Breed, scream in the streets, and murder. As that nigger comedian used to say, “People…will get out of your way.” You conservatives will perhaps pull your thumbs out of your mouths long enough to jot down the not tiny fact that writing letters and making phone calls are not on that list. The Muslim M.O. is to have 27 kids, kill anyone who insults Allah, use the freedoms of our White West to position themselves to deny our rights the minute they have the chance. This is made easier by see-no-race ekwalitarians and the jews who define their agenda.
The jews, by contrast, sneak around behind the scenes, passing laws that making it illegal to criticize their poisonous little sect. Sharing syndicated column space with Ashkenazi appeasers and precisely zero critics, they simply never tell their readers about the thousands of honest men in jail for speaking truths they don’t want known. They use the Muslims not to fight for their ostensible principle, free speech, but their real principle: jews first, everybody else sucking hind tit.
Christians? They may be abused freely by all parties? Whites? Just getting started. The reason the neocons instigate wars is their personal lack of fear they’ll ever face consequences, physical or legal. As long as they believe they have the upper hand, jews are the most arrogant peoplelike creatures on earth. Itz time the curs were at our feet and off our throats again. Article.
To coin a phrase: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.