27 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black violence, blacks, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, Diversity, diversity is hate, multiculturalism, Race Denial, race riots, racial differences, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 11:37 am | Permanent Link

When I began reading this article, I had a funny feeling that it was gonna be good. And it is.

In fact, everyone who reads this article: please send it to 5 White people who you know: friends, relatives, etc. It contains good, if depressing, points about race in America. Bottom line: Black people are a serious problem in America and there’s no denying it or avoiding it. (How ironic: president Abe Lincoln tried to deport the Black slaves out of America [to Panama, at one point]. But the plan fell through).

“Both racial war, and its close cousin, ethnic war, result from contact between groups of different kinds—that is, diversity, which causes most of the world’s bloodshed. Americans seldom notice this. One reasons (sic) is that they are constantly told that diversity is a blissful state. But it isn’t. Consider: Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, Sunnis and Shia in many places, Jews and Moslems in Palestine, Hutus and Tutsis in Burundi, Hindus and Moslems in India and nearby, Tamils and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka, Chinese and Indonesians in Indonesia, French and Africans in Paris, and so on. The assertion that “diversity is our strength” seems an attempt to avoid realizing that it isn’t.”


26 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 2:34 pm | Permanent Link

Didn’t follow the sheep to get the Covid jab? So sorry. We’ll have to deny you various services. Never mind the fact that some “jabbed” people now have Covid anyway!


26 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", jewed culture, jewed education system, jewed politics, Jewish nation-wrecking, NAACP, NAACP founders, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 10:23 am | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jewish millionaire Julius Rosenwald [1862-1932]).

The civil rights movement can be called “a Jewish construct.” The founders of the NAACP were almost all Jews: Henry Moskowitz, Lillian Wald, Rabbi Emil G. Hirsh, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and the Spingarn brothers. The NAACP was also funded by Jews: the banker Jacob Schiff, Julius Rosenwald and Herbert Lehman. Rosenwald, the chairman of Sears, Roebuck and Co., sponsored the first NAACP meetings at his temple/synagogue. The NAACP building was a gift from Jacob Schiff.

The few Whites who helped found the NAACP were either socialists, or were married to Jews, e.g., William English Walling, or, they had abolitionist roots, e.g., Florence Kelley.

Concerning Rosenwald, he had a long history of being a sugar daddy to the Blacks. He set up a special fund (The Rosenwald Fund) to pay for the building of Black schools in the South. In fact, consider this quote:

“The rural school building program was one of the largest programs administered by the Rosenwald Fund. This program eventually was responsible for construction in the South of more than 5,000 schools and shops for African-American children, as well as homes for their teachers. These schools became informally known as “Rosenwald Schools”. — Wikipedia, June 2021.

Why did Rosenwald fund the Blacks (mostly in the South, which is sort of curious)? Because he loved the Blacks? Nope. Because he knew that Jews would be safer from anti-Semitism in a multicultural America. De-Whitening America by empowering Blacks benefited the Jews. Anti-Semitic (Nazi-type) movements cannot thrive in a multicultural society and the Jews know it, which is why they were so heavily involved in the civil rights movement, and why they push for non-White immigration today. Wrecking America with multiculturalism was “good for the Jews.” Importantly, the Jews don’t advocate multiculturalism for Israel.

25 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Beat Generation, jewed culture, jewed language, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics at 1:41 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jewish homosexual poet, Allen Ginsberg [1926-1997], one of the most famous of the “beatniks”)

The Beat Generation: the beginning of the end of traditional American culture.

A definition of the Beat Movement: queers, drug addicts and Jews pushing a “counterculture” movement before anyone knew what a counterculture was. The Beat movement morphed into the 1960s counterculture (hippie) movement and the anti-racism movement. (Allen Ginsberg allegedly coined the term “flower power” for the hippie movement).

The Beat generation, which emerged in NYC circa 1955, glorified alcoholism, drug use, sexual promiscuity, and jazz music. It said being poor is okay, being rootless and shiftless (a vagabond) is okay, and “fighting the establishment” is the most noble thing you can do. It was a Jewish/leftist mentality, even though many, if not most, of the major Beat figures were gentiles. Beat culture was a rebel culture, a liberating culture, which reflected the Jewish mentality perfectly. I want to call it “a largely-gentile movement steeped in New York/Jewish values.”

Three books basically launched the Beat Generation: Allen Ginsberg’s disgusting “Howl” (Howl and Other Poems; it was originally banned), William S. Burroughs’ “Naked Lunch” and Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road.” A Jew, Herb Caen, called them “beatniks” and the word stuck. Singer Bob Dylan and comedian Lenny Bruce (both Jews) were significant Beat figures, although some people may not lump them in with Ginsberg and Burroughs, since the Beat Movement was a literary movement.

Beat culture seeped into books, which seeped into movies, which seeped into TV shows. It wasn’t long before this worldview was more-or-less standard in American culture. Beat culture could not have become a “thing” without big help from the Jewish media.

25 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, disease, diseases and politics at 11:10 am | Permanent Link

There’s a reason why many people call Covid-19 a “scamdemic.”

Given these facts: 1) the PCR test that is used to detect Covid-19 was not intended to test for infectious diseases, according to Dr. Kary Mullis, the man who invented the test; and 2) the PCR test very often creates false-positive results, how can we (the public) know how many people have had Covid-19, or, have died from it?

In fact, WHO admitted that the PCR test created a lot of false-positives. Indeed, depending on who is performing the PCR test, a false-positive result for Covid-19 is very likely to occur. So the actual number of Covid-19 cases in the Western world is unknown. And if that’s the case, why are the governments pushing people to “get the Covid jab”?

“In a statement released on December 14, 2020 the World Health Organization finally owned up to what 100,000’s of doctors and medical professionals have been saying for months: the PCR test used to diagnose COVID-19 is a hit and miss process with way too many false positives.”

One expert said that the PCR test isn’t even a test. It’s an amplification process that helps scientists study tiny pieces of genetic material by multiplying them. The PCR “test” was designed to aid biomedical and forensic studies.

The implications of this faulty testing are serious: for one thing, when a real, deadly pandemic comes along in 10 years or so, the citizens won’t believe the government claims about it. They won’t trust “the experts.” (Interestingly, Dr. Mullis, who died in 2019, was very critical of Dr. Anthony Fauci).


24 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in movies at 4:34 pm | Permanent Link

“Sometimes a Great Notion” (1971); starring Paul Newman, Lee Remick and Henry Fonda. Directed by Newman (who was a half-Jew). Not a bad movie, but not a masterpiece either. But better than most newer movies; let’s face it, newer movies suck. Anything filmed after 1975 pretty much sucks rocks. All of the art went out of the movies.

[Movie, 2 hours].

24 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish Question, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftists, liberalism, liberals, Marx, Marxism, Moses Hess, socialism, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 2:47 pm | Permanent Link

by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

“The volume opens with a competent, but unfortunately irritating, Foreword by Constantin von Hoffmeister. We are introduced to a broad overview of Faye’s thought, which is unnecessarily peppered with nasty asides at some of the very people most likely to now read and admire Faye’s work. We are told, for example, of a need to rid different nationalist groupings of “archaic positions, such as the outdated animosity towards Jews.” First, it should be considered an axiom that any people that starts believing the Jewish Question to be relegated to the past will soon find itself relegated to the past. Or to put it another way — patronize this issue at your peril.” (It goes almost without saying that any White man who suggests that the Jewish Question be ignored or even downplayed is not a genuine White nationalist. Indeed, the Jews almost single-handedly built the political Left in the West. Ignoring the Jews vis-a-vis White political activism would be like hunters carrying unloaded guns into the field! A wasted effort!).


24 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in ancient Rome, civilization, empire, General Decline, genetic interests, genetics, history, History for newbies, race science, race-mixing, race-mixing laws, Rome, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy, White thought at 1:17 pm | Permanent Link

by Roger Pearson.

(Genetics is everything. That’s why ancient Rome died and why America is dying: a lack of good genetics. In fact, race-mixing should be a crime in the Western world, and it would be except that our “leaders” are corrupt idiots who wouldn’t dare do the right thing).

“What causes the fall of civilization? Some people have advanced cyclical theories, which have no substance in causal fact. Since Darwin, however, Race Scientists have taken the view that the most common cause of the decline of a civilization is a change in the biological character of the people. Thus, race-mixing, especially when the mixture is with a race of different or inferior ability, can and almost invariably does, bring about the downfall of civilizations.”


24 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, Civil Rights Act of 1964, civil rights movement, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed law, Jewed workplaces at 11:39 am | Permanent Link

I had a Brown dentist once. That guy didn’t know a molar from his elbow. How that idiot became a dentist, I don’t know. Wait, yes, I do! He became a dentist due to federal Affirmative Action laws! Laws that favor minorities, but screw Whites, who think they are getting professional services when they aren’t.

Here’s a scary thought: is your Mexican doctor really qualified? Is your Black nurse really a professional? How would you know? You wouldn’t know until it’s too late.

Thanks to Affirmative Action, the “professional” you are trusting may not be a professional [1]. He may be unqualified for the job.

Since 1964, all workplaces in America that employ 15 people or more must hire by federal Affirmative Action laws, including health-care workers. They must hire “X” number of Blacks, “X” number of Browns, and so on. The law applies to every workplace. For example: if the surrounding population is 15% Black, then your workplace must be 15% Black. No exceptions. If your boss has to spend big money to find “qualified” Black employees, then that’s his tough luck. Violators of Affirmative Action laws can be fined thousands of dollars.

The consequences of this ridiculous hiring situation are absolutely staggering. Millions of Whites get shafted every day, in every way you can imagine. In medicine, in financial services, in auto repair, etc. Whites are getting the shaft because federal law says that inferior (lower-IQ) people must be hired.

“The American job market is indeed racially biased. A detached observer might even call it systemic racism. The American job market systematically discriminates in favor of racial minorities other than Asians.”



[1] Affirmative Action laws came from — you guessed it! — a Jew: from congressman Emanuel Celler’s House bill H.R.7152. Celler wrote the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And his House Subcommittee No. 5 guided it through Congress. Thanks, Manny!

23 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Western civilization, Western culture, White culture, White identity, White inventions at 4:52 pm | Permanent Link

Hands: Carriage Building

[Video; 23 minutes]