leave me if I read Linder.” Good! Then you can go find a real woman. Note for the record that Pierce, Oliver and Linder are not Christians and are in fact anti-Christian. Good. Christianity only weakened White people and made them wimpy — by design! White people must stop trying to “do the Houston Stewart Chamberlain thing.” (Hitler blasted Chamberlain: he said, “what a fool! You can’t resurrect Jesus as a White man!”). White people must stop trying to re-invent Jesus as White. It’s ridiculous. It’s embarrassing. Jesus wasn’t White and Christianity isn’t White. It’s a Jewish, egalitarian religion which was spread by the Jew Saul [he was later called “St. Paul”]. The Old Testament was written by Jews. You want to follow a religion? How about Cosmotheism? It’s a good religion if you need some spirituality in your life.

These two videos are interesting and funny, but also predictable: Moral Philosophy without any absolutes? Without any philosophical mandates? Surely there should be a few — like “never do anything to betray White Western culture/the White race.” How about that? In fact, we need a new philosophy: “White Moral Philosophy.” Complete with absolutes.

[Video, 25 minutes] and [Video, 12 minutes].