6 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covington, history, History for newbies, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewed religion, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish power, Jewish Tyranny, War On White Males, War On White People at 12:00 pm | Permanent Link

“The War on Whites is moving to a higher level — fast. Signs are everywhere; they are undeniable. First and foremost, understand and accept that this is happening. For many, there will be no escape. If you are White and don’t yet grasp what is happening, quickly find out from someone who does. Lives will depend on it.


I wrote about Harold Covington and his Northwest novels precisely ten years ago here, and the uproar over that has been unmatched by anything I’ve written since. The late Harold Covington (he died on July 17, 2018) had many enemies in “The Movement,” but that is not the point that now concerns me. Rather, I’d argue that Covington’s premises in his Northwest novels concerning a Jewish War on Whites are more relevant now with a new Democratic administration in office than they were when I wrote about him ten years ago. So much in those five novels is what we are actually living through today that I want readers of TOO to imagine a world in which the United States Government is essentially at war with a huge proportion of the White population (and can later mop up the surviving “useful idiot” liberal Whites acting as foot soldiers in this larger War on Whites).” [1].

Jews (an ethnic group/race posing as “just a religion”) have been at war with Western culture since the days of ancient Rome. You’d think that Whitey would have fixed that problem by now.



[1] if Kamala Harris becomes president (a likely event), then America will have a Jewish “first man” (her husband Douglas Emhoff)

5 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in WGTOW, White future, White identity, White media, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 7:39 pm | Permanent Link

It’s the best thing you can do! Stop posting on social media. It hates you. Stop using credit cards. Banks hate you. Stop watching TV. The media and Hollywood hate you. Stop sending your kids to public schools. They hate your kind and brainwash your kids. Stop All Of It. Drop out of society. Form Whites-only groups that meet and eat and socialize and barter and exchange ideas. Shun outsiders. Separate and fend for yourselves. Construct your own networks and media and private banks. Go Your Own Way. WGTOW.

5 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in AIDS, coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid lockdowns as hate crime, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 2:08 pm | Permanent Link

Covid-19 is a political disease, just like AIDS is. Covid-19 is an “anti-Trump” disease, i.e., when you push lockdowns and masks and vaccines, you are, by default, fighting the White, male, freedom-loving, Trump supporters.

Liberals are paranoid control freaks who live to force “stupid hick citizens” to obey government mandates “for their own good.” A liberal’s version of paradise is “total federal government control of the citizens.”

Since Covid-19 is a political disease, you cannot believe anything you read or hear about it. Nothing. In fact, I now doubt the existence of Covid-19. I believe that it’s merely another type of flu, and was used by Donald Trump’s enemies to remove him from office (it worked, although indirectly) and punish his business-owning supporters (that also worked). Consider the very odd timing of Covid: it came along right after Dems failed to remove Trump from office after several botched attempts [1]. Covid came along just after that, in January 2020. Must be just a Cohencidence. Sure. Right.

“According to Green, some liberals remain on guard against the coronavirus even while cases continue to stagnate and drop nationwide. She wrote, “For this subset, diligence against COVID-19 remains an expression of political identity — even when that means overestimating the disease’s risks or setting limits far more strict than what public-health guidelines permit.”



[1] the Steele Dossier, the Russia Collusion hoax, the Mueller Report, the “quid pro quo” hoax, the first Trump impeachment, etc.

5 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "gay pride", "gay", "homophobia", "woke", communism, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, egalitarianism, Finland, homosexual themes, homosexuals, human blights, human equality, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 1:22 pm | Permanent Link

Queers: they have more rights and higher status than you do.

Cultural Marxism (CM) is trying to claim another victim: it seems that a White lady said some “bad-think” against homos [1]. Apparently, it’s a crime to insult fags in Finland. CM is even more dangerous than regular Marxism because it requires no guns or tanks to install it. Just a few teachers and a few books. And anyone can practice CM. Even children can practice it; did the kid next door say something about “Cisgender privilege” or “White male oppressors”? He’s practicing CM, the little creep! CM has no limits. And like regular Marxism, it must be fought tooth and nail, or it will take over the Western world — in fact, it nearly already has. Name a Western country where CM doesn’t exist. I can’t think of one.

“The Finnish Prosecutor General said that her statements were “derogatory and discriminatory against homosexuals,” and violated “their equality and dignity,” and that as a result, her comments would “overstep the boundaries of freedom of speech and religion and are likely to fuel intolerance, contempt and hatred.” (there’s that insidious word “equality” again. How are homosexuals “equal” to straight people?).



[1] CM = Marxism applied to culture instead of to economics; egalitarianism and White-hate applied to Western culture; Dr. Pierce called Marxism “a poisonous, anti-White creed”; see National Vanguard Books Catalogue #19, June 2000, page 33

4 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in democracy, democracy in Athens, democrazy, egalitarianism, human equality at 3:29 pm | Permanent Link

A very bad thing about democracy is that it treats everyone as “equal” even when they’re not equal. (In fact, there’s no such thing as human equality. Humans vary greatly in ability, IQ, strengths/weaknesses, etc.).

Consider the rock group The Who (which apparently is still intact/not disbanded). By far, the most musically talented man in The Who is Pete Townshend. He wrote almost all of The Who’s music. As a result, it would be logical for Townshend to have more decision-making authority (music-wise) in the band than the other members. Townshend should have 75% decision-making ability and the rest of the members the remaining 25%. In other words, Townshend would have veto power, music-wise. It would be wrong to give a less-talented member of the band authority equal to Townshend’s. Note that I’m speaking of musical authority here, (e.g., which songs are recorded, which songs aren’t, etc.) and not band-management authority — they have a general manager for that, I assume. I don’t know if that is the way the band works (I don’t know much about the band’s inner workings). But I hope you get my point. A democracy’s biggest fault is how it treats everyone as being equally capable. Humans are not one-size-fits-all worker bees. That’s a communist mindset. In fact, easily the most dangerous idea to emerge in the West in the past 200 years is the idea of human equality; it is now worshiped and demanded everywhere: in schools, in workplaces, in marriages. Human equality is like a religion today, even though no two humans are equal in ability, IQ, strengths/weaknesses, etc. (Take Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, for example: both were great, inventive geniuses who lived in the same era. But equal? No way. Not at all) [1].


[1] Re: Edison vs. Tesla: “They’re different inventors, but you can’t really say one is greater, because American society needs some Edisons and it needs some Teslas” — author W. Bernard Carlson, “Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age” (2013).

4 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black crime, black culture, Black mentality, Black racism, race, racism, racism accusations at 1:19 pm | Permanent Link

From the web:

“So when people say, “white people are racist”, I ask them to name a neighborhood a black man would be in danger in. They don’t have one. Then I could quickly point out huge segments of Chicago white people can’t go in.”

Yes. The truth is, Blacks are much more racist than Whites. If a White guy goes into Chicago’s South Side, he’ll get beaten or stabbed real quick, just for being White. “White racism”?? Where is it?? It’s a phantom. It doesn’t exist anymore, except in the minds of Blacks and Jews. White racism — what little there was — died circa 1970.

4 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "woke", constitution, constitutional rights, FBI, federal government, federal power, Tenth Amendment at 1:01 pm | Permanent Link

“When justice no longer involves the neutral or equal application of the laws, it ceases to be justice. I realize, of course, that there will be no FBI reform under Biden. Therefore, I strongly urge the Republican Party to make the abolition of the FBI—shutting down the agency and then reconstructing it from the ground up—key provisions of its campaigns both in 2022 and 2024.”

He is correct. Actually, the situation is worse than that. The FBI should not exist anyway.

According to the U.S. Constitution, anything not mentioned within it becomes the province “of the states or the people” (see the 10th Amendment). Well, law enforcement is only mentioned in the constitution vis-a-vis border security (i.e., meaning the border patrol). That means that “regular” law enforcement should be at the state or local level only. Not federal. So, the FBI is, according to the 10th Amendment, an unconstitutional agency and should not exist. Beyond border security, only state, or local, law enforcement agencies should exist. (Did you ever think that the FBI would become left-wing, multicultural “woke” ‘tards? I recall the FBI circa 1980 and they were all conservative White men in dark business suits. This was before the federal government went to hell in a hand-basket with leftist/feminist/PC insanity).


4 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, bums, homeless, Texas, vagrancy, vagrancy laws at 12:40 pm | Permanent Link

Sanity may be slowly returning to America! Just kidding. America is now insane. Anyway, Austin, the liberal “college city” in Texas, has banned “public camping.” (Did you know that, up until circa 1975, the police could arrest people for vagrancy? For example, sleeping or even sitting in a parking lot or a doorway. The cops could and did take people to jail for that. Every state had vagrancy laws. Today? No more vagrancy laws. Bums not only sleep in doorways today but they crap in doorways! California needs to bring back vagrancy laws, but it won’t. That would be “intolerance” and “fascism”; there’s a career opportunity for big, muscular men: get hired by business owners and homeowners to “police the bums” in California cities).

“The camping ban makes it illegal to camp in any public area not designated by the Parks and Recreation Department; to sit or lie on a public sidewalk or sleep outdoors in and near the downtown area and the area around the University of Texas campus; and to panhandle at specific hours and locations.”


3 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black culture, black violence, Black wilding, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as child-like, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, Jerry Abbott, race, race and the state, racial differences, racial hierarchy, welfare payments, welfare programs at 12:29 pm | Permanent Link

by Jerry Abbott.

“Public assistance, or welfare programs, are a systematic looting from the better races, in order to subsidize the lives of members of inferior races.”

(There are so many federal government welfare programs that aid Blacks and Browns that the number would boggle your mind. Here are just a few: food stamps (called SNAP), welfare payments, public housing, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Section 8 rent subsidies/HUD houses, various free medical services, The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), Transitional Cash and Medical Services for Refugees, School Breakfast Program, Social Services Block Grants, Federal Pell Grants, Neighborhood Stabilization Program, Weatherization Assistance Program, Community Development Block Grants, Maternal and Child Health Block Grants, and on and on. Guess what, Whitey? Your tax dollars pay for all of that! And to think: Blacks have the nerve to riot in our cities every month, while, at the same time, we pay for all of that stuff for their benefit! The utter nerve they have. We help the Blacks and they burn the cities down. What gall, what chutzpah they have. “White privilege”?? Ha! The Blacks have so much “Black privilege” that the average Black need not work at all during his entire lifetime!).


2 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Einstein, jewish 'genius', Jewish 'stereotypes', Jewish brain features, Jewish IQ, Jewish Privilege, movies at 1:28 pm | Permanent Link

On paper, the Jews seem to be very smart and creative. But are they really? Or do they just have a talent for gaming the system and for being in the right place at the right time, or, knowing the right people? I’ve often wondered that. Which is the truth? I know that Jews help other Jews to a great degree.

Jews have long been accused of stealing the artistic or intellectual works of gentiles (e.g., Albert Einstein stealing E=MC2 from Olinto De Pretto) and passing them off as their own. Another example: Jews built Hollywood using a movie camera which they stole from Thomas Edison. They stole Edison’s movie camera film, too, and bootlegged the film in Europe to avoid legal issues.

Consider, as another example, these accusations against the famous, Jewish, movie-soundtrack composer James Horner, who died in 2015. Horner composed many Hollywood movie scores, including for Titanic (1997) and Apollo 13 (1995):

“Horner was criticized more than once for reusing passages from his earlier compositions, and for featuring brief excerpts and reworked themes from classical composers. For example, his scores from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock include excerpts from Prokofiev’s Alexander Nevsky and Romeo and Juliet; the famous action ostinato from Aliens is originally from Wolfen and the film’s main title is almost identical to Aram Khachaturian’s Gayane Ballet Suite (Adagio) (already used in an outer space context in 2001: A Space Odyssey); the heroic theme from Willow is based on that of Robert Schumann’s Rhenish Symphony; Field of Dreams includes cues from the “Saturday Night Waltz” portion of Aaron Copland’s ballet Rodeo; he deftly blended in part of an early theme from the 3rd movement of Shostakovich Symphony no. 5 into the scene of a raid on a desert IRA terrorist training camp in 1992 film Patriot Games, and the climactic battle scene in Glory includes excerpts from Wagner and Orff. Some critics felt these propensities made Horner’s compositions inauthentic or unoriginal. In a 1997 issue of Film Score Monthly, an editorial review of Titanic said Horner was “skilled in the adaptation of existing music into films with just enough variation to avoid legal troubles.” — from Wikipedia; URL: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Horner, May 2021.