24 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Christ-tards, Christians, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, Frankfurt School, Noel Ignatiev, Original Sin, War On White Males, War On White People at 1:48 pm | Permanent Link

“Original sin” is a Catholic Church belief that all humans are born to sin. They are sinners from birth and will always have the urge to sin (except for me. I haven’t sinned since 1981 and that was an accident, my cousin tricked me into getting drunk, he said it was non-alcoholic beer). But the new “original sin” is: being born White. That idea comes right from the anti-White communists Noel Ignatiev (a Jew) and Ted Allen (a White guy). According to them, White people have “a duty to die” in order to “save humanity from Whiteness.” According to these chuckle-heads, “abolishing the White race” is the key to solving society’s problems. “Whiteness” is a sin, a stain, a blemish that must be removed from the world [1][2][3]. This is Cultural Marxism, of a very pure variety.

It must be made illegal by federal law to teach or practice any form of Marxism in public, especially in schools.

“From here on out, it’s 24/7/365 anti-white from our elite. It will be intense propaganda basically instilling the idea to white children, ‘why were you born when you carry the original sin of whiteness?’”



[1] “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.” — Noel Ignatiev

[2] “If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease…” — Noel Ignatiev (this is a call for genocide)

[3] Dr. William Pierce called communism a “poisonous, anti-White creed” in National Vanguard Books Catalogue #19, June 2000, page 33, top right.

24 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, conservatives as losers and wimps, leftism, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberal power in America, liberalism, Liberalization Of Everything, liberals at 7:36 am | Permanent Link

Everything is liberal because liberals fight harder than conservatives. Why? Because liberals are more emotional and more intolerant (yes, more intolerant) than conservatives, which is funny because for the past 50 years they have insisted that they’re the most “tolerant” of all people. If you are more emotional, you will fight harder. So 1 liberal will outfight 5 or even 10 conservatives, politically speaking. This is a serious problem in America. Think of it like football: Liberals are always playing offense and are always gaining ground. Conservatives are always playing defense and are never gaining any ground. Playing defense is not fighting.(Conservatives need to better familiarize themselves with the concept of force multipliers. A billionaire is a force multiplier. So is a computer, so are websites and email lists. Use them to your advantage; more action, less Jesus).


23 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 carpet-baggers, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covidians at 4:16 pm | Permanent Link

You’ve heard of The Branch Davidians? Well, these people are The Branch Covidians! They’re preparing for the Second Coming, too: the Second Coming of world communism via endless “pandemics” and forced lockdowns (the First Coming of world communism failed circa 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed and Cuba went on life support). (hat tip: Journeyman Blacksmith).

“We’re speaking, of course, of the Cult of COVID, the fastest-growing religion in the United States and across much of the developed world, a religion whose spread has been made possible by an alarmingly powerful public-health establishment and large corporations. The Cult of COVID has its own clerical elite, its own commandments and even modesty norms. And like any cult, its fanatic adherents shame and silence heretics for defying the public orthodoxy.”


23 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines at 1:11 pm | Permanent Link

A good product sells itself. Pizza, for example. No arm-twisting is required to sell pizza. Ditto ice cream and tacos. The public likes those things for a reason. Ditto Honda cars. They’re great, and many Hondas are made in America. No arm-twisting is needed to sell them.

Why are the U.S. government and Big Tech companies trying so very hard to “sell” the Covid-19 vaccine to the public? Most people won’t even need it: 99% of them — if they get Covid — will be asymptomatic and will never even know that they had Covid. Only the elderly and the already-sick might need “the jab.” But the vaccine was rushed to market as “an emergency”, so it may not be safe, as two vaccine experts admitted in November. Only time will tell [1].

(But already, we have seen the government officials lie numerous times about Covid-19, e.g., first they said that they weren’t counting “heart-attack and stroke deaths as Covid deaths” but then later they admitted that, yes, they were indeed doing that! The lies about Covid have been bold and frequent).



[1] Two Israeli scientists admitted that the world will not know immediately if Covid-19 vaccines are safe. Given this fact, how can the government insist that getting “the jab” is safe? Re: the Covid-19 vaccines:

“We will have a safety profile for only a certain number of months, so if there is a long-term effect after two years, we cannot know,” Dr. Tal Brosh said. And Dr. Michal Linial said: “Classical vaccines were designed to take 10 years to develop. I don’t think the world can wait for a classical vaccine.” — from a news article titled “Could mRNA COVID-19 vaccines be dangerous in the long-term?” by Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman, The Jerusalem Post, November 17, 2020.

22 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, Black IQ, Black mentality, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as child-like, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, thug gene at 12:01 pm | Permanent Link

“This is total madness, and makes me wonder why anyone would want to go into police work these days.” The writer nailed it: nobody is going to want to become a cop today. So, watch America’s big cities collapse in 10 years (or, I should say, collapse even more than they already have, e.g., Detroit, Baltimore, Apelanta, Chimpcago).

Are the police on a path to disengagement with Blacks (similar to Europe’s “no-go zones”)? [1]. Will the Blacks basically have a permit to run amok? That’s not good if you’re a White female or a White senior citizen. Blacks will become even more uppity than they are now (post-Michael Brown and George Floyd).

Anyway. Think about this: all of the Black thugs who have been “murdered” by the police during the past 40 years would be alive today if they had only cooperated with the police! That’s all they had to do! Just cooperate! “Hands behind your back!” “Yes, sir!” But no. Blacks are unable to do that, because they are children in adult bodies (and violent children at that!) and they can’t cooperate with a guy wearing a government uniform. They just can’t. They’re mentally unable to cooperate [2]. So Whitey gets the blame each time. Which begs the question: why didn’t the federal government expel Blacks from America years ago? Why wasn’t the process started in, say, 1980? That Blacks wouldn’t like being expelled is entirely irrelevant. Community safety must take priority over Black feelings. (Blacks can accurately be called “a failed race” since only 10% of them lead productive, crime-free lives).



[1] for example, there are neighborhoods in Paris, France that White police and firefighters cannot enter because they’ll be attacked, usually by Blacks or Muslims.

[2] Blacks have more testosterone than Whites, making them more aggressive; they also have lower impulse control, partly as the result of more testosterone and partly due to their lower IQs; and Blacks are ten times more likely to have the “warrior gene,” known as monoamine oxidase A, or MAOA; it’s also called the “thug gene”

21 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "liberation" movements led by Jews, communism, communism as a fraud, communism as a weapon against the West, Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, equality, feminism, feminism as fraudulent, Feminists, feminization of the West, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), socialism, women being bossy and demanding, women in the workforce, yin and yang at 11:29 am | Permanent Link

This is a funny cartoon about feminism. But it makes a great point.

I read something interesting about feminism recently. It said “feminism has made women less valuable to men.” That’s why men don’t want to get married or have serious relationships today. A feminized woman is not something that men want. They find no value in such a woman. Only a burden. Only trouble. Hence the MGTOW movement [1]. A man wants a woman, a mother, a yin to his yang, an opposite to his masculinity, a life partner. He doesn’t want “a short man with tits” as someone said.

Feminism, which became The Next Big Thing circa 1972 with the horrible and unconstitutional Equal Employment Opportunity Act (created in March 1972, flooding the workplaces with women, even in the FBI and jails/prisons), has ruined women, which of course was the whole idea: to pit women against men, just like communism, socialism and labor unionism pits People A against People B; all were adversary movements, a.k.a. “liberating” movements, and were dominated by Jews.


[1] MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way (avoiding marriage and serious romantic relationships)

20 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "cancel culture"/censorship, "gender theory", "gender", 'gender identity', 'progressive' liberals, 'sex-change', 'tolerance', 'transgender', France at 2:47 pm | Permanent Link

Woe to the person who doesn’t worship at The Temple of Tranny in 2021. Just ask this guy Dawkins.

Being a tranny gives you amazing power (i.e., the power of the victim/the outsider). No one can criticize you or question your moral status. You’re like a Holocaust survivor, a rape victim and a battered wife all combined into one person. You’re the ultimate victim of White male oppression and patriarchy! Damn those evil pale males!

It’s remarkable how “legitimate” the transgender movement has become — remarkable because there’s no such thing as “transgender.” Just like there’s no such thing as the Easter Bunny, or Bigfoot, or a virgin in France (in France, babies are born unchaste, just like in California. A rabbi told me that. Wonder how he knew?…).


20 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, equality, feminism, feminization of the West, human equality, political correctness, re-writing history, women, women and 'equality', women geniuses at 12:03 pm | Permanent Link

Best meme I’ve seen in months and I’ll tell you why:

“Behind every great woman is a team of men who did all the actual work.”

There’s a new thing around. A narrative. Very PC. It’s all the rage. It basically goes “a brilliant woman invented X, Y or Z but never got any credit for it because sexist White men hogged all the credit because White men are chauvinist pigs who keep women down.” That’s the usual, basic narrative.

Example: I just saw such a narrative two days ago on the internet that basically went: “a female physicist helped win WWII for the allies by inventing anti-radar technology that allowed allied airplanes to avoid German radar.” She was brilliant! A genius! Sure. Right. Okay. (Did you know that an Italian woman invented Velcro? Yeah. She was pulling a wool sweater over her head and it got caught on her mustache. *rim shot* Couldn’t resist. Velcro was actually invented by Swiss electrical engineer George de Mestral in 1941).

19 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in E=MC2, Einstein, Jewish icons, Jewish lies, Jewish myths, Olinto De Pretto at 12:47 pm | Permanent Link

Jesus? A myth. Jewish “chosenness”? A myth. “He’s just a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn”? There’s no such thing as a nice Jewish boy from anywhere. “Einstein invented E=MC2”? He found it and popularized it, but he didn’t invent it.

Everything surrounding the Jews is a myth.

The Italian guy who invented E=MC2, known as “the theory of relativity” (his name was Olinto De Pretto) isn’t even mentioned in this article. But the Jewish guy who accidentally stumbled upon E=MC2 two years later (Albert Einstein) is, and he’s praised to the heavens every week.


19 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as an arm of world Jewry, Britain, England, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish politicians, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish warmongering, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russia, Russian Revolution, Russophobia, Ukraine at 11:00 am | Permanent Link

Big Jew: “I hate and fear the Russians. They know us Jews too well. They know that we sacked Russia in 1917 and terrorized her for decades, and Eastern Europe as well. That’s a big problem for me. If I hate the Russians, then you hate the Russians, too. Right???”

America and England: “Yes, master! We hear and understand you! We obey your every command! Your enemy is our enemy!”

A news quote: “Royal Navy warships will sail for the Black Sea next month as tensions continue to rise between Ukrainian and Russian forces.” [Article].

The president of Ukraine is a Jew, Volodymyr Zelensky. He is a lawyer and a TV producer, as well as a politician.