29 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, military, multiculturalism, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, Zionism, Zionist lobby, ZOG at 11:31 am | Permanent Link

Diversity: a code word for “fewer White people but more Brown/Black people.” In other words: the dispossession of White people in their own countries. In other words: genocide. Who built the U.S. military anyway? White people. So, the very people who built the military are being pushed to the sidelines. Good! It’s time for Whitey to stop serving the Zionist Occupation Government (a.k.a., “ZOG,” which was coined by former military intelligence officer Eric Thomson in 1976). Let the Blacks and Browns fight wars for Israel. In fact, it’s time for Whitey to drop out of society, period. It’s time for Whitey to develop an alternate society of his own: his own media, his own money, his own ideas, everything. A White society of his own.

So, apparently, bringing low-IQ negroes, Muslims and homosexuals into the U.S. military makes it “better.” If that’s true, then the military must have been horribly ineffective and incompetent in 1960, when there were few “quota hires” in it. Of course, it wasn’t. The U.S. military was a pretty good outfit in 1960.

The Chinese military must be laughing very hard right now.

“USSOCOM welcomes our new Chief of Diversity & Inclusion”


28 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed education system, jewed media, jewed politics, Judeo-Left, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberalism, liberals, Socrates, taxes, taxing Whitey, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 1:23 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Black and White characters in the TV series “I, Spy” circa 1965. Suddenly in the 1960s, Blacks were appearing almost everywhere on TV when previously they were never seen. This coincided with the rise of the New Left political movement).

Leftism (read: Judeo-leftism) rests on three main pillars. Without those pillars, leftism would collapse instantly.

Pillar 1: Lies.

Leftism is based on lies. Telling lies, spreading lies, furthering lies by keeping silent and not telling the truth, etc. “Systemic racism is everywhere”! “Global warming is a terrible threat to mankind”! “Transgender people are perfectly normal”! Those are all leftist lies.

Pillar 2: the “White People Are Bad/Non-White People Are Good” idea.

According to the Left, White people are evil and non-White people are sweet and innocent (you can thank the Jew, Claude Levi-Strauss, for that idea). “Satanic White people colonized much of the world and thereby oppressed millions of poor, innocent non-Whites.” It’s not true, but that’s what the leftists claim.

Ever since the New Left began circa 1964, leftism has been concerned with race. (The godfather of the New Left was, of course, a Marxist Jew: Herbert Marcuse). Suddenly, in the 1960s, we saw TV shows featuring Blacks when previously we hadn’t. A good example of that is the TV series “I, Spy” (1965; it was created by two Jews: David Friedkin and Morton Fine, who also wrote the 1964 Holocaust-themed movie “The Pawnbroker” and wrote for many Western TV series, such as “The Rifleman” and “The Big Valley”). Thanks to the Left, Blacks would gain more and more stature until they were everywhere — even in Congress! As Blacks gained power, you guessed it: Whites lost power. So today, there’s a war on White people that could not have happened without the demonization of Whites and the slow encroachment of Blacks onto White territory beginning circa 1964. Today, all leftism hinges on “White people bad/non-White people good” in some way.

Pillar 3: Whitey’s tax dollars.

Leftists love “taxing and spending.” It’s what they do! Taxing White people punishes them and so they love doing it. The fact that many leftists are White makes no difference because those leftists hate themselves for being White. But leftists couldn’t wage war on our White, Western culture without massive amounts of Whitey’s tax dollars — after all, America’s tax base is White and will be until 2040, at least. (Isn’t it disgusting that leftists use your tax money to attack you?).

27 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'Indians', 'Native Americans', civilization, civilization/civilized, horses, Indians and liquor, Socrates, White inventions, White philosophy, White technology, White thought at 2:58 pm | Permanent Link

Indians can’t handle the firewater. Why not? Uhhhh…because of White racism! Yeah! Those evil White people force the Indians to drink liquor! Yeah! By the way, when are we Whites going to pay the Indians reparations money? After all, it was quite mean of us to give the Indians the telephone, the automobile, the bicycle, electricity, the computer, the airplane, the TV set, horses, the air conditioner, the furnace, the radio/stereo, the lightbulb, the camera, the wheelbarrow, the telescope, the clock, the wristwatch, the refrigerator, concrete, surveying equipment, the printing press, marine/sea navigation tools, democracy, etc. How dare we civilize them! The very nerve! (The Spanish conquistadors introduced domesticated horses to North America circa 1500, some of which escaped and ended up in the Midwest, e.g., in Nebraska, Kansas, etc. An Indian probably saw a White guy riding a horse circa 1600 and said to himself, “why I walk, when I could ride one of those???”).


27 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Allahu Snackbars, Aloha Snackbars, Britain, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, England, multiculturalism, Muslims, Muslims in Europe, Socrates at 1:32 pm | Permanent Link

If your country is a White, Western country, and it has a “government Islamophobia advisor,” it’s about 20 years away from total collapse. Maybe even 15 years away. (“Islamophobia”: that means “when you don’t want your peaceful country to be flooded with Brown maniacs who scream “Allahu Akbar!” right before committing mass murder).

A news quote: “The UK Government’s Islamophobia advisor has suggested that showing images of Muhammad should be made as socially unacceptable as saying the n-word.”


27 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, White philosophy, White thought at 12:36 pm | Permanent Link

— People who like Jews don’t understand Jews — if they did, they wouldn’t like them.

— People used to have common sense/”horse sense” and they’d pass it on to their children. But today, nobody has common sense, so they can’t pass it on to their children. (That’s one reason why America is doomed).

26 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in colonialism in the New World, Socrates, The Outsider/The Other, Third World, Turd-World people, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White aid to Turd World, White benevolence, White philosophy, White thought at 11:32 am | Permanent Link

The Other means “anybody who isn’t White” [1]. White people have “a thing” about helping The Other. Why? Blame Christianity, a Jewish-created, egalitarian, do-gooder religion. Blame White compassion, which we have waaaay too much of. (Do you realize that, if the Chinese had colonized America instead of Whites, they would have slaughtered everybody who wasn’t Chinese? We colonized America, but we — being way too nice — didn’t slaughter everyone who wasn’t White. The Indians are still here, and are operating casinos now. Whites are the only people who conquer-but-don’t-slaughter).

White men have been helping Third World people for, what, 100 years at least? And how did such helping benefit Whites? It didn’t. It helped the Third World! It only hurt Whites, by putting more burdens and more expenses on Whites, and it also created a bad precedent. A habit. It’s a very one-sided relationship. They gain, we lose.

But I’ll admit: geographically speaking, Papua New Guinea is a beautiful region.

Black and Brown people benefit greatly from their relationship with Whites. But it’s a ridiculous relationship. White compassion towards The Other only leads to trouble for us. Whites are too damn nice for their own good.

[Video, 20 minutes].


[1] actually, The Other means “anybody who isn’t a White male” but biological sex isn’t an issue here

25 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in equality, equalocracy, equity vs. equality, jewed culture, jewed language, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Otto Klineberg, race, racial differences, racial hierarchy, racism, racism accusations, Socrates at 2:49 pm | Permanent Link

Two things:

1. The universal buzzword used to be “equality,” but now it’s been changed to “equity” — why the change?

A news quote: “On many occasions, Thomas has pointed out that equity is different than equality. Equity may require more than equal to make up for past inequity.” Ahhhh! That’s it! There’s the reason for the change! Negroes get more free stuff from Whitey! [1].

2. Why worry about “equity”? I thought race was just a “social construct”? I thought “race doesn’t matter, we are all the same, skin color doesn’t matter, blah, blah, blah”? (You can probably thank the Jew, Otto Klineberg, for that idea. He famously said “there’s only one race: the human race.” Sure, Klineberg). If we are all equal, how would “inequity” exist in the first place??



[1] Equality = everyone is given the same thing, or the same opportunity at least. Equity = the lowest people on the social/racial ladder are given whatever advantages they need in order to be “equal” to the higher-up-the-ladder people, no matter how ridiculous those things might be. Equity is equality on steroids. The liberals are getting desperate to “equalize humanity” before too many people notice that humans aren’t equal.

25 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexican mentality, Mexico, Mexinvasion, parenting, Rushton, Socrates at 10:29 am | Permanent Link

Would you allow your small child to travel 1,500 miles alone, across the desert, to the southern border of the U.S.? Not if you’re White.

But if you’re Mexican, that’s another story. Lots of unaccompanied Mexican children are arriving at the U.S. border every day. Never mind the fact that such traveling alone by a small child is extremely dangerous. The child could be sexually molested or even kidnapped or murdered. Allowing a child to travel alone that way is felony child abuse. How much do you really care about your child if you let him/her make such a long journey alone? Not much! (Of course, White parents are more caring than Brown parents. Read about parenting styles and race [Here, a .PDF file]).


24 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, Black mentality, Black Migration to the North, reparation payments to Blacks, Socrates, White inventions, White technology at 3:01 pm | Permanent Link

My father did not oppress any Blacks. Nor did my grandfather. Nor did my great-grandfather. None of my relatives owned slaves (because they were middle-class only, and came from the upper Midwest). That’s true for 90% of all Whites in America: none of their relatives owned slaves. So why should our tax dollars fund reparations for Blacks?

Furthermore, no Blacks alive today were slaves. Nor were their fathers, or grandfathers.

Reparations for Blacks is a scam. Period. (Blacks should be paying us for making their lives sooooo much easier: Blacks now have cars, cell phones (for drug deals and ordering food), electricity, TVs, stereos, computers, air conditioning/heating, indoor plumbing, refrigerators/freezers, sophisticated health care, etc. Are Blacks going to pay us “evil” Whites?).

24 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, Black mentality, Black Migration to the North, reparation payments to Blacks, Socrates at 11:28 am | Permanent Link

(Above: a Detroit slum. This was probably a nice, White neighborhood before several million Blacks flooded North, from the Deep South, circa 1930) [1].

But wait: since Blacks make American cities unsafe, are they going to pay reparations to Whites? Why are the reparations only going one way? Blacks destroy cities and cause high crime rates, which means higher taxes for Whites. Detroit, Cleveland and Baltimore (nice cities in the 1940s) are now ruined. When are the Blacks going to pay for the ruination they caused? The answer, of course, is never. Blacks only take, take, take. They don’t give back. That’s why they’re called “gibs-me-dats!”

A news quote: “The plan, which could be the first of its kind in the U.S., is to distribute $400,000 to eligible Black households. The Associated Press reported that qualifying households in the city of 73,000 would be eligible to receive $25,000 for home repairs or down payments on property.”



[1] “This (Black) relocation — called the Great Migration — resulted in massive demographic shifts across the United States. Between 1910 and 1930, cities such as New York, Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland saw their African-American populations grow by about 40 percent…” — from “Great Migration: The African-American Exodus North” at npr.org