31 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in brown culture, Brown Man, global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, Global Man, global vs. local/regional, globalization, Iraq, Iraq War, Korea, Korean War, nation-building/nation-wrecking, NATO, Office of Special Plans, UN, UN Charter, UNESCO, Walt Rostow, World War I, World War II at 1:18 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: a dead American soldier, Korea, 1950. Globalism killed him).

How many people have been killed by globalism, in some way, since 1900? At least 100 million people (60 million in WWII alone; 50 countries fought in WWII! Why? Uhhh…oh, that’s right: because Adolf Hitler was an evil, one-balled maniac who was going to enslave the entire universe and murder all of the cute little puppies within it, OMG!!!!). Maybe more. Yet strangely, many people have never noticed that. They don’t get the connection between “death” and “globalism.” Want to live? Embrace isolationism (and end central banking/fiat money).

(((They))) want you to think that globalism is good. But it’s not. In fact, globalism sucks and they know it sucks. Globalism causes wars. It forces countries into political alliances (“global street gangs”) that they don’t want to join (which is why globalism will eventually die off, but not before killing millions more people). Look at the 2003 Iraq War: it was a global street gang of 7 countries lying about, and then attacking, Iraq [1]. The countries involved in the Iraq War didn’t want to be there but were armed-twisted into joining the fight by America (the King of the Globalists). See how globalism turns friends into enemies? Ditto the Korean War (in 1950), which 21 countries fought; America sent 300,000 troops to Korea; Britain sent 14,000. Why? Good question. Why? How was Korea our fight? Ditto Vietnam [2].

Globalism is also killing all regional differences in the world. France? Thanks to out-of-control immigration, there will no longer be a “French” culture, or a “British” culture, or a “German” culture. The West will be a “giant casserole” of 30 different races/cultures. Won’t that be fun?? UNESCO’s Brown Man will have arrived.


[1] The United States, Britain, Australia and Poland attacked Iraq in 2003 based on Zionist lies about Saddam Hussein having “weapons of mass destruction” (he didn’t, of course), with support from Italy, Netherlands and Spain. The Iraq War was hatched by civilian, neocon Jews in the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans.

[2] Re: America and the Korean War: “Is UN machinery a legal substitute for congressional action? If that were possible, the President and the Senate could rely on the treaty process to strip from the House of Representatives its constitutional role in deciding and participating in questions of war. Following that same logic, the President and the Senate, through the treaty process, could rely on the United Nations to determine trade and tariff matters, again bypassing the prerogatives of the House of Representatives. The history of the United Nations makes it very clear that all parties in the legislative and executive branches understood that the decision to use military force through the United Nations required prior approval from both Houses of Congress.” (So, Truman’s “police action” in Korea was illegal. Ditto Johnson’s sending of 2,700,000 troops [total] to Vietnam. Quoting Johnson: “I will not send U.S. boys to fight in Vietnam” but 6 months later he did, because Big Jew always outranks Little Texan even if he is the most powerful White man on earth! Also, look up “Walt Rostow” and Vietnam).

— Dr. Louis Fisher, Library of Congress Senior Specialist in Separation of Powers and Specialist in Constitutional Law. Note that this comment above also applies to the NATO air attack on Serbia in 1999, which involved mostly U.S. pilots (I think 78% of the pilots were American) and which came after a UN mandate, and ditto the Iraq War in 2003. Those American wars were therefore illegal wars, since Congress did not declare war each time, as it should have done.

31 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Britain, England, German nationalists, Germany, History for newbies, Hitler, Hitlerphobia, National Socialism, Triumph of the Will at 11:06 am | Permanent Link

Watch this documentary and ask yourself: “what could have been?” If only American president F.D. Roosevelt hadn’t declared de facto war on Germany in September 1941 with his bold “shoot on sight” order for German ships? (as if American ships were never going to see a German ship?? Of course they would see a German ship sooner or later!). Hitler didn’t want war. But America did. Hitler’s “crime”? De-Jewing Germany (not just physically but financially). Poland? It wasn’t about Poland (which was an unpopular country and nobody would have gone to war over it!). It was solely about the Jews. (Hitler actually didn’t grasp how powerful the Jews were — he knew they were powerful, yes, but he failed to grasp the nature of the matter, e.g., that the Jews had already infiltrated British society to a scary degree and had intermarried extensively with British royalty; many Dukes and Earls were Jews or half-Jews) [1].

[“Triumph of the Will” (1935); English subtitles; video; 1 hour, 50 minutes].


[1] “By the early 20th century, the scale of Jewish intermarriage with the British aristocracy was such that it led L.G. Pine, editor of Burke’s Peerage from 1949–1959, to write in 1956 that “the Jews have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual.” — from the article “Thoughts on the Protected Race” by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D., theoccidentalobserver.net, April 11, 2019.

28 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Jerry Abbott at 3:18 pm | Permanent Link

Two from Jerry Abbott: [Article] and [Article].

28 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Russia, Russia sanctions, Russophobia, Ukraine, Ukraine war propaganda, War! War! War!, warmongers, World War III, World War Wheeee! at 2:09 pm | Permanent Link

What is very curious is that the entire White Western world is lined up against Russia. Not just some of the West. No. All of the West, as if all of the White countries are getting their marching orders from the same 10 billionaire Jews (which they are, right, George?). The Jews might think to themselves, “well, if things get too bad, we’ll just flee to Israel.” But it’s not that simple, because half of the world’s Jews live in America (hence the terms “the JewSA” and “The Jew S of Oy Veh”) and they have homes and real estate here — lucky us.

Not to lean on this matter too much, but, if Russia and China join forces against America, all bets are off and trannies are gonna be the very least of our troubles.

“Our model has ALWAYS picked up the shifts in capital flows that precede war. This time we are witnessing outflows not just from China, but also from ALL emerging markets on a scale that is simply unprecedented.”


28 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in German engineering, German minds, German technology, Germany, historical factualism, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Nazi era, Nazis, World War II at 1:21 pm | Permanent Link

What was the number of Jews who died in the German-run concentration camps circa 1941-1945? It’s unknown. The magical “6 million” number is so far off-base as to be laughable, and we know that it was arrived at via extrapolation (i.e., guessing) [1]. Let’s call the number of Jewish deaths 100,000, due to a variety of reasons (diseases such as typhus, starvation due to “the allies” [the All Lies] bombing German supply lines [roads, railways] from the air, etc.).

Now, let’s turn our attention to two other holocausts that actually happened and actually mattered from a historical standpoint:

1. The holocausting of Hitler’s Germany (1941-1948). Note that the “allies” didn’t just stop Germany. No, no. They destroyed Germany. Roughly 17 million Germans were killed during and after WWII (many German women were raped and murdered by Soviet troops). Anything having anything to do with nationalism or Nazism (buildings, statues, monuments, books, magazines, etc.) were destroyed. Nazi leaders were executed or imprisoned. Possessing Nazi literature or symbols was made illegal.

2. The first holocaust (above) was then used to create a slower holocaust, one that is still happening right now: the holocausting of White Europe via multiculturalism and non-White immigration. Had Germany won WWII, White racial pride would have remained in Europe and it also would have spread into America and Canada. In other words, the Western world would have remained White if Germany had won the war.

But wait: the situation is even worse than the two holocausts mentioned above:

The Germans were, genetically speaking, a cut above other White people, in at least three ways: collectively, their thought process was very methodical, detailed and logical (which is probably why the communist Jews feared them so much). They had the best engineers in history [2]. And they had very high standards for everything (one guy said: “the Germans are such great engineers because they’re never satisfied with anything”) [3]. Before WWII, Germany had already invented great things like the jet aircraft, the helicopter, audio tape, the microwave oven and supersonic guided missiles. In fact, much of the “American” technology of the 1950s and 1960s was actually German technology which was stolen by the Americans and the other “allies”; indeed, so much technology was stolen from Germany after WWII (3,000 tons of engineering documents!) that one expert said that the value of that technology “could not be calculated in money.” Wow. In fact, double-wow.

So, not only were there two holocausts that were much more severe than the phony, puny “holocausting of the Jews,” but the people who were holocausted were the best and brightest of White people. And again, the second holocaust continues today: the Germans are being holocausted for a second time.


[1] the magical “6 million” number was arrived at via “extrapolation” in 1945 by a Jewish judge and diplomat named Dr. Jacob Robinson [1889-1977]. Interestingly, the number “6 million” has a special significance for the Jews, since they have used it many times throughout history (236 times, to be exact). For example: “There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.” — Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the New York Times, June 11, 1900 (this was 40 years before “The Holocaust”).

[2] Here’s a web quote about German engineers: “German engineering companies are famous for their incredible products. They have superior quality and display a skilled craftsmanship that cannot be matched anywhere in the world.” One American aviation expert (don’t recall his name) was examining German airplanes before WWII and he was shocked at the high quality of the engineering and machining. Great examples of German engineering include Mercedes and BMW cars, and firearms such as Lugers and Walthers. Compare Spanish firearms with German firearms. There’s no comparison. German guns are superior. In the 1960s, German-made Puma knives were jaw-dropping in quality; today an old Puma in excellent condition can cost you $600.00 or more.

[3] This is why the “official Holocaust narrative” is nonsense. If the Germans had wanted to “genocide all of the sweet, innocent Jews” they could have, very easily, and could have done so probably within about 2 years. (And why would the Germans waste so much time and effort on “gassing” the Jews with extremely toxic and hazardous cyanide gas when the Soviets had already shown the world a much better and faster way to kill people: mass starvation? And the Soviets didn’t even need to imprison their victims! In other words, the Germans already had a quicker, much cheaper and safer method for mass murder at their disposal! And yet we’re supposed to believe that the Germans wouldn’t use that method?)

27 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in rock music at 5:21 pm | Permanent Link

Jethro Tull, Live at Madison Square Garden (1978; 49 minutes). [Video]. (full screen mode cancels the small pop-up box)

27 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed media, propaganda, Trump, Trump and populism, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia, tv, tv analysis, TV culture at 2:16 pm | Permanent Link

Before Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Black people were seen in 50% of TV commercials.

After Trump was elected, Black people were seen in 95% of TV commercials [1]. They still are.

Must be just a Cohencidence.

(Consider this: Blacks make up only 12% of the U.S. population! It’s almost like…well…like certain people…want you to see more Blacks than you would normally see…but who? Who would want that?…what? “People who are in charge of TV advertising”? Okay. Fair enough. That stands to reason. But who specifically?? What?? “People named Goldberg, Silverberg and Weinstein”?? What exactly are you suggesting???…).


[1] Even Joe “Where’s My Brain?” Biden once commented on that matter: in Summer 2021, Biden mentioned the large number of “mixed-race couples” in TV commercials, and he said “that’s not by accident.” Yes. There’s an old saying that “nothing on TV is an accident.” If the judge or the cop is Black, it’s because somebody wanted that character to be Black. If the armed robber is White, ditto. If the army soldier is female, ditto.

27 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in climate change, electric cars, global warming, green Marxism, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers, socialism, socialism-to-communism transformation at 1:12 pm | Permanent Link

Liberal #1: “I’m an Idiot!”

Liberal #2: “Me, too!”

Liberal #3: “I’ve been an Idiot since 1990!”

Are you a Green Idiot? A tree-hugger? (I like trees as much as the next guy, but I don’t hug them).

The (Jewish-led) eco-pest movement has grown dramatically since Earth Day 1970. It’s an entire industry now. It even has lobbying groups in Congress. (The mainstream media is a “green lobbying group” all by itself!).

Washington State is now mandating electric cars for the citizens. That means: you have no choice in the matter. Is that democratic? No.

Ironically, electric cars aren’t “green.” The electricity used by the cars must be made, and then put into the cars. That electricity requires the burning of coal (depending on which state you live in), because hydroelectricity alone usually can’t provide enough power for an entire state. Worse, electric cars are expensive, and they take a long time to charge up, and their batteries, when they die, cost a fortune. Furthermore, the making of lithium-ion car batteries is — environmentally speaking — very unfriendly. Electric cars are also slower and have much less range than gas-powered cars. (Ironically, Washington State burns very little coal to make electricity — i.e., most of it comes from hydroelectric power plants — so why force the citizens to buy electric cars? Washington State doesn’t have a pollution problem).

Anyway, Green Idiocy isn’t about “global warming” or “protecting the environment.” (One expert said that the Green New Deal — which would take decades to implement — wouldn’t work despite its many trillions of dollars’ worth of government mandates, e.g., the retrofitting of large cities with “green” technology. The technology used in the Green New Deal retrofitting would be outdated by the time it was half-way completed, and then they’d have to start all over again with new technology) [1].

Green Idiocy is about what every other leftist plan is about: destroying the White middle class via government regulations, mandates and high taxation.

The Left has been waging war on White males since the 1960s. But the Left is growing impatient (i.e., leftists are not Asians, who are known for their patience). There are still a lot of White men in positions of power. This makes the Left nervous. So the Left is increasing its anti-White actions and is now going after all White people: men, women and even children. The White middle class is the backbone of America. The spine. Without the White middle class, America will collapse — thereby creating the perfect excuse to install socialism.



[1] One New York congressman (who is a member of Democratic Socialists of America) wants to spend $446 billion dollars on the green retrofitting of public schools alone. That’s just for schools! Nothing else. You can imagine the cost to retrofit an entire city! And imagine the time it would take to do that! Twenty years? Thirty? More?

26 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce at 4:28 pm | Permanent Link

“Who We Are” by Dr. William Pierce (actually, it’s a series of articles). [Here].

For those who prefer .PDF files: [a .PDF version of “Who We Are”].

26 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Islam, Minnesota, Muslims, Muslims in America at 2:41 pm | Permanent Link

Why is it coming to Minnesota, the land of millions of White people and 41 Muslims?

Have you ever heard that horrible mosque call-to-prayer over the loudspeakers? It’s booming, monotone, Arabic shout-singing at 6:00 AM. It sounds like this:

(Yelling in Arabic): “Alli walli baba yammi….aaaaahhhhh….dilli dalli…whamma rammi…slimmi slammi….aaaaahhhhh….alli balli, polli wolli, willi dilli….aaaaaahhhhh….wiggi walli weeni balli….aaaahhhhhh….(repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat)”.

It’s so Third-World. So primitive. So Brown-people. How would you like to wake up to that crap? “Honey, I think we’re being invaded!”

News headline: “Minneapolis Mosques Will Be Allowed to Blast Call to Prayer on Outdoor Loud Speakers All Year Round”
