23 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'sex-change', 'transgender', movies at 1:32 pm | Permanent Link

“The Crew” (1994); starring Viggo Mortensen.

In this movie, a conservative White guy (played by Mortensen) commits cardinal sins: 1) he calls an illegal alien/Brown woman a “wetback”; he calls a tranny a “faggot”; and he later shoots the tranny dead. Warning: the tranny has breasts. Yes, tits.

So, this movie could not have been made today.

23 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "liberation" movements led by Jews, "Marxist theory", communism, Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, Frankfurt School, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - founding of, Israel - the facts, Israel demographics, Israel population, jewed culture, jewed language, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewish arrogance, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish chosenness, Jewish nation-wrecking, Marxism, multiculturalism, multiculturalism led by Jews, Palestine, tikkun olam, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 12:41 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Frankfurt School leader Max Horkheimer. The Frankfurt School was a Jewish, Marxist “research institute” at Columbia University. Why did Columbia host it?)

Over the years, Jews have often told White people what horrible things they are planning to do to White culture. This is called chutzpah (it means “bold arrogance”). One Jew even admitted on TV that Jews are leading the push to multiculturalize White countries via immigration and that Europe “must” become multicultural or it won’t survive! [1]. (Note: most violence in the world is caused by ethnonationalist fighting, i.e., ethnic groups fighting, e.g., the Middle East. Multiculturalism in the Western world will cause more violence and more chaos).
“Strangely,” Jews advocate multiculturalism for the White countries, but not for Israel! In fact, due to Jewish ethnic policies, Israel is more Jewish today than in 1948, when it was founded! “Do as we say, but not as we do!” [2].

The Jews of the Frankfurt School in NYC were so arrogant that they actually told White people what they were planning to do to White Western culture: attack and destroy it. They admitted that their “Critical Theory” was not like other theories. It didn’t seek to merely understand or explain White society. It was designed to criticize and change White society. To transform it entirely via Cultural Marxism [3]. And these Jews were going to do it. That’s like a rapist telling a woman that “next month, I’m going to rape you.” The Jews are so arrogant that they often announce their de-Whitening intentions. (You can imagine how the Jews would scream if White people told them “we’re going to de-Jew Israel”).

Critical Theory was designed to be a liberating theory, which would “free” the White citizens from their “enslavement” (“we’ll break those chains of Whiteness!”). Most Jewish/leftist movements are “liberating” movements: feminism, “gay rights,” etc. “Don’t worry, White people, we’ll save you from yourselves!” Gee, thanks. Also known as Tikkun Olam (Jew-speak for “repairing the world”).


[1] [Web Article]. Video, 36 seconds: [Here]. More [Here].

[2] Israel was roughly 40% Jewish in 1948, but it’s about 75% Jewish today, due to the Jewish habit of killing Palestinians and de-populating their neighborhoods.

[3] the goals of the Frankfurt School included: the politicization of race, weakening the nuclear family, normalizing homosexuality and feminism, portraying White men as “oppressors” and “fascists”

22 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a fraud, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marxism, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 5:59 pm | Permanent Link

Marxism has many hallmarks: murder, violence, corruption. The biggest one? Lies. It plays fancy word games because it has to fool the stupid citizens.

Marxism is a Jewish pyramid scheme: you recruit 10 people into the scheme by convincing them that Western culture must be destroyed in order to save humanity. Then those 10 people recruit another 10 people. And so on and so forth. Soon, you have, e.g., a “Communist Party of California,” etc., etc.

In other words, Marxism uses fancy, made-up words and phrases to convince the citizens that Marxism is legitimate and scholarly, when in fact it’s all Jewish bullshit. Double-talk. Ethnic babble posing as truth. Marxists can blather all they want to about “post-structural discourses of modernity in the form of instrumental rationality” but it’s all meaningless horseshit; what the fuck is that? They should sell used cars, they’d make a fortune!

Marxism is a pyramid scheme, so it needs to fool the people with fancy words and phrases. Here’s the key take-away: if a Jew invented it, don’t go near it.

22 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, race as a social construct, race baloney, Race Denial, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Whiteness Studies (anti-White) at 3:38 pm | Permanent Link

A couple of things about Whiteness Studies:

1) How can “Whiteness Studies” exist in the American universities when “race is just a social construct”? How can a “White race” exist, and have a long history to study, when “White European people” don’t really exist, biologically speaking, as a unique people? (The whole goal of the “race is a social construct” movement is to get rid of the word “race” as it applies to humans. Once that happens, Whites cannot claim racial superiority since “race” no longer exists. Clever!).

2) Doesn’t it bother anybody that the founders of “Whiteness Studies” were Marxists? (e.g., Noel Ignatiev, Theodore W. Allen, David Roediger, Ruth Frankenberg). In other words, “Whiteness Studies” is a Marxist creation.

3) Most ethnic “Studies” celebrate the people being studied (e.g. “Black Studies” celebrates Blacks, “Chicano Studies” celebrates Mexicans, etc.). But strangely, “Whiteness Studies” does just the opposite. It attacks White culture.

“Whiteness Studies” is called a legitimate academic field. Well, the Marxists can call it a rose, but it still stinks. It’s all about hating and tearing down White culture.

22 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "sex equality", "woke", Cultural Marxism, political correctness, Sweden, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 1:31 pm | Permanent Link

The scary thing about Cultural Marxism is: it has no brakes. Soon, everything even remotely White will be banished from society. Cultural Marxism seeks to end White culture. To the Marxist, White culture is “evil” and “oppressive” and “sexist.” (You want to see sexism? Go to Mexico. The Mexicans are much more sexist than Whites. They are also cruel to animals, and more violent. So why don’t the Marxists ever bitch about Mexico’s culture? Answer: because it isn’t White!). Interestingly, the Scandinavians are prone to egalitarian thinking. How ironic: the “Whitest of White people” are the most PC!


22 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Jewed academia, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed media, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, multiculturalism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, nation-states, nationalism, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trumpism, Trumpphobia, White identity, White ideology, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 11:54 am | Permanent Link

Newbies: nationalism is not patriotism. A nation is “a group of people who are alike” (such as the Japanese). Patriotism is loyalty to a country, which can contain 6 or 7 different nations, such as America (i.e., Black, Mexican, Asian, Indian, Jewish, White).

Multiculturalism is a loser. There’s nothing to unite the people under multiculturalism. How do you unite 6 or 7 groups of very different people within a state? You can’t. Consider America: the Blacks want one thing, the Browns want a different thing, the Jews want something else, and the Asians want still another thing. Bringing them all together is nearly impossible; infighting among the non-Whites of America is frequent but well-hidden by the media; such infighting will only increase as multiculturalism and immigration continue [1].

Nationalism, on the other hand, requires very little effort to unite a people because those people are all alike. That’s what a nation is, e.g., the Sioux Indians. A nation is already united. You need not try to unite a united people. Nationalism is people only. It’s flesh and blood. The White people in Sweden are a nation. Mexican (mestizo) people are a nation. Israel is a nation (because it is officially a “Jewish state” although you could argue that it isn’t a nation due to Arabs living there, too). America was a nation of White, mostly-Protestant people until the “civil rights” laws were created beginning in 1964.

Since nationalism is natural, easy to grasp, and emotionally powerful, it’s a winner. That’s why the Jews and leftists fear White nationalism. That’s why they feared Donald Trump, who “symbolized White nationalism” even though he wasn’t a genuine White nationalist. (One Jewish writer actually suggested that the Republican Party be “burned down” in order to extinguish all public enthusiasm for Trump!).

White nationalism will soon bloom on a large scale in the Western world, by default. As White people lose political, social and financial power due to immigration, multiculturalism and leftism, they will band together to form a huge nation. They will have to. They won’t have any other choice. (Hence the current “cancel culture,” which is an attempt by Jews and leftists to prevent White nationalism from blooming; Twitter permanently banned Trump in January and he was just banned from Facebook, the largest social media company in the world, for 2 years! Here’s a news quote about Trump’s Facebook ban: “the former U.S. president will be reinstated in 2023 only if the risk to public safety has subsided.” Risk to public safely?? Incredible! Twitter also permanently banned Trump’s good friends Mike Lindell and Roger Stone. They are very desperate to silence Trump, his associates and his followers; Trump symbolizes “Whiteness” in the minds of Jews and leftists).


[1] Jews are both an ethnic group and a religion. Jews have “white” skin but they are not genetically White. Jews founded communism (Karl Marx) and socialism (Moses Hess/Eduard Bernstein/Ferdinand Lassalle), and they have led left-wing political movements in the Western world (e.g., feminism and pro-homosexual movements). Jews are the greatest enemy the White race has ever faced.

21 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "woke", anti-racism movement, anti-White themes, Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, race, race baloney, Race Denial, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 5:21 pm | Permanent Link

How to make “woke” ideology:


— Jews (any anti-White movement must have thousands of Jews leading the effort, mostly in the media)
— a hatred of all things White
— Marxism
— Critical Theory (Frankfurt School-style)
— postmodernism (i.e. postmodern philosophy)
— identity politics
— young, White, liberal women (they hate White culture)
— Mao-style self-criticism (but aimed only at White people. Nobody else needs to self-criticize)

How to make/use:

Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Serve to the Western world via the media, the internet, Hollywood, public schools, etc.

21 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Brown Man, New World Order, One World, One World, One People and Free Tacos for Everybody!, UN, UN founders, UNESCO at 3:38 pm | Permanent Link

Chris Langan is listed as the world’s smartest man.

What might he think about UNESCO’s Brown Man? (presumably, in the future, thanks to socialism and globalism, all humans will become the same: kinda Brown, dumb worker bees. Drones. Slaves).

Well, Langan doesn’t say “UNESCO’s Brown Man,” but, Langan says this about the possible future of humanity at the hands of the elites:

“Subscribing to an outworn idea called “Social Darwinism”, they simply assume that everyone else, no matter how much better and how much smarter one may be, is inferior and expendable and should be either culled or sterilized, or downbred, deracinated, and melted into a vast mocha-colored slave race for elite convenience.” [1].

Interesting. More [Here].


[1] quoting the web: “Mocha is a medium-brown color”

21 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in constructionism and deconstructionism, Cultural Marxism, Derrida, Jewed academia, jewed culture, Max Scheler, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 11:20 am | Permanent Link

What does that say about law schools? Not much!

“Critical race theorists, who are on the faculty at almost every major law school and are producing an ever-growing body of scholarly work, have drawn from an idea made popular by postmodernist scholars of all races, that there is no objective reality…” (On the faculty? How did they get there?).

Postmodernism is dangerous and stupid. The idea that everyone has their own version of reality, and therefore, there’s no “one” reality, is a dangerous idea. (How can a psychiatrist determine if a postmodernist is crazy or not? He can’t. He doesn’t know if it’s “the postmodern crap talking” or if the postmodernist really believes the nonsense he’s spouting, e.g., Doctor: “Do you really believe that cars are alive?” Patient: “Well…”).

Postmodernism was invented as an attack on White Western culture’s foundations of logic and reason, which, the postmodernists insist, are “mere conceptual constructs.”

Postmodernism (which has Jewish roots, e.g., Derrida, Scheler) is a form of Marxism (it’s also called postMarxism) [1].

Question: since we know that Marxism and postmodernism are both attacks on White Western culture, why haven’t we banned them by federal law? If something is harmful to society, we usually ban it (e.g., hallucinogenic drugs, hand grenades, etc.). Yet we haven’t banned those dangerous ideologies. Why not?



[1] Postmodernism is famous for two things: denying reality, and “everything is a social construct.” The fact that postmodernism was founded in France says a lot. The French are half-crazy ever since the French Revolution, because most of the normal people were killed off. Postmodernism says that “there is no one reality, because everybody has his/her own version of reality” and “most or all things in the world are social constructs” i.e., not organic and not natural. They are merely “false things invented/created by White men”; the idea of social construction comes from the Jew, Max Scheler (from his “sociology of knowledge” theory), and a few other Jews such as Karl Mannheim, Edmund Husserl and Alfred Schutz.

20 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Big Fag, homosexual themes, homosexuals at 3:55 pm | Permanent Link

Have you caught fag fever yet? No? That’s okay. You’ll catch it. Everyone else has. It’s highly contagious. You catch it from the Jewish media. It’s 24/7 homo-worship, from Beijing to Los Angeles. Long live the queers! Yay, butt-burglars! Ass-pirates rule!
