5 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in animal abuse, animal rights, mestizos, Mexico, Socrates at 12:25 pm | Permanent Link

Suuure, it’s Whitey’s fault when non-Whites abuse their pets! Even worse, being kind to dogs is racist! Animal abuse: it’s all somehow connected to Whitey! In fact, Whitey invented keeping dogs as “pets”!

Seriously, non-Whites treat their animals horrible (look at Mexico), but they get a pass from the media and the Left because it’s all Whitey’s fault: Mexico, they say, is poor because America “oppresses” the Mexicans and “keeps them down” via racism and classism and so forth. Nothing is their fault. Ever. They are the perpetual victims of Whiteness.


5 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, Jewish paranoia, military, Socrates, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 10:34 am | Permanent Link

Ten-Star General LaDerrickus Jones on the 60-day witch hunt: “We’re making our military safer and more secure by searching for White, Trump supporters in our ranks…oops, heh-heh, I mean, uhhhh, we’re looking for dangerous domestic terrorists in the U.S. military! And we will leave no stone unturned!”

(One Jewish congressman said that 80% of the U.S. military can’t be trusted. That tells you all you need to know. Look for the military to be “purged” of traditional White soldiers in the next 4 years. That will backfire since new enlistments will plummet). [Article].

4 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Jerry Abbott, religion, science, Socrates at 3:23 pm | Permanent Link

“Concerning a RamzPaul video:

This is a false portrayal of the dark matter vs modified gravity theory controversy. No scientist is saying that the universe is wrong, as that would be equivalent to saying the the truth is false. Scientists don’t know for certain why the stars in the spiral arms of galaxies orbit the center of their galaxy faster than the standard theory of gravity would predict. They are trying to find out what the reason is, and they are reserving final judgment on that reason until enough evidence has become available.

That’s how science works. Having to accept uncertainty, learning to live without “absolute” certainty, is a strength that is often misconstrued as a weakness.”


4 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "Civil War", Jewish banking, Jewish money, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish warmongering, Jewish World Revolution, Socrates, Ulysses S. Grant at 1:40 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: General Ulysses S. Grant [1822-1885]).

These comments by General Grant about the Jews are actually mild, considering that Jewish bankers financed both sides of the so-called U.S. Civil War [1]. That’s the way Jews operate: they “set two sides to fighting” and then they waltz onto the battlefield when the bullets stop flying to harvest the spoils of the war. Note Grant’s mention of the Jews as being carpet-baggers.

Grant wrote: “The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders, are hereby expelled from the department within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this order.” — Grant’s General Orders No. 11, December 17, 1862. The order covered an area stretching from northern Mississippi to Cairo, Ill. and from the Mississippi River to the Tennessee River. Grant warned that “any one returning…will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners.”

Grant wrote to Christopher Wolcott, the assistant United States Secretary of War, that same day to say:

“I have long since believed that in spite of all the vigilance that can be infused into Post Commanders, that the Specie regulations of the Treasury Dept. have been violated, and that mostly by Jews and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied of this have I been at this that I instructed the Commanding Officer at Columbus, Kentucky to refuse all permits to Jews to come south, and frequently have had them expelled from (that area). But they come in with their Carpet sacks in spite of all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel anywhere. They will land at any wood yard or landing on the river and make their way through the country. If not permitted to buy Cotton themselves they will act as agents for someone else who will be at a Military post, with a Treasury permit to receive Cotton and pay for it in Treasury notes which the Jew will buy up at an agreed rate, paying gold.”

President Abe Lincoln canceled Grant’s order concerning the Jews. Of course! He knew where the North’s money was coming from.


[1] for example: the Jewish banking houses Speyer & Co. and August Belmont & Co. financed the North in the Civil War. The Jewish banking house Emile Erlanger and Co. brokered a loan for the South on behalf of several Jewish/European banks. Curiously, Erlanger contacted the South, and not vice-versa.

4 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism vs. Nazism, Nazi era, Naziphobia, Nazis, Socrates, swastika at 10:10 am | Permanent Link

It’s popular for conservatives to equate Nazism and communism, to call them the same thing. One guy I met years ago said: “Nazism is collective, so it’s left-wing.” By that way of thinking, the Boy Scouts are left-wing because they are collective. (That’s Bircher-type thinking).


4 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Revilo P. Oliver, Socrates, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 9:50 am | Permanent Link

A video speech by Oliver, duration is 36 minutes. [Video].

3 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, The Liberty Bell magazine, White ideology, White literature, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 5:25 pm | Permanent Link

Years ago (1979-1998), there was a small (maybe 8 inches by 5 inches) pro-White magazine, published monthly in Reedy, West Virginia, called The Liberty Bell.

Here are some copies of those magazines, from 1981: [Here, a .PDF file].

More [Here].

3 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Africa, African dictators, America, anti-White themes, apartheid, Claude Levi-Strauss, jewed culture, jewed education system, jewed media, Joe Slovo, Norman F. Cantor, Socrates, South Africa, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 12:37 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jewish “anthropologist” Claude Levi-Strauss (1908-2009), a key player in the global anti-White movement; he popularized the now-common idea that Brown people are “good” and White people are “bad”).

America is turning into another South Africa. It will soon be ruined, just like S.A., all because Whites used logic in their management of America, just like Whites did in S.A.; and the American Left will be pushing “transitional justice” here just like in S.A. (“transitional justice” is also known as “vengeful leftists making rightists pay for previous, successful, logical governmental policies.” Globally, “transitional justice” will never be applied to leftists, only to rightists. Consider Zimbabwe, for example: Mugabe’s communist government murdered and oppressed thousands of innocent people. Now that Mugabe is dead, will any of Mugabe’s thugs face “transitional justice”? No way!).

Newbies, here’s what happened in South Africa beginning circa 1994: the government went from discriminating against Blacks to discriminating against Whites. The first was called “bad.” The second is called “good” — it’s still happening today [1]. (Note: the governmental White racism against Blacks was logical. After all, it was Whites who built South Africa, not Blacks [i.e., it was British and Dutch men]. Why would Whites want to allow Blacks — with IQs that are 20 to 30 points lower — to have an “equal” presence in the government that they [Whites] built? Only idiots would allow such a thing. Why not allow 12-year-olds into the government, too? Now that Blacks run the government in S.A., the country is ruined. Nothing works: try to make a phone call and half the time the line is dead; power outages are common; airplanes and buses don’t work; Black management just plain sucks).

We are witnessing a growing, global war against White people, a war which began in earnest circa 1933 with anti-Germany actions [2] and picked up speed circa 1955 as liberals entered the Western universities in large numbers. Jewish author Norman F. Cantor, in his good, 1994 book “The Sacred Chain: a History of the Jews,” notes on page 421 that Claude Levi-Strauss, the Jewish “anthropologist,” could be considered a godfather of left-wing thought, since Levi-Strauss developed/galvanized the concept of the ‘bad’ White world vs. the ‘good’ non-White world, which Cantor calls “the cardinal doctrine of all leftist-leaning thought since 1960.” Leftism is all about hating Whitey. Anti-White themes are everywhere today: on the TV, in the movies, in magazines and newspapers, in the schools. It’s one giant, interconnected, anti-White pogrom. Make no mistake: this is attempted genocide. Before you wipe out a people, you must first demonize them thoroughly.

[Article] and [Article].


[1] South Africa is now governed by Blacks, and here’s the main reason why: Jewish political activists – such as Lionel Bernstein, Yossel “Joe” Slovo and Ronnie Kasrils – campaigned for decades to secure equal rights for Blacks, just as Jewish activists did in America. Blacks finally had their dreams of political equality fulfilled in 1993 with the interim constitution. Slovo was a negotiator in the meetings between activists and the S.A. government which finally ended White rule. In fact, since Slovo’s proposals acted as a stalemate-breaker in those negotiations, his involvement could be called “crucial” to the ending of apartheid.

[2] some people would argue that the war against White people began long before that, and they’d be right, but this post focuses on the modern era. It’s true that the Jews have been at war with Western culture for a very long time.

2 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, Marxism, NATO, Socrates, UN, UN Charter, UN founders at 3:28 pm | Permanent Link

A quote from the United Nations website, Feb. 2021:

“Democracy is a core value of the United Nations. The UN supports democracy by promoting human rights, development, and peace and security. In the 75 years since the UN Charter was signed, the UN has done more to support democracy around the world than any other global organization.” — www.un.org/en/sections/issues-depth/democracy/index.html

Democracy is “a core value” of the UN? Oh, really? Then why do 7 communist countries belong to the UN? Communists don’t believe in democracy, human rights or freedom. The UN is a democratic entity — meaning the members vote on things. The UN Charter invokes “human rights” and “fundamental freedoms” — things that don’t exist in communist countries! Oops, the UN has violated its own Charter!

Also, why is China, a communist country, on the UN Security Council? That’s a very powerful group within the UN; NATO usually follows/obeys UNSC rulings [1].

Seven communist countries that belong to the UN:

North Korea
South Africa (the ANC [African National Congress] is more-or-less Marxist [2]).


[1] “The Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.” — quoting the UN. Oh, that’s rich: China is responsible for “international peace and security”!

[2] “The ANC holds a historic alliance with the South African Communist Party (SACP) and Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), known as the Tripartite Alliance. The SACP and COSATU have not contested any election in South Africa, but field candidates through the ANC, hold senior positions in the ANC, and influence party policy and dialogue.” — Wikipedia, Feb. 2021

2 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' haters, Derrida, First Amendment, free speech, hate speech, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children, Socrates at 11:58 am | Permanent Link

Over the past few decades, liberals invented a new term: “hate speech.” They now say that “hate speech isn’t free speech.” That’s a Derrida-ism. Just say it and it’s true! Just say “hate speech isn’t free speech” and — presto! — it’s illegal speech! Because they say so! The liberal mind is so child-like: just wish something into existence!

Of course, there’s no such thing as “hate speech.” Hate is an emotion, and emotions are natural and therefore not illegal. It’s not illegal to hate broccoli, or cats, or your neighbor. How can you ban an emotion? Only threats of violence, or inciting others to commit violence, are illegal (unless you’re Black, e.g., recall the May/June 2020 riots in America, during which Blacks incited violence daily but were never charged with crimes). Did you threaten, or urge, violence? No? Then your speech is perfectly fine. It’s free speech, protected by the First Amendment. (White people invented the concept of free speech, by the way. Freedom: it’s a “White thing”).

Liberals are trying to make patriotic speech “seem illegal” in the public mind since they can’t legally ban it (yet).
