14 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Bolsheviks, Jacob Schiff, jewed culture, jewed finance, jewed media, jewed politics, populism, Socrates, Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, Spain, Spanish Civil War, Trotsky, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia, vote fraud, voting, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 12:28 pm | Permanent Link

Bolshevik: an intolerant liberal (usually a Jew) who uses force or violence to cause political change.

Just like there was once a war against Jewish Bolshevism in western Europe circa 1920 (Mussolini and Hitler both fought in that war [1]), there is now a new war against the New Bolshevism. And that war is being waged right here in America, right now.

The New Bolsheviks are the anti-Donald Trumpers who desperately want to kill Trump’s Right-Wing Populism movement in its cradle, before it spreads to the rest of the White world. They want to kill all remnants of Right-Wing Populism (former Sen. John Kerry just denounced, and warned against, populism last month ). They are using various means to try to kill it: social-media censorship, doxxing, de-platforming, canceling of financial services (they just canceled VDARE’s credit-card payments), and even outright violence (e.g., antifa thugs).

How desperate are the New Bolsheviks? They just tried to hijack the most powerful country on earth (America) via election fraud. And before that, that tried to do it via a fake “impeachment,” and before that, they tried to do it via the ridiculous and fake “Steele dosier.”

It’s a fact that the anti-Trump movement has been led by Jews, and we even know many of them by name [2][3].

Just like in 1917, the people leading the revolt against Right-Wing Populism are angry and paranoid Jews and many of them are millionaire/billionaire globalists. In other words, it’s 1917 all over again, only this time, the revolution is in America, and instead of bullets, the weapons in this new war are usually electronic (internet, TV, etc.). Trivia: millionaire, Jewish globalists funded the first Bolshevik revolution in 1917, e.g., the New York banker Jacob Schiff (who also aided Japan in the defeat of Russia in the 1904/1905 Russo-Japanese War; Schiff did it solely because he hated Russia. The Jews had a major hatred for White, Imperial Russia. Of course).

In the end, it will be revealed for all to see that the people who have led this new revolt against Trump’s Right-Wing Populism are either powerful Jews, or, are in the service of them.


[1] Western Europe was nearly communized circa 1920. Street battles were waged in Germany which lasted 3 days each time. Sound familiar? Right: Portland in 2020! Hitler and Mussolini both fought against Bolshevism. Spain came very close to being communized circa 1937, with the Soviet Union aiding the “republicans” there. Jews played a major role in that aid: the chief Soviet military man in Spain was a Jew, General Grigori Stern. Other top Soviet military Jews in Spain were: General Yakov Smushkevich, General Emilio Kleber (real name Manfred Stern), and Colonel Selig Joffe. Other top Jews in Spain included Soviet ambassador Marcel Rosenberg, economic adviser Arthur Stashevsky, Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko, the consul general in Barcelona, and Mikhail Koltsov, Soviet press representative.

[2] [Here]

[3] [Here]

13 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in college, Cultural Marxism, Freud, Freudianism, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, political correctness, Socrates, universities at 6:04 pm | Permanent Link

American universities and colleges are the hotbeds of Marxism. They must be defunded and closed. [Article, Part 1]. Newbies, note that Marxism, Cultural Marxism and PC all flow from Jewish intellectuals. Figure it out: what must we do?

13 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, Schopenhauer, Socrates, White philosophy at 12:51 pm | Permanent Link

“(Arthur) Schopenhauer is one of the greatest geniuses who ever lived. The idea that he’s a failure because he failed to attach a fishwife is, to put it mildly, laughable. Not always, maybe not even most of the time, but very, very often true geniuses live alone out of necessity. Women are basically of the earth, as Camille Paglia will tell you. They have small brains, and fill their days with empty babble, which is satisfying to them. They are nice and comforting for average men, but for those geniuses with a true mission, they tend (to) be disruptive and irritating, beyond their sex function. Indeed, if it weren’t for sex, most men, not just geniuses, would have virtually nothing to do with women. Almost nowhere outside of overtly sexual setting like bars or bedrooms do men and women naturally congregate. Even if you have a family gathering, what happens? The women go off in one area, the men in another. Only when they’re eating or partying or sleeping do they come together. Otherwise, they have little in common.” — Alex Linder

13 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Congress, Congressmen, conservatism, conservatives, conservatives as losers and wimps, liberal power in America, liberalism, liberals, Nixon, Socrates, Supreme Court, Supreme Court justices, taxes, taxing Whitey at 12:39 pm | Permanent Link

One day, my dad came home from work and said that he had gotten a pay raise. But he didn’t seem very happy about it. When asked why, he said, “sure, I will earn more now, but the raise bumps me into a higher tax bracket. So I will pay more in taxes. So the raise really means nothing.”

Ahh, yes, the “progressive” income tax! It punishes success. (How about an 8% flat income tax? Everyone pays 8% of their yearly income? No tax accountants needed).

Why are Americans so taxed today? That’s easy to answer: liberals dominated (repeat, dominated) America for 50 years, circa 1933 to 1981 (e.g., Congress, the Supreme Court, the state legislatures, etc.) [1]. And what do liberals love to do? Right: tax and spend! The liberals “solve” America’s problems by getting the government involved in everything. That requires money and lots of it, hence the need for more taxes. That’s their “solution” to every problem: more government. Or, to put it more accurately, liberals “tax White people and give most of the money to Black and Brown people.”

At least we can be thankful that we don’t live in Sweden, where the government takes almost 60% of your yearly salary [2]. In other words: you make it, they take it. Socialism is expensive (granted, Sweden is “socialism lite”).


[1] in 1975, liberals controlled 37 state legislatures, they controlled the Supreme Court until 2020 and they controlled Congress until 1994; sadly, most of the “conservative” politicians and judges in America have not been actual conservatives, but more like “moderates” (e.g., presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon, although I confess to liking Nixon anyway)

[2] Income tax rates listed by country

12 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftists, liberalism, liberals, Paul Harvey, Socrates, taxes, taxing Whitey at 4:34 pm | Permanent Link

Radio broadcast titled “Freedom To Chains,” 1965. “Just by turning to the left, the world has gone in circles” (Remember that). By Paul Harvey (1918-2009), an American radio host. RIP, Mr. Harvey. He knew that taxation creates slaves.

[Audio, 12 minutes].

12 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Biden, election fraud, elections, Socrates at 1:26 pm | Permanent Link

1. Biden is, apparently, senile. If he is, he cannot be in charge of America’s huge nuclear arsenal. No way. He can’t even be sworn into office if he’s senile. (Obviously, something is, or was, going on with his health if he had to stay home in his house most of the time just before the November 2020 election).

2. If he is senile, “running him for president” is sustained elder abuse (a felony) and sustained financial exploitation of the elderly (also a felony) [1]. It’s also morally reprehensible.

3. Apparently, Kamala Harris can’t replace Biden if Biden is never sworn into office in the first place (which he can’t be if he is senile) or he doesn’t die. That Harris/Biden switch could only happen, in theory, if Biden died or became incapacitated between Jan. 6 and Jan. 20, 2021, which is not likely; Harris could only become a temporary president if Biden didn’t “qualify” to be president; so, at best, Harris could only become a one-month-or-so president; see the 20th Amendment).

4. Oddly, the above things are never mentioned when people talk about Biden. It’s always other things such as “vote fraud” or “gaffs” or “too liberal” or “China/Ukraine,” etc.


[1] See the federal Elder Justice Act, enacted in 2010

12 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, American history, book selections, books, Nazi era, Naziphobia, Nazis, race, race baloney, race-baiting, racial awareness among Whites, racism, racism accusations, Socrates at 8:51 am | Permanent Link

Yes, that’s the whole problem, folks: contrary to what the Jews and leftists say, America is not a racist country! The pivot point re: race/racism in the Western world was 1945: the defeat of Germany allowed the Jews and leftists to daily demonize “racism” by pointing to “Nazi racial atrocities” (most of which never happened).

The book is: “Racism and Anti-Racism in the World: Before and After 1945” by Dr. Kathleen Brush, Ph.D., MBA.

[Here] and [Here].

12 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in election fraud, elections, Socrates, Supreme Court, Trump, Trumpphobia, vote fraud, voting at 6:53 am | Permanent Link

Texas lost the lawsuit (at the U.S. Supreme Court) on Friday against the four states that illegally changed their voting rules [1]. Texas lost because it could not prove “standing,” i.e., that it was the “injured party.” But Donald Trump can prove that! As a political candidate, Trump’s chances of winning in those four states were lessened because the voting rules were illegally changed. Those actions by the states “artificially skewed the election results” in those four states. Those state actions “injured” Trump directly by enabling or aiding vote fraud, especially via mail-in ballots and late ballots. That gives Trump, as a political candidate, “standing.” He was very much the “injured party” re: the states’ illegal actions regarding voting rules. (Only the state legislatures can change the voting rules).

Wording is everything in law. Why don’t they try re-wording the lawsuit to “Trump vs. Pennsylvania et al”?


[1] Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin

11 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, global vs. local/regional, global warming, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Limbaugh, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, Socrates, tikkun olam, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy at 1:21 pm | Permanent Link

(Re: the furor over Rush Limbaugh’s recent comment that America is heading towards secession: you can blame the Left for that! Liberals are turds in the punchbowl, and they must be removed from the punchbowl, somehow, some way).

The Traditional Man sticks with what works, with ideas that are tested and true. Those ideas worked then and now. “Was it good enough for Dad and Granddad?” Then it’s good enough for him, too. Makes sense. Traditional Man isn’t impressed with socialism or Marxism — indeed, he rightly fears them because he knows that those ideologies are but ethnic-based frauds (both socialism and communism were founded and spread by Jews).

The New Man (i.e., the socialist/Marxist) has no ties to the past — in fact, according to him, the past sucks, because it’s rotten with sexism, racism and White colonialism. The New Man is convinced that socialism and Marxism are great and are indeed necessary in order to save mankind. (This is merely tikkun olam; New Man believes that all solutions to problems must be global, not local or regional; consider the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement).

Traditional Man must be wiped out, believes the New Man, because he won’t “go along with the agenda of progress.” He’s standing in the way of progress; he won’t embrace the idea of the New Man and the New World Order. He is archaic, he is old-fashioned and he must disappear one way or another.

But New Man’s idea is 100% backwards: New Man is the problem. He’s a danger to the entire Western world. New Man must disappear one way or another. He is a dangerous dreamer, a hopeless loser, a troublemaker and a nation-wrecker. Importantly, most New Men cannot be mentally rehabilitated, i.e., you’ll never convince them that they are dangerous freaks; only about 5% of New Men can be ideologically changed; the rest are lost forever. They must be isolated, somehow, from the rest of America. Federal charges of “sedition” and “treason” (the legal definitions will have to be amended)? Political prisons? That would be a good start [1].


[1] “Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organisation, that tends toward rebellion against the established order.” — Wikipedia, Dec. 2020. I’ve said before that liberalism/leftism is so dangerous that it must be banned by law; we are now seeing the results of unchecked liberalism

11 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in election fraud, elections, leftism, leftism is really communism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Socrates, vote fraud, voting at 12:29 pm | Permanent Link

The liberals say that the vote machines “can’t flip votes.” This election official in Georgia shows otherwise. You can indeed flip votes via vote machines!

(By the way, here’s a thought about voting: if liberalism/leftism is so wonderful, then why did the liberals have to steal the election? Why couldn’t liberalism win the election on its merits? Hmmmm? I guess few people want liberalism [more on liberalism in the next post re: something I read yesterday]).

An election official shows how to use a voting machine to flip/alter votes, via simple mouse clicks on a PC (which is connected to the voting machine program). It’s so easy a kid could do it. [Video, 6 minutes].