2 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Baruch, Baruch and WWII, Harry Dexter White, Henry Morgenthau Jr., Horsejews of the Apocalypse, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Samuel Untermyer, Socrates, Victor Perlo, World War II at 12:28 pm | Permanent Link

All books have pluses and minuses. This book does, too. On the minus side, there are a few factual mistakes in the book. For example, the author calls the spy Alger Hiss a Jew. As far as I know, he wasn’t a Jew. Granted, maybe the author knows something that I don’t and Hiss was a crypto-Jew? There are some name misspellings, too, e.g., Perle instead of Perlo. Another thing: the author mentions “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” Are they real? Probably not. But they’re accurate, nonetheless. In other words, whoever wrote the Protocols knew the Jews very well.

Now, on the plus side, the author tries to show that world Jewry engineered WWII, and he’s right, world Jewry did. Without various powerful Jews, especially Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Henry Morgenthau Jr., Harry Dexter White, and Benjamin V. Cohen, WWII would have never happened. Jews most definitely created WWII, which doomed the White race in several different ways. For one thing, 50 million White civilians died either directly or indirectly as a result of that war. Those people would have birthed children, and their children would have also birthed children. So the White race “lost” at least 130 million people. That’s a lot of White people. Also, WWII (the political after-effects of it) killed off White racial pride, and it increased Jewish power in the world by 500%. And, it led to the creation of Israel and to out-of-control Zionism in the Middle East. Only The Jew Won WWII.

“The World Conquerors” (1958) by Louis Marschalko, a right-wing Hungarian writer who was “mysteriously” banned from entering America in 1945. Yeah, big mystery. A Democrat was in the White House then. Figure it out.

[a .PDF file].

2 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil War, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, political correctness, Socrates, Soviet Union, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 10:29 am | Permanent Link

(Wasn’t president George Washington [then General Washington] responsible for fighting/winning the Revolutionary War, which created the U.S.A.? And didn’t president Abe Lincoln fight the “evil” South and free the Black slaves? Wasn’t he a “good” White man, too? Apparently, there are no “good” White men today).

If you tried waging war on Black or Brown culture, the media would scream bloody murder and the government would arrest you for “civil rights violations.” But it’s perfectly fine to wage war on White culture (i.e., the culture of the people who created America). Why is that? I’ll tell you why. It’s all part of the plan. What plan? The plan to de-Whiten America and the Western world.

How ironic: White Americans gave the Brown and Black people a country where “if you can’t succeed here, you can’t succeed anywhere.” America was the land of democracy, of endless opportunity, of freedom. Indeed, millions of Blacks and Browns have succeeded in America (look at Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jordan. I once knew a Hispanic/Mexican college teacher who owned a large house and 2 Cessna-type airplanes. This was in a largely-White city. Why didn’t “racism” hold him back? Because racism is mostly a myth; did you know that a White man signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law? Yes. President Lyndon B. Johnson). But America changed drastically in about 1986, when Political Correctness (PC) emerged from the universities (of course it came from the universities. Where else would it come from??). PC was an ideology of hate and of tear-it-down, created by angry Marxists with too much time on their hands. After PC arrived, America was a place where White people were, for some reason, hated. At least we gave the Blacks and Marxists the freedom to hate us! (i.e., the First Amendment). We gave them a golden key to prosperity, but they said “yuck” and threw the key away (not really) because White people gave it to them! To quote Jeff Cooper, “there’s nothing harder to forgive than a favor.”

PC is part of Cultural Marxism, which originally came from Jews at the Frankfurt School at Columbia University in New York City [1][2]. You’re surprised, aren’t you? What?? You’re not surprised?? Oh. Okay, then.

[Article] and [Article].


[1] “Politically correct” was a Soviet term. It referred to “something that is not factually correct, but is nonetheless politically correct” — in other words, it’s a lie. Political Correctness is a sub-ideology of Cultural Marxism (it’s the “language part” of CM, i.e., talking/writing) and Cultural Marxism is a sub-ideology of Critical Theory; they are all Jewish-founded ideologies; basically, the ideological flow chart reads like this: Critical Theory>Cultural Marxism>Political Correctness

[2] A central belief of Cultural Marxism is: “White, Western culture is evil and oppressive and racist and fascist, and it should be destroyed for the sake of all humankind.”

1 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in reparation payments to Blacks, slavery, slavery lies, Socrates, victimhood movement, War On White Males, War On White People at 12:53 pm | Permanent Link

Free money coming! Just pose as a victim and presto! Cash-o-rama! Line forms right here! First Blacks, then women, then Indians, then Mexicans, then queers, then gingers (pale red-heads), then Catholics, then…oh, you poor souls!…come on, step right up!

The problem: not all Blacks were slaves. If Blacks came to America in circa 1900 (and many did), then they weren’t slaves. So which Blacks are going to get Whitey’s money and which aren’t? Never mind that slavery was the best thing to ever happen to Blacks: now there are Black judges, Black mayors and Black congressmen in America. Blacks really came up in the world via slavery, even if that was unintentional on the part of Whites (the diddling of the Black slaves by Whites helped them, too: it gave the Blacks some White genes, which boosted their IQs by 10% or more).


1 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Bible, Christianity, Christians, cosmotheism, Islam, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, Jewed religion, Mormons, Old Testament, religion, Socrates, William Pierce at 11:47 am | Permanent Link

Everyone needs some spirituality in their lives. Even you. Booze and young hotties will only get you so far.

Unlike the other, Middle Eastern religions, Dr. William Pierce’s Cosmotheism is a logical, natural religion for White men. Among other things, it seeks to improve mankind, to make mankind better: smarter, healthier, more understanding of things around him. Hence Pierce’s comment that “Cosmotheism is the underlying idea of 20th century science.”

Cosmotheism makes more sense than any other religion. Furthermore, Christianity, Islam and Judaism all have Jewish roots through the Jewish, Biblical patriarch Abraham; they are called “the Abrahamic religions” [1].

Unlike the other religions, Cosmotheism gives man a direction, a road map, a game plan for the future. The other religions are merely based on Semitic fairy tales.

According to Cosmotheism, it is the duty of current White men to pave the way for the next type of White man: the Superman. No, he doesn’t wear a red cape and fly around at supersonic speed. He hasn’t even arrived yet. The Superman is merely a better man, in every way: smarter, healthier, more compassionate, more attractive — the whole nine yards. That’s partly where science comes in.

You may want to look into Cosmotheism for yourself [2].

Quoting Pierce, re: Cosmotheism: “Man, the world, and the Creator are not separate things, but man is a part of the world, which is a part of the Whole (i.e., the universe), which is the Creator.” This just means that everything in the universe in connected. They don’t exist on their own. The Creator is the physical manifestation of God. God the physical, God the real. There is also God the spiritual: what you feel inside you. So there are two manifestations of God in Cosmotheism: things which you can touch (e.g., a tree) and that which is spiritual (i.e., what you feel and think).


[1] Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all Levantine (Middle Eastern) religions with Jewish roots. Why would White men want to follow them? According to the Bible (the Old Testament, which is also called the Jewish Bible), Jesus was a Jew because his mother Mary came from the Jewish House of David. That’s the narrative. Under Jewish religious law, that makes Jesus a Jew. All three of those religions spring from the Jewish, Biblical patriarch named Abraham. His son Ishmael is called the “father” of the Arabs, while Abraham’s other son, Isaac, is called the “father” of the Jews. The Old Testament was, of course, written by Jews; indeed, the Jewish “Torah” and the first five Books of Moses in the Bible (the Old Testament) are exactly the same thing (i.e., Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). Ask any rabbi. Even the Mormons use Moses as a guiding figure in their religion, i.e., in their Book of Moses, within their “Pearl of Great Price.” Jewishness is everywhere in “Western” religions.

[2] a quote about what Cosmotheism is: “To the pantheist (i.e., Cosmotheist), everything is interrelated. Thus, pantheists see human life not as independent and self-contained but rather as an integral part of the world. This stress on wholeness should not be taken to mean that pantheists are contending that “all is one,” that there aren’t separate entities in the world, that the perception of distinctions is an illusion. Rather, pantheists—or most of them, anyway—are saying that the various elements that comprise the world are not merely distinct; and that most fundamentally, most importantly, they are not distinct. When pantheists look at the world, they see connectedness, they see unity. What makes pantheism a religion and not simply an insight or a philosophy is that this unity that pantheists see is divine—it is sacred. To pantheists, the world isn’t simply a set of interrelated concrete phenomena. There is more—call it God—and this “something more” infuses, permeates, the world. It is part of everything, and everything is part of It. It divinizes the world and makes it holy. When pantheists look at the world, they see God.”

More: “The appropriate relationship to the theistic God (e.g., Christian or Islam) is deferential and devotional. He is prayed to. He is an object of worship—the sole object of worship. The worshipper does not identify himself with God or seek to merge with God or become God; that would be blasphemous. Rather, the fundamental objective of religious practice in the theistic tradition is to establish a proper relationship with God. Cultivating this proper relationship brings the worshipper peace and happiness and perhaps an ecstatic joy, and it gives him direction in living in accordance with God’s will and in escaping God’s displeasure or wrath. The worshipper gains strength and guidance from God—perhaps with assistance from a messiah—in the lifelong task of achieving salvation in this life and bliss and serenity in the next life.

In theistic traditions, there is the belief in personal immortality. The faithful will survive death in some form. Death is regrettable to be sure, but that regret is softened by the conviction that the next world will be a better place than this one is. In fact, in theistic traditions existence on earth is in large measure perceived as a time of preparation for the afterlife.”

[More here] and [More here].

28 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in E=MC2, Hollywood, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish genetics, Jewish greed, Jewish lies, Jewish swindlers, Socrates, Thomas Edison, Western civilization, Western culture, White art/architecture, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought at 1:37 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Michelangelo’s famous sculpture “David” [center] stands alone in its glory at the Accademia Gallery in Florence, Italy. Made circa 1504, it is 14 feet tall).

If the Jews are “God’s chosen people,” how come they have created nothing since the era of Christ (except poop jokes and usury)? What? The Jew Einstein created E=MC2? No, he didn’t. That was Olinto DePretto. Einstein stole E=MC2. What? Jews created Hollywood? Sort of. But they had to steal Thomas Edison’s movie camera first. And Edison’s movie film, too, which they “bootlegged” in Europe and smuggled into America. Whites create, Jews steal.

Anyway, forget about Jesus. Worship Michelangelo, a real god. He was such a great artist that he could be called “the king of art.” His work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel alone is enough to cement his legend for all time.


27 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Australia, communism, communist brutality, communists getting away with murder, double standards, Kevin MacDonald, Marxism, Marxist "land reform", Socrates, Soviet Union, universities, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 2:35 pm | Permanent Link

If you were a professor and a neo-Nazi, do you think that you could get tenure, and get onto the faculty, at any Western university? No way. Not only “no” but “hell, no.” You’d be “outed” in a week and bounced out the door and angry leftists would follow you and assault you in the parking lot as you were leaving! (Jews and leftist have long sought to get right-wing professors fired from their jobs, but usually without success due to tenure [1]).

This guy Eugene Kamenka (I mentioned him yesterday) did both at Australian National University, only he wasn’t a neo-Nazi. He was a lifelong communist and a Jew. Have I mentioned that communism killed 90 million people during the 20th century? Marxism always equals “murder”; look at Cuba and Nicaragua. And that’s just the murders. What about the other oppression: people wrongly put in prisons, their homes and land stolen, their families destroyed. Communism has destroyed more lives than any other ideology in history.

How can anyone use the words “Marxism” and “ethical” in the same sentence? Kamenka did. Can you believe that this communist actually wrote a book about the “ethics” of Marxism? How are there any ethics in seizing someone’s home or land (the liberals call this “requisitioning” or “nationalizing” — they never call it “theft”)? These Marxists are sick creeps and anyone who aids and abets them is a sick creep as well. Why did the Australian National University host this creep? Has anyone ever demanded that the university apologize for doing that? (Nope, of course not). A fawning bio of Kamenka is [Here]. Kamenka was such an extremist that he was a Trotskyist in his teens and he traveled to the Soviet Union in 1965 — they always seemed to be called back to the Mother Ship!

[Online book about Marxism].


[1] Jews and liberals tried to get Dr. Kevin MacDonald fired from California State University, but they failed. Nonetheless, the smearing of his good name continues even today. Previously, he was not called a “neo-Nazi” but now he is; note for the historical record that he is not a neo-Nazi in any way; but, here is what Wikipedia says about him now:

“Kevin B. MacDonald (born January 24, 1944) is an American anti-semitic conspiracy theorist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and a retired professor of psychology at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB)” — Wikipedia, Feb. 2021

27 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in apartheid, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black IQ, black rule, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks as child-like, Blacks as worthless, IQ, Joe Slovo, Socrates, South Africa at 12:01 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Port Elizabeth City Hall; if you think Blacks built this, you’re cracked; wonder how long it will take the Blacks to raze this building due to its “colonial Whiteness”?).

So, a White-built city in South Africa (Port Elizabeth) has a new, spear-chucker name that no White people can pronounce! Saaaay, that’s progress.

Apparently, in order to say the new, spear-chucker name of the city (which is “Gqeberha”), you have to click your tongue, like this: “(*click*) bear gha.” How incredibly stupid! Clicking your tongue to say a word?? My god. Betcha no Whites will call it (*click*), they’ll still call it P.E. or Port Elizabeth.

But wait, the news gets even better: “Gqeberha is one of a number of name changes to cities, towns and airports in the Eastern Cape province announced by Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa.” There will be more spear-chucker names coming soon!

Let’s get one thing straight: White people built South Africa. The roads, the buildings, the bridges, the power lines, the phone lines, all of it was built by Whites. Not by Blacks. Yet now the Blacks are Blackening S.A. as if they own it. But they don’t. They’re squatters or occupiers. He who builds it owns it.

The Blacks came into the South African government in 1994 even though they were not qualified to govern (because African Black IQs are even lower than American Black IQs; the latter have some European genes, hence more brains, thanks to some Whites screwing their Black slaves in circa 1780) [1]. South Africa is so ruined today. Many Whites have fled, and so the tax base has disappeared. Meanwhile, the Jews and the liberals who ended apartheid and brought the Blacks to power are strangely silent about the Black ruining of S.A.[2].



[1] African Black IQ is about 75 to 80; American Black IQ is about 85; American White IQ is about 100. (“IQ scores between 70 and 79 are in the borderline mentally retarded range. Scores below 67 are in the retarded range” [Here]).

[2] Some of the Jews who worked to dismantle the White government in South Africa and pave the way for Black rule included: Joe Slovo, Ruth First, Harold Wolpe, Albie Sachs, Ronald Segal, Dennis Goldberg, Lionel “Rusty” Bernstein, Hilda Bernstein, Solly Sachs, Helen Suzman, Ray Alexander, Ronnie Kasrils, Raymond Suttner, Ray Simons, Moishe Geller (related to Pamela Geller), Jules and Selma Browde, Arthur Goldreich, Norma and David Kitson, Wolfie Kodish, Harry Bloom and Bernard Friedman

26 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "gay pride", "gay", "gender theory", "gender", "woke", 'sex-change', 'tolerance', 'transgender', Cultural Marxism, homosexual themes, homosexuals, Socrates at 2:49 pm | Permanent Link

(Once an abnormal, undesirable trait, homosexuality is now hip and trendy! But since homosexuals cannot reproduce, that’s great proof that homosexuality is a biological mistake, a genetic quirk that nature didn’t intend to happen).

Liberal #1: “I’m gay! I told my wife last night!”

Liberal #2: “So am I! I came out last month!”

Liberal #3: “I’m not gay yet, but I will be. I think I’ll come out in the Spring!”

Liberal #4: “I can’t decide if I want to become gay, or if I should just change my gender. Decisions, decisions!”

Liberal #5: “My dog is transgender.”

Liberal #4: “Really? You must be sooo proud of him!”

Liberal #5: “Her.”

Liberal #4: “Ohh, gee, I’m so sorry that I misgendered your dog! Please don’t hate me!!!”


26 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "woke", communism, Cultural Marxism, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, Socrates at 12:29 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Jewish Marxist Eugene Kamenka).

Now, toys are gender-free. Why? And what’s next? G.I. Joe will be renamed to simply “G.I.” (government issue)?? Why can’t toys mirror humans?

We are becoming a society where race, sex, and creed do not exist. Where all humans are “equal.” In other words: we are heading towards communism [1].



[1] “In the name of science and of man it (Marxism) seeks to transcend the specific divisions of climate, race and creed, of nation-state and language-group, in order to chart a common future for mankind.” —- from the book “The Ethical Foundations of Marxism” by Jewish/Marxist scholar Eugene Kamenka (1928-1994), 1962; from the Preface to the Japanese edition, 1965.

25 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Black 'professionals', black arrogance, black behavior vs. white behavior, black culture, cancel culture, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, jewed culture, jewed language, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Wittgenstein at 2:53 pm | Permanent Link

Karl Marx, 1880: “In the future, everything will be re-named to please the negroes.”

Karl Marx’s ghost, 2021: “See?? I told you so!”

(By the way, what are “deadly words”? Does that mean words can actually kill you? Wait…ohhh, yes, now I remember: leftists today say that “words are violence!” Yeah. The Jewish “philosopher” Ludwig Wittgenstein [1889-1951] popularized that subversive idea. He said that words have no concrete meanings and that word meaning depends solely on how you use the words. For example, the word “cat” could mean a small furry animal, or a skateboard, or it could mean Mussolini’s left testicle, ya know, oy veh, it’s all how ya use the word, ya see?…confused? Oy veh, that’s the whole idea, goy boy…remember Bill Clinton and his “it depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is”??…there ya go! Oy vehhh…).
