1 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Biden, election fraud, elections, Socrates, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trumpphobia, vote fraud, voting at 11:13 am | Permanent Link

America currently has 100 Senators (52 Republicans, 46 Democrats, 2 Independents). But only 1 of those Senators (Josh Hawley, R-Missouri) has come forward to publicly support Donald Trump re: the election theft and the challenging of Joe Biden’s fake electors on Jan. 6. Just 1 Senator! In other words, 99 of the Senators are okay with Brain-Dead Biden illegally “serving” as our president! Heaven help us. (And Senate “leader” Mitch McConnell? He’s angry that Hawley is supporting Trump!). Washington, D.C. = only professional whores who hate “the little people” are welcome. Trump isn’t one, so he’s not welcome. Besides, how dare an ex-TV-host (The Apprentice, 2004-2017) do a way better job as president than any of the professional whores! How dare he!

31 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, Books recommended by Dr. William Pierce, brown culture, Brown Man, immigration, Lothrop Stoddard, race, racial differences, racial fitness, racial hierarchy, racial integration, Socrates, Trump Announcement Day Story, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White identity, White inventions, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 12:59 pm | Permanent Link

“The Rising Tide of Color” (Against White World-Supremacy) by Dr. Lothrop Stoddard; 1920; 354 pages. Stoddard is called an “American white supremacist” on Wikipedia. But in 1920, all Whites were naturally and logically “White supremacists.” After all, if Whites aren’t supreme, who is? We gave the world to mankind. We even gave the world “democracy,” and air conditioning, and the printing press. Do “they” ever thank us for that? Nope. They just bitch and moan about how Trump is a “racist” (it’s funny how Trump was never called a racist until he ran for president in June 2015! Funny that!).

White people used to control the world. The whole enchilada, the entire globe. Now? Blacks, Browns, Jews and Marxists call the tune. Whites just sit and watch their former world implode; they don’t seem to realize that getting drunk and watching porn isn’t going to stop the implosion. It will only hasten it.

Quoting the Preface of the book:

“In saying this I do not refer solely to military “perils.” The subjugation of white lands by colored armies may, of course, occur, especially if the white world continues to rend itself with internecine wars. However, such colored triumphs of arms are less to be dreaded than more enduring conquests like migrations which would swamp whole populations and turn countries now white into colored man’s lands irretrievably lost to the white world. Of course, these ominous possibilities existed even before 1914, but the war has rendered them much more probable.

The most disquieting feature of the present situation, however, is not the war but the peace. The white world’s inability to frame a constructive settlement, the perpetuation of intestine hatreds, and the menace of fresh white civil wars complicated by the spectre of social revolution, evoke the dread thought that the late war may be merely the first stage in a cycle of ruin.

In fact, so absorbed is the white world with its domestic dissensions that it pays scant heed to racial problems whose importance for the future of mankind far transcends the questions which engross its attention to-day.”

[Book, plain-text version].

[Book, deluxe version].

31 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in election fraud, elections, Socrates, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, vote fraud, voting at 11:02 am | Permanent Link

News headline, 12/30/20: “Georgia Senate Subcommittee Passes Motion Allowing Stanford Researcher To Audit Every Absentee Ballot In Fulton County”

After this expert audit of votes, Georgia will likely void the 2020 election results in that state. After that, the other swing states will likely follow suit. (This Stanford researcher is said to be Jewish [Here] but apparently he’s done good work so far re: the vote fraud investigation). [Article].

31 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in election fraud, elections, populism, Socrates, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, vote fraud, voting at 10:26 am | Permanent Link

More big people are using the word “populism” now. First, former Sen. John Kerry used it, and now Sen. Sasse is using it. Gee, I wonder why the big fish are suddenly tossing that word around now. I also guess that Sasse doesn’t understand what a “stolen election” is. Or maybe he does but he thinks that it was stolen “fair and square.” As long as it was stolen fairly!


30 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in music, rock music, small towns, Socrates, White thought at 5:11 pm | Permanent Link

Where do fruit go on vacation? Meloncamp. Ha-ha! A knee-slapper.

“Small Town” by John Mellencamp. I spent a lot of time in a small town; I miss it. It’s probably dead by now. Most of its citizens, no doubt, have fled to the big cosmopolitan cities. That is called “progress” for some reason. How is that progress? [Video/audio].

30 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in communism, Derrida, IQ, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marx, Marxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, Socrates at 2:46 pm | Permanent Link

“Why Some People Think 2+2=5…and why they’re right.”

They’re right? Really? That’s a provocative article title, to be sure!

You can see the signs: we are becoming a region (the Western world) where reality isn’t actually real, but is instead a manufactured or made-up thing — a fake-lity instead of a reality. A good example: the transgender craze, where men can “become” women because some “expert” at Yale says they can. Or, when some expert at MIT says “Black people are smarter than White people” and it’s true because he’s an “expert” and he wrote a paper on it. He’s an expert! Are you going to believe your lying eyes and ears, or him?? (The “correct” answer is: him). Never question an expert! Besides, he went to Harvard and studied under the famous expert Nathan Goldberg Weinstein! So he must be an expert!).

Same thing here, below.

Now, it’s a cold, hard fact that, if you have 2 apples in a basket, and you add 2 more apples to the basket, you now have 4 apples in the basket, not 5 or 6 or 17. But an “expert” says otherwise.

You can blame the postmodernist Jews, like Jacques Derrida, for fake-lity. Derrida pioneered the idea that “X is really Y if you say it is” [1]. Just say it and it’s true! Say “Trump is a Nazi!” There! It’s true. Why? Because you just said so! All postmodernists should be imprisoned for life in filthy prison cells with no books or TVs. Maybe Trump will do that in 2021. (Postmodernism is merely a new form of Marxism. In fact, you could say that the postmodernists “rescued” Marxism from death circa 1960. It would have died long ago if not for them; actually, I’m kidding, sort of. Marxism will never die as long as assholes exist in the world).

[Article]. (Note the strange mention of IQ in this article, which is, or, was, a real, scientific measurement of human intelligence [i.e., the ability to recognize and solve problems] until about 1980 when the Cultural Marxists decided that IQ measurement wasn’t “real,” so now, it’s not “real”).


[1] Derrida’s philosophy was simple: “if you believe it, then it’s true.” Do you believe that Denver is a “sanctuary city” for illegal aliens? Then, goddamn it, just declare it to be a “sanctuary city” and it is! Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz! Just click your heels together three times and presto! Denver is a sanctuary city! Anyone who says otherwise is a Nazi!

29 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'long march through the institutions', counterculture, Cultural Marxism, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marcuse, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, New Left, Sixties, Socrates, Soviet America (USSA), Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, Western Civ courses, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 2:20 pm | Permanent Link

“Don’t trust anybody over 30”

“Turn on, tune in, drop out”

(two popular 1960s slogans).

The 1960s killed America in many ways. We became too relaxed, too loose, too soft, and we let our guard down, which allowed evil to take root in America. Things and ideas that were previously thought to be impossible suddenly became possible in the 1960s.

In that decade, the Soviet Union began using the American New Left (aka, the “counterculture”) to slowly subvert the USA, via Marxist/Cultural Marxist ideology.

How? According to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov (1939-1993), a former KGB officer who specialized in propaganda and who defected to Canada in 1970, the Sovietization (he called it “cultural subversion”) would happen in 4 stages (this was part of Marxism’s “long march through the institutions” — a phrase coined by the German Marxist Rudi Dutschke circa 1967) [1].

Primarily, that “long march” involved young students, who would spear-head the march largely within the Western universities; they would begin the march as students, and continue the march as professors later on, which is exactly what happened in America in the 1980s, e.g., radical professors (formerly students) in California were chanting “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Gotta Go!” circa 1988; it worked: “Western Civilization” is no longer a required university course in California; “By 2010, none of the 50 top universities required Western Civilization, and 34 didn’t even offer the course” [2]):

The 4 subversion stages were:

— Demoralisation

— Destabilisation

— Crisis

— Normalisation

These 4 stages were to be arrived at via the Soviets “training” students, teachers, etc., and also labor union members, to embrace and spread Marxist ideas. Which they did. Many of them did not even realize that they were doing so. They were useful idiots.

The Jewish leaders of the New Left in America were eager to help the Soviets communize and subvert America. (The New Left was hindered by a shortage of money in the beginning but the Soviets fixed that problem with cash infusions into it).

In many ways, America didn’t survive the 1960s.


[1] Re: the “long march through the institutions”: Dutschke (1940-1979) was essentially talking about incrementalism; quoting him: “Revolution is not a short act when something happens once and then everything is different. Revolution is a long, complicated process…awareness is brought to further minorities in and outside the university, in schools, in trade schools, in engineer schools, also technical universities and finally in factories, where workers are currently worrying about their jobs. The process has begun…which right now has been set on its course by us.” He was also an advocate of Third World liberation movements, which the UN, ironically, advocates today. He was a true international trouble-maker, drifting between different countries before his death by drowning. He unfortunately survived an assassination attempt in 1968

[2] Article titled “The drive to put Western Civ back in the college curriculum” by Ashley Thorne, NY Post, March 29, 2016

29 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, disease, diseases and politics, Socrates at 12:00 pm | Permanent Link

Why would the Canadian government do that? To greatly increase the Covid-19 death statistics. And why do that? Good question.

Anything you hear from “officials” about Covid-19 must be taken with a huge grain of salt. What’s true? What isn’t true? There’s no way to tell.

This is from a Government of Ontario webpage (all bold text is mine). From an article titled “How Ontario Is Responding to COVID-19” and under a heading titled “Summary of cases of COVID-19: Ontario, January 15, 2020 to December 28, 2020”

It reads:

“Total number of deaths [7]”

Then, at the bottom of the page, this is what footnote [7] actually says:

“[7] Deaths are determined by using the outcome field in iPHIS, CORES, CCMtool or The COD. Any case marked “Fatal” is included in the deaths data. Deaths are included whether or not COVID-19 was determined to be a contributing or underlying cause of death as indicated in the iPHIS field “Type of Death”. [1].

This, of course, is not unusual [2]. Lots of governments (including many or even most U.S. states) label deaths as “Covid-19 deaths” if the people merely had Covid-19 in their bodies even if they didn’t die from Covid-19 (e.g., if they died from a heart attack or stroke). It’s sneaky and under-handed, and it will backfire badly as nobody will trust their governments when the next pandemic appears! Fools. (Here’s a happy thought: what else are our government officials lying to us about?).

[Canadian webpage].


[1] Re: the terminology used above:
iPHIS = The integrated Public Health Information System
CORES = Coronavirus Rapid Entry System
The COD = The COVID-19 Ottawa Database
CCMtool = Middlesex-London COVID-19 Case and Contact Management tool

[2] In Wisconsin in September 2020, a rare, honest TV news reporter said on the air that “if a skydiver jumped from an airplane in Wisconsin, and his parachute didn’t open and he plunged 15,000 feet to his death, he’d nonetheless be listed as a Covid-19 death if the coroner found any Covid-19 in his body”

28 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Cohencidences, coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, Socrates at 2:20 pm | Permanent Link

How is it that the left-wing states that locked down severely are doing worse, Covid-19-wise, than the right-wing states that didn’t lock down severely? Must be just a Cohencidence. Indeed, the evidence suggests that locking down cities/states makes the Covid-19 transmission rates even higher.

How is it that different states classify “Covid-19 deaths” differently? In some states, if you die from a stroke or heart attack, and you had Covid-19 in your body, you “died from Covid-19” even though you actually didn’t.

How is it that Covid-19 is called a “deadly disease” when the actual death rate from Covid-19 is less than 1% overall? [1].

One more thought: you couldn’t invent a better way to kill capitalism and free markets in the West than Covid-19. It’s airborne communism. The leftists keep locking down cities/states, again and again. After Covid-19, they’ll have to create Covid-21 and Covid-23 and so on.


[1] early death projections for Covid-19 were about 3 percent (fatality rate). But it’s not even near that, even today. It’s 0.2 percent (in other words, two-tenths of 1 percent). Of course, the political-bullshit-death-numbers mentioned above skew the actual death numbers; hospitals get big money from the government for every Covid-19 patient they have, so of course the death numbers are going to be padded by greedy people (and there are more greedy people today than in 1950, since morality is largely gone today, and so is common sense: this is the first time in history that healthy people have been quarantined).

28 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Poe, Socrates, White fiction, White literature, White thought at 1:19 pm | Permanent Link

“Thou Art the Man”; a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. [Story].

More Poe [Here].