Archive for the 'William Pierce’s ADV broadcasts' Category

20 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 2:38 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce. […] “Liberals have an entirely different concept of freedom. For the liberal the idea of freedom is mixed up with the ideas of happiness and comfort. That’s why one always hears liberals talking about things like “freedom from want.” To liberals, a hungry man is not a free man. And of […]

6 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 2:48 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce. […] “Well, let’s not beat around the bush: the appeal of mass democracy lies in the fact that in essentially every country in the world today, the number of persons unable to think for themselves is substantially larger than the number able to make independent decisions. Those unable to think for […]

24 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Kosovo, Madeleine Albright/Serbia, NATO, NATO pilots, Serbia, Serbs, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 11:12 am | Permanent Link

To celebrate the passing of the oily Jew, “Mad Madeleine” Albright, The Butcher of Belgrade, here’s a William Pierce twofer about Maddy. No, wait, let’s do a threefer! Mad Maddy illegally bombed the Serbs (using NATO combat jets) for 3 months in 1999, even though that bombing was not connected to America in any way. […]

23 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Christ-tards, Christianity, Christians, Christians who abet jews, Jeeboo, jeebus, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 10:21 am | Permanent Link

I’m going to defer to Dr. William Pierce on this matter. Pierce would answer “no, Christianity is not for White people.” (In fact, it was Dr. Pierce who “cured me of Christianity” circa 1996 via his ADV broadcasts. I went from “praise Jesus” to “praise Pierce”; let the Doctor cure you, too! It’s painless). “Is […]

16 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 6:08 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce. […] “There are several things which are important to the health of a nation, and these things have relatively little to do with shopping malls and credit cards. Natural resources are important, of course. A country rich in minerals and land and timber and fresh water is better off than one […]

9 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 2:34 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce. […] “Let’s begin with the case of Gary Lauck. Mr. Lauck is a native of Lincoln, Nebraska. For years he published materials characterized by the Jewish media here as “neo-Nazi,” and he shipped these materials to friends in Germany, who distributed them to the German public through “underground” channels, much to […]

3 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in democracy, democrazy, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewish democracy, New World Order, NWO, Ukraine, William Pierce, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 11:48 am | Permanent Link

Democracy: also known as “Jewish democracy” (hat tip: Dr. Pierce) [1]. This means: the Jews control the media, the banks, the film industry, and anything else that helps them to multiply political force. The result is that the Jews control all the “chokepoints” in a democracy. It really is “Jewish democracy.” (The Bolsheviks did the […]

2 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 1:16 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce. […] “You know, I’m not a social scientist, and I have neither the time nor the resources to do an academic study of the correlation between various changes we can see in our society and in the behavior of our people — but I’m sure that there is, in fact, a […]

16 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts, World War II at 5:39 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce. (Myth: Hitler declared war on America in December 1941. Fact: that’s only partly true. President Roosevelt declared (de facto) war on Germany 3 months before Hitler declared war on America in response to that. Roosevelt’s insane September 11, 1941 “shoot on sight” order against German ships was a declaration of war, […]

13 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 6:36 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce. […] “Now, exactly how is Saddam Hussein defying us? Well, I’ll tell you how. Saddam is saying, “Iraq is our country. It is a sovereign country. It doesn’t belong to the United Nations or to the United States. We’re tired of you people sticking your noses into our business and telling […]