6 April, 2006

Posted by alex in graphics/toons at 11:06 pm | Permanent Link

Only “vigilantes” and “haters” could oppose melding with these  Bush voters.

6 April, 2006

Posted by alex in frauds, holocaust racket at 10:57 pm | Permanent Link

[I read an article with this exact theme, but I don’t think it was this article, within the last couple years. I think it was published on Tech Central Station. Anyone remember it? Anyway, perfect parallel to politics, the bringing-to-fact of oofologists and the bringing-to-justice scamming scamps like Wiesel and Vrba, itchily may he moulder.]

ET’s flown home – chased off by the internet

Ben Macintyre

The disappearance of flying saucers and little green men – and a shift in human credulity
WHERE (ON EARTH) have all the unidentified flying objects gone? Just a few years ago, the sky seemed to be littered with flying saucers and every other sort of astral crockery: strange lights, cigar-shaped spaceships, paranormal things that went bump in the night. Scully and Mulder were rushed off their feet.

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6 April, 2006

Posted by alex in books, Nazis at 10:03 pm | Permanent Link

In the early hours of 21 February 1949, Savitri Devi was arrested in Cologne, British Occupied Germany, for distributing pro-National Socialist posters and leaflets. She was tried on 5 April 1949 for National Socialist Propaganda, certain opinions being illegal in “liberated” Germany. Found guilty, she was sentenced to three years imprisonment, but was released at the request of the Indian government and deported from Germany on 18 August 1949.

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6 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Arboreal Americans, comedy, Detroit, double standards at 9:51 pm | Permanent Link

[A good one from Dirty Debbie, who does Detroit, if little else, well. Here she picks up on the latest farce involving intelligent glasses perched on a well paid nigger. He’s as incompetent as his 40-snogging brother, but in AmeriKwa you can’t go wrong if you’re descended from the duly purchased.]

Hilarious: Major Investment Co. Hires New Fallujah Educator as Key “Financial” Honcho

By Debbie Schlussel

If you’re investing with Oppenheimer, now might be the time to get out and hire a new financial advisor.

Why? Well for starters, the hiring of Mario Morrow.

In today’s Detroit Free Press, it was announced that Mr. Morrow was “retained by Oppenheimer and Co. in New York as a chief educational financial advisor.”

We think it’s hilarious that a major investment house would hire Morrow.

We’re very familiar with Mr. Morrow. He was a principal of George Ford Elementary School in one of the worst school districts in the country, Detroit. Then he was the spokesman and advisor to the man, Kenneth Burnley, who ran the ENTIRE Detroit Public Schools school district. It remains, despite Mr. Morrow’s “advice,” one of the worst school districts in the United States. That is also despite millions and millions being thrown at the school district.

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5 April, 2006

Posted by alex in free-speech martyrs, holocaust racket at 8:56 pm | Permanent Link


Lawyer bodily removed from Zundel trial
Associated Press 5 April 2006 / 12:14 PM

MANNHEIM — A defense lawyer of far-right activist Ernst Zundel, charged with denying the Holocaust, was physically carried from the courtroom Wednesday after defying a ruling banning her from the trial on grounds she tried to sabotage the proceedings.

Two female police officers had to carry Sylvia Stolz from the Mannheim courtroom after she refused the judge’s order to leave.

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5 April, 2006

Posted by alex in VNN at 5:47 pm | Permanent Link



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5 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Letters, WTC demolition at 5:09 pm | Permanent Link

Mr. Linder,

Here is a link which assails the Popular Mechanics article which is now linked on the forum, in the thread you started concerning the WTC. http://911review.com/pm/markup/index.html The site http://911review.com seems scientific and comprehensive. It addresses every issue and cites countless sources, including mainstream ones. Particularly useful for VNN, perhaps, is the “Information Warfare” section which exposes the shabby tactics used to discredit rational inquiry. It criticizes the pod-planes theory and Morgan Reynolds in the Trojan Horse subsection.

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5 April, 2006

Posted by alex in jewish hate & hypocrisy at 4:56 pm | Permanent Link

[Jews keep bleating, oy, powerless, we’re, in America. Our lobby? It doesn’t exist. It’s just some shvitzers. If there were no jewish power in America, the jews wouldn’t be able to smear their opponents as vilely as they do. They treat them as poorly as jews are treated in Muslim media, the only difference is that the Muslims denounce jews for factually documented jewish behavior, which is precisely what jews object to WN pointing out in America, where criticism of jews or Israel is unheard of.]

The publications cited depicted Jews in “outrageous and deeply anti-Semitic caricatures and themes, including anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of Jews plotting to control US foreign policy and dominate the world,” the report said.


Anti-Semitic cartoon posted on the Arab European League Web site.

Photo: Reprinted from http://www.arabeuropean.org.

Arab press more anti-Semitic than ever

Hilary Leila Krieger, THE JERUSALEM POST  Apr. 2, 2006

The Muhammad cartoon controversy greatly increased the amount of anti-Semitic material in Arab and Muslim newspapers, according to a report issued by the Anti-Defamation League over the weekend.

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5 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, France, immigration, jewed immigration policy at 4:44 pm | Permanent Link

[People of urinal wreck France, to the delight of the jews who admitted them in the first place. Is this happening in your country?]

The police and independent analysts say that most of the vandalism and violence that has marred the protests has been by young men, largely immigrants or the children of immigrants, from tough, underprivileged suburbs, who roam in groups and have little else to keep them busy.

Note to editors: Dare not say “North African”. Employ the euphemism “underprivileged”.


Paris ‘smashers’ shift attacks from property to people
Scotland on Sunday ^ | April 2, 2006 | RUTH FREMSON

THE images are unnerving: hooded, swift-footed youths infiltrating protest rallies in the heart of tourist Paris, smashing shop windows, setting cars on fire, beating and robbing passers-by and throwing objects at the riot police.

They are called the casseurs – the smashers. With more marches planned for this week as part of a continuing protest over a new jobs law, the casseurs are the volatile chemical that could ignite an even bigger crisis for the government than the impasse over the law itself.

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5 April, 2006

Posted by alex in jewish hate & hypocrisy, studies at 2:53 pm | Permanent Link

[Good illustration of the lack of difference between TNB and TWS, NYT, or any other Establishment publication. They’re run by jews, for jews, and anyone who contravenes the jewish agenda gets hammered. Jews claim they’re not a monolith, but their actions say otherwise.]

Oil and Vinegar

by Martin Peretz

Post date 03.30.06 | Issue date 04.10.06

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” a “faculty research working paper” recently produced for Harvard’s John F. Kennedy (trade) School of Government by Stephen Walt, its academic dean, and John Mearsheimer, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, weighs in at nearly 35,000 words. The word “oil,” however, appears in the document exactly seven times–all of them generic or trivial. None of the references relate to the systemic U.S. dependence on foreign crude or, more to the point, to the truly powerful lobby that has worked for many decades to satisfy it through arranging that the producer governments get what they want: mainly protection against radical Muslims or Muslim radicals and against fuel-efficient cars. Israel’s friends–foreign affairs idealists and realists, rightists, leftists, centrists, Christians, Jews, nonbelievers–know the power of this oil lobby, with which they have tangled to ensure that the United States supports an ally against its many unworthy enemies.

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