10 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Asians, Asians vs. Whites, China, Japan, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White inventions, White philosophy, White technology, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 12:13 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: a Buddha statue. Most common is the seated Buddha; much rarer is the standing Buddha).

Seen on a video clip: a giant Buddha statue. At first I thought it was in Thailand. But it was in Watsonville, California. It seems that there are many Buddha statues in America (there’s one in Carmel, New York that is 37 feet tall).

It’s sometimes surprising how much Asian influence is found in America. Lots of White people have apartments decorated with Asian themes, or they have Asian-themed tattoos (e.g., with Chinese writing on them). Maybe they think Eastern culture is better than Western culture? Maybe they think Eastern culture is more “spiritual”? (it probably is; meditation is big in Asia).

In the East, they sit and think about things. In the West, they also think about things, but then they get up and do the things they thought about. Just thinking about something doesn’t really help you. But doing it helps you: you can think about climbing the mountain, or you can climb it.

Also concerning East vs. West, Whites value freedom much more than Asians. That must be why White men love guns but Asians don’t.

The Asian mind is copy-copy-copy. Asians can reproduce thousands of computers, very efficiently, each one exactly alike. But Asians aren’t very creative. They’re like ants. Each one is like the next one. (How do the police put out an A.P.B. for a criminal in China? “Suspect is short, has slanted eyes, and black hair. There he is! No, wait, that’s not him…the guy next to him! That’s him! No, wait…”).

Furthermore, Asians have no longing to search for the “why.” But Whites do. For example, the Asian doesn’t care why cold water is heavier than hot water. The White does. He wants to run tests to find out why oak trees live twice as long as hickory trees, for example. That’s why Asians, despite their significant intelligence, never “set the world on fire” but Whites did, beginning as early as 700 BC [1]. Only Whites feel a burning need to search for answers, to find logic where none seems to exist, to reach for the stars (literally, like going to the moon, or to Mars). That longing, that need to explore, is exclusively a White thing.

Indeed, Whites invented the world: the telephone, the automobile, the bicycle, electricity, the computer, the airplane, the TV set, the air conditioner, the furnace, the radio/stereo, the lightbulb, the camera, the wheelbarrow, the telescope, the clock, the wristwatch, the refrigerator, concrete, dynamite, surveying equipment, the printing press, marine/sea navigation tools, democracy, space travel — Whites created all those things. (Trivia: I recently saw a leftist wearing a t-shirt with the Imperial Japan flag (the rising sun) on it! Crazy, huh??).

(As Jerry Abbott said, non-Whites culturally appropriate things from Whites every single day. In fact, we should charge them money for using our technology).


[1] “What shocked me were my interviews with scholars of non-western cultures. Here, I am referring not only to western specialists in the great non-western traditions, but scholars who were themselves born into those traditions – Arab archaeologists or writers, economists and historians from India and China, poets and dramatists from Japan and Africa. All of them – there were no exceptions – said the same thing. In the 20th century, in the modern world, there were no non-western ideas of note.” — author/writer Peter Watson, in his article “Lost in the Swamp of Modernity”; in New Statesman magazine, 29 October 2001.

9 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Big Pharma, coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covidians, stock markets, stocks and bonds at 1:26 pm | Permanent Link

Covid-19 is roughly as deadly as the flu. Okay. So, most people don’t die from it. Most people who get Covid-19 won’t even show any symptoms, or, will show mild symptoms. Yet, there is a certain hysteria about “getting everyone vaccinated.” Why? Why this vaccine, but not other vaccines? It’s a crusade, a literal crusade by the media and the government to get everyone vaccinated. Given the flu-like nature of Covid, this hysterical push for vaccinations for everyone in America is rather suspicious. Who gains? Big Pharma? The shareholders of Big Pharma stock? The NWO crowd? The globalists? The Hare Krishnas? The Baptists? Who? All we know for sure is, re: the Covid vaccines: there are many billions of dollars at stake. [1].



[1] interestingly, Big Pharma is said to have a “stock-buyback obsession” (i.e., stock repurchasing, which enriches shareholders in the short term, and can have other benefits as well. More about stock buybacks: HERE)

9 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Jerry Abbott, race, race science, racial awareness among Whites, racial differences, racial fitness, racial hierarchy, racial science at 1:20 pm | Permanent Link

by Jerry Abbott.

“The races of mankind differ in average intelligence, and IQ is a numerical index of intelligence. Western Civilization, built by white people of European descent, is the world’s first civilization based upon high technology. It is the civilization that first developed the use of electric power. It is the civilization that first developed radio and laser for communication and for data processing. Any other group that uses electrically powered devices is culturally appropriating from white people.”


8 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as last bastion of freedom, Canada, China, China as a global superpower, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed immigration policy, jewed language, jewed law, jewed media, liberal treason, liberalism, Liberalization Of Everything, liberals, multiculturalism, political correctness, Taiwan, Tom Metzger at 1:30 pm | Permanent Link

America’s cause/role in the world? How about “as the biggest and most powerful country in the West, and as the last bastion of real freedom, our goal must be to preserve the Western world using every possible tool at our disposal.” [1]. How about that? We are the most powerful Western country. We have (had?) mountains of money, hundreds of nukes and a military that is (or rather, was) capable of taking on Russia and China, and maybe both of them combined. Now? We are basically clown world. General so-and-so is a tranny and Admiral so-and-so is a closet Marxist. And we are bankrupt (i.e., trillions of dollars in debt), and the current president has no brain. China must be laughing hard now. (The Chinese will, no doubt, try to take Taiwan soon and then the fun will really begin because America will be expected to enter the fight on the side of Taiwan). America is the de facto leader of the West, and so must be the protector of the West.



[1] the late WN leader Tom Metzger once said: “the West will stand or fall on the fate of America.” Yes, indeed. There are only two other countries that could possibly save the West: Britain and France, but they are small countries and they are now fractured by multiculturalism and liberalism. As for Canada, does it even have a military?

7 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Jewish arrogance, Jewish chosenness, Jewish power, Jewish Privilege, judaism, Judaized America at 3:26 pm | Permanent Link

How arrogant! First, the kosher symbol, and now the eruv — or is it the other way around? Anyway, the Jews always get special treatment in the White countries. (How come we never hear about “Jewish privilege”??).

“Many readers may not appreciate that there is literally a Jewish religious metal wire, running overhead in many of our nation’s cities. It is strung up like a telephone line or electric wire and can run for miles in large cities like New York. Seen from overhead by drone cameras, for example, it looks like a wire used in a livestock fencing system. It is constantly overseen, inspected, serviced, protected, and maintained by a secret organized team in each city. It is regulated by city ordinance and subsidized by taxpayers. The wires are not only in New York, but in St. Louis, Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Dallas, and dozens of other cities across the United States.”


7 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America's founders, black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White inventions at 12:09 pm | Permanent Link

“History was mostly written by white people about white people like me, while the history of Black people — including the horrors of Tulsa — was too often left out.” — actor Tom Hanks, in a New York Times op-ed titled “Tom Hanks: You Should Learn the Truth About the Tulsa Race Massacre,” June 4, 2021.

Why do you think Black “history” was left out, Tom? This is just a guess, but maybe it was because The United States of America is a White Western country that was founded and built by White Western people [1]. Maybe it’s because Black people have given the world nothing worth writing about — in fact, Blacks can be called “a failed race” (just look at Africa). In 2,000 years, Blacks have accomplished nothing. In 2,000 years, White people have invented, and re-invented (i.e., the computer age) the world. Whites have been giving Blacks welfare payments since 1964 and Blacks still barely function on a human level (look at Atlanta, Detroit or Baltimore). After decades of federal and state welfare payments (often 4 different types!), Blacks still hate us and murder us daily; they riot and loot in the streets when a cop is forced to shoot a negro felon who had an arrest record 30 pages long; what do these “people” want anyway? There is no pleasing them or living with them [2]. Indeed, since the 1960s, Blacks have become more violent and more demanding.

[Op-Ed by Hanks].


[1] America was founded in 1776 and was created by 118 White men; those men created the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution.

[2] the list of government welfare programs for Blacks is surprisingly long. Here are just a few of those programs: food stamps (called SNAP), direct welfare payments, public housing, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Section 8 rent subsidies/HUD houses, various free medical services, The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), Transitional Cash and Medical Services for Refugees, School Breakfast Program, Social Services Block Grants, Federal Pell Grants, Neighborhood Stabilization Program, Weatherization Assistance Program, Community Development Block Grants, Maternal and Child Health Block Grants. Despite all this and more, Blacks still barely function at a human level.

6 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in apartheid, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, jewhad, Jewish arrogance, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish World Revolution, Kissinger, Rhodesia, Slovo, South Africa at 2:55 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: U.S. diplomat Henry Kissinger, circa 1971)

They knew. When the so-called “international community” forced South Africa to end apartheid (White rule) in 1993/1994 and allow Blacks to share political power with Whites, the globalists knew it was a bad idea. They knew that, very soon afterwards, Blacks would rule South Africa entirely, and, that the country would turn to shit. And now Blacks do rule S.A. and now it has gone to shit. Nothing works there now. Power outages are common. Telephones don’t work half of the time. Crime rates are sky high. The government is completely incompetent and corrupt — just like the globalists knew it would be. Giving Blacks political power in South Africa was a horrible idea, but it didn’t matter because White rule over Blacks was “evil” and it “had to stop.” Never mind that Whites (British and Dutch) built all of South Africa: the roads, the bridges, the power grid, the buildings, the schools, the government, everything. Whites built all of it. Importantly, the same thing that happened in South Africa is now happening in America, albeit slowly. By 2045 America will be in deep shit due to Black (and Brown) rule and incompetence.

Trivia: the major players in the ending of apartheid in South Africa were the Jewish diplomat Henry Kissinger and the Jewish communist Yossel “Joe” Slovo (1926-1995) [1][2].



[1] the threats over South Africa’s system of apartheid began early: for example, Kissinger issued a veiled threat to South Africa in a speech in Lusaka, Zambia, in April 1976, saying that apartheid in South Africa “must” (!) end within a certain time limit:

Quoting Kissinger: “But white South Africans must recognize as well that the world will continue to insist that the institutionalized separation of the races must end. The United States appeals to South Africa to heed the warning signals of the past two years. There is still time to bring about a reconciliation of South Africa’s peoples for the benefit of all. But there is a limit to that time — a limit of far shorter duration than was generally perceived even a few years ago.” While Kissinger was giving this speech, Israel was, of course, practicing apartheid! Funny how Israel can practice any policy it wants to, but White countries can’t! (Also, thanks to Kissinger’s 1975 Sinai II agreement, America and Israel are “joined together at the hip” like Siamese twins).

Cleverly, Kissinger used political pressure on South Africa to weaken and isolate another White country in southern Africa, called Rhodesia, and pave the way for Blacks to achieve equal power there (Rhodesia is now called Zimbabwe, which has been destroyed by Black rule). He “played one White country against another White country in order to isolate and destroy the first country.” Sneaky! Kissinger could sell sand to the Arabs. Really. A clever fellow. Very persuasive. He was out of office by the time S.A. ended apartheid, but nonetheless, he paved the way for S.A.’s death as a White country. It’s not a stretch of the imagination to say that, without Kissinger, both Rhodesia and South Africa would likely still be White, although they would probably be under sanctions from the “international community.”

[2] Of course, Slovo wasn’t the only Jewish activist on the front lines of the battle to end apartheid. Several dozen Jews, most of them Marxists, were key players in the ending of apartheid, including: Ruth First (Slovo’s wife), Harold Wolpe, Albie Sachs, Ronald Segal, Dennis Goldberg, Lionel “Rusty” Bernstein, Hilda Bernstein, Solly Sachs, Helen Suzman, Ray Alexander, Ronnie Kasrils, Raymond Suttner, Ray Simons, Moishe Geller (related to Pamela Geller), Jules and Selma Browde, Arthur Goldreich, Norma and David Kitson, Wolfie Kodish, Harry Bloom and Bernard Friedman.

6 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, Biden, climate change, climax change, global government, global warming, globalization, sovereignty, taxes, treaties, UN, UN Charter, UN Security Council mandates at 11:35 am | Permanent Link

In the minds of liberals, what’s even better than federal power? Global power.

“Evil globalist millionaires aren’t paying their fair share of taxes!” says the globalist multi-millionaire Joe Biden. “Pot calling kettle black.” Isn’t this just typical? Say what you will about corporations (not many people like them, and for good reason), but this will be a treaty. Too often, treaties violate state sovereignty. Remember, treaties are temporary, but sovereignty is permanent. Treaties usually cause more harm than good. (How ironic: state sovereignty is “championed” in the UN Charter, yet the UN Security Council frequently violates state sovereignty with its “no-fly zones”, e.g., in Bosnia in 1993 and Libya in 2011. Saying one thing, doing another…).

Granted, the article mentions Facebook and Amazon, but there are many more companies than those which will be impacted by this global tax scheme.

Each state must deal with the taxing of corporations on its own. There’s no need for a global tax scheme. It’s just more global baloney.

Importantly, this global tax plan also includes…wait for it…”climate change” mandates: “Commits for the first time to embed climate change and biodiversity loss into decision-making…” You knew that was coming!


5 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", "woke", America, America's founders, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Cultural Marxism, Fourteenth Amendment, Reconstruction, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White inventions, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 2:46 pm | Permanent Link

1. All “civil rights” laws in America are based on the 14th Amendment, which wasn’t ratified properly because it was a Reconstruction-era law.

2. If humans are equal, why does America need “civil rights” laws to make everybody equal? They should already be equal: same IQs, same work ethic, same ambition, same everything. Besides, race is just a “social construct” — right??

3. Why don’t White people have carte blanche or dominion in America, since it’s a White Western country founded by 118 White men? Why don’t we have seniority in America? [1].



[1] 118 White men created the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution.

4 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, Eugene Kamenka, Freemasonry and communism, Freemasons, Marxism at 1:08 pm | Permanent Link

Seen on the web:

“All men are equal in the humanitarian ideal of Freemasonry. The old edition of the “Universal Handbook of Freemasonry” says of this Masonic ideal:

“Humanity refers to all men. It means universal love, which rises above all differences and divisions of humanity: it doesn’t inquire about racial or religious community. It views and honours in every racial and religious comrade – Man, a being of the same species, with equal rights, the related brother of the same genus… Man’s life may be viewed from two viewpoints: as individual life and as social life: Man lives as an individual being and as a member of a commonweal. The model image of the individual life is humanity, mankind; the model image of social life is cosmopolitanism, citizenship of the world…”

Gee, what does that sound like? It sounds just like communism to me. In fact, here’s a quote from an actual communist, about Marxism/communism:

“In the name of science and of man it (Marxism) seeks to transcend the specific divisions of climate, race and creed, of nation-state and language-group, in order to chart a common future for mankind.” — from the book “The Ethical Foundations of Marxism” by Jewish/Marxist scholar Eugene Kamenka (1928-1994), 1962; from the Preface to the Japanese edition, 1965.