10 July, 2006

Posted by alex in media notes at 10:41 am | Permanent Link

Letter to Mad magazine

I resent and I extremely disapprove that you listed in the Fundalini Pages (MAD #457) in the “Updated Library of Extremely Thin Books” the book titled “Notable Jewish Bullfighters.”

Read the rest of this entry »

7 July, 2006

Posted by alex in VNN, White media at 9:58 pm | Permanent Link

Direct mp3 download (23 MB): am07070648k.mp3

Podcast: subscribe

Show notes: here

Archives and Streams: here

6 July, 2006

Posted by alex in VNN, White media at 8:18 pm | Permanent Link

Joining James Hawthorne in the studio is Katherine Anne Duncan, Director of the Confederate Woman of the Southern States of America.


Bryon Jost, director of Line in the Sand, also joins Aryan Matters to talk about that film and new projects from October Sun Films.


Stay tuned.


4 July, 2006

Posted by alex in media, VNN, White media at 7:14 am | Permanent Link

Direct mp3 download: thr047040648k.mp3

Podcast: subscribe

Forum Transcript: here

Archives: here

Moderator note: James is seeking guest co-hosts for his show Aryan Matters, the previous episode is here. If you are interested please PM James from the VNN Forum.

3 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Geoff Beck, media, VNN at 5:00 am | Permanent Link

The New Paradigm

Direct mp3 download: gbttind2248k.mp3

Podcast: subscribe

Archives and Streams: here

Transcript: here

Moderator note: The original link to the mp3 download pointed to an older TTIND episode. The link now points to the correct version.

29 June, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 4:05 am | Permanent Link

…as witnessed in this slideshow.

26 June, 2006

Posted by alex in media, VNN, White media at 1:19 am | Permanent Link

James Hawthorne is joined with guest host Geoff Beck to discuss recent developments in European and American politics.

Direct mp3 download: am0620648k.mp3

Podcast: subscribe

Archives and Streams: here

VNN Media Index: here

24 June, 2006

Posted by alex in heretical.com at 9:31 pm | Permanent Link

The Blight of Nations


Below you can see a propaganda photo from the Second World War. It shows a White British man laughing as he reads a leaflet dropped by the Luftwaffe over Britain in 1940. The leaflet is “A Last Appeal to Reason” by Adolf Hitler.Would that man still be laughing if he had known what lay ahead for Britain? Millions of aliens swarming across his homeland’s borders to add to the millions already here, a jigaboo called “Sirâ€? Trevor Phillips lecturing Whites on how to accelerate their own destruction, and the British prime minister frantically sucking up to the race responsible for the whole disaster?
22 June, 2006

Posted by alex in Geoff Beck, VNN, White media at 8:20 am | Permanent Link

Direct mp3 download: gbttind2048k.mp3

Podcast: http://feeds.feedburner.com/thetruthisnodefense

Archives and Streams: here

Transcript: here

19 June, 2006

Posted by alex in VNN, White media at 3:46 am | Permanent Link

The Hawthorne Report 6/18/06

Direct Mp3 Download: thr036190648k.mp3

16k Stream: here

Archives: here

Podcast: subscribe

Another Aryan Matters with James Hawthorne and a special guest will be taped soon.