22 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "gender theory", "gender", 'gender identity', 'sex-change', 'social construct', 'social construction', 'transgender', Cultural Marxism, military, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 1:50 pm | Permanent Link

Liberal Air Force officer #1: “Male? Female? Those are just social constructs that evil White men invented in 1870 to oppress women and non-binary African-Americans! But, thankfully, we know the truth today!”

Liberal Air Force officer #2: “Yes! Everyone now knows that there are 147 different genders and 39 different sexes! Only an evil White male would argue otherwise!”

There’s no such thing as “transgender.” So how can the U.S. Air Force Academy roll out a program for something that doesn’t exist? You can blame both Cultural Marxism and Postmodernism for this “transgender” crap, especially the latter. Postmodernism (also called postMarxism) denies reality. It says that “there is no truth, there are no absolutes, there is no reality per se. Every person has his own truth and his own reality.” [1]. Postmodernism was a Marxist reaction to White Western science and logic. Can’t have science and logic! That would be too White! White bad! Stop the bad!

So, that’s how “transgender” can be a “thing” today. It’s pure bullshit. Postmodernism, and Cultural Marxism, should be banned by law from all schools and academies.

Quoting the USAF article: “Our Transgender Working Group hopes to achieve a smooth roll out of the policy, where transgender Airmen and cadets are provided support, treated with dignity and respect, and can fully contribute to enhancing our mission”… (“enhancing our mission”?? What mission would that be?)

[Article] and [Article].


[1] re: different realities: for example, there is a meteorite in Oregon that weighs 15 tons. The “Native Americans” believe that the meteorite is a spirit that fell from the sky, and it’s alive. Yes, it fell from the sky, but no, it isn’t alive. It’s been lying there for 10,000 years. How could it be alive? But according to postmodernism, the Native Americans could be correct and it could be alive, since that’s their reality and all realities are different and one isn’t any better than another. This is the kind of shit that postmodernist “philosophy” leads to. Utter shit. Postmodernism is mental illness. “Insane” means that “you can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality.” Well, that definition is a real problem when dealing with postmodernism, isn’t it?? Which reality is real?? This is the kind of crap that you get when the Judeo-Left runs the universities and colleges.

21 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in music at 2:15 pm | Permanent Link

Cool song. Lead singer Eric Adams (real name Louis Marullo) can really belt the vocals. Of course. Ever met an Italian who couldn’t sing? Neither have I. [Video, 5 minutes].

21 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', 'systemic racism', 'White racism' myth, black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, War On White People at 1:29 pm | Permanent Link

Do the Blacks think that they are going to denounce, assault and kill Whitey forever? They must really think that.

But it looks like things are changing after 2 years of Black domestic terrorism in America: 2 years of rioting, looting, burning, assaulting and murdering over imagined “systemic racism” and other negro nonsense.

Here’s a quote from KirksvilleToday.com, 5/20/21:

“My parents are boomers with typical boomer mindsets, conservatives in name only, a year ago if I were to talk about black criminality around them, or the horrific shit blacks do, they would respond with either disgust at my “racism” or would completely dissociate and trail off before changing the subject. Now, the things they say about blacks when I’m in the room (and the shit I overhear) sounds a whole lot like what I say on here, and in some cases is more extreme…”

Whites still hold considerable power in America, and they have nearly reached the point of “we’ve had enough of this negro crap.” Your average White person wasn’t racist 2 years ago. But he is now.

20 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Joe McCarthy, political persecution, politics, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 7:05 pm | Permanent Link

“Orange Man Bad! Fascism! Hate!” Here’s their plan: this phony, federal government “commission” (made up of angry leftists and Never-Trumpers) will find that Donald Trump “committed crimes” on January 6th, 2021 and so he won’t be “allowed” to run for president in 2024 or hold any public office. That’s their game plan. Pretty sneaky. Trump is the most persecuted man since Sen. Joe McCarthy circa 1954. Indeed, there are scary parallels between Trump and McCarthy.


20 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "woke", anthropology, anthropology (Jewing of), Claude Levi-Strauss, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, jewed culture, Jewed workplaces, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White inventions, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White technology, White thought at 1:27 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Claude Levi-Strauss’ favorite people. He loved them. He probably had sexual fantasies about them).

I’ll keep saying it: leftism is an attack on White Western culture. Period. Nothing else. Leftism doesn’t build. It only tears down. It’s an endless dismantling of our culture. (Look what the leftists did to Donald Trump! Not only did they remove him from office via election fraud, but they also censored him afterwards, and he’s still censored. He’s permanently banned from social media). Here’s the “best” part: leftism, as we know it today, is a Jewish construct. That’s right. In fact, the idea that the White world is “bad” and the Black/Brown world is “good” came from the Jewish “anthropologist” Claude Levi-Strauss. Levi-Strauss also said that primitive Indian tribes, in, say, the Amazon jungle, weren’t really primitive and, in fact, the tribes had the mental sophistication of people in White Western societies (absolutely not true. Pure bullshit. Whites invented the world and gave it to mankind: electricity, the telephone, the automobile, the airplane, physics, etc.) [1].



[1] re: the “bad/good” race theory, Levi-Strauss thought that Whites were thuggish, colonialist invaders while the Brown savages were sweet, humble and innocent of all wrongdoing. That was his basic theory. Jewish author/historian Norman F. Cantor calls that “bad/good” race theory “the cardinal doctrine of all leftist-leaning thought since 1960” (see Cantor’s 1994 book “The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews,” page 421. Cantor’s book is worth reading)

19 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, Georg Lukacs, Hungary at 8:04 pm | Permanent Link

Wikipedia says: “Cultural Marxism is a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory”… (Wikipedia, May 19, 2021).

Oh, really? A far-right, anti-Semitic “conspiracy theory”? The famous Jewish Marxist, Georg Lukacs, who was likely the very first government official to use Cultural Marxism in a hands-on fashion (since he was a government schoolteacher), was daily practicing Cultural Marxism (not economic Marxism) in Hungary in 1919. His official government job title in the communist government was…wait for it…“Deputy Commissar for Cultural and Educational Affairs.” Not economic affairs. Cultural affairs.

That means that Lukacs was in charge of cultural matters related to the Marxist government of Bela Kun in Hungary (Kun was also a Jew, as were most major communists in Europe and America).

Here’s a quote about Lukacs’ cultural mandates: “Children were not ignored. The Commissariat established a sex education program aimed at schoolchildren — the first of its kind in deeply Christian Hungary.”

So, cultural, not economic, Marxism has officially existed since at least 1919. That was well before the Jewish-led Frankfurt School began pushing Cultural Marxism in large volume at Columbia University in New York City circa 1934.

Maybe someone can now edit that Wikipedia page?

(Amusingly, Wikipedia mentions that the Soviet Union had, in its early days, education and arts commissars. That is Cultural Marxism, not economic Marxism).

19 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal mindset, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children, oil, oil-phobia at 2:56 pm | Permanent Link

Liberal #1: “Oil is evil!”

Liberal #2: “Puppies and kittens are dying because of oil!”

Liberal #3: “Adolf Hitler invented the oil industry!”

Liberal #4: “Each time you buy a quart of oil, an innocent child dies!”

Liberal #5: “The KKK runs the oil industry!”

Liberal #6: “Oil is racist, sexist and homophobic!”

News quote: “Governor Gretchen Whitmer is calling to close the Line 5 pipeline, owned and operated by Enbridge Inc., which has run crude oil through the cross-section of Lake Michigan, Lake Huron and the Straits of Mackinac for 70 years.”


19 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "cancel culture"/censorship, "woke", censorship, communism, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, genocide, genocide by jew, Genocide Convention, genocide of White culture, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal power in America, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers, Marcuse, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, New Left, Repressive Tolerance, War On White Males, War On White People at 1:54 pm | Permanent Link

“You can never be woke enough, that’s the problem,’ (talk-show host) Rogan stated in a recent conversation with stand-up comedian Joe List about the effect cancel culture is having on comedy.”

Yes. Rogan is entirely correct. As soon as you give in to one leftist demand, three more demands are presented to you. The demands will never end, because leftism isn’t an ideology, it’s an attack. An endless attack on White Western culture. People need to grasp this. Leftism is about ending White Western culture! About ending you and your family! Period. End of debate. The Left is actually genociding White Western culture (by the way, that violates the UN’s anti-genocide convention, which the American government signed on Dec. 11, 1948)[1].

It’s shocking how the American people have been tolerating leftism, especially the New Left, which arrived in the early 1960s via the Jewish Marxist Herbert Marcuse, who is the godfather of the New Left [2]. Normal White people keep bending to leftism, when they should be fighting it tooth and nail.


[1] “The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1948 as General Assembly Resolution 260. The Convention entered into force in January 1951.

[2] Marcuse’s theory of “Repressive Tolerance” has been used by the Left to wage war on White Western culture since the 1960s. In short, Marcuse basically said “censor and ban anyone who promotes bad-think.” Of course, the Left will decide what bad-think is. This is the root of “cancel culture” and taken to its logical conclusion it will kill White Western culture.

18 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals-as-children, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, reality denial among leftists, reality-denial at 2:11 pm | Permanent Link

Liberals love postmodernism (postmodern philosophy), which became a big thing circa 1960. Why? Because it’s an updated, more-intellectual, broader type of Marxism [1]. Most importantly, liberals love postmodernism because it allows them to deny reality. Liberals are deathly afraid of reality. They really are. They’re like children who are afraid to go down into grandma’s scary basement at night. “I’m not going down there! No way!” Postmodernism is all about denying reality so it’s perfect for wimpy leftists who still live with their parents.


“The left says we don’t live in the real world, it’s them who do not live in the real world. With how much they love to deny reality, that point should be very clear.”



[1] Marxism was on its way out circa 1960. Most people were bored and disenchanted with it. But just then, the French postmodernist assholes revived Marxism by re-inventing it as postmodernism, which actually covers a lot of ground: art, architecture, literature, philosophy, politics. Some people call it postMarxism. Like Critical Theory, postmodernism is based on criticism and on tearing-down the existing order of things. It’s basically Cultural Marxism, but more severe in many ways as it denies reality and truth.

18 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, movies at 11:04 am | Permanent Link

Woman #1: “OMG! My husband is going to kill me because I’m a worthless, uppity feminist!”

Woman #2: “OMG! How dare that horrible Neanderthal husband kill you! You are in danger! You must flee Stepford!”

Woman #1: “Yes! I will flee! I refuse to cook and clean! I’m a liberated woman! Damn those evil men!”


Woman #1: “La-la-la! I just love cooking and cleaning! I love pleasing my husband! I love baking cookies!”

Woman #2: “OMG! She’s been Stepforded!”

[Movie, 1975, 2 hours].