21 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in brown culture, Brown Man, brown rule, high-investment vs. low-investment parenting, parenting, Rushton, Socrates, Third World at 10:26 am | Permanent Link

Overheard: a well-traveled White man (a missionary) saying that, in the Brown, third-world countries, it’s very common to see 5-year-old kids wandering around all day long without any adult supervision. This, of course, is known as low-investment parenting: you birth a kid, but then you more-or-less ignore him.

However, in the White countries, the situation is just the opposite: the parents of 5-year-olds practice high-investment parenting in those countries. They watch their kids closely and keep a tight rein on their wanderings. (Today, this would be called “White supremacy” in most of the universities in America. How dare White people raise their children better than Brown people!).

Dr. J. Philippe Rushton talks about this situation in his good book, “Race, Evolution and Behavior”: [Book; a .PDF file].

20 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, Books recommended by Dr. William Pierce, Socrates at 3:47 pm | Permanent Link

The Colchester Collection Book Catalog (online books; there must be several thousand of them. Most of the books are in .PDF format — for example, “The Dispossessed Majority” by Wilmot Robertson).

[Book Catalogue].

20 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexican arrogance, Mexican corruption, Mexico, Socrates at 2:33 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: a map of the 31 Mexican states, most of which are unsafe).

The endless violence and death in Mexico doesn’t mean that Mexicans are any more violent than Whites. It just means that Mexicans have a different…uhhh…worldview than Whites do…right? No??? Oh. Okay, then. (Actually, I kid. Mexico is a failed country. Out of the 31 Mexican states, most are controlled by violent drug cartels. Corruption is the norm in Mexico, not the exception. This is a threat to the safety and security of America).

A news quote: “Mexican Authorities Find 18 Bags of Human (Body) Parts in the Mexican State of Jalisco.”


20 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'Native Americans', America, America as a 'melting pot', America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, egalitarianism, human equality, Navajo, Socrates at 12:10 pm | Permanent Link

One of the key features of a civilization is: having a written language.

A state government agency sent me an unwanted letter (i.e, the letter contained no money, heh-heh). It mentioned that, if I needed it, the agency could provide language translations for me in some 20 different languages, including: Korean, Chinese, Persian/Farsi, American Negro, San Francisco Feminist, East L.A. Wetback, Apache and Navajo. Gee, thanks.

What country do they think this is???

Speaking of Navajo: The Navajo Indians (of Arizona, Utah and New Mexico) had no written language until circa 1937, when a White man (Robert W. Young) created one for them [1]; to make the new written language, he had to create spelling, hyphenation, capitalization, word breaks, emphasis, etc. He worked in partnership with a Navajo man (a friend of his) on the project to create the written language (which was sort of difficult because Navajo is tonal, like Chinese, and many words sound alike, also like Chinese). That’s just plain sad. It never occurred to the Navajo people to have a language that could be written down if needed??? Like: Wife: “Honey, I left you a message on the big rock near the front door!” Husband: “Well, we don’t have a written language so I didn’t get the message, did I?? I only saw 3 pebbles and a stick!” Wife: “Yes, doofus! That means ‘I’ll be back at sundown tomorrow, be sure to stop at the store and bring home a gallon of milk, and feed the dog!'” Husband: “Oh, I thought that meant ‘keep your hands off of the cute neighbor next door or I’ll murder you in your sleep!'”

The Navajo people do make some neat jewelry, though.


[1] Young (1912-2007) was a professor of linguistics at the University of New Mexico

19 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'White privilege', communism, Cultural Marxism, jewed culture, jewed language, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Karl Marx, leftism, leftists, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, Marxism, Noel Ignatiev, Socrates at 1:37 pm | Permanent Link

Newbies, “White Privilege” is a totally Marxist idea: Karl Marx himself planted the idea, and later, two communists (Noel Ignatiev and Ted Allen, circa 1967) picked up that ball and ran it a few yards further [1]. How can Americans be so fooled by Marxism?

In some places in the Appalachian region of West Virginia, White people live in shacks. They are very poor. They have no indoor toilets. That’s “White Privilege”??

Regardless, “White Privilege” is a collective “crime”: you are “guilty” because you have White skin. Period. Talk about racism! What could be more racist (against Whites) than that? If you applied that type of thinking to Blacks, it would be called racist (such as “all Blacks are criminals”). Apparently, it’s okay to stereotype all Whites collectively, but it’s racist to stereotype all Blacks collectively! Liberal ideology totally lacks consistency! It’s all over the map. Liberalism only makes sense to idiots.

Also, “White Privilege” is the ultimate get-evenism: “We’ll get even with White people for being so successful!” It’s hate. It’s jealousy. It’s angry people with an axe to grind.


[1] Ignatiev was a Jew, and Allen was a gentile

19 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, Biden, political corruption, political coups, political persecution, politics, Socrates at 11:16 am | Permanent Link

That was quick. One month! Gee, I don’t recall voting for her for president. Of course, all of the laws/mandates that Joe “Where’s My Brain?” Biden has signed since January 20 are now very, very suspect…maybe someone should look into that matter…


19 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "woke", cancel culture, censorship, New World Order, NWO, Poland, social media/big tech, Socrates, Trump, Trumpphobia at 11:04 am | Permanent Link


So, Poland went from being enslaved by Jewish communism to being enslaved by Jewish big tech. How ironic. All roads lead back to the Jews [1]. (Hungary is now suffering the same things that Poland is, because those two countries are the last White, conservative countries remaining in Europe. Those two countries have been singled out for cultural destruction by the NWO, in other words).

“Poland spent 45 years under communism, and Kaleta says that experience has taught it the value of free speech and that when the country sees these disturbing new trends toward censorship, the red light goes on.”

Of course, you know what’s coming for Poland now (from the West): Credit? Canceled. Bank accounts? Canceled. And so on. (Several of Donald Trump’s bank accounts were recently canceled).



[1] Jewish, communist officials such as Jacob (Jakub) Berman, Hilary Minc, Anatol Fejgin, Jozef Swiatlo and Roman Zambrowski terrorized Poland after 1945.

18 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, Books recommended by Dr. William Pierce, Socrates at 3:48 pm | Permanent Link

Here’s a book that everyone should have a copy of: “The International Jew” by Henry Ford [a .PDF file].

Idea: search the internet and download “un-PC” books now. While you can. Because you may not be able to next year. Who knows what Big Brother has in store for us Whites? Here’s a good website to help you do that:
[Web page] and [Web page].

18 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in EU, Europe, eurozone, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, global vs. local/regional, globalization, Socrates at 1:14 pm | Permanent Link

(The thing about global government is that, sooner or later, the people become tired of it. Indeed, global government is very unnatural: one governmental body ruling 27 countries??? Totally ridiculous! Even America doesn’t have that. We have state governments, too — or, at least, we had them at one time).

Leftist #1: “OMG! First Britain, and now other countries may leave the EU!”

Leftist #2: “How can we control the little people without the EU??”

Leftist #3: “Oh, no! This could lead to another Hitler!”

Leftist #4: “Without global government, the people would be free! We can’t allow that!”

[Video, 12 minutes].

18 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in ACLU, Frankfurt School, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, SDS, Socrates at 12:22 pm | Permanent Link

One thing about the Jews: it doesn’t take very many of them to greatly alter a country. Just a few. Look at Russia: there were not that many Bolsheviks in 1917. But nonetheless they sacked Russia. One Jew can upset more apple carts than 100 gentiles. Indeed, Dr. Kevin MacDonald said that (paraphrasing him) “if a gentile organization is 15% Jewish at the top, you can consider that organization to be Jewish-led.” Jews are more fanatical and more driven than gentiles.

There is hardly a left-wing organization in the Western world that wasn’t founded, and/or funded, by Jews. This is especially true in America. Hence the term “the Judeo-Left” (e.g., look at the leftist group Students for a Democratic Society [SDS] in the 1960s. It was a re-named version of a prior, heavily-Jewish group called Student League for Industrial Democracy [SLID]. The driving force behind SLID, and the first president of the newer SDS, was a Jew, Alan Haber. Another key Jew in SLID/SDS was Aryeh Neier, who went on to lead the ACLU. Interestingly, Neier hired the gentile, Tom Hayden [a later husband of Jane Fonda], to work for SDS as a student organizer).
