2 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Christianity, Christians, Christians abetting jews, churches, Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, Frankfurt School, human blights, human equality, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewed religion, Mormons, multiculturalism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, nation-states, Old Testament, race, Race Denial, race riots, racial awareness among Whites, racial integration, racial polarization, racial preferences, War On White Males, War On White People at 11:46 am | Permanent Link

How did it work out?? If you recall Michael Brown, the Summer of 2020, and George Floyd, not well! [1]. Today, Blacks riot every month over ridiculous things and they still play the “knock-out game” (i.e., randomly punching Whites in public places). In fact, race relations in America have never been this bad — thanks, Cultural Marxism (a Jewish-founded, egalitarian ideology; ironically, so is Christianity; see below).

By the way: “a nation of all races”?? There is NO such thing. A nation is “a group of people who are alike (e.g., the Japanese). It does not refer to borders or boundaries. Just people.


[1] “The universalist ideal rests on the belief that human beings are willing to share such a collective system with the rest of humanity. But evolutionary psychology suggests that humans have developed kin selection, those tribes with the strongest sense of in-group altruism being the most likely to survive…No universal altruism has evolved because a sense of universal altruism would have no evolutionary advantage. Garrett Hardin argued in a 1982 essay, ‘Discriminating Altruisms’, that a world without borders or distinctions is impossible, because groups that practise unlimited altruism will be eliminated in favour of those that limit altruistic behaviour to smaller groups, from whom they receive benefits.”

— Ed West, in his book “The Diversity Illusion” (2013). (Point taken, but, “No universal altruism has evolved”? Oh, I beg to differ, Mr. West. It’s called Christianity! One altruism fits all, as long as you worship Jesus! Race and origin don’t matter! Ask any priest or religious leader or church. In fact, the Mormons have dropped their ban on Blacks in the priesthood: “From the mid-1800s until 1978, the LDS Church prevented most men of black African descent from being ordained to the church’s lay priesthood, barred black men and women from participating in the ordinances of its temples and opposed interracial marriage. Since black men of African descent could not receive the priesthood, they were excluded from holding leadership roles and performing these rituals.” — Wikipedia, May 2021. To a Christian church, there is no difference between a Black man, a Brown man and a White man, as long as they all worship Jesus. In the West, this is pure insanity).

1 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Europe, France, genocide, genocide by jew, genocide of White culture, immigration, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish nation-wrecking, multiculturalism, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 1:34 pm | Permanent Link

France is a powerful, White country. But being powerful and White didn’t save it because its leaders over the years have been assholes: corrupt and power-hungry, just like our leaders in America.

My father used to have a saying: “first, take it to its logical conclusion.” In other words, before you perform “X” action (or allow it to happen), what will happen later, as a consequence of that action? Europe should have thought likewise. White Europe is committing suicide — or, much more accurately, is being murdered, via immigration and multiculturalism. As time goes on, it will become harder and harder to hide that fact. This means that the Jews and the leftists will be getting more and more nervous about “the chickens coming home to roost.” Their policies, after all, are murdering White Europe.

France should have remained White. The French know that now. But it’s too late. Or…is it?


30 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'White supremacist terrorism', 'White supremacist', 'White supremacy' accusations, al-Crapola, al-Qaeda, anti-fascists/antifas, Clinton, Clinton scandals, Critical Theory, Frankfurt School, leftism, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberalism, liberals, liberals-as-children, liberals-as-destroyers, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, War On White Males, War On White People at 1:25 pm | Permanent Link

Antifa thugs tried to kill police officers in Portland and Seattle in 2020. But the Biden administration doesn’t care about that. It instead wants to wage legal war on “White supremacists” because they (not antifa) are “terrorists.” You heard that right: simply being a “White supremacist”means that you’re a terrorist, according to the Biden administration.

The Jewish “philosopher” Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) invented the concept that “words have no concrete meanings” and therefore you can invent word meanings freely, depending on the context [1]. Such as “being a White supremacist means being a terrorist” even if you’re a gentle, non-violent person. This is (early) postmodernist bullshit and we have been seeing a lot of postmodernist bullshit over the past 20 years, especially since Donald Trump became president. New, wacky definitions of words or phrases appear weekly: “racism is violence” or “poverty is terrorism” or “hamburgers are Satanic” or whatever. Meanwhile, genuine terrorism by antifa is ignored by the Left.

This “White supremacists are terrorists” slogan is pure clown-world. It’s like being in the Twilight Zone and it’s a product of postmodernist baloney [2]. Believing that Whites are superior to all other humans (which they are) makes you the equivalent of an al-Qaeda bomb-thrower? [3]. (Recall the infamous, postmodernist phrase uttered by president Bill Clinton in 1998: “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” Yeah, he really said that! That’s pure baloney but that’s how leftists think today. Or, to use a Charles Manson slogan: “no sense makes sense”).



[1] according to Wittgenstein, the context in which a word is used is the sole determiner of the word’s meaning. For example, “White supremacists are terrorists” could be true depending on the “language-game” (his term) being used. This is postmodernism and it’s a dangerous way of thinking because there are virtually no boundaries to postmodernism. It’s like Alice In Wonderland come to life. Anything could be true. The Cheshire Cat could really exist. Postmodernism denies reality, which is a danger to Western culture.

[2] Postmodern philosophy is closely related to Critical Theory.

[3] assuming, of course, that al-Qaeda, aka al-Crapola, actually exists and wasn’t made-up by the CIA or the NSA in 1988 to justify endless American wars in the Middle East. Do you think the government would do that? What?? You do??? Oh. Okay, then.

29 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid lockdowns as hate crime, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns at 2:54 pm | Permanent Link

Nothing surprises me anymore. I’m now jaded due to living in America over the past 2 years.

Smell that? It’s the smell of lawsuits. Lots and lots of lawsuits. So many, in fact, that New York will go bankrupt. The Jews will have to beg White people for food (shades of Dachau!).

Also, there will be twice as much public fear during the next scamdemic, due to sickening events like these. Nice going, leftists and Jews. You really blew it. What started out as a sneaky plan to push Donald Trump out of office and bankrupt his conservative, White, business-owning supporters with endless lockdowns morphed into a genuine crisis that killed many thousands of innocents, liberal and conservative alike. It also caused untold numbers of suicides and divorces. Furthermore, now the public doesn’t trust the medical community anymore, or public officials. The damage that the Covid scamdemic has caused in America will take decades to recover from.

A news quote: “(The nurse) said patients who repeatedly tested negative for the virus were being labeled as “COVID confirmed” in their medical charts, and that triggered a higher level of compensation from the government. She told LifeSiteNews those “perverse incentives” from the Department of Health and Human Services provided $13,000 for each COVID patient, or $39,000 if they were put on a ventilator.”


29 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Celler, Celler Rights Laws, Celler Rights Violations, Civil Rights Act of 1964, civil rights movement, George Floyd, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics at 12:30 pm | Permanent Link

According to the federal government, “civil rights” are “rights that all citizens enjoy.” Okay. So? You have a federal right to walk down a street? And if I block you from walking down a street, I’ve “violated your civil rights” and I’ve committed a federal felony? No, in reality, if I blocked you from walking down a street, that might be either harassment, or, possibly kidnapping if I held you in place for awhile. Either of those crimes are already local crimes (city or state crimes). Why would they need to be federal crimes?

“Civil rights” laws were dreamed up by clever Jews in the 1950s as a way to more-easily prosecute KKK members [1]. “Civil rights” are not mentioned anywhere in the U.S. constitution, which seems odd, since all American laws are based on the constitution. So you might wonder how “civil rights” laws exist. Well, all “civil rights” laws today are based on an amendment that wasn’t even ratified: the 14th Amendment, which was forced through Congress during Reconstruction without the required political consensus. But even that amendment doesn’t mention “civil rights” and, it only applies to states, not individuals. I’m not a state, so I couldn’t deprive a citizen of his “civil rights” even if I wanted to, unless I’m an agent of the state, like a cop [2].

Bottom line: “civil rights” are fake. Just like “human rights” (another Jewish construct), and the Easter Bunny, are fake [3].



[1] The Civil Rights Act of 1957 came from a Jew, Congressman Emanuel Celler. It came from his House bill H.R.6127. But the law lacked teeth, so Celler trotted out a new “civil rights” law a few years later: the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

[2] “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” — the 14th Amendment.

[3] the Jew, Rene Cassin, coined the term “human rights” in 1948 for the UN

28 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in political persecution, politicization of everything, Roosevelt, Roosevelt's Jewish cabal, War On White Males, War On White People, Zionism, Zionist lobby, ZOG at 11:56 am | Permanent Link

(Above: nationalist activist Nick Fuentes. He has been put on a No-Fly list by the U.S. government).

Welcome to the N.R.A. (New Ridiculous America).

Even if someone committed a crime (which Fuentes didn’t), that’s not enough to ban him from flying on an commercial airplane. Known mobsters (who are career criminals) fly on commercial airplanes all the time. They aren’t on No-Fly lists. So why is Fuentes banned from flying? [1].

This banning of Fuentes is pure, unconstitutional, political persecution. Fuentes should sue for millions of dollars.

Look for this type of petty political persecution to become common from now on. And this will only run one way (i.e., it will only be committed by the Left. Administrations such as the Trump administration won’t do it. Recall: in the 1930s and 1940s, president F.D. Roosevelt’s administration regularly persecuted right-wing citizens such as Charles Lindbergh and Father Charles Coughlin; Roosevelt used the IRS and the Secret Service as political weapons against them; he planted bugs in their homes and offices to spy on them; he canceled their bulk-mail permits. George Bernard Shaw said FDR “is a communist but does not know it.” But I think he knew it. In fact, FDR tried to join a communist front-group in the late 1930s but was rejected by the communists, who worried that such joining would harm FDR politically, and it probably would have. As president, FDR committed numerous felonies, such as the illegal “bases-for-destroyers” deal with Britain, which needed Congressional approval, but he never got it; that deal was birthed by the Jew, Benjamin V. Cohen. FDR lied America into a very deadly world war. But today, FDR is remembered fondly as “a great president.” How was he great??).



[1] how ironic: the No-Fly List and the Terrorist Watch List were created by the neocon president George W. Bush’s administration! Also, a well-known White nationalist, who I won’t name, told me a few years ago that he discovered that he’s on the Terrorist Watch List even though he has never been convicted of any crime. Apparently, his “crime” was criticizing Israel and U.S. Zionism.

27 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in movie reviews at 1:59 pm | Permanent Link

“The Neighbor” (2018), starring William Fichtner and Jean Louisa Kelly. (You might remember Fichtner from “The Perfect Storm” [2000], which would have been a good movie if they had left the issue of race out of it, and had just stuck to fishing themes).

This movie is low-key, sedate, maybe even a little boring for some people. But I liked it anyway.

The plot: a suburban writer’s new neighbors shake up his life, and not for the better. He soon wishes he had never met them.

[Movie; 1 hour, 37 minutes].

27 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America as Wonderland, America's future, America-the-sitcom, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 10:54 am | Permanent Link

In Brown households, it’s common to have 8 or more related people living under one roof: grandparents, uncles, aunts, parents, kids. But in White households? Not so much: it’s usually just the “immediate nuclear family”: a father, a mother, and 2 kids. (The nuclear family is a White Western thing and has been since circa 1850. The extended family, under one roof, is a non-Western thing).

But as America collapses into ridiculousness (thanks to liberals and Jews controlling our society, instead of being arrested and jailed like they should be), look for the word “family” to take on a whole different meaning. “Family” will soon mean 9 relatives crammed into a tiny apartment eating expired food; it’ll be only a little better than Cuba. All the adult children will be there, too.

A funny video. Listen when she coughs. A girl with a sense of humor! Gotta love that. Too few women have a sense of humor.

[Video; 12 minutes].

26 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', 'social construct', 'social construction', Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, sociology at 12:57 pm | Permanent Link

Question: if race is a social construct (i.e., artificial, man-made), then Blacks don’t exist. And if Blacks don’t exist, then who’s committing all of the crime in Detroit and Baltimore? What?? Crime is a social construct, too?? Oh. Okay, then.

Anyway, most leftists say that “race is just a social construct.” In other words, race is not biologically real. Humans (i.e., the evil White men who ran the world until recently) invented “race” for their own selfish purposes: to oppress sweet, innocent Black and Brown people (who didn’t exist). That’s postmodernism: everything in the world is “a social construct.” Artificial. Not real. Created by evil Pale Males with a power/control agenda! Race, sex/gender, gender behaviors, etc. — as if White males are responsible for women feeling like women, or, for women screaming when they see a giant cockroach in the bathroom! Yeah, we programmed their minds! Yeah, sure! [1]. Trivia: women and minorities are much more likely to believe that race is merely a social construct and not biologically real [2][3]. This is a big problem when they become teachers at your children’s school.

Here’s my point: If that above is true, then how does the organization Black Lives Matter exist? After all, Blacks can’t exist if they are only social constructs. Make-believe beings. Who is giving, and spending, all of the BLM financial donations? If not Blacks, then who? And, if Black people don’t really exist, how can “Black lives matter”?


[1] According to postmodernism (a big, busy off-shoot of the Frankfurt School’s Critical Theory; see below), almost everything in the world is a White, heterosexual-male, social construct. Nothing is actually real, or organic, or natural. Straight White males manufactured everything in the world merely to control everything, to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else. So you must question everything that straight, White males invented since at least The Enlightenment (circa 1720). It’s all a giant, straight White male plot! Do you buy that silly idea? Postmodernism is sick and dangerous. I’ve said before that postmodernists are mentally ill because they can’t distinguish fantasy from reality (or they don’t want to). Postmodernism is a more-expansive, more-inclusive version of Critical Theory (“critiquing”), which gave birth to Cultural Marxism (Cultural Marxism is a sub-ideology of Critical Theory; see below). Think of postmodernism as Critical Theory on steroids, covering art, architecture, politics, literature, nearly everything under the sun. Postmodernism is also called PostMarxism, for a reason. It’s an updated version of Marxism, applied to all parts of society. Also, “gender” is a made-up term for humans because it originally only referred to words/grammar, e.g., “him” “her” or “his” being masculine or feminine.

[2] “The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge” was a ground-breaking, 1966 book of baloney by the “sociologists” Peter L. Berger (a Jew; his parents converted to Xianity) and Thomas Luckmann. First of all, the field of sociology came from a Jew (Emile Durkheim). Second of all, these two chuckle-heads above were strongly influenced by another Jew, philosopher Alfred Schütz, who was influenced by two more Jews, philosophers Edmund Husserl and Henri Bergson. So, “social construction” can easily be called “just another Jewish idea designed to upset White Western culture.” The very idea that “reality is socially constructed”! Many, if not most, things in the world are concrete and you decide how real they are, and how to deal with them. But the Jews want you to question everything. Because Jews themselves are slippery, paranoid people who answer questions with questions: “What’s your name?” “Why do you want to know?” True, everyone has “agents of socialization” in their lives (e.g., your father), but the idea that your father “creates your reality” for you is ridiculous. He might influence you, but that’s all.

[3] for clarification: Political Correctness is a sub-ideology of Cultural Marxism (it’s the “language part” of CM, i.e., talking/writing) and Cultural Marxism is a sub-ideology of Critical Theory; so that’s read: Critical Theory>Cultural Marxism>Political Correctness. Confusing, itz.

25 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'White privilege', communism, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Marx and England, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White, Moses Hess, Noel Ignatiev, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial at 12:25 pm | Permanent Link

It seems that, as the Jewish communist Noel Ignatiev (1940-2019; he was the inventor of “White privilege” theory, which was originally called “White skin privilege” theory) inched closer and closer to his grave, he decided to “nice himself up” a little after years of saying that White people are evil and should be genocided. He apparently didn’t want to leave such a horrible and controversial legacy.

So, near the end of his days, Ignatiev created a new narrative: his vicious White-hating was all a hoax! It was “satire” that was wrongly reported as “straight news” by right-wingers, such as Rush Limbaugh, he said. He never said those horrible things. It never happened.

If you buy Ignatiev’s new narrative, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. I’ll toss in a highway, too.

(Curiously, Ignatiev said that race was a “social construct.” How many times have you heard that! I guess George Washington’s and Abe Lincoln’s skins weren’t really White, their skins were just a mass hallucination! Everyone dreamed it. If race is a construct and not biological, then how and why did Ignatiev invent — with the White communist Ted Allen — the concept of “White skin privilege” circa 1967? If race is only a social construct, and not real, how does “White skin” come into play? That is pure postmodernist bullshit, which is so typical of Jews and leftists. And furthermore, a note about Allen: big money says that 90%, or even all, of the “White privilege” idea came from Ignatiev, not from Allen. Why? Because Jews have originated nearly all anti-White ideas since 1837 starting with Moses Hess’ socialism and Karl Marx’s communism, the latter of which was designed to destroy England but it never did [1][2]. Cultural Marxism, however, is destroying England right now! And America, and Canada, etc. CM is doing what Marxism couldn’t!).



[1] Hess’ first writings pre-date Marx’s and his book “Holy History of Mankind” (1837) may have been the first book to advocate social equality for all; Marx didn’t publish “The Communist Manifesto” until 1848. Hess radicalized both Marx and Engels. Marx believed in violent class conflict and revolution, while Hess didn’t.

[2] one article puts the entire idea on Ignatiev’s shoulders and not on Allen’s: “The “White Skin Privilege” idea was created in 1967 by Noel Ignatiev, an acolyte of Derrick Bell and professor at Harvard’s W.E.B. Du Bois Institute.” [Here].