31 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Dan Roodt, General Decline, Robert Griffin, South Africa at 5:22 pm | Permanent Link

Good stuff from the Griffin files (that’s Robert, not the walleyed sellout Nick). Article.

Let’s be clear on something: nostalgia is not the White man’s friend. What is destroyed is done with, it can never be rebuilt. The genius of the White race lies in its intellectual fearlessness. What do we do from the situation we’re in?

The Constitution and American history have nothing to do with what we see before us today, better seen as the start of a new era than the closing of an old. The type that produced the constitution no longer exists. How do we get from where we are to where we need to be? In general terms, there is no way but reorienting our lives around race, and recognizing that we are in a winner-take-all struggle with our only true enemy – the jew.

31 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Australia, free-speech martyrs, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, loxism at 4:55 pm | Permanent Link

Telling great truths now illegal

Telling lies about whites required


Professor Andrew Fraser’s Letter to the Parramatta Sun Unlawful

Andrew Fraser, March 31, 2006

In a stunning blow to freedom of expression in Australia, the President of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Mr John von Doussa, QC, today declared that a letter to the editor written by Associate Professor Andrew Fraser and published in the Parramatta Sun on 6 July 2006 was an unlawful breach of s 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.

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31 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Founders America, immigration, Jewish Tyranny at 4:43 pm | Permanent Link

by Founders America

A charge of RACISM is Marxian leftists’
primary chessboard piece for toppling
your race and civilization.

So far, they can rightly proclaim:


Having propagandized “racism” to mean
only negative aspects, they now use it
to stop you from defending your race
and civilization against their on-going
must necessarily be RACIST to defend
their race and culture against GENOCIDE

Stand up for your race and culture!

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31 March, 2006

Posted by alex in economy, Iran, propaganda at 4:22 pm | Permanent Link

The propagandists’ clarion call to war…

From the Daily Reckoning:


The Attack on the U.S. Dollar and Energy Needs

“It’s bad enough that the Middle East has us over a barrel of oil thanks to our continued dependency on access to its huge reservoirs of crude, but largely unknown to most Americans, the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and the Islamic Development Bank have a long-term goal of replacing the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency for world trade.

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31 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Europe, immigration at 4:06 pm | Permanent Link

[Either the beginning of the end for Germany, or the beginning of a new era in which Turks are driven out, and Germany returns to the land of the Germans. Do your own dirty work, White man. There’s no other way that works.]

“It feels as though we’re raising criminals and terrorists here,” said one former teacher in a recent interview with Berlin daily Der Tagesspeigel.

But everyone seems to agree on one point — it’s not necessarily the students’ own fault.


No Solution Other Than Police Presence for Unruly Berlin School

Police have stepped in at a Berlin school to help control violence that teachers say is out of control. Berlin’s education senator is coming under heavy criticism for refusing to close the secondary school down.

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31 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, comedy, jew touching WN topic, video at 2:13 pm | Permanent Link

[If you want to see a jew being a jew, this is the video. The fact that it’s funny and targeted at Mexicans – well, let’s just say there are two reasons to appreciate this hilarious clip.]

Dear La Voz de Aztlan Subscribers:

We have received quite a lot of e-mail with information concerning Ari Shaffir, the Jewish bigot that filmed the
video where he is shown humiliating a group of Mexican day
laborers (Jornaleros). The video is shown at


Apparently he is also a degenerate with web pages at myspace.com. Please be advised, the following URL contains
sexual perverted material as well as anti-Christian filth:


31 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Europe, immigration, Norway at 2:04 pm | Permanent Link

Enough’s enough says major-party pol. What will actually be done remains to be seen. The prolific stupidity of dirt-worlders can undermine small civilized Scandinavian countries in years.


Politician calls for refugee crackdown (Norway)

Aftenposten ^ | March 31, 2006 | tr. Nina Berglund

The increasingly popular leader of Norway’s most conservative party has had enough of would-be refugees who commit murder and other serious crimes in Norway. Siv Jensen wants much better control over people seeking asylum. “Enough’s enough,” Jensen told newspaper VG. People whom she called “ticking time bombs” shouldn’t be allowed to wander around freely in Norway.

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31 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Belarus, Eastern Europe at 2:22 am | Permanent Link

Interesting view from libertarian on the ground in Belarus…

Demintern Minsk Diary Part II
Posted by Daniel McAdams at 10:43 PM

As promised, I have reflected further on my recent trip to Belarus to assess the pre-election climate and the technical conduct of the elections. My conclusions and analysis can be found here.

In Belarus, there is apparently no honor among thieves, as they say. The opposition, paid millions by the West to subvert their nation’s electoral process and foment an extra-juridical revolution, has in a way admirably “taken the money and ran.” Take that, Uncle Sam!

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31 March, 2006

Posted by alex in jewish hate & hypocrisy at 1:21 am | Permanent Link

[Sitcoms degrade nations, perhaps more than anything, as they are watched night-in, night-out by large numbers. They teach, or the jews who teach spellbound Aryans through attractive Aryan actors, that sex and money are the only motivations, and your husband/wife/child will turn on you the instant turning gratifies one of these drives.]

In order to be conquered …

Nations which have high ethical tone are difficult to conquer. Their loyalties are hard to shake, their allegiance to their leaders is fanatical, and what they usually call their “spiritual integrity” cannot be violated by duress.

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31 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Hamas, Israel at 1:01 am | Permanent Link

[We’re the second state to join the Israeli union, hey add a star, throw a party. What arrogance. Look from jew to American to jew, you can hardly see the difference any longer. We don’t like who people vote for, so we stop speaking to them? Is that the way to conduct foreign policy, or is that simply the directions from headquarters.

What ever happened to leaving others alone as as viable foreign policy? The jews denounce those who mind their own business as isolationists, but when has the U.S. been more isolated than today? When more hated – and justifiably? What will be left of the U.S. when the jews are done with it?]

US bans meetings with Hamas

By Sharmila Devi in Ramallah, West Bank

The US administration banned its officials on Wednesday night from meeting the Islamist group Hamas, as the new Palestinian government was sworn in and while Israel’s centrist Kadima party opened talks to form a coalition after winning the largest number of seats in Knesset elections.

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