Archive for the 'women being bossy and demanding' Category

21 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "liberation" movements led by Jews, communism, communism as a fraud, communism as a weapon against the West, Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, equality, feminism, feminism as fraudulent, Feminists, feminization of the West, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), socialism, women being bossy and demanding, women in the workforce, yin and yang at 11:29 am | Permanent Link

This is a funny cartoon about feminism. But it makes a great point. I read something interesting about feminism recently. It said “feminism has made women less valuable to men.” That’s why men don’t want to get married or have serious relationships today. A feminized woman is not something that men want. They find no […]

12 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Georg Lukacs, Gramsci, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewed workplaces, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Max Horkheimer, political correctness, Socrates, Soviet America (USSA), Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, space, War On White Males, War On White People, women being bossy and demanding, women in space, women in the workforce at 1:23 pm | Permanent Link

(That’s the Jewish communist Horkheimer above. He’d love the U.S. Space Corps! Horkheimer was part of The Frankfurt School. He fled Nazi Germany and came to America in 1934. Lucky us!). White culture is about honesty and telling the truth. Cultural Marxism/Political Correctness is about dishonesty and lying. So why is CM/PC allowed in our […]

10 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, equality, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, France, French Revolution, Socrates, women, women and 'equality', women and bugs, women being bossy and demanding at 2:41 pm | Permanent Link

News quote: “France’s equalities minister has demanded an investigation after videos circulated online showing police tear gassing and attacking women on a feminist march.” What on earth is an “equalities minister”? But I guess that could make sense if you’re French: all the real men were murdered there in 1789, leaving only prancing Nancy-boys (boys […]

14 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in feminism, Feminists, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), no-fault divorce, Socrates, War on Men, War On White Males, women being bossy and demanding, women-as-children at 5:19 pm | Permanent Link

“Did you leave the toilet seat up again?? I told you not to do that, little boy!!” Get on your knees, White man! Women are in charge now. Today’s women = spoiled, feminist brats who divorce-rape you when they don’t get their way. Why bother with them? Go MGTOW.

9 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, feminism, Feminists, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, women, women and 'equality', women being bossy and demanding, women in the workforce at 2:34 pm | Permanent Link

So, women are “equal to men in every way” but yet, they want the workplace rules to change — to accommodate them — when they arrive at the workplace. And if the rules don’t change, they’ll sue. And if they sue, every male employee has to walk on eggshells from then onward. Is that right? […]

4 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in academia, college, education, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, Socrates, universities, women, women and 'equality', women being bossy and demanding at 2:43 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: a female university president taking the “sexist” science dean for a walk — I’ll bet he regrets that “physics isn’t for women” crack!). Ever wonder why men are such wimps today? The entire Western world has been feminized. (American men, 1955 versus today: — 1955: “Honey, I’m going golfing with Frank, I’ll be back […]

16 February, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, America, America-the-sitcom, feminization of the West, freedom, loss of, male vs. female thought, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, women and emoting, women being bossy and demanding, women-as-children at 5:18 pm | Permanent Link

Alex Linder once said: “women want to live in a world with all of the corners rounded off.” In other words, women want to live in an ultra-safe world where there is no danger. But this move by baseball teams to ban peanuts from sports stadiums is ridiculous. Why should everyone suffer in order to […]

20 December, 2018

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, jewed culture, jewed law, no-fault divorce, pussy-whipped men, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy, White thought, women, women and 'equality', women and divorce, women being bossy and demanding, women in the military, women in the workforce at 2:11 pm | Permanent Link

A friend said to me: “When was the last time your wife or your girlfriend didn’t get her way?” Me: “Didn’t? Well, let’s see…I don’t think that’s ever happened.” Him: “Right. It hasn’t ever happened.” He’s correct. In fact, over the last 100 years, women have gotten literally everything they wanted. The result of that […]

21 November, 2018

Posted by Socrates in 'transgender', alt-Right, Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, feminism, Feminists, Identity politics, Jordan Peterson, Marxism, Socrates, The Outsider/The Other, trannies, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, women and 'equality', women and emoting, women being bossy and demanding, women in the workforce, women-as-children at 2:17 pm | Permanent Link

Identity politics vs. traditional, White, Western, male culture. Notice how many times the woman uses the standard, leftist buzzwords (“rights,” “fair,” “equal,” etc.). Watching this interview (i.e., argument) is actually painful. Yet, it’s interesting and educational, too. Why would the “rights” of one “tranny” be more important than society’s collective right to free speech? That […]

7 July, 2018

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, equality, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, men vs. women, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), Schopenhauer, Socrates, women and 'equality', women being bossy and demanding, women-as-children at 6:55 pm | Permanent Link

It says here that the top dating “deal-breaker” for a woman is a man’s failure to pay for her dinner. Hmmmm. Interesting. And disturbing. In other words, what could develop into a long-lasting relationship, or even marriage, hinges only on…a little money. Wow. Double wow. Maybe I’ll become a monk and go live in a […]