Archive for the 'unintended consequences' Category

24 November, 2018

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, Black Cities, black culture, Cultural Marxism, F.A.E.M. website, First Amendment, jewed culture, multiculturalism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, nationalism, O.R.I.O.N., Socrates, unintended consequences, Western civilization, Western culture, Western preservation ideas, white nationalism, White philosophy at 12:51 pm | Permanent Link

On Black Friday, a complete stranger (a White guy) made a joke, of sorts, to me: he said that Black Friday was aptly named, since Black people often run riot on that day while they shop at the Big Box stores. I smiled and said, “yeah, that’s very true.” Later, I thought to myself that […]

21 July, 2008

Posted by Socrates in black crime, blacks, niggers, Socrates, unintended consequences at 7:38 pm | Permanent Link

How not to steal electrical wire (warning: graphic images): [Here].

25 March, 2006

Posted by alex in democracy, immigration, jewed immigration policy, Muslims in America, Republicans, unintended consequences at 12:39 am | Permanent Link

[As the late Dr. Pierce used to say, jews brought their ancient hatreds to our shores. Now those hatreds redound against jews, we hear the piteous shriek of the unhappy kike. Oy, maybe rethinking this immigration thing would be “good for jews.” What’s good for you, White man? A simple little thing called NO JEWS. […]