9 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Charles Manson, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, Socrates at 11:40 am | Permanent Link

In many ways, America is too free. That sounds strange, yes, but the Jews and the leftists have used America’s free environment to cause all sorts of trouble. What’s stopping them from teaching Marxism in the universities? Absolutely nothing! In that way, too much freedom can be dangerous.

A news quote: “Colleges and universities across the country are implementing the teaching of Critical Race Theory, a far left concept…Cornell Law School Professor William Jacobson, who runs the Legal Insurrection blog, has created a new website which allows parents and students to look up schools to find out if they are teaching critical race training.”

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is modernized Frankfurt School baloney [1]. It’s Cultural Marxism. It’s yet another attack on White culture. Recall that President Trump banned the teaching of CRT within the federal government. But Joe Biden, of course, has reversed Trump’s order and the Marxism is flowing freely once again! (*communist fist salute*).

All of the universities should be closed, or at least defunded, by the state governments, until they stop teaching Marxism. (Why would a “democracy” teach Marxist theories? It makes no sense; so I guess Charles Manson was right after all: he said, “no sense makes sense”).

[Article] and [Article].


[1] Critical Race Theory (CRT) sprang from the earlier Critical Legal Studies (CLS), which was founded largely by a Jew, Alan David Freeman (1943-1995), a political activist and law professor at the University of Buffalo Law School. CLS morphed into CRT in the 1980s. Both movements contained a lot of Jews. Regarding CRT and CLS, think “Critical Theory applied to American law.” In other words, American law was politicized to benefit racial minorities.

8 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in ancient Greece, ancient Rome, anti-racism movement, anti-White themes, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White identity, White inventions, White literature, White philosophy, White thought at 1:46 pm | Permanent Link

Western culture is about race. Period. Nothing else. Western culture is White culture. It’s not Brown culture, or Black culture, or Asian culture. It’s the world built by White people from ancient Greece onward (i.e., from 700BC until today).

So, when someone says “let’s fight racism,” they are really saying, “let’s fight White culture” (even if they don’t realize that that’s what they’re saying, and some of the do-gooders may not realize that that’s what they’re saying — they are simply parroting an idea that liberals and Jews toss around).

As a White person, you should be very offended that some people want to fight your culture, because Whites gave the world to mankind. We even gave the Brown people democracy (and look what they did with it!)


8 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in China, China as a threat to the West, Chinese communism, election fraud, elections, Socrates, vote fraud, voting at 1:10 pm | Permanent Link

A good, easy-to-understand video. It shows that China played a major role in the theft of the 2020 election. This is a national-security issue, not simply an election issue. People should serve hard time in prison for this theft. Will they?

Save the video while you can.

[Video; duration is 24 minutes].

8 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, leftism, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, rock music, Socrates at 12:08 pm | Permanent Link

This song, by the British rock group Supertramp, while it’s a good tune melodically, is criticizing conservative thought (in this case, the type of thought one learns at boarding school in the UK). After all, one cannot be sensible and logical! How horrible! Oh, those teachers are cruel! (Actually, today’s teachers are all commies, so he must have gone to a really old-timey boarding school in the 1950s).

Some of the lyrics:

“But then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible, logical, oh responsible, practical; And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable…”

Jeepers! Not dependability!! You could end up becoming an accountant and living in the suburbs with 2.3 kids. Heavens! Like on “Leave It To Beaver”!

[The Logical Song, by Supertramp, 1979].

8 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 10:43 am | Permanent Link

“The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds” (2001); by Robert S. Griffin. It’s about Dr. William Pierce. (To people who say that Pierce “wasn’t a leader, he merely ran a book club from a mountaintop,” I’d say that’s way off-base: he was a philosopher first and foremost, but, he was also an ideological and spiritual leader, e.g., his attitudes about Christianity have influenced many White people; indeed, for many Whites, Pierce is the “go to” man when they want accurate info about topics relating to White nationalism). [a .PDF file].

7 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in election fraud, elections, Socrates, Supreme Court, Supreme Court justices, vote fraud, voting at 1:54 pm | Permanent Link

If this doesn’t cause you to say, “Holy crap, you’ve gotta be kidding me!!??” then what might? If the 2020 election was stolen (and it was), then every law that Biden signs is null and void, so this is an urgent matter, not a “maybe in October” matter. [Article].

7 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America the White nation, America's founders, America's future, First Amendment, free speech, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, White philosophy, White thought at 1:24 pm | Permanent Link

Do you realize that, had liberals been around back in 1776, they would not have permitted America to be founded? After all, America was founded by 118 White men [1]. That was not a “diverse” group of people! It contained no Blacks, no Browns, no Asians, no Jews, no women, no transsexuals and no midgets. The liberals would have rejected “America.” They would have aborted it. If that had happened, you wouldn’t have the First or Second Amendments today [2]. (In fact, that’s why they hate America: the freest and fairest country ever created was built solely by White men!).


[1] 118 White men created the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution.

[2] not that those amendments will matter after Biden and Big Tech get done with us

7 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in bankruptcy, big corporations vs. mom-and-pop, Big Finance, capitalism, capitalism vs. free enterprise, capitalist greed/exploitation, Ivor Benson, local vs. national, Socrates, supercapitalism at 12:28 pm | Permanent Link

First, some definitions are in order:

1. Free Enterprise: Mom and Pop running a corner grocery store, making just enough profit to live on. This is wholesome and good.

2. Supercapitalism/Finance-Capitalism (i.e., to “capitalize on” or to “get an advantage from”): millionaires/billionaires destroying all of the retail competition within a region or a country (and making it impossible for Mom and Pop stores to compete with them) due to their huge, chain stores selling tons of cheap junk. Any Mom and Pop store within 4 miles of a big, chain store will go bankrupt. In fact, in most cities today, Mom and Pop stores no longer exist. “Local” stores are gone. Ditto local restaurants. (I knew a guy who ran a great little hamburger restaurant — he had the best burgers around. One day he told me he was closing. He said, “there are 4 fast-food joints within a mile of here. You think I can compete with that?? Their burgers are much faster and much cheaper than mine.” He couldn’t compete, of course. Another story: I told an insurance guy recently that I used to have car insurance with a tiny, local, family-owned company that had 3 employees. He said “Really???? Wow!! You couldn’t find a family insurance company today if your life depended on it! They might look small, but they are all owned by the big boys!” In other words, today they are all subsidiaries, and they are not independent, Mom and Pop insurance companies. As I frequently say, nothing is local or regional anymore. Everything is “nation-wide.” This stinks).

As Ivor Benson said, free enterprise and finance-capitalism are not at all the same thing and are basically opposites [1].

Finance-capitalism is just what it sounds like: “using borrowed money in order to buy X and get rich quick.”

In the old days, people used some borrowed money and some saved/inherited money (combined) to invest in X or Y. Not anymore. Nobody saves anymore. It’s all borrowed money today! That can backfire badly, of course — look at all the bankruptcies today [2]. But “playing fast and loose with other peoples’ money” is how it’s done today. It’s the Jewish way, which has rubbed off onto the gentiles.



[1] “Supercapitalism, which can be defined as highly concentrated finance-capitalism, is not only different from capitalism, it is the antithesis of capitalism and sooner or later acquires the character of being actively anticapitalist.” — from the book “The Zionist Factor: the Jewish Impact on Twentieth Century History” (Costa Mesa, CA., The Noontide Press, 1992) by journalist/political analyst Ivor Benson, chapter 9, p. 121-122.

[2] Personal bankruptcies in the U.S. have increased 8-fold, from 1.4 per thousand working people in 1970 to 8.5 per thousand working people in 2002.

6 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Socrates at 3:13 pm | Permanent Link

Joe Biden: “What’s an intelligent briefcase”?

An aide, whispering into Biden’s ear: “Don’t worry about that, sir. Just look into the camera and say, “Trump should not get any more intelligence briefings because he’s a fascist!”

Biden: “Oh, okay! (loudly):’Trump shouldn’t wear briefs to the beach anymore because he has no fashion!!’…..You know, I like the skimpy colored underwear myself…they feel so good when you sleep in them…it’s like you’re wearing women’s panties…heh-heh-heh…”


6 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in China, China as a global superpower, China as a threat to the West, China buying American politicians, Chinese communism, Clinton, Clinton scandals, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Sandy Berger, Socrates at 2:34 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: former U.S. National Security Advisor Sandy “Socks” Berger, a Jew, and the man who almost single-handedly “grew” China from being a backwards agricultural country into being a global powerhouse with sophisticated technology [thanks to a super-cozy relationship he brokered between China and the Clinton Administration. He got China into the World Trade Organization and he also got China “Most-Favored Nation” trading status. What a dick]. Berger was caught stealing classified material from the National Archives and stuffing it into his socks. That’s a Jew for you! Also, thanks to Berger, millions of American jobs were outsourced to China. Forget Russia: China is now a threat to the entire Western world. Thanks a lot, Sandy!).

1995: “China getting supercomputer technology from America? What could possibly go wrong?” (China now has sophisticated military weapons, thanks to supercomputer technology; the Clinton Administration was warned by military security experts about this matter, to no avail).

2021: “China creating a global DNA database? What could possibly go wrong?” (China could create biological weapons with a DNA database, or at the very least, it could monopolize medicines on a global scale).
