10 April, 2006

Posted by alex in graphics/toons at 12:33 am | Permanent Link


10 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Bush, Iran, jewed foreign policy at 12:31 am | Permanent Link

[Bush grows more dangerous by the hour. His view of the world, in which everything from earthworms to Iranians needs to be “saved” by him, is characteristic of the stunted christian. His own insanity is the only problem he’s qualified to fix.

What it appears the jews operating Bush may do, if jew Hersh can be believed, is bomb everything that moves in Iran in the name of preventing its developing the abilty to defend itself…from jewish attacks. To prevent its developing nuclear weapons, we may have to nuke 400+ sites, say the jews running our government. Or, as the guy said in Vietnam, “In order to save the village it was necessary to destroy it.“]

Would President Bush go to war to stop Tehran from getting the bomb?


The Bush Administration, while publicly advocating diplomacy in order to stop Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapon, has increased clandestine activities inside Iran and intensified planning for a possible major air attack. Current and former American military and intelligence officials said that Air Force planning groups are drawing up lists of targets, and teams of American combat troops have been ordered into Iran, under cover, to collect targeting data and to establish contact with anti-government ethnic-minority groups. The officials say that President Bush is determined to deny the Iranian regime the opportunity to begin a pilot program, planned for this spring, to enrich uranium.


9 April, 2006

Posted by alex in country music at 11:25 pm | Permanent Link

[Link] Since Toby Keith’s commercial success and canny image manipulation show how shrewd he is, perhaps the best explanation for songs as lackluster as “Note to Self” (a generic Rolling Stones arrangement with a hokey lyric) and “Runnin’ Block” (about bedding an unattractive woman for the benefit of a buddy) are either laziness or pandering. On White Trash with Money, his first release on his own Show Dog imprint (and without longtime producer James Stroud), Keith occasionally appears to be stretching himself–on the string-laden balladry of “A Little Too Late,” the tender “Crash Here Tonight,” and perhaps his finest vocal performance to date on “Too Far This Time”–but often seems to be coasting. “Get Drunk and Be Somebody,” “Grain of Salt,” and “Brand-New Bow” are never less (and little more) than dumb fun, while “Can’t Buy You Money” is a clever twist on the “money can’t buy you love” adage. The most contentious track here, “Ain’t No Right Way,” is just waving a red flag at those who refuse to reduce complex issues to simple black-and-white. Keith insists that he only writes as many songs as he needs to record; this time, some quality control might have required writing a few more.

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9 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 10:56 pm | Permanent Link


9 April, 2006

Posted by alex in graphics/toons at 10:49 pm | Permanent Link


9 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 10:21 pm | Permanent Link

strait.jpg As I do VNN, I listen to country radio. Themes of songs recorded here:

1) “She let herself go” when her evil man dumped her, the twist being she didn’t let herself go to pieces physically, she let herself go…to the beach, to Vegas, to Honolulu. She let herself buy a new car. Went to NYC, came back “knocked out” pretty. [Full lyrics here.]

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9 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Arboreal Americans, colored crime at 10:06 pm | Permanent Link


In the past couple of weeks I’ve never heard this mentioned. Durham has the highest murder rate in N. Carolina? And the media is reporting that one alleged rape “has citizens concerned”?

From all the media reports I thought that the only problem Durham had was a few “white privileged males” getting drunk and rowdy.

That’s really frightening and disturbing! There’s drinking on college campuses? Shocking!

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9 April, 2006

Posted by alex in graphics/toons at 9:53 pm | Permanent Link


9 April, 2006

Posted by alex in graphics/toons at 9:48 pm | Permanent Link


9 April, 2006

Posted by alex in double standards, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, loxism at 9:44 pm | Permanent Link

[Reader writes…]

From Michael Scheuer, who quit the CIA to raise the alarm that the American public were being lied to -and by whom. Scheuer, sounds German, no?

Now he comes full bore, without equivocation. Classic, yet concise. Without question, he’s now on the enemies list.
While violence can certainly be part of a covert-action campaign, the more insidious – and often more effective – arm of covert action is called “political action,” whereby one state seeks to influence the public opinion of another by speaking through the mouths of that country’s citizens.

April 8, 2006

Does Israel Conduct Covert Action in America?

You bet it does

by Michael Scheuer

Covert action is much talked about and little understood. At its most basic level, covert action is a set of intelligence operations undertaken by a specific state’s intelligence agencies to advance its national interests. They are executed in a manner that limits the visibility of that state’s hand in whatever is done. Ideally, covert actions cannot be traced back to their sponsor. Most people take the term covert action to mean violent actions of one kind or another: kidnapping, assassination, support for insurgents, etc. While violence can certainly be part of a covert-action campaign, the more insidious – and often more effective – arm of covert action is called “political action,” whereby one state seeks to influence the public opinion of another by speaking through the mouths of that country’s citizens. And let me stress, there is nothing wrong or immoral about covert political action. America used political action worldwide in the Cold War; Britain used it in the United States to accelerate neutral America’s entry into both world wars; the Saudis pay untold amounts to retired senior U.S. officials to speak admiringly of the anti-American desert tyranny; and Israel uses it today against America to ensure unlimited and unquestioning U.S. support. It is a legitimate foreign affairs tool, and the leaders of any nation who choose not to engage in such activity are certifiably negligent fools.

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