Archive for the 'women-as-children' Category

21 July, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, equality, equalocracy, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, sex differences, sexism accusations, sexual harassment lawsuits, Socrates, War on Men, War On Normal, War On White Males, women, women and 'equality', women in the workforce, women-as-children at 11:31 am | Permanent Link

We are told that women are “equal” to men, yet, women constantly need to use special laws and lawsuits to “protect themselves” from evil predatory men [1] who often did nothing more than engage in playful banter with the women. If you’re equal, you don’t need federal protections — do you? Fact: “men and women […]

10 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, safety-mania, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, women, women and emoting, women as safety freaks, Women Politicians, women-as-children at 10:15 am | Permanent Link

You can thank female politicians for safety-mania (today, 33% of Western politicians are female, compared to 1980 when few of them were female). To paraphrase Alex Linder, “women want to live in a world with all the corners rounded off.” They’re safety freaks. If it’s “dangerous,” they’ll try to ban it or regulate it. Of […]

10 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed language, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought, women, women and arguing/debating, women-as-children at 1:54 pm | Permanent Link

“Jews answer questions with questions.” I actually heard a Jew say that, years ago! Indeed, Jews have an odd way of arguing a point: it’s like a maze of questions, non-answers and half-answers. In that same vein: White men have different styles of arguing/debating compared to Jews and women (I say “Jews and women” because […]

26 February, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, American cities, college, Cultural Marxism, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, rape, Socrates, universities, women, women and 'equality', women and emoting, women and rape, women-as-children at 3:38 pm | Permanent Link

I’ve read many accounts of “date rape” over the years. Most are surprisingly similar, and they usually involve alcohol. Most also involve college girls. Here is nearly every account of date rape in the past 40 years, condensed into one sad account: Cathy College Chick, 19 years old and White, goes into the local college […]

14 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in feminism, Feminists, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), no-fault divorce, Socrates, War on Men, War On White Males, women being bossy and demanding, women-as-children at 5:19 pm | Permanent Link

“Did you leave the toilet seat up again?? I told you not to do that, little boy!!” Get on your knees, White man! Women are in charge now. Today’s women = spoiled, feminist brats who divorce-rape you when they don’t get their way. Why bother with them? Go MGTOW.

16 February, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, America, America-the-sitcom, feminization of the West, freedom, loss of, male vs. female thought, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, women and emoting, women being bossy and demanding, women-as-children at 5:18 pm | Permanent Link

Alex Linder once said: “women want to live in a world with all of the corners rounded off.” In other words, women want to live in an ultra-safe world where there is no danger. But this move by baseball teams to ban peanuts from sports stadiums is ridiculous. Why should everyone suffer in order to […]

16 December, 2018

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, Charlottesville rally, constitution, constitutional rights, Cultural Marxism, equality, equalocracy, feminism, feminization of the West, Frankfurt School, jewed culture, jewed law, political correctness, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, trial by media, trials, women, women and 'equality', women and emoting, women as politically/racially worthless, women serving on juries, women-as-children at 3:45 pm | Permanent Link

“We don’t live in a free country. It’s dangerous to believe you do. And in the eyes of the law, it’s not about what you did, or what the circumstances were, but which side you are on.” James Fields didn’t get a fair trial. For one thing, his Sixth Amendment right to an impartial jury […]

7 December, 2018

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, feminism, feminization of the West, Socrates, women, women and 'equality', women and emoting, women in the workforce, women-as-children at 2:22 pm | Permanent Link

Are you a man? Did you offend a woman at your workplace? Well, that’s the end of your career. [Article].

21 November, 2018

Posted by Socrates in 'transgender', alt-Right, Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, feminism, Feminists, Identity politics, Jordan Peterson, Marxism, Socrates, The Outsider/The Other, trannies, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, women and 'equality', women and emoting, women being bossy and demanding, women in the workforce, women-as-children at 2:17 pm | Permanent Link

Identity politics vs. traditional, White, Western, male culture. Notice how many times the woman uses the standard, leftist buzzwords (“rights,” “fair,” “equal,” etc.). Watching this interview (i.e., argument) is actually painful. Yet, it’s interesting and educational, too. Why would the “rights” of one “tranny” be more important than society’s collective right to free speech? That […]

21 July, 2018

Posted by Socrates in affect intensity, anti-male themes, anti-racism movement, anti-White themes, brown crime, brown culture, Brown Man, genocide, genocide by jew, genocide of White culture, Hollywood, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish power, Jewish Question, leftism, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals-as-children, media, media control, race, Race Denial, Socrates, Soviet holocaust, Soviet Union, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy, White thought, Who Rules America?, women, women and emoting, women-as-children at 4:52 pm | Permanent Link

Q: “Why do you liberals want to destroy the West?” A: “Well, our standard excuse is: ‘Because White people, especially White males, are evil. They’ve oppressed people for centuries. They have all the power.’ But that sounds sort of funny when you think about it, huh? I mean, as if we liberals haven’t oppressed people! […]