24 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' haters, 'hate' hoaxes, homosexual themes, homosexuals, Mexican-American War 1846-1848, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought at 11:54 am | Permanent Link

The key sentence in the article: “He (a former White nationalist) also has started a platform to help LGBTQ people like himself out of the world of hate.” Ohhh, okay. Got it. Yeah. It’s all clear now.

As if preserving your heritage is hate! If preserving your heritage is hate, then Blacks, Browns, Jews and Mexicans are all haters! Are they ever called haters? Nope. Only Whites are called haters. Guess why. (Why isn’t the “Brown” Aztlan movement called hate? Isn’t that hate? We won the Mexican-American war of 1846-1848. So we own formerly Mexican land fair and square. Why isn’t the Aztlan movement, which is bent on taking away the U.S. Southwest from White people, hate? Hmmmm?).


24 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in free trade, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, globalization, NATO, Socrates, Somalia, UN, UN Charter, UN founders at 10:58 am | Permanent Link

Whites: “Give us globalism or give us death!”
Jews: “You’ll get both at once!”

“Equality” became the significant word in 1945 — not only for humans, but for states, too.

There is a natural pecking order in the world. White people have priority in the pecking order [1]. Or they did, until 1945, when Germany was destroyed via a global alliance between democrats and communists, and the United Nations (UN) was created. After 1945, all of the world’s nations, and the people in them, became “equal.” The fact that they weren’t equal meant nothing.

You might say that in 1945, globalism took a giant leap forward. Today, globalism is the rule, not the exception: the EU, NATO, the UN, UNESCO, WHO, endless foreign wars fought by the West in the Middle East, multi-national corporations and NGOs, and so on.

Globalism here is defined as: when the interests of the entire world are placed above those of the White nations. You can have White nation-states, or globalism. Not both! (On that note: Can you imagine that president Bill Clinton risked the lives of White, American soldiers when he ordered them to invade Somalia in 1993?? Somalia is a worthless, Black cesspool of a country, located in Africa! See “The Battle of Mogadishu,” the deadliest firefight U.S. forces have fought in recent history).

Here’s a good example of globalism from way back: remember circa 1970, when America was being flooded with inexpensive Japanese motorcycles such as Kawasaki and Honda? That was great for Japan, sure, but horrible for the American motorcycle company Harley-Davidson and the American-bike-related industries. Worse, the Japanese soon began making their bikes in…wait for it…America! Who allowed that? My god!

Like Marxism, globalism is a leveling, equalizing movement. It abolishes the natural, Whites-first pecking order, and so is therefore an anti-White movement by default. That movement says, for example, that a crappy Brown country in Central America (e.g., El Salvador) is equal in every way to a White country like England. But it isn’t. Joining the UN doesn’t make you equal. You’re still the same crappy country you always were, it’s just that now you belong to a global, bullying entity founded by Jewish communists in 1945.

Furthermore, globalism kills sovereignty. It also kills localism and regionalism — in music, arts, in customs and traditions, even in food and drink. Globalism also kills small businesses. And, while some trade with other countries is necessary, that is much different from the severe globalism-worship which the U.S. practices.

Globalism should be shunned at all points and places.


[1] “By developing a pecking order, animals determine which individuals will get priority of access to resources, particularly when they are limited” — Wikipedia, Jan. 2021

23 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Freud, Freud in the movies, Freudianism, Hollywood, jewed culture, movies, Socrates at 3:21 pm | Permanent Link

Oklahoma (musical, 1955); starring Shirley Jones.

This movie is sort of two movies in one: a Western musical, and, in the middle, a 20-minute surreal, Freudian psycho-nightmare (that must have really shocked audiences in 1955! They must have said “are we in the wrong theater?? I thought this was ‘Oklahoma’??” Freud was all the rage in Hollywood in the 1950s)[1].

[Movie; duration is 2 hours, 20 minutes].


[1] Freudian themes were popular in Hollywood from the 1940s onward, e.g., the movies “Spellbound,” “Lady in the Dark,” “Now, Voyager” and “I Never Promised You a Rose Garden”; see also the article “Madness at the Movies: Why Hollywood Went Crazy for Freud” by Andrew Scull, in The Sydney Morning Herald, April 3, 2015.

23 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Covid lockdowns as hate crime, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Socrates at 1:14 pm | Permanent Link

Someone once said: “Whenever a liberal accuses you of committing “X” crime, you can bet your last nickel that he committed “X” crime just yesterday!” Yes, indeed. That goes double for hate-crimes. Nobody hates like a liberal.

Now that Donald Trump is out of office, liberals are rushing to open restaurants and other businesses. They no longer need to use the Covid-19 lockdowns as weapons.

As someone else noted, liberals make everything political — indeed, they are born political. And since the 1960s, that habit has gotten worse. Now they politicize food, cars, sports, cows, the weather, pets. There is a certain way to think about everything today, and your thinking better be correct, citizen!

The closing-down of states due to Covid-19 was all about hate: Trump-hate and White-hate. The shutdowns had nothing to do with “public health” — in fact, the states that locked down severely (e.g., California) fared no better than the states that didn’t. The lockdowns were a scam, designed to ruin Trump’s legacy and to punish White Trump supporters (business owners are disproportionately conservative and most of them supported Trump. Liberals hate successful people and if those people are White they double-hate them).

What the liberals did with the lockdowns was a giant hate-crime of staggering proportions: many billions of dollars lost, many millions of jobs canceled, and many suicides, heart attacks and strokes caused (and coming soon: many divorces, too). Are the liberals ever going to pay for all the damage they caused? Nope. Liberals never have to pay for their crimes; meanwhile, conservatives rot in prison.


22 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, Cuba, Marxism, Socrates at 2:25 pm | Permanent Link

Have you ever heard of a Marxist in America moving to Cuba because life is “better” there? Neither have I. Never. Not ever. Why don’t Marxists ever move to Cuba? Because everyday life sucks in Cuba and they know it sucks. It’s far better to live in America and moan about how life “sucks” in America! Yeah!

Re: Cuba: when you can’t even find bread (a cheap, common food) for sale, wow! — that’s not a good economic indicator! Maybe Biden/Harris will bail out the comrades in Cuba with our tax dollars? I wouldn’t be surprised. But, if it’s a “worker’s paradise,” why would Cuba need a bailout? Do paradises need bailouts? I don’t think so. That’s why they are paradises. (Trivia: Castro even ruined the cigar industry! Come on! I mean, Christ, Cuban cigars were legendary the world over! People would swim from Miami to Cuba and back again just to buy two boxes of Cohibas – they’d put one box under each arm! Even American kids wanted to try the famous Cohibas! What a fool Castro was. You can still buy Cohibas but they are not nearly as good as the old ones; all the good Cuban cigar makers fled to Nicaragua).

“In the bakeries where the state sells un-rationed bread, the situation has not improved: “In the Carlos III [shopping center] you have to line up so that you can spend hours,” says another resident of Centro Habana. “I send the kid to buy bread and sometimes he gets back at nine o’clock at night without it because after waiting in line there isn’t enough,” he complains.” [Article].

22 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", 'class action', black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, Black mentality, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as child-like, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, laws, lawsuits, racism, racism accusations, Socrates at 1:02 pm | Permanent Link

Race: they always say “it doesn’t matter.” But if race doesn’t matter, why do they mention it every day? It obviously does matter, very much so!

Here, Blacks are suing McDonald’s, via a class-action lawsuit, because some Black restaurants failed. (Class-action lawsuits are unconstitutional. They are “gang lawsuits” often involving hundreds of plaintiffs who smell money).

When Blacks fail, it’s always Whitey’s fault. Even if it isn’t. Blacks don’t have a good history of business management, or anything-management for that matter. (I once knew a White realtor. He had some experience with Blacks, and he told me interesting things about them: Blacks never pay rent on time, they allow the bills to pile up unpaid, they always look for ways to “cut corners” on services or expenses (e.g., “we can re-use those plastic spoons!”), etc., etc. If a Black business failed, it’s a safe bet that it failed due to Black mismanagement).

[Article; it’s slow-to-open; hat tip: Paul at VNNF].

21 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Derrida, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, Socrates, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 2:41 pm | Permanent Link

Let me give you an example of Derrida-speak, i.e., how the Jewish, Marxist “postmodern philosopher” Jacques Derrida (pronounced DARE-idda; 1930-2004) would speak if the little creep were alive today: “All people named Smith are Satanic!” Under the rules of Derrida-speak, that’s a true and factual statement. How is it true? Simple. I just said it! Therefore, it’s true. Under the rules of Derrida-speak, merely say it, and it’s true as soon as the words leave your lips! Like: “I have an IQ of 240!” All right! Good for you! Cool!

You try it: say “Dallas, Texas is a sanctuary city! All illegal aliens from Mexico may come to Dallas and live peacefully!” There. It’s true, because you said it. See? Isn’t Derrida-speak fun?? It reminds you of being in a schoolyard in the 3rd grade, huh?? Big lies fly around with no one to stop them!

The latest in Derrida-speak is: “anyone who supported Donald Trump is a dangerous, violent neo-Nazi who wants to take over and enslave the entire USA! Our democracy is doomed!” Many thousands of liberals are saying this now.


21 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Biden, climate change, climax change, global warming, green Marxism, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 11:18 am | Permanent Link

Liberals discovered years ago that “climate-change” mandates are a great way to punish White people. Punish them for what? For being successful. After all, what is leftism but a war on White Western culture? Using climate-change laws, the liberals can force White people to do all sorts of things, e.g., force them to buy electric cars, force them to car-pool, force them to limit themselves to 1 shower/bath per week, force them to buy new car tires based on tire wear rules (California proposed this “fuel efficiency” mandate; it will no doubt become law soon). There really is no limit to what liberals can do with climate-change laws. The sky is the limit.

[Article; notice the scare-word “crisis” in the article; this “crisis” sort of recalls the fake, media-created “energy crisis” of 1973/1974, which was hyped 24/7, but vanished suddenly].

20 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in affect intensity, nation-building/nation-wrecking, nation-states, nationalism, Socrates, Trump, Trump Announcement Day Story, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 6:22 pm | Permanent Link

A good video. Leftists and Jews are vindictive (because they suffer more from “Affect Intensity”), and they want to make an example of Trump, lest other White men “dare to” follow in Trump’s semi-nationalist footsteps in 2024 and beyond [1]. How dare they think nationally! That’s not allowed, ever, even if you never use the words “wetback” or “nigger.” They can’t allow that to happen. Leftists and Jews are children, after all, and children are vengeful and emotional. They must take revenge, because how dare White men who lean towards nationalism come to power! How dare a border-wall-builder who “hates” Mexicans become president! Zionism is the only nationalism that is allowed! Ask Bibi.

[Video; duration is 10 minutes].


[1] people who rate high in “Affect Intensity” are more emotional than normal people; they become angry and upset more easily; conservative White males suffer less from AI; but Blacks, Browns, Jews and leftists suffer more from AI. This is a real problem in the West — how do you solve it?

20 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in election fraud, elections, populism, Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies, Trumpism, vote fraud, voting at 12:36 pm | Permanent Link

Really? He will? When?

In the end, Donald Trump folded like a lawn chair. At the very least, in his last days in office, Trump could have declared martial law, or invoked the Insurrection Act, and then postponed the Joe Biden “inauguration” until a full forensic investigation of the 2020 election fraud could be completed. He didn’t do that. He also could have invoked his Executive Order of Sept. 2018 re: election fraud committed in America by foreigners, but he didn’t do that, either [1]. He merely pardoned some people and declassified a few things. Big whoop.

Worse, Trump, in his last days in office, sent a loud message to the world (e.g., to China) that “you can hijack our federal elections and you will pay no consequences for doing so.” Will America ever have honest federal elections again? It’s doubtful. Who will police them? The Democrats???

Right-wing populism is a great idea, but Trump is no longer the man to lead it. It needs a real leader.


[1] “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election,” issued by Trump on September 12, 2018