4 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'Greatest Generation', Harry Dexter White, Harry Hopkins, Harry Truman, history, History for newbies, Roosevelt, Roosevelt's Jewish cabal, Socrates, Stalin, World War II at 11:58 am | Permanent Link

(Above: America’s “second president”: the communist spy Harry “The Hop” Hopkins [1890-1946], who was of course married to a Jew. Who else would he marry?).

We are all frustrated with the political corruption that currently exists in Washington, D.C. and in America on the whole. You know: Joe Biden, the Deep State, the stolen 2020 election, crooked state governors and mayors, etc.

But just think back in time for a few minutes. Recall that, circa 1940 to 1945, Washington, and America, were full of communists and Soviet spies. They were everywhere: in the State Department, in the Treasury Department, even in the White House itself! The communist spy Harry “The Hop” Hopkins actually lived at the White House and he was known as “the 2nd President” because he had so much power and influence in the F.D. Roosevelt administration. And Hopkins was very good friends with Joe Stalin. In other words, Stalin had a virtual “key to the back door of the White House.” FDR sided with the Soviets against Germany as early as November 1933 and then pushed (lied) America into a very deadly world war, and Truman ignored communist spies in America, and nuked Japan for no good reason (the war was already won), the biggest war crime in history (children were nuked). FDR put Japanese citizens in concentration camps here in America but strangely didn’t do the same thing with Jewish and communist subversives, who numbered in the many thousands. And, due to the war rationing, you couldn’t even buy butter, sugar or gasoline (but the mafia could! And did! Mobsters always had plenty of butter and coffee; in fact, they sold it on the black market) [1][2]. These were the oily, subversive people who were running Washington D.C. and America in 1940-1945.

As bad as things are now, they were much worse back then. (And yet, grandpa fondly recalls “the war years”! The “Greatest Generation”! It’s sickening to see WWII so romanticized. They call it “the good war.” Good?? A war that killed 60 million White people and bankrupted Europe was “good”?? I guess if you’re a Jew, it was!).


[1] curiously, in August 1941, 3 months before America suddenly entered WWII, FDR created the war rationing administration. How strange! Must have been just a…Cohencidence! Remember, the Pearl Harbor attack was said to have been a “surprise.” So why did FDR set up such a thing 3 months beforehand? You’d have to ask the man who invented war mobilization: the Jewish powerbroker Bernard Baruch. Bernie no doubt was involved in the war rationing.

[2] the following items were rationed by the government during WWII: automobiles, tires, gasoline, fuel oil, coal, firewood, nylon, silk, shoes, meat, dairy, coffee, dried fruits, jams, jellies, lard, shortening, and cooking oils.

3 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a fraud, Cuba, human equality, Marxism, Marxism and equality at 3:35 pm | Permanent Link

Yeah, they’re equal all right: equally miserable! In Cuba, only the “elites” can get caviar and chocolate! But wait a second: how can a communist country have “elites” anyway? I mean, don’t they all share everything in communist countries? Don’t they sit around campfires singing happy songs about peace, love, brotherhood, freedom and world conquest? What??? They sit around crying because they don’t have enough food to eat??? Wow! Gee, my history teacher, Mr. Goldberg, never mentioned that. I wonder why not? Do you think Mr. Goldberg was being deceptive?

Anyway, here’s a quote about life in modern Cuba:

“The Cuban system works by caste. The mayimbes (bosses) do not want for anything, nor do the senior officers in the armed forces. They get free housing and food, and they can take vacations at recreational villas for reasonable prices. Mid-level party officials also enjoy their little privileges. The cuadros (administrators) of tourism, domestic trade and other ministries and large companies, they live by stealing and profiting from food, fuel and construction materials. We – those at the bottom, the marginalized, almost all blacks – who live in poverty, we have to fight each other for the crumbs.”


3 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, Harry Dexter White, Harry Truman, IMF, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Jewed workplaces, jewish spies, Jewish spying accusations, leftism, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal mindset, liberal treason, liberalism, liberals, liberals-as-destroyers, Marxism, treason, Victor Perlo at 11:06 am | Permanent Link

Many people believe that president Harry Truman was a decent, honest guy — you know, “the buck stops here” and so forth.

Well, no. Truman was a traitor, like all liberals. He had no sense of, and no concern for, national security matters.

There were at least 2 Soviet spy groups operating in America circa 1945 (Truman became president in April 1945). Those spy groups were made up of American citizens who were spying on America for the Soviet Union. Those spy groups were both run by Jews: the Silvermaster group (headed by Nathan G. Silvermaster) and the Perlo group (headed by Victor Perlo). Perlo was a big man in the U.S. communist party.

When Truman was told about these spy groups and their activities, what did he do? Did he have them arrested? No. He did nothing. That’s right. He dismissed the matter with a wave of his hand.

But wait: it gets worse. Shortly after the spy warning, Truman appointed one of the major spies in the Silvermaster group, the notorious Harry Dexter White, to a high position in the IMF (International Monetary Fund) [1]. Despite Truman later insisting that White had been fired due to the spying charges, White was not fired and, in fact, White resigned from the IMF two years later, in June 1947, after the U.S. Attorney General began an investigation of White.


[1] “When Attorney General Herbert Brownell, Jr., appeared before the Senate Subcommittee to personally address these issues, he said it was the public’s right to know “that the Truman administration was put on notice at least as early as December, 1945, that there were two spy rings operating within our Government…the public is entitled to know what safeguards the Truman administration established to protect the national security…the matter to be determined by Mr. Truman and his associates was whether Harry Dexter White should be advanced to a post of high honor, great trust, and responsibility and of vital importance to the security of our country…my report of some 71 pages covered the entire subject of Soviet espionage in this country both before, during, and after World War II. It named many names and described numerous Soviet espionage organizations. Harry Dexter White and the espionage ring of which he was a part were among those referred to in this report…that summary, brief though it may be, constituted adequate warning to anyone who read it of the extreme danger to the security of the country in appointing White to the International Monetary Fund or continuing him in Government in any capacity…the documented report was delivered to the White House December 4, yet six weeks later President Truman, on January 23, 1946, publicly announced his nomination of Harry Dexter White for appointment to the International Monetary Fund. I just do not understand this. It still seems completely incredible to me…”

— From the book “In the Presence of Our Enemies: A History of The Malignant Effects in American Schools of the UN’s UNESCO and Its Transformation of American Society From The Lips of Those Who Did It” by Ellen McClay, 2008, page 125.

2 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, election fraud, elections, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed media, jewed politics, Judeo-Left, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftists, liberal power in America, liberalism, liberals, populism, right-wing populism, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 1:33 pm | Permanent Link

(America was half-way normal until Donald Trump won the November 2016 election. Then things started going to hell. Just a coincidence? No. That’s exactly why things went to hell. Had anybody else been elected, America would still be half-way normal).

In early 2016, the Judeo-Left thought it finally had America bagged [1]. Yep. Traditional America was in a sack, ready to be cooked. Hillary Clinton was going to win the November election and Cultural Marxism was going to be fully and permanently installed, just like in England (the UK now has “racism police” to make sure that White people worship Black people).

But then something happened that nobody — on the Left or the Right — could have predicted. Not only did Donald Trump become president, but he awakened something that had been asleep for decades: right-wing populism, which went into a coma in December 1941 with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

The Judeo-Left greatly fears right-wing populism (hereafter: Trumpism). Judeo-Leftists break out in a sweat at the mere mention of it. And things soon got worse for the Judeo-Left: Trump had the best economy of any president in 50 years! That was quite a feat. In other words, Trumpism worked, and worked very well! And, Trump began an “America-first” campaign: he removed America from the Paris “climate-change” treaty, he forced China to play fair in trade deals, etc. Shades of 1939 patriotic White America! Father Coughlin and Charles Lindbergh, all over again, in 2018! OMG! The Judeo-Leftists hate “America first” because they hate White Western culture. Perhaps worst of all for the Judeo-Left, Trump’s followers loved him. They would chant “we love you!” at Trump’s political rallies. That’s very unusual, and very scary for the Judeo-Left.

So it was not looking good for the Judeo-Left: America was no longer “in the bag.” The Judeo-Left knew that something must be done to stop Trump and his many millions of loyal followers. Trumpism could even spread to Europe! OMG! But what could the Judeo-Left do to stop Trumpism? Well, at least a dozen things.

First, the Judeo-Leftists tried to remove Trump from office using surprisingly silly tactics (like the bogus Steele Dossier), none of which worked. Then they tried to impeach him, but that didn’t work either. But then, just after the first impeachment failed, came an odd virus (then called Coronavirus, now called Covid-19), a strange disease that spread throughout America, which seemed to come from China [2]. That’s when all hell really broke loose in America.

The Judeo-Leftists saw the Coronavirus as a great way to nip Trumpism in the bud. They could use it as an excuse to keep Trump and his followers perpetually off-balance, frightened and broke (in the case of small-business owners), which would, in theory, kill off or at least severely weaken Trumpism. But Coronavirus wasn’t as deadly or as frightening as the Judeo-Left had thought, and Coronavirus mandates, such as lockdowns, failed to dent Trumpism. So more pressure had to be brought to bear against Trumpism. That’s when the Judeo-Left launched a “full-court press” of political activism: an all-out war on Trumpism, covering all of the bases. While media leftists were writing ridiculous screeds about Trumpism and manufacturing “racist” incidents in every city, younger leftists were rioting in the streets daily, yelling that Trump was a “fascist” and a “Nazi.” Every leftist in America was mobilized against Trumpism in some way. No tactic was off-limits in the battle against Trumpism, no matter how illegal or immoral: Blacks were recruited to lie about “racism” 24/7; antifa thugs were urged to vandalize police stations and assault normal people on the street; “transsexuals” were pushed into the media spotlight to further weaken the morale of traditional America. The Judeo-Left wanted traditional America to be off-balance, scared, confused and demoralized.

Finally, Trump was removed from office in November 2020 via massive election fraud. Whether the fraudsters will ever be punished for that remains to be seen.

But Trumpism has not disappeared. Not at all! In fact, Trump may be back in office in the Congress as soon as 2022, a fact that no doubt will cause the Judeo-Left to try to keep America in a state of fear and confusion.

So, that is why America had, and still has: Covid-19 hysteria, “cancel culture,” “defund the police”, “woke”, “systemic racism” claims, “White privilege” claims, Critical Race Theory, and so on. It was, and is, all about sidelining Donald Trump and his 74 million (actually, it’s closer to 100 million) normal White followers. But it won’t work: the sleeping giant of right-wing populism is now awake and ready to fight for traditional America.


[1] “Judeo-Left” refers to the fact that the political Left in America is basically a Jewish construct and is led by Jews in the media.

[2] many people have questioned the very odd timing of the Coronavirus appearance in America: just after the second impeachment of Trump had failed. Was it just a coincidence?

2 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, women, women and 'equality', women and femininity, women as mannish, women cops, women in the military, women in the workforce at 12:44 pm | Permanent Link

Seen on the web:

Everything that makes women “women” makes them the horribly wrong choice at doing the things that make men “men.”

1 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, jewed culture, Marxism, UN, UN Charter, UN founders, UNESCO at 2:12 pm | Permanent Link

“U.S. News and World Report estimated that as many as “50% of 1,300 policy-level staff members of the U.N. were either Communists or willing to follow Communist directions.

Lord Beaverbrook pointed to the peculiarity of our UN membership: “You Americans are a strange contradiction. You spend huge sums of money fighting the fifth column in your country but at the same time, down on the East Side of New York, and partly with money given by the Rockefellers, you have erected the biggest fifth-column headquarters in the world — the UN . It is filled with men who wish to subvert the government of the United States. Yet you pay out your good money (and Great Britain does too) to bring these people into your midst. Why a great nation like the United States bothers to belong to such a monstrous organization, why any great nation would care to join – is more than I can honestly comprehend.”

(The UN building [completed in 1952] sits in Manhattan, NYC on 18 acres of land purchased from Jewish real-estate developer William Zeckendorf, Sr. How appropriate!).

— From the book “In the Presence of Our Enemies: A History of The Malignant Effects in American Schools of the UN’s UNESCO and Its Transformation of American Society From The Lips of Those Who Did It” by Ellen McClay, 2008, page 185.

31 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, Marxism, UN, UN Charter, UN flag, UN founders at 5:32 pm | Permanent Link

“The UN flag was actually created in the presentation branch of the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in April, 1945. The man who headed this department at the time and who supervised the flag design was Carl Aldo Marzani. It was later revealed that Marzani was a member of the Communist party and operated under the party name of Tony Wales.” (My comment: he was married to a Jew. He was hard-core and he previously fought against General Franco in the Spanish Civil War. Everything about the UN is either Jewish or communist or both).

— From the book “In the Presence of Our Enemies: A History of The Malignant Effects in American Schools of the UN’s UNESCO and Its Transformation of American Society From The Lips of Those Who Did It” by Ellen McClay, 2008, page 186.

31 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in climate change, climax change, communism, global government, global warming, Marxism, UN, UN Charter, UN founders, War On White Males, War On White People at 3:14 pm | Permanent Link

“…all aims and objects of this cleverly camouflaged nucleus of the future ‘one world’ government are nothing other than unadulterated communism in a disguise and wearing a cloak which conceals the true purpose for which its conspirators created this abomination.” — Congressman John T. Wood (R-Idaho), 1952, speaking to Congress about the UN. From the book “In the Presence of Our Enemies: A History of The Malignant Effects in American Schools of the UN’s UNESCO and Its Transformation of American Society From The Lips of Those Who Did It” by Ellen McClay, 2008, page 16. And to think, Joe Biden just re-joined America to the UN’s “Paris Agreement on Climate Change”, which will punish and tax White countries for violating “climate change” rules and regulations, after Trump rejected that bogus, Marxist agreement. That agreement will remodel the West according to various Marxist, anti-Western guidelines.

31 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "Civil War", America, jewed foreign policy, Jewish warmongering, Walt Rostow, war, war as a racket, war as unnecessary, War of 1812, War! War! War!, warmongers, World War I, World War II at 10:17 am | Permanent Link

There were only 2 wars that America had to fight: the Revolutionary War (which created The United States of America), and the War of 1812 (because British troops were seizing American ships on the high seas and also aiding Indian tribes in order to further anti-American schemes).

So why did America fight all those other wars? The “Civil War”? Should never have happened [1]. WWI? Wasn’t our war. WWII? America didn’t have to “strangle” Japan until it attacked us, we chose to do that. Korea? Wasn’t our war. Vietnam? Ditto. Gulf War? Ditto. Iraq War? Ditto. Afghanistan? Ditto.

All those men lying in all those military graveyards died for nothing. And since war is dysgenic, the White population of America is “down” by about 30 million people, maybe more.


[1] if states can voluntarily join the United States, they can also voluntarily unjoin. President Abe Lincoln had no constitutional authority to wage war on the Southern states.

30 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in military, women and 'equality', women in the military at 1:49 pm | Permanent Link

Lead it where?

Maybe the Chinese army will die laughing so our “troops” won’t have to fight the squints in combat…
