14 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in China, China as a global superpower, China as a threat to the West, Chinese communism, Clinton, Clinton scandals, Sandy Berger at 3:00 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Clinton Administration official Sandy Berger [1945-2015], who was caught stealing classified material from the National Archives. But he suffered only mild punishment for the theft because, you know, “anti-Semitism” caused him to stuff the classified material into his socks. Those no-good anti-Semites! It wasn’t his fault!).

“U.S. policy towards China since the 1990s represents perhaps the biggest strategic miscalculation by any great power in human history. Just as communism was wobbling and beginning to fall everywhere else, we helped Beijing come up with the first economically viable form of communism.”

Yes, indeed! America, and the rest of the West, will soon seriously regret allowing the Jew, Sandy “Socks” Berger, and much of the rest of the Clinton Administration, to “nurture” and “grow” China from being a poor, backwards, agriculturally-based country to being a global superpower with a huge military [1]. By using various methods, Socks and the Gang helped China to take off like a rocket (pun intended): through American job outsourcing, Most-Favored-Nation trading status, American supercomputer technology, and other things, they helped China to grow amazingly fast. Within 20 years of the Clinton Administration’s generous “help,” China was a global powerhouse ready to spread the “rice rabies” around the world. Such power is not good given that China is known for sneaky, hostile, anti-White behavior.

It won’t be long before the West is at war with China. It’s a given. Maybe in 10 years, or 15 years. But it’ll happen, and when it does, will anybody blame the reckless Jews and leftists of the past for that? Nope. Jews and leftists never get the blame for anything. Who will be blamed? Probably Donald Trump and MAGA activists.



[1] the Clinton Administration was one of the most Jewish administrations in American history: only the F.D. Roosevelt administration rivaled it in the number of Jews found within it. Top Clinton officials who were Jewish included: Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State; Robert Rubin, Secretary of the Treasury; Dan Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture; Samuel “Sandy” Berger, Head of the National Security Council; William Cohen, Secretary of Defense; Rahm Emanuel, Policy Advisor; Doug Sosnik, Counsel to President; Evelyn Lieberman, Deputy Chief of Staff; Stuart Eizenstat, Under-Secretary of State.

14 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in child abuse, child abuse via liberal propaganda, Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy, White thought at 11:13 am | Permanent Link

Cultural Marxism (such as Critical Race Theory, aka CRT) has been around for awhile. But few White people complained about it until recently [1].

However, when CRT began being used in the grade schools on children as young as 5 years old, White parents began fighting back against CRT. They didn’t like teachers attacking their kids by calling them “evil racists” and “White oppressors.” How can a 5-year-old be an “oppressor”? CRT is a form of child abuse.

We can learn from that pushback against CRT: White people fight back when their kids are under attack, or, if they think their kids are under attack. Same thing.

(Newbies, here’s an important take-away about CRT: it should not even exist, because Blacks and Browns should not even be here in America. The United States of America, founded by 118 White men beginning in 1776, is a White republic founded on White laws, values, traditions and beliefs [2]. Period. Yes, we brought Blacks to America as slaves and that was a horrible idea. We should have realized that that idea would, sooner or later, come back to bite us in the ass, and it did. CRT, Affirmative Action, Cultural Marxism, all the bullshit “theories” — none of them should even exist because America is a White Western country, and Blacks/Browns are not “White Western.” CRT, etc. is all just hot air [dangerous hot air] spewing out of the mouths of leftists and Marxists).

“All this is happening because the base is fighting back. Parents in safely Democratic Loudoun County, VA, are fighting tooth and nail against a new school “equity” plan that would teach white kids to hate themselves and demonize America’s past.”



[1] Cultural Marxism came about due to “regular” Marxists realizing that regular Marxism wasn’t going to wreck the West as planned. It wasn’t taking root. Few people were embracing it. So, regular Marxism was tweaked and fine-tuned and the end result was Cultural Marxism, which is 10 times more deadly than regular Marxism because it’s much more palatable, much easier to swallow. Both regular and Cultural Marxism are Jewish-founded ideologies, and so is left-wing socialism. In fact, modern leftism can be called “a Jewish construct.”

[2] 118 White men created the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution.

13 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, college, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, race, race as a social construct, race baloney, Race Denial, racism, racism accusations, universities at 4:09 pm | Permanent Link

Race: for a “social construct” that “doesn’t matter,” people sure obsess over it! Like, every day!

“If Harvard were to abandon race-conscious admissions, African-American and Hispanic representation would decline by nearly half,” the school told the court in urging it to stay out of the case.”

OMG! But that’s an easy problem to fix. Since “race is just a social construct” and not biological, Harvard could just “re-construct” the students as needed. Since race is a “faulty, racist, human-built classification system” (i.e., a social construct) that can change as society itself changes, then Harvard can just re-classify Blacks and Hispanics into other constructs [1]. Just invent new constructs! Don’t call them “Blacks” and “Hispanics” anymore. Instead, call them, for example, “kinda-darks”, “could-be-darks-if-you-squint”, “halfway darks” and “might-or-might-not-be-darks” — that way, no one would know for sure how many of each group is at Harvard, and therefore no one could accuse Harvard of racism. Problem solved! Let’s party! Woo-hoo! In fact, I’m feeling darker already! Think Harvard would accept me?? Maybe I could teach a humanities course!



[1] the Cultural Marxist story is that, years ago, evil White men “constructed” (invented) “race” in order to oppress certain people who had darker skin. Race is not biological, and therefore not real, says the story. But how can “White men” exist if race doesn’t exist? How can “White men” oppress “Black people” if Black people don’t exist? How can someone “look Asian” (look like a mongoloid, i.e., slanted/almond-shaped eyes with epicanthic skin folds, and a flat face) if race doesn’t exist? It’s all postmodernism (aka postMarxism) and it’s all very confusing. Of course, postmodernism was designed to be confusing. In postmodernist philosophy, there is no concrete reality. That’s why Marxists love it.

13 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, Claude Levi-Strauss, DeNazification, National Socialism, Nazi era, Naziphobia, Nazis, Soviet holocaust, Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, War On White People, World War II at 2:16 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: under the de-Nazification program, German women were forced to carry the putrefying body of a dead Jew for re-burial. The odor must have been staggering. The Jew was likely a subversive: a Marxist, a socialist, etc. De-Nazification was pure get-evenism, pure ethnic revenge, and nothing more. “How dare those White men oppress God’s Chosen People! They’ll pay for that!” Indeed, the main architect of the Nuremberg Tribunal was a Jew, U.S. Army Colonel Murray C. Bernays [1894-1970]. Another Jew, U.S. Army Colonel David “Mickey” Marcus [1901-1948], was chief of the U.S. Army’s War Crimes Division and personally selected the judges and prosecutors for the Nuremberg Tribunal).

After WWII ended, the “allies” engaged in a huge effort to erase all facets of Nazi ideology and symbolism from German society. This was known as “de-Nazification.” It was a giant brainwashing program aimed at all German citizens. It was designed to make the Germans feel ashamed of their past.

Similarly, all White countries will soon be subjected to ongoing, concerted racial indoctrination and guilt-tripping (in fact they already are: just watch movies and TV shows). The White citizens will be taught to be ashamed of their history regarding the Indians, slavery, racism (and also sexism, homophobia, etc.). “White history = bad. Black and Brown history = good.” This is merely an extension of Jewish anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss’ “White culture is bad, Brown culture is good” ideology. (Trivia: guess who built the de-Nazification program? Four Jews can be credited with creating the program: Hans Habe, a Hungarian immigrant who was trained at the Jewish-filled Camp Sharpe [aka “Camp Shapiro”] in Pennsylvania and who controlled the post-war German press; and the Frankfurt School subversives Herbert Marcuse, Franz Neumann and Otto Kirchheimer, who were Marxists. Strangely, Nazism was treated as a “dangerous sickness” but Soviet communism, which was much more extreme and murderous, wasn’t treated as a dangerous sickness — in fact, the Soviets were our “allies” in WWII! Freaky, itz!).

“It’s not enough that statues to our heroes are torn down and that even the dead are dug up (like N.B. Forrest). Instead, presumably every part of America will have little monuments meant to disgrace white Americans.”


12 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communal living, communism, communism as a fraud, communism as a weapon against the West, Eduard Bernstein, Ferdinand Lassalle, Horsejews of the Apocalypse, jewed culture, jewed economics, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marx, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Moses Hess at 3:24 pm | Permanent Link

Communism: not only is it fake, even the name of it is fake.

There is no such thing as communism, since no state has ever reached the final (second) stage of “communism,” where the state “withers away” [1]. Therefore, there remains in the world only varying types of failed Jewish socialism [2]. Calling it “communism” is being far too kind, since you’re suggesting, by using that word, that it has worked, somewhere: that the citizens of an entire country lived together communally, in harmony, after the state vanished, sharing everything, without any government supervision or government rule from above. But that hasn’t happened. Ever. Communism has never “happened” or “worked.” No state has “withered away.” State governments change form, leaders come and go, but states don’t “wither away.” They usually become more and more powerful, in fact.

“Communism” is one giant lie (yet communist professors teach in Western universities!). Communism claims to treat everyone equally but it never does. In Cuba, do they treat people equally? Nope. In fact, the government will lessen your food rations if you don’t worship the regime hard enough. Or, in the old Soviet Union? Nope. No communist government has ever treated the people equally. Look at Fidel Castro: he was very wealthy, and so were his staffers. They enjoyed various special privileges. But the poor citizens had to stand in long lines for hours to buy loaves of stale bread. Sometimes they couldn’t even get bread due to shortages.


[1] communism is a two-part event: first comes socialism, and then, “the state withering away” which is said to be the beginning of communism.

“The interference of the state power in social relations becomes superfluous in one sphere after another, and then ceases of itself…The state is not “abolished”, it withers away.” — Friedrich Engels.

[2] I like to call the founders of international Jewish socialism “The Four Horsejews of the Apocalypse” since all, or most, leftism flows from them: Karl Marx (communism), Moses Hess (socialism), Eduard Bernstein (socialism) and Ferdinand Lassalle (socialism)

12 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, Black mentality, black nationalism, Black racism, black rule, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, South Africa at 11:35 am | Permanent Link

South Africa used to be controlled by White people. But the “international community” decided that Whites ruling over Blacks was a “no-no” and so powerful Jews (like Henry Kissinger) demanded that White rule be stopped. It was, in 1993/1994. Now South Africa is controlled by Black people and of course it has gone to Hell. Crime is rampant. Nothing works. Power/phone outages are a daily occurrence. Corruption is everywhere. It’s a toilet. Think “Detroit but much bigger and much worse.”

Below, a White man reports on how horrible things are in South Africa. This will happen to America eventually:


“****, man, after the reset I’ve joined a few Afrikaanse chat rooms and I’ve been chatting quite intensely with some people there. To get a detailed picture of White life in South Africa. It is waaaaaaaaay worse than you think.

It is over the top bat **** ******* crazy. “Third world” doesn’t cut it. I mean even in Brazil or the US there are areas where people would be wise to wear bullet proof vests to the supermarket, so that doesn’t even impress me. This SA situation is unprecedented, dude.

Most Whites got fired all of a sudden a few years ago when the gov introduced an “80 percent blacks at the workplace” quota. Since the government had already limited welfare to blacks only, these White families were homeless within weeks. They are living in improvised roadside camps, where mothers prostitute themselves and fathers sell drugs, to be able to feed their kids. And they’re not even always succeeding. Kids are underweight or malnourished.

Now that winter is on its way, there’s concern some people may freeze. Last winter, a church had collected a lodge full of clothes for people in the homeless camps, but during a strict Corona lockdown when nobody was watching, the police raided the lodge and took all the clothes for themselves.

The “80 percent black staff” applies even to households. So if a White family wishes to get a security guard, a cleaning lady or a gardner, they have to hire blacks. Those blacks then turn their back on their employer and collaborate with farm attackers by giving them the keys to the house or telling them when exactly it’s best to strike.

Most farm attacks, murders, muggings, car thefts, car attacks, are inside jobs. A common place to get killed or robbed is just outside a bank after a withdrawal. Because the black teller will make a phonecall to the local black gang as you leave the bank premises with your cash. By the time you get to your car, they shoot at you and take your money. (A few days ago a black policeman died this way, just outside a bank, after having withdrawn his own money. If they do it to blacks, they won’t bat an eye before doing it to Whites, obviously.)

Some weeks ago, a young Dutch guy traveled to SA to marry his Afrikaanse fiancee. They had a lovely wedding at a resort. They were paranoid about security, checked all windows and doors every chance they got. And yet the guy didn’t make it through the wedding night. An employee of the resort had given robbers the key to the honeymoon cabin so they could steal the wedding gifts. The groom heard something, went to see what was up, and got shot dead. The bride was left widowed and pennyless.

Because security guards and the police are black/corrupted, White men (who aren’t homeless) are doing tactical training and organizing their own security groups with nightshifts, watchtowers, professional equipment, the whole shebang. White women who aren’t homeless try to prep/stock food in spite of inflation and supermarket safety being issues of concern. The men use Telegram to alert each other of a farm attack, and whoever is on call goes over to help. I once asked a guy on the team how often he’s received an alert. He said: so far almost every day. He said the worse part is the paperwork after a farm shoot out. The police will try to blame the White victim of a farm attack for racially driven murder.

Meanwhile, because qualified, experienced White employees were suddenly replaced by random unfit blacks, the country is falling apart. Almost every week there’s either a power cut or an internet cut. Either unplanned, or even planned to “relieve the system”. Until recently an entire province spent 7 months without running water. People drove up to other provinces to fill up bottles with water. I don’t even know what this has cost them in terms of petrol.

Meanwhile, only ONE single black guy has spoken out against the farm attacks. ONE. Which is still more than the gov is doing. In fact the government riles people up with a now famous song “Kill the Boer”, sometimes played on the radio.”

(Originally posted at KirksvilleToday.com)

11 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in counterculture, hippies, Paul Krassner, Sixties, The Great Society, Vietnam War, Walt Rostow, welfare payments, welfare programs at 3:34 pm | Permanent Link

Many — perhaps even most — people have overly-fond impressions of the 1960s: “Peace! Love! Woodstock! Sandals! Bell-Bottoms! Flower-Power!” But they shouldn’t.

The 1960s were the beginning of the end of America. In many ways, America never recovered from the 1960s. Time marched on but the horrible ideas remained.

A web quote: “On Nov. 22, 1968, an episode of “Star Trek” titled “Plato’s Stepchildren” broadcast the first interracial kiss on American television” (in that episode, Lieutenant Uhura and Captain Kirk kissed).

It was unheard of to show a Black and a White kissing in 1968, especially in the South.

The 1960s spelled the beginning of the end of traditional America. Jews such as Herbert Marcuse, Paul Krassner, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, LSD godfather Ram Dass (or, in his case, Ram Butt! He was a queer), and Allen Ginsberg led the counterculture movement. In fact, it is accurate to call the 1960s “practically a Jewish construct.” Even the civil-rights movement, the Vietnam War and “The Great Society” were Jewish constructs [1].

President Johnson’s “Great Society” program caused Blacks to become poorer and less capable than ever before, which of course caused more crime. It ruined the “Black family” and replaced “Black fathers” with “government welfare payments.” Ironically, the “Great Society” program wasn’t even needed since the economy was great in the early 1960s and the Blacks would have been better off without getting “hooked” on welfare, food stamps, etc. (but I guess that was the whole plan, huh?).

Let America stop, stop, stop romanticizing the Jewish 1960s and declare that decade to have been evil and poisonous to White America.


[1] Jewish congressman Emanuel Celler almost single-handedly birthed the civil-rights movement. The Jew, Walt Rostow, almost single-handedly created and shaped America’s Vietnam War policy. The Jew, Paul Krassner, almost single-handedly birthed the counterculture movement with his magazine “The Realist” in New York City in 1958, and other Jews such as Abbie Hoffman joined with him later. President Johnson’s Jewish speechwriter, Richard N. Goodwin, coined the term “The Great Society.” One article said that Goodwin, as Special Assistant to President Johnson, actually wrote legislation, and created the overall framework of “The Great Society” program.

11 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in books, Books recommended by Dr. William Pierce, gypsies, jewed culture, jewed media, The Outsider/The Other, War On White People at 12:51 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: gypsies in Russia).

Seen: a 1960s movie featuring gypsies in it. The gypsies were, of course, featured in a positive way. They always are. They’re never portrayed negatively.

The glorification of the gypsy has been going on in America since at least 1941 with the Hollywood horror movie “The Wolfman” starring Lon Chaney, Jr. There must be 100 movies featuring gypsies in a positive way. Gypsies are also found in many famous books, e.g., Charlotte Bronte’s “Jane Eyre” (1847).

Gypsies (also called the “Roma” or “Romani” people) wander from town to town, stealing and swindling to earn money. They originate from India and they entered Europe circa 900 AD. (Dr. William Pierce used to sell a book about the gypsies called “Bury Me Standing”).

Why glorify the gypsies — oily, non-White vagrants who live only to lie, steal, and swindle? Guess why! “Bad is good and good is bad” has been the Jewish propaganda method for decades and the Jews push gypsy romanticism in many of their movies and TV shows. In other words, the Jews dominate gypsy romanticism. That romanticism poisons traditional White culture and that’s the whole plan. Hollywood is all about immorality and culture-wrecking; glorifying the greasy gypsy — the outsider, the stranger — is good for the Jews because it’s bad for us.

(Have you ever considered how many modern pop/rock songs glorify gypsies? Dozens! I counted 55 rock songs featuring gypsies in June 2021 and no doubt there are many more than that).

10 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in China, China as a threat to the West, Chinese communism, coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Covid-19, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 reparations payments, Covidians at 2:22 pm | Permanent Link

If Covid-19 came from a Chinese laboratory, instead of coming from bats or a “wet food market,” then that’s a win-win for America because: 1) China now owes the Western world trillions of dollars in reparations payments for the damage that Covid-19 caused; 2) those reparations payments will bankrupt China.

That’s a win-win situation for America.

10 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in brown culture, Brown immigrant arrogance, Brown Man, psychology, psychopathic personality traits, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 12:41 pm | Permanent Link

According to this Brown (Pakistani) person, if you’re a member of the White race, you’re a psychopath by default. Never mind that, statistically speaking, non-Whites have psychopathic personality traits more often than Whites.