31 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in rock music, rock music industry, Socrates at 6:08 pm | Permanent Link

“Highway to Hell” by AC/DC (live, 1979). [Here].

31 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in rock music, rock music industry, Socrates at 5:40 pm | Permanent Link

“Theme For An Imaginary Western” by Mountain; bassist Felix Pappalardi on vocals; at the Cincinnati Pop Festival, June 1970. Pappalardi was later murdered by his wife. There’s a lesson there. [Video].

31 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Socrates at 11:21 am | Permanent Link

[An animated film; from 1977; duration is 25 minutes].

31 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, Democrats, jewed culture, jewed media, jewed politics, leftism, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers, media, media control, media criticism, Socrates, Trump, Trumpphobia, Who Rules America? at 10:36 am | Permanent Link

The mainstream media began losing popularity in the 1990s as it boldly “ran interference” for the Clintons and later for Obama; it protected them at every turn.

But Donald Trump has more-or-less killed the mainstream media. Either by design or by accident (maybe both), Trump forced the media from cover and exposed it for what it is: a gang of lying, cheating, conniving assholes who hate White America and who serve as de facto enforcers for the Left and for the Democratic Party. (Trump became the first president to completely bypass the media and speak directly to the people on a daily basis, via Twitter tweets).

The mainstream media has almost zero credibility now; this big arm of global Jewry has lost most of its power, thanks to Trump.

30 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in feminism, feminism as fraudulent, feminization of the West, graphics/toons, Socrates at 12:35 pm | Permanent Link

30 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in race, slurs, Socrates, The Outsider/The Other at 12:00 pm | Permanent Link

For Blacks:
Porch Monkey
Moon Cricket
Jungle Bunny/Bunny
Yard Ape
Sheboon (female)

For Mexicans:
Border Bandit

For Asians:

For Jews:

29 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in slogans, slogans for WNs, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western preservation ideas, White inventions, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White rule is better, White Seniority in the West, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 5:59 pm | Permanent Link

Since the Western World Was Created Solely by White People, They and Only They Must Control It.

29 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Africa, climate change, global warming, jewed culture, jewed language, jewed politics, Jewish 'experts', Jewish alarmism, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish genetics, Socrates at 11:48 am | Permanent Link

It’s usually a Jew who pioneers radical, alarmist, the-world-will-end-soon theories which depress, distract, frighten and confuse the White population, e.g., “human population bombs,” “global warming will kill us all in 12 years,” “Reagan will start WWIII with his nuclear-weapons ambitions,” “Donald Trump is really a fascist in sheep’s clothing and he’ll never leave office,” “Coronavirus will kill us all in 6 months,” etc. The “population bomb” (explosion) never happened as Ehrlich predicted [1][2]. Indeed, birth rates in the West are half of what they were in 1968; but granted, parts of Africa are now experiencing surges in population growth, since negroes are only capable of three things: eating, stealing and fucking).


[1] Paul R. Ehrlich is an American biologist and author of the book “The Population Bomb” (1968). He had a Jewish mother, named Rosenberg, making him Jewish under Jewish religious law.

[2] The Population Bomb “predicted worldwide famine in the 1970s and 1980s due to overpopulation” — Wikipedia, October 2020

28 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, black culture, crime, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, military, Socrates at 1:23 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the manned “gate” at Fort Hood, Texas).

Fox News said, on its website, re: a video about the murder of a Mexican, female, U.S. Army “soldier”, on 10/28/20 (the crime happened in April 2020):

“What happened at Fort Hood? Outrage spreads after Vanessa Guillen is killed at the most crime-ridden military base in America.”

“Crime-ridden military base”? Uhhh, how much crime can there be on a fenced-in U.S. military base, complete with armed guards manning the gates leading to the base? My god. Is anybody in charge of America anymore? If so, who? What’s his name? (Guillen’s killer, by the way, was a bunny [a jungle-bunny] and a soldier, too; you’re surprised, aren’t you?).

27 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in communism, Cultural Marxism, jewed culture, jewed language, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish genetics, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White, political correctness, race baloney, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, Trotsky at 9:43 am | Permanent Link

Popularized (if not actually invented) by the Jewish communist/mass-murderer Leon Trotsky, the word “racist”/”racism” is bogus [1]. How so? Here’s a good example: the old University of Texas song, called “The Eyes of Texas” is now being called “racist,” even though the song does not mention, or even hint at, race, nationality or ethnicity.

Nearly everything is called “racism”/”racist” today. Even food and classical music are called racist today. And, “racism/racist” only applies to White people, never to Black or Brown or Asian people. Why?

“Racism” is a nonsense, PC, anti-White word that is usually tossed around whenever a Black or a leftist is losing an argument and wants to win the argument. “Racism!” they scream. Now they’ve got the upper hand in the argument.


[1] Trotsky used the words “racist” and “race” 4 times and 6 times, respectively in the 1933 article/essay “What Is National Socialism?”, published in June 1933; that was a record for race-baiting language in that era; if Trotsky didn’t invent those words himself, he certainly popularized them and brought them into common usage