Archive for the 'WN primer' Category

22 April, 2012

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, college, Socrates, universities, Western civilization, Western culture, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White solutions, White thought, Whiteness Studies, WN primer, WN strategy at 10:12 pm | Permanent Link

Anybody can afford this tuition, and once you’ve graduated, you’ll be useful, unlike, say, a sociologist, who isn’t useful. [VNN Forum].

30 August, 2009

Posted by Archives in Alex Linder, conservatism, conservatives, faileocons, fake opposition, paleoconservatism, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White solutions, White thought, WN primer at 1:26 pm | Permanent Link

[This originally appeared at the VNN Forum]. Ordinary people, not all that different from you, are not real swift. They can barely distinguish the ground from the sky. Pat Buchanan is enough like us that it confuses people. The same can be said for all conservatives: they favor some of the same things we do […]

5 February, 2008

Posted by Stan in America, AmeriKwa, tools, VNN, White identity, White thought, WN primer, writers at 5:53 pm | Permanent Link

An excellent interpretation of the problems facing the White Race and who is responsible for the genocide of our people. HERE

28 February, 2007

Posted by alex in blogs, websites of interest, White thought, WN primer at 10:45 pm | Permanent Link